#*.       character study.
coastercrushed · 11 days
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carnagewed · 2 months
SEVEN DEADLY SINS---Characteristics
bold those that apply to your muse:
LUST. desire for connection, pursuit of pleasure, emotional intelligence, obsessive, lovesick, one night stand, seductive encounter, flirtatious conversation, erotic party, seductive attire, revealing clothing, passionate gaze, provocative makeup, sensual expressions, suggestive gestures, flirtatious smiles, lingerie, love letters, perfumes, provocative behavior, love poems, erotic art.
GLUTTONY. indulgence in experiences, savoring moments, 'hospitality', 'generosity', hedonism, culinary expertise, wine tasting, excessive snacking, overloaded plates, excessive portions, bloated stomachs, messy eating, greasy fingers, full tables, indulgent spreads, overflowing cups, satisfied expressions, wine bottles, can't get enough, fast food wrappers.
ENVY. motivation, competitive spirit, strategic planning, observational skills, bitter, rivalry contest, envious gossip, resentment filled argument, social media jealousy, furrowed brows, clenched jaws, side-eye looks, pursed lips, tense posture, whispering behind backs, crossed arms, gossip magazines, keeping up with the joneses, the grass is always greener, feeling inadequate.
GREED. resourcefulness, entrepreneurial spirit, negotiation, materialistic, aggressive investment, lavish spending spree, resource hoarding, get rich quick scheme, auction bidding war, property acquisition, piles of money, overflowing wallets, luxury items, locked safes, penny-pinching, rare collectibles, selfishness, unwillingness to share.
SLOTH. calmness, stress management, nonchalance, relaxation techniques, lethargic, apathetic, inactive, lazy weekend, binge watching marathon, neglected chores, skipped workout, long nap, lounging on the couch, missed deadline, unkempt appearance, messy hair, pajamas, blankets, slippers, procrastination station, self-care routines.
PRIDE. confidence, self-assurance, self-respect, dignity, public speaking, self-promotion, arrogant, conceited, egotistical, self-important, vain, boastful speech, puffed chest, raised chin, smug smiles, spotlight, tooting your own horn, showing off, refusing to admit mistakes, feeling entitled, personal branding, leadership development.
WRATH. assertiveness, decisiveness, strength, intensity, boundary setting, courage, indignant, heated argument, road rage incident, physical altercation, angry outburst, clenched fists, glaring eyes, tense muscles, raised voices, reddened faces, aggressive gestures, stormy demeanor, intense frowns, destructive actions, broken objects, punching bag, out for blood, fists, simmering anger.
tagged by : @whistlings tagging : steal it from me. be gay, do crimes.
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pinkpooled · 1 month
* while gwen knows characters’ comic + movie lore extensively, this only extends to canon characters. if she meets an original character, she won’t know anything about them, and it both confuses and frightens her ! she may also give writing props in her own internal dialogue, wondering how you managed to make an oc so perfectly fit for the universe 🩷
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matlined · 1 month
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I HOLD ON TO WORRY SO TIGHT. it's safe in here right next to my heart, who now shouts at the top of her voice: LET ME GO ! LET ME OUT ! THIS IS NOT MY CHOICE !
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ofesmes · 18 days
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promethies · 24 days
nah because when someone who is able to heal themselves pull a knife out of their chest like it's nothing, watching it bleed and heal itself in one breath, and they are groaning as they pull it out too and-
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coastercrushed · 5 months
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i think i'm so hilarious
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saiakv · 3 months
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SUGURU'S RELATIONSHIP WITH NANAKO & MIMIKO is a complicated one. My personal take on it deviates from fandom in some things and alligns with in others. This post is moreso meant as a guideline for how I tend to portray it, of course, so to keep it flexible I'm mostly writing from Suguru's POV — and the facts of what is happening during the course of those 10 years. Every rp partner's take on the twins will be different, so this meta will be adjusted accordingly to verses, of course.
In spite of what Suguru himself claims this relationship to be ( a patron, a protector ) everyone in his group knows that he is the twins' adoptive father. They just don't call him such, a defined boundary has been drawn when it comes to how they should refer to him. But as with all things in the new life he built for himself, this too is filled with contradictions. For be it with a bratty whine from Nanako or Mimiko's softer mumbling, when it comes from their lips, 'Master Geto' sounds like 'dad' all the same.
