#*clenches fist* i love the 218 bros so so much
vernblr · 2 years
A Ferris Wheel For Two
Summary: You take Seokmin out for a cute little carnival date as a birthday gift and act like little kids about it. He must be using his birthday wishes on you, your one wish is to give him a day he would remember and you've done it in spades.
WC: 2.4k
Established relationship, food, mentions of living together, a tiny hint of insecurity, tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: I am SO late to 218 day but the one and only reason why I didn't write something for Vernon was because of this cover Dokyeom did and it filled me with too many feelings. But also this is for @seokmins who is the Dokyeom to my Vernon <3333
“You know, when you told me you wanted to take me out somewhere for my birthday, I didn’t expect this.” Seokmin laughed, staring out at the bright colors of the carnival you decided to bring him to as you parked.
“What, you expected a fancy dinner or something? I could always turn around and we can do that instead.” You teased, staring at him out of the corner of your eye with a raised eyebrow. 
“No, no. This is perfect, thank you.” He turned to face you now, his eyes scrunching up and crinkling in the way you’ve always loved when he smiled. “What did I ever do to deserve you?” “Being yourself. I love you just the way you are, you know that? Now come on, let’s go make your birthday special.” You say, punctuating your statement by opening your door. “It already is though, because I’m here with you.” He half whined, but complied in getting out of the car to join you.
Seokmin takes up your hand immediately, swinging your intertwined arms in time with your steps as you walk towards the ticket booth. In the bright sunlight, you can’t help but admire the sparkles in his eyes as he hummed to himself. Everything about him was so endearing, it filled your heart until it felt like you would burst from it, and you hoped with all your heart that you would give him the kind of day he deserved. 
“So, where does the birthday boy want to go first?” You teased. “You can get anything you want and I’ll pay for it. Food, games, rides, whatever you want.” 
He shook his head, ducking it to try and hide the smile that split across his face, but it was hard to hide it from you when you could practically feel the joy radiate off him. It wasn’t an exaggeration to call him your sunshine, or sunshine in general when the happiness he would experience practically came off him in waves. So you let him hold onto his pride (for now) and simply kissed his cheek. “Well, what’ll it be? I need an answer, you know.” 
“I can’t believe you sometimes, you spoil me too much. But if you want me to pick so much, let’s go to the merry-go-round.” 
After buying a sizable amount of tickets, and trying in vain to fit them in your bag, Seokmin leads you to the gilded merry-go-round in the middle of the carnival. Neither of you minded the line for it, nor the fact that it seemed almost entirely composed of energetic kids and their parents as you both giggled over the stories you told each other. Maybe the kids’ energy was rubbing off on you as you giddily hopped up on a painted horse with Seokmin at your side. Even as you both knew the horses didn’t actually move you pretended to have a race anyways, playfully taunting each other as you spun around. You intentionally chose a horse that was slightly behind him so he would win the ‘race’, and that didn’t escape his notice when he kissed your forehead after getting off.
“So, what would the winner of our race like to say to his loving fans?” You joked, wandering around aimlessly.
“Well, I would love to tell them that none of this would be possible without the support of my wonderful partner for losing on purpose. It was from their selfless act that I was able to get this far.” He spoke dramatically, sending you into another fit of giggles. 
You passed by an ice cream stand and slightly nudged him in its direction after seeing the way he was eyeing it, and ambled up to the back of its line to choose  your flavors.
“Hm, which do I want? Vanilla? Chocolate? The mixed version? Oh, there’s a version with churros too…” He mumbled to himself, brows furrowing a little.
“How about we get a big mixed one with churros so we can share it? You can cover all your options with it, I’m sure we can finish it together.” 
Now settled on your choice, you halfheartedly glared at him as he tried to pull out his wallet. “Absolutely not.” You stated, making an attempt to snatch it. “I told you I would pay for everything, and I mean it.” 
“But that’s a lot of money and I don’t mind helping you pay for things since we’re enjoying this together.” He protested, yanking his wallet away from your reach. 
