#*moonlit temptress » visage.
mindgamcs · 4 months
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*NAME: Delphine Baudelaire. *TITLE: The Oracle. *AGE: 29. *PINTEREST: here
»» the flourish of hands married to the drama of words; action as distraction so the discretion of your thievery can commence; the shadows on the wall, shapes created only in others' illumination, shifting with the faintest breath; a deck of cards as both shield and spectacle; a tightrope fraying at both ends; delusive creation as an act not just of godhood, but girlhood — something known in the very fibers of your being.
BIRTH NAME: Delphine Baudelaire NICKNAMES: Delphi TITLE: The Oracle AGE: 29 D.O.B.: tbd (i'm feeling gemini or sag energy for this one <3) BIRTHPLACE:  Tomasina, Madagascar LANGUAGES SPOKEN: French (native), Malagasy (native), English ORIENTATION: Bisexual biromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single ?? (possibly has some fwbs, see history below) CHILDREN: none POSITIVE TRAITS: alluring, witty, adaptable NEUTRAL TRAITS: flirtatious, inventive, coy NEGATIVE TRAITS: delusive, dishonest, mercurial INSP: Holly Golightly, Selina Kyle / Catwoman, Anna Karenina, Margaery Tyrell
We are so glad to see you safe, FORTUNE-TELLER (SPY FOR MADAGASCAR) DELPHINE BAUDELAIRE of FRANCE! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are ALLURING and COY enough to handle it. Just don’t let your MERCURIAL NATURE bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out THAT YOUR LOYALTIES HAVE BEGUN TO SHIFT FROM THE COUNTRY EMPLOYING YOU TO THE COUNTRY ON WHICH YOU SPY. For Delphine, time has been rendered thick with the hauntings of her past. Born in Madagascar to a poor, criminally-inclined family, she learned quickly to steal in order to survive, and to charm as a means of disarm. As punishment for her and her father's treasonous acts at the start of Madagascar's solidification as a standalone nation, she acts as a spy on the French, with her cover being half-socialite, half-court entertainer. Now, with political revolution spilling over the hallowed halls Delphine has grown accustomed to, