#*205. a mission against god // crossover verse.
aercnaut-archived · 1 year
@clochanam said: ✨
send ✨ to trace my muse's freckles
since picking her up from that god awful place -- the soul stone, she called it -- aisling has been an invaluable companion to lee. she held her own pretty well and, honestly, she was good to have around. still, all of this -- his world, the task he's been given -- is new to her, and would shake most people. hell, it shakes him, and he's the one on said quest. she hides it well, but he's picked up on her nervous habits. most of them were subtle, like the way she'd tap her foot or tilt her head. some, however were less so.
" what's on your mind, darlin'? " he asks as she traces the odd, constellation like pattern of freckles he had on his forearm for the fifteenth -- no, sixteenth -- time since she sat down beside him. before them, a fire crackled with some mediocre stew ( its the best he can do, given he's on the run and can't buy supplies ) bubbling in a cast iron pot, filling the small, concealed area of the forest with a slight smell of too many spices and not enough meat.
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aercnaut · 1 year
tag dump; verses
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tag dump: verses
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
@couldfight said: 4) our muses are hiking and sender is tired so receiver picks them up to carry them the rest of the way.
prompts for picking up/carrying muses
as he walks this hellspace with this little girl no older than lyra, lee can't help the heaviness in his heart. they knew this place like the back of their hand, like the horrors amongst them were nothing they weren't used to. at first he'd tried to make conversation, but she didn't seem like talking, so he'd taken to just humming and singing to himself -- a nervous habit. the hare daemon at his feet didn't bother to sing along, too busy being on high alert like the prey animal she'd settled as.
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eventually, their small companion began to stumble. at first, lee worried she was hurt, but then he noticed the deep bags beneath thier eyes. oh, bless them. she looks exhausted.
he kneels then, offering to let them climb onto his back so he can carry them piggyback.
" how 'bout i carry ya for a bit? you can watch my back an' i can watch the front. "
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
@manaborn said: “ will you quit talking like that?! i’m not leaving you behind! “
" 'preciate the thought, kid, but i think we both know how this is gonna end. "
with him dead in a world far from his own because of his own stubbornness -- why didn't he just let the witches help? -- leaving another child alone and defenseless. he hasn't known the redhead long, but gwen has proven herself just as fearless as lyra, with all the audacity that came with it. funny how he keeps finding precocious teenagers with such intense need to save everyone.
hester raises her little head, giving him a look with pained, fading gold irises. remind you of anyone? she still doesn't speak, but it hardly seems to matter now.
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" i just got one request for ya, gwen: when you see my friend -- and you'll know its him, he's missing a few fingers -- tell him to tell lyra i tried. "
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
a mission against god || main verse variation
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basically my main verse, but instead of recovering from his injuries with the the witches, lee steals some bloodmoss and convinces will to let him travel with him to find lyra. in this verse, lee is going between the worlds with will, encountering all the strangeness they have to offer. aside from my generic modern verse, this is probably the most crossover friendly if you're wanting The Full Lee Experience (talking hare included.)
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