#*Boyfriend Kisser starts playing in that exact second and Cody starts singing while pointing towards the TV his face full of betrayal*
Just saw this TikTok of Cody singing 'Boyfriend Kisser' while there's this imagine of Noah and Emma kissing instead of Gwen and Duncan and omfg
Like, hear me out guys. AU where there's no NoCo, but Cody had at some point a tiny crush on Noah (explains the cuddling in the episode between TDA and TDWT anyway). So, you know. Cody's at home and watches TDRR (mostly because Owen, Noah and Geoff are in it) and then he sees Noah and Emma kissing??? Believe me when I say this guy's been singing 'Boyfriend Kisser' for a full week, annoying literally everyone. Since that kiss you can not mention Emma's name without him starting to sing 'Boyfriend Kisser'. That kiss affected him more than any rejection in his entire life.
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