You hummed to yourself, seemingly in thought, but Seokmin could identify the mischievous gleam in your eye from anywhere and you weren’t fooling him. 
“What are you going to do?” He asked slowly, putting his wallet away for safekeeping (and far out of your reach).
“Nothing!” You chirped, earning a skeptical hum from him. “I just want you to know that if you try to pay for anything, then I’m stealing your wallet for the rest of the day. You’ll get it back when we go home though.” 
He rolled his eyes at the cheerful way you said it, mumbling under his breath about you hanging around his hyungs too much with a pout. 
“Aw, it’s okay. If it makes you feel better, you can do the same thing for my birthday too.” That immediately perked him up, and you giggled at how fast he was able to bounce back from that. Maybe he wasn’t as upset about it as he looked, and maybe putting the idea of spoiling you silly for your birthday in his head wasn’t a good idea either, but you still won for today and that’s what mattered. You just hope that maybe he will forget about it by the time your birthday comes around. (spoiler: he does not)
Sitting down with your giant, churro ladened serving of ice cream topped with a pair of spoons made you feel like you were truly embodying the spirit of every carnival date ever. You weren’t really complaining, quite the opposite actually, and it was really very hard to be any kind of disappointed at how giddy Seokmin was at the sight of it. It was a little cold for ice cream, seeing as it was the middle of February, but the bright sunlight made the chill of it far more bearable. But as you traded bites from spoons and churros alike for each other, the chill faded away. 
Now very unwilling to go on any of the rides until you both digested the sheer amount of dessert you ate, you headed towards the games. All the flashing lights and dizzying colors seemed to meld together for you, you had a hard time picking them apart after a while so you watched Seokmin contentedly as he inspected the prizes for one he wanted. You both drifted from booth to booth, swinging hands as you went, until he stopped abruptly. A giant bear gazed down at the passing onlookers with a small smile, and he smiled back up at it unconsciously. Despite its size, it was fairly simple in design and contrasted heavily against the other prizes around it. You personally thought most of the prizes at carnivals were too gaudy, but you could definitely see this one becoming a part of your shared home. You both shared a knowing look as you approached the game with determination. 
Like many other carnival games, it was deceptively easy in theory: throw darts at balloons and get prizes based on how many were popped. To get the giant bear you’d both been eyeing, you had to pop 20 balloons together. You had to admit to yourself, you weren’t sure how good Seokmin was at this because you’d never been in a situation like this with him before. Well, there was a first time for everything, and you weren’t too bad of a shot yourself. At least, you hoped so. Any certainty you had about your skills soon diminished as you paid for the game though, reluctantly arming yourself with the little darts provided to you. 
Seokmin seemed to sense your nervousness, putting his darts down to squeeze your hand tight in his. “We’ve got this, I know we do. Even if we don’t, we can always try again. Fighting.” 
You laughed at how serious he said the last part, feeling your nerves fade as you picked your darts back up. “Fighting.” You responded, setting a fierce grin on your face. 
As soon as a whistle sounded, you both threw the darts with all of your might, cheering with every balloon that popped. The speed at which you threw them slowed as you ran out of both targets and darts, aiming more carefully now to ensure that you hit them. Now down to the final balloons, you’re the only one with darts left as Seokmin acts as your personal cheerleader. Your eyes narrow, your grip tightens, the entire world falls away until it’s just you and your target. You pull your arm back and throw the final dart, focusing so intently on the way it sails through the air that it feels like it’s moving in slow motion. With a sharp pop! and the chime of a bell, the final target had been felled. 
Seokmin sweeps you up in a tight hug, whooping loudly in your ear as you both jump up and down in excitement. You can barely register how loud you’re screaming with the way the blood rushes through your ears combined with Seokmin’s presence as both overwhelm you. You both hold onto some kind of dignity though and calm down quickly, now very aware of the fact that you were in a public space. The person running the game wordlessly hands over the bear you request, their judgment nearly palpable. Seeing a pair of full grown adults jump and scream like children wasn’t going to win you any favors with them, so you left quickly to their job and trotted away with your bear in tow. 