Suguru's own childhood took place in a very nurturing and loving home. His parents were kind people, even if they weren't capable of understanding or handling the potential in their son. They encouraged him to pursue his own goals in life, believed that he would make something of himself; ergo naming him after the excellence they believed he stood for. As with many children whose parents harbor high expectations of them, that in turn lead to Suguru acting ahead of his years and suppressing many typical childish behaviors that were not seen as 'appropriate'. He felt the weight of those expectations and it molded him into a person with a high sense of responsibility — soon after discovering his abilities, he also realized the weakness that plagued his own parents. They were susceptible to curses and he wasn't. His family home was suddenly too small to house him, his parents too fragile in his eyes. He soon learned to hide his encounters with curses so as not to worry them, to keep his powers an open secret to protect them. Suguru could no longer be himself around his parents, feel their love under his skin as before — so all that was left for him to grasp onto was the feeling of being needed by them.
This feeling prevailed in his formative ages; it's not something he's necessarily aware of. But he needs to be needed. It was the origin of a savior complex that later spiralled into a messiah one with his meltdown, age 17. His motto as a teenager was 'I have to grow stronger, so that I can protect others more efficiently'.
Nanako & Mimiko on the other hand are unwanted children without a sense of 'home'. It is unknown whether they have a biological family that consented to their mistreatment or not. But judging from their background it is safe to say that these two did not an 'adult' figure they could safely rely on growing up. Regardless of how being feared and detested has shaped their individual dispositions, they are still children — there is a deep seated need in every child to feel protected, the same instinct that guides foals back to their mother in the herd. When they come across someone who checks every box, who rescues them from the only life they've known and immediately offers them acceptance for the thing ( sorcery ) that had condemned them thus far, it is only natural that these needs are finally accessed.
This is one aspect of this dynamic that is often emphasized in fanon and as a result Suguru would be depicted favorably as a parental figure. But if we go back to the initial moment that this familiar bond was formed, we get a much different picture.
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Suguru's expression. That was the first image of him the girls saw; and it is no less disturbed than their own — wide eyes, uncertain, they don't know what to expect from this man who might as well be the one who kills them after he was summoned and he is struggling to piece together the thing he is witnessing through his own shock. It is not until after the massacre has taken place that Suguru presents a calm and reassuring smile.
When arriving to the village, Suguru had still been in the throes of his own personal debate, after it was incited by Tsukumo. He has already lost his faith in the system he is serving, realized his part in it and saw the dead end ahead of him if he continued to work as a jujutsu sorcerer — but he has no alternative in his mind, yet. Think of it as, he is trying to cross a hostile river and the girls are that one stepping stone that suddenly appears, making the distance a little less impossible to jump.
Nanako & Mimiko were Suguru's new reason. At least in my personal take of things, of course; this was not the drop that tipped the glass but rather a new incentive, a new reward appearing at the end of his never-ending marathon. It was in that moment that he could finally make his choice, because he had something new to believe in; a better world for these two, who had suffered so much simply for being born stronger. All Suguru had suffered before had sufficed to make his resolve falter; but if it hadn't been for the twins he would not have been able to justify that next step.
What he tells Satoru about it next is rather telling: Satoru points out the fact he murdered his own parents and Suguru responds with 'they are not my only family anymore'. The presence of his parents had been that last branch he'd been dangling from that kept him unable to decide if he hates non sorcerers or if he protects them. So, the girls coming in to replace that pushed him to make that call.
After the massacre, Nana & Mimi had nowhere to go. The more responsible option in that moment, the one that better aligns with the values of the man known as Suguru Geto, would be to hand them over to the officials, authorities or otherwise ensure a stable housing environment where they could receive the proper attention and care.
Instead, Suguru takes them with him in the uncertainty of his new journey. Mind you, at that point there is no assurance that Suguru is going to succeed, no solid plan and they will most likely have to be on the run for a bit until he can make arrangements. It is very possible that the girls asked to stay by his side as well, but ultimately Suguru did expose them to a potentially unsafe environment and had them rely sorely on him for their protection. ( disclaimer: no, I am not implying he is a 'bad person' for this, obviously he's 17 and traumatized so he doesn't have the best judgement over the situation either ) We could say Nana/Mimi barely even had a choice on the matter of following, given their background.
So ultimately the relationship that begins to form is centered around the premise that Suguru is building a new world for these girls, rather than merely loathing non-sorcerers. In Suguru's mind annihilating the non-sorcerer population is a secondary task before building a new world where sorcerers can thrive — by overthrowing the notion of quantity > quality that he believed the world was ran by. So ultimately, Suguru is doing this for Nanako and Mimiko. In that light, the relationship takes a darker turn.
