#*cracks knuckles* wo owww
dirthshiral-blog · 7 years
As time goes by she does exactly what she’d sworn to do. She explores. No longer having the access to studies, now Gaviel occupies the place she thought would be hers, and the mage is lovely, oh so lovely, talented and most importantly obedient. That is why nothing really changes, they still roam in the least pleasant corners of the forest and in those moments when everyone settles for the night and the clan goes quiet Dirthrael feels it on her skin -  a roar so very chilling, sending thrills up and down her body, when the instinct to fight no longer works, she wants to flee this dreadful camping site. It might be a dragon but she is not allowed to go and check, not that she is foolish enough to do it anyway.
Instead every time she goes hunting she travels in the opposite direction entirely, where the grass feels greener and more animals roam. Where she notices the signs of the presence of others - broken twigs, branches, stomp marks and even footsteps left on the ground.
Such a good thing that she is thought of as an unpleasant company and no fellow elf wants to join her. Namis and Taren would’ve. She bows her head lightly and sighs, hoping they are at peace, if they are anywhere at all after death, while still can’t help wondering if they would’ve been excited right now, approved of what she was about to do. 
At the corner of her eye Dirthrael can already see the settlement. Next trip, she will go there.
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