“I don’t know if we can go on any of the roller coasters anymore with this.” Seokmin laughed, tugging lightly on one of its ears. 
“Hm, it would be a shame to have to leave it on the ground every time we wanted to go on one, and I don’t think we would want to put it in our backseat after that either.” You hummed, running a hand through its fur. “We don’t have to go on any of the rides if you don’t want to, and it’s getting a little late anyways.”
Seokmin looked up at the sky, marveling at the way the bright blue sky had started to turn golden. “Wow, you were right. I didn’t even realize how much time we spent here. I guess time passed us by so fast because of all the fun we were having, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
As he looked back down at you, something caught his eye over your shoulder, prompting you to turn around. Right by the exit of the carnival was a giant Ferris wheel, its frame dotted with tiny twinkling lights. 
“Maybe there is a ride we can go on after all.” 
Trying to get onto the Ferris wheel near sunset went about as well as you expected. Other couples were trying to get on as well, the line snaking around the little railings set up next to the wheel. Neither of you minded, passing the time by talking and taking turns carrying the bear. You always enjoyed the ability to talk in length with Seokmin, he always had something interesting to say, but at the same time the front of the line couldn’t come fast enough as your arms ached under the weight of your prize. You were more than a little jealous of the way he was able to carry it with ease, he seemed to only pass it off to you because you insisted on taking turns. Curse him and his perfectly sculpted arms. 
Finally, you got to rest your feet as you sat in your carriage on the wheel, the bear sitting across from you. You leaned your head on his shoulder as you slowly ascended, the sunlight rising with you until it broke past the horizon. Everything was painted deep gold as far as the eye could see, lapping over crevasses in the buildings like a blanket. The sight jolted you up as you leaned out the window slightly to gaze at the view. 
Seokmin took pictures of the landscape from the top once you had stopped, a smile as warm as the sunlight spreading across his face. The view from atop the wheel was beautiful, but the sight he treasured most was you, your sun-stained hair making a halo around you. Seokmin wouldn’t blame his heart for bursting right then and there if it did, the amount of love he held for you filled him utterly. 
He gently placed his hand on yours, drawing your attention to him with a questioning hum. He brought his other hand up to cup your cheek and you instinctively leaned in, closing your eyes for a slow kiss. Everything about this moment was just right, the perfect amount of simple and sweet. And as the wheel started to descend, the light fading as dusk began to shade you, Seokmin couldn’t help but think that this was the best birthday gift you could have ever given him. 
Now sufficiently tired out from the day’s events, you both made your way back to your car as the soft glow of sunset fell into the haze of twilight. You didn’t even complain when he guided you to the passenger seat, taking the driver’s seat instead. When you and the bear were both secured in place, he began the drive home in the soft darkness. Glancing over at you only confirmed his suspicions, you had already fallen asleep with your head resting against your seatbelt. You deserved the rest after everything you had done for him today, and he was going to make sure he showed you his appreciation. Nothing could end his day better than a cozy night in, eating takeout from your favorite place as you watched something together. With that plan in mind, he drove carefully to avoid disturbing you as the moon climbed higher into the sky.
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soysaucevictim · 5 years
This post got long again... :P
July 25
Been up since about 8AM.
Went to the facility, did some drawing, socializing, and the DD before group. The DD being 20 back extensions with EC. Not much to say other than it was very doable and a good bit of back TLC. ;P
WRAP Group went pretty well. Talked about how to apply the system to work-related wellness, which I felt somewhat timely.
Did some more socializing before we shipped out.
I didn’t get a whole lot done when I got home. Found the sleep debt too great and felt pretty zapped of energy. Mostly did the YouTube and gaming thing until I got to bed.
July 26
I really needed to catch up on my sleep, so woke up a bit before 1PM.
Been up to a lot of the usual YouTube and gaming stuff. But I did start on some laundry and I did catch up with my exercise...  later than ideal, though.