On the one hand there's the brainwashing. These girls are inevitably parroting his ideals of racism and hate without exercising their own critical thought on the matter. The 'love' they describe towards him is so extreme that it drives them to put their own lives in danger over and over if only to aid, satisfy or rescue him. And that's not to say Nana & Mimi couldn't have just been the sort of people to do that, but even so Suguru would have influenced them into 'going all out' like he did throughout his life.
And then on the other hand, there's the fact that Suguru, in thinking he is creating a better world for them to make them happier ( he had already admitted for himself that this was not an option for him, after all ) actively damages the relationship by going forth with his risky plans and becoming more and more consumed with his delirium. Eventually causing them grief and their own demise.
The point of this rant is not to trash the muse, of course, every one of these choices can be explained in ways that feel natural for his character to react with — but to highlight the conflicting nature of this relationship. Suguru holds a very deep sense of caring for the twins, but ultimately what happened back in that moment, was the synapsis of impulsive empathizing needed for someone with a massive savior complex to empathize and devote himself to the cause. And yes, he makes a decent parental figure later on, he has some very positive traits that aid him with that. The girls probably had a good life with him, overall. But the dynamic never changed and it was a condemnation for them in the end; they were the one end of a co-dependent bond ( someone who needs to be needed meets someone who needs them ) the end that was left loose after Suguru died, to deal with the consequences of this sort of bond.
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thesoupisburning · 7 months
HI ITS MY FIC ABOUT NIGHTMARES. um. it will be posted over the next few days. bc i want to game the system or something. but its here. its like 4.5k in total. um. come read it if you like michael afton and nightmares.
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gareththegreat · 1 month
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yanagochi · 2 years
NEGATIVE QUALITIES zodiac edition  ›  yana.  
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bold what definitely applies to your muse. italicize what somewhat applies to your muse. repost, and do not reblog.
ARIES: tries to do everything at once, doesn’t know when to stop and take care of themselves, bends over backwards for everyone even if someone did them dirty, has entirely too much on their plate.
TAURUS: idealistic, spends a lot of time trying to impress others, doesn’t like to apologize, eating is a coping mechanism or just addictive personalities in general, a tad codependent.
GEMINI: the most flip floppy people ever, what’s today’s mood?, never apologizes, in denial 90% of the time, their way is the highway, desperately needs a break, they have a hard time setting goals because their goals scare them.
CANCER: the literal meaning of I’ll give you the shirt off my back, isolates themselves in fear of someone hurting them, wants to change but is scared of change, complains a lot but never takes advice people give them.
LEO: no one takes them seriously because they feel they always have to portray themselves as the fun one, is actually really sad inside, honestly needs a hug, exhausted always.
VIRGO: can dish it but can’t take it, rushes everything, anxious, plans their future but forgets to live in the moment, sometimes ignores their friends because they have so much on their mind, talks about themselves a lot and sometimes forgets to ask the other person how they are.
LIBRA: solves everyone’s problems but their own, is actually really sad and lonely, gets easily heartbroken but tries not to show it, will do anything to justify bad decisions, honestly just wants everyone to love them but doesn’t really love themselves.
SCORPIO: easily set off, will give anyone the cold shoulder at any time even without reason, keeps a lot in, so observant that they oftentimes find out things that hurt them, too many “what ifs” swirling in their heads, has trouble showing their true selves.
SAGITTARIUS: impatient, brash, commitment issues, body issues, doesn’t realize they don’t need to change for anyone, has a lot of different goals to a point where they get overwhelmed, just wants to disappear and do what they want without anyone questioning them.
CAPRICORN: scared people won’t like them unless they’re at the top of their game 24/7, takes a LOT for them to talk about their feelings, secretly struggling, fake happy, needs a plan but doesn’t know what that plan is, confident but insecure at the same time, wants to be stable but sometimes wishes they could drop everyone’s expectations of them and live normally.
AQUARIUS: gets heartbroken like 30 times a week, trust issues, can be unmotivated and disinterested, feels they have to adapt to every person they meet so they can be liked, doesn’t know how to tap into their emotions despite being very intuitive, confused, expects little.
PISCES: empathetic often to a point of no return, plays the victim, doesn’t know when to say no, cynical, hermit, is very impatient, trusts everyone too much, can be secretly very critical and judgemental, can only tolerate maybe ten minutes of social interaction, needs a lot of validation.
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coastercrushed · 2 months
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saiakv · 3 months
When it comes to Kenjaku's stitches across the forehead, do you think they are visible to anyone and everyone? Or something only people with cursed energy can see? Or something they can even hide from those with cursed energy? Not as in actually hiding them, but playing with the perception upon being looked at more-so (or something similar).