First, today’s DD. 30 single leg bridges with EC (15/15). Got really distracted today. But anyways, this was manageable, despite mild hamstring strain. :P
Second, Day 17 of the T10C. 10 sets of 2x20″ high knees + 20″ climbers. Still kind of stuck to a jog - but I did get pretty winded. Probably shouldn’t have worn loose pants, because adjusting them during the high knees was awkward.. Also stomach wasn’t the hugest fan of a lot of up and down stuff like this. But done.
(After much debate about doubling up and some recovery time...)
Third, Day 18 of the T10C. 7 sets of 40″ squats + 20″ shoulder taps, with a finisher of 3′ squats. Was a bit dubious about doing more up and down work - but since it’s a bit less aerobic - I could manage.
Last, Days 17+18 of the CCC. 40 torso twists + 140 side leg raises. Did each in one go, the latter into 70/70 - which was doable but was feeling the fatigue after all the leg work. :P
I also started on some laundry earlier in the day, but after that, I worked to put it away.
July 27
I got up a bit after noon, today.
Did a bit of the usual stuff, before getting in my exercise a bit earlier than usual.
First, today’s DD. 10 V-ups with EC. These are pretty intense, but I enjoy doing them!
Second, Day 19 of the T10C. 10′ non-stop punching. I actually enjoy these days a lot and find them a bit easier to knock out. I swapped stances every minute and counted 1121 punches by the end.
Last, Day 19 of the CCC. 40 torso twists. Breezy work, as always.
That’s pretty much the only worthwhile thing I recall getting done.
July 28
I got up a bit before noon, today.
Did go pick up my meds and splurged on a bit of candy.
Also did some dishes and made some frozen pizza... overindulged on pretty much everything. So I was groggy and overfull pretty much all day.
The only exercise I managed to get done today was the DD. 2′un/clenching fists with EC. (I think I counted 218 reps in the time given. Sounds about right- managed ~120 in the first minute and definitely slowed down from fatigue; it gets pretty hard to fully extend the fingers after awhile, but I enjoyed it! :D
Determined that my stomach would not be happy with the exercises I was supposed to get done... so rain-checked on that. :/
July 29
I got up after noon, today.
Started on the usual before picking up some food with my bro.
Then, I did catch up with my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 leg raises with EC. Very doable, despite mild neck strain in the latter half or so. :P
Second, Day 20 of the T10C.5 sets of 2x30″ high knees, 30″ climbers, and 30″ plank hacks. Again, glad I had 2′ to rest, this time. Even going at a moderate/slow pace and varying the intensity of my transitions (jumping in/out, walking in/out, dropping & resetting.)
(After some recovery with more distractions...)
Third, Day 21 of the T10C. 10 sets of 20″ squats, 20″ sit-ups, and 20″ flutter kicks. I definitely debated on whether I should double up, but I’m glad I went for it. It’s kind of fun getting into a groove fluidly transitioning from squats to sit-ups. And the duration of flutter kicks were manageable enough to keep my head up for all/most of the workout.
Last, Days 20+21 of the CCC. 150 side leg raises + 40 torso twists. Did the former in one go, 75/75.
I took a shower after that and did a bit more of the usual, before getting to bed.
July 30
I got up a bit before 8AM.
Got to the facility, mostly did some socializing and organizational stuff. Went to Seeking Safety, which was alright. And did touch base a bit with the case manager. Was kinda too tired to be up for drawing.
Got home and spent a good deal of my day on the usual noise.
But I did make dinner and my DD. 20 downward/upward dogs with EC. Barely. Stringing 20 of these in one go is still not the most fun to get through and was so tempting to split it up. :P
Determined I was too damn tired to do much else, before bed.
July 31
I got up around 8AM.
Had a service plan appointment today, so I had to be up early to get to the facility. Spent my time before and after it drawing and socializing. The appointment was amusing, if a bit routine (we need to do these regularly, I understand why.)