(( ahhh hello :D 1000 yrs later, I respond — but in my defense it was a bit of a tricky question because I was thinking about ways to facilitate interactions with this muse in a way that makes sense and it had me a little troubled.
According to the JJK Wiki and reddit, the technique canonically works with an actual physical procedure of brain transplant, so I mostly stick to that in my portrayal as well ( however with the concept of 'soul' being something that can influence the physical body as well, Kenjaku replacing the brain happens when it is consumed — so it's not like there's one brain that is moved into the empty head but rather, the already existent one becomes devoured and replaced )
As jujutsu relies on the principle of exchange, every technique requires something to be given in order to take, so in Kenjaku's case the leftover stitch becomes the 'price to pay' for the ability to reincarnate through body-hopping.
But the issue with this logic is that, if the visibility of the stitches was a prerequisite for the technique to work, that would mean they are permanently visible to everyone and yet in canon Gojo Satoru did not seem to note them. During the Shibuya incident, Satoru says that all the information provided by his Six Eyes confirm that this is Suguru Geto he's looking at — so I feel that if the stitches were important in the way that they are visible to others to 'give Kenjaku away', then Gojo would have mentioned something about it. He seemed genuinely confused and he has Six Eyes vision, so it doesn't make sense that he would overlook something like that.
That makes me think the binding vow has more to do with something else pertaining to the technique; and it's been pointed out here and there through the art style ( could also be a stylistic change but to me it seemed intentional ) that in previous Kenjaku bodies like Kaori's, the stitches look different. In some of these they come to resemble scars.
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And being that during the course of the manga the stitches on Geto's forehead gradually come to resemble scars as well, it is my personal headcanon that the stitch functions sort of like a 'timer' for how long they have been in the body. When freshly taken over, the reanimated vessel will just have a stitch line that, with the passage of time, will blend into the skin and form a scar. The binding vow in that case would not be about the ability to take over a body, but rather the time they are given to occupy said body.
So in practical terms this would mean: body with a stitch = freshly taken over, body with a scar = have been inhabiting it for some time, they have access to all of its memories and functions, body with a fading scar = it's almost time to get moving, scar begins to diffuse completely = you're running out of time here, pal — etc , etc.
Kenjaku's technique is very paradoxical as it includes bringing flesh back to life, pumping blood back in the veins and overall going against nature itself. In that way, it is similar to Tengen's, which also comes with a hefty price to pay. All exchanges in jujutsu seem to be governed by karmic laws that ensure the input does not outweigh the output and vice versa. So, for such an extremely overpowered technique there would have to be an equally hefty price to pay. You get to switch through as many lifetimes as you want, but each lifetime has to be finite — so once the stitch becomes a scar, you're running out of time. It's the same principle behind Tengen's merging, essentially.
Now, so far I've mentioned the scars being visible in threads here and there; but I think I'm going to keep that vague so it's more on a context-related occasion. For roleplaying purposes, I would prefer not to specify because a muse might need to note them for some thread to work, to build atmosphere, etc etc. So it's on a need-to-know-basis for now, but overall the visibility of the stitch is rendered pretty unimportant when Kenjaku's binding vow is viewed that way. )
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13urningstars · 5 months
I diagnose you with hot.
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drunk girl in the bathroom hot
you're both wasted, she just somehow does it so much better. you're crying, about something your stupid ex did or said. and suddenly she appears, looking like an angel aside from the slight sway in her step. she's helping you our of your slump on the floor when you grow pale and catastrophy strikes. you're the most disgusting you've ever been, and still, this stranger holds your hair and rubs soothing circles in your back. gives you a breath mint and sits you back against the wall, asking what happened. you tell her, and her glittery, perfectly made face turns sour. with her heels in hand, she loops your arm around her shoulders so she can help you walk to an uber she called for you. your ex says something snarky to you in passing on the way out, and for her it's the final straw. she whirls around, fire in her eyes and a set in her brow and she slaps him hard across the face. calls him a jerk or a dick or something like that, you can't remember, you were busy smiling at the stunned look on his face as she drags you both outside. before you get home, she gives you a hug and kind words in a bubbling voice and you're thankful for her. thankful there are people out there who look out for people like you, who stand up for people even when they might have trouble standing themselves.