There was free pizza, there too (celebrating all the folks who had July birthdays). That was nice.
Got home, did some dishes and the usual before catching up (again) with my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 2′ backfists with EC (1′/1′).
Second, Day 22 of the T10C. 4 sets of 1′ jumping jacks and 1′ high knees, with a finisher of 2′ climbers. Same comments on pacing and on the longer rest periods, as in similar days before. But, my guts really decided to hate me near the end and it forced me to do the climbers at almost a glacial pace (even though I was tempted to break it up - I trucked on). Bleh.
Third, Day 23 of the T10C. 10′ non-stop side-to-side leg raises. I think I managed to count 529 reps, by the end. Otherwise similar experiences as previous ones, too.
Last, Days 22+23 of the CCC. 160 side leg raises + 40 torso twists. Pretty much a similar experience to Monday’s stuff (including structure). No big deal.
Aug. 1
I got up a bit before 8AM.
Went to the facility, took a short nap, did some drawing and socializing before WRAP Group. Good stuff.
Since I usually don’t bother doing much in my remaining hour at the facility, didn’t like my set-up to attempt the DD, and was bored... I decided to go into the TV room and organize the VHS tapes. Got kinda engrossed and missed my ride by a few minutes. Felt a little bad about that inconvenience... but also productive? (Though I only got to ~75% done with that... gonna bother me a bit, til next Tuesday.)
Got home, got some food with my bro, did a lot of the usual before just taking a ~2 hour nap. Too damn tired.
More of the same, watching last week’s iZombie episode, and did my exercise late...
First, today’s DD. 2′ half jacks with EC. I always love half jacks and I counted 129 reps by the time was up. :D
Second, Day 24 of the T10C. 7 sets of 40″squats + 20″ shoulder taps, with a finisher of 3′ squats. Relatively anaerobic - which is nice for a late workout. Very manageable.
Last, Day 24 of the CCC. 170 side leg raises - 85/85 in one go. Doable, but certainly getting more challenging in this arrangement.
Aug. 2
I got up a bit after 11AM.
Active rest day, so as far as exercise went, I just did the DD. 20 push-up + jab + cross combos with EC. The "hidden burpees" are the most tiring feature of this combo. It got pretty winding and tempting to break it. :P
Besides that, only thing of note was errands and making dinner, today.
Mostly was up to my usual stuff. Did think to draw... but that didn’t happen. :P
Aug. 3
I got up a bit before noon.
Mostly spent my day on the usual, but I did get in my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 80 side leg raises with EC. (40/40). A pretty fun one, having some challenges that involve lots of them probably helps in making it pretty breezy.
Second, Day 25 of the T10C. 10 sets of 1′ jumping jacks. Kept a moderate pace throughout. Got into a pretty satisfying breath rhythm - drawing 2 in-breaths and exhaling returning to start position. I think it’s pretty helpful to get just a bit more 02 in, that way.
Last, Day 25 of the CCC. 40 torso twists in one go. Yeah, breezy work.
Aug. 4
Blah, I woke up a bit after 1PM, today.
Same old, same old. But one of the first actually productive things I got done today was my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 50 front kicks with EC (25/25, balancing). This was a lot of fun, I always dig combat and balance work. Definitely takes a bit of focus to maintain balance - especially on the switch-up. :D
Second, Day 26 of the T10C. 5 sets of 2x30″ high knees, 30″ flutter kicks, and 30″ sit-ups. Doing 1′ of march steps as a warm-up was a good call, and as always I savored the 2′ rest periods. Oof. I did keep my head for most of the flutter kick intervals, but I had to keep my overall pace moderated.
Last, say 26 of the CCC. 180 side leg raised, 90/90 in one go. Got a bit challenging but still doable. Not too much strain, too. Which is nice.
I then got some dishes done and made the family some dinner. Also watched the final episode of iZombie. It was okay. I can see how there’s a split on whether people liked it. But I won’t spoil things.
Okay. I really need to hit post because this wound up getting long again. orz
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