tagged by: no one tagging: You
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gbardot · 6 months
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❝  The holes in your life are permanent. You have to grow around them, like tree roots around concrete; you mould yourself through the gaps. ❞
Age: 34
Gender identification: Cis female, she/her
Residential area: Midtown
Occupation: disgraced former ballerina & currently unemployed
Two positive traits: Passionate & disciplined
Two negative traits: Impulsive & indecisive
Length of time in Wilmington: 18 years, returned 3 months ago
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin
hair ribbons and pointe shoes, a record player spinning old jazz and classical tunes, empty coffee cups about and empty wine bottles by the bathtub, breaking into dance while walking, candle wax melted onto too many surfaces, and a radiant smile that hides how lost she really is
Trigger Warnings: death, heart disease
Born into a world that she never quite felt like she belonged in, Genevieve Bardot was always a particular child with an affinity for the complexities of life and the more profound problems most people around her faced. For Genevieve, the solutions were always secure, cut, and dry— she could take emotion out of her decisions, believing that it merely clouded her judgment and produced muddy results. Even as a child Genevieve didn’t fall into line with the other kids she grew up with. As her friends were playing house or imagining worlds of fantasy and lore, Genevieve preferred the reality she could understand. For her parents it made her a straightforward child, they knew what to expect of her in any given situation and yet at the same time they never knew what it was she was thinking, just that she was continuously thinking. The gears in her head turned as she grew into a resolute girl sure of her every decision.
Many people mistook Genevieve for cold, detached— harsh even but those who truly knew her could never doubt that Genevieve Bardot was full of passion. At least, when it came to ballet and when it came to the stage and the lights— her first pair of pointe shoes and her first solo. From the time Genevieve could stand on two legs the girl was enrolled in ballet, it was one of the many electives her affluent family afforded her, and it was the only she found any interest in. It was a regimen sport, that demanded discipline and fluidity, determination and passion— it was a fine line that you had to toe to be considered a valuable dancer, and it was made all the more difficult when you had to do it en pointe. Ballet was Genevieve’s first passionate love in her life. Her studies were often slid to the side; paying and bribing the honor roll students in her private school to ensure she maintained her grades while she focused on her true ambition; Palais Garnier, the Paris Ballet.
All of her ambition and hard work surely paid off as after high school Genevieve was admitted to a space in the New York Ballet company. For years Genevieve worked her way through the company until she finally made her way to the coveted space of a soloist. Her dream was in her sights, Benjamin Millepied was coming to the states to audition Ballerinas. The likelihood of any of the dancers even being considered was a phenomenal chance, but Genevieve was determined to dance her heart out anyway. The day came, and her audition was set in mere hours when the news rolled in; her brother was dead. A heart defect, an anomaly that no one had accounted for. Devastation gripped Genevieve, her brother was the only person in the world who she felt truly understood her. The only person who she knew never judged a moment of her existence, who supported her in every endeavor and suddenly and without warning, he was gone.
Genevieve still went on for her audition, and as she danced through her grief, she ended feeling as if she had ultimately failed and let herself down. There was no way she thought she would be getting that position, and yet through the grapevine, there were whisperings that there were two dancers Benjamin Millepied was considering. She and another soloist who had been her most fierce competition her entire career. It was no secret the girls were enemies, always head to head vying for the position of the next Prima Ballerina at their company. Genevieve felt as if she had no chance against her, not after her performance, not after her brother’s death. Then suddenly her competition was in the hospital, a broken leg. It was a scandal bigger than Tonya Harding. A would-be prima ballerina in her prime was the main suspect of the attack on the young ballerina; Genevieve Bardot.
Genevieve’s career ended violently, the ballet world blacklisted her, and suddenly every ounce of her hard work was ripped from her. Every passion, everything she had left to love was pulled away with the same warning as her brother’s untimely demise. Genevieve was devastated; a villain in the eyes of the media, and there seemed to be no future for the girl. Then in a desperate stumble, she found herself packing up and moving to Paris despite the scandal once Aurélie Dupont became the new director of dance. In the haze of a night on the town, desperate for work, Genevieve found herself swept up by Purgatoire; a sideshow type of dark club. It felt like the most uncertain thing Genevieve had ever done in her entire life since the death of her brother, but the next night she was lacing up her pointe shoes equipped with knives as the most delicate point she would ever dance on. As Genevieve danced precariously, she’d release herself from the blades, and with a flourish of years of practice, Genevieve would dance to unique choreography as she took her anger and grief out on the stage. Twirling endlessly like a dancer stuck inside of a music box unsure of what her next move was or if this was now her forever. A year of sideshow work, not a chance of regaining footing in the ballet, Genevieve made her way home to Wilmington— where her family needed her. Frustrated, lonely, and directionless Genevieve is trying to find her way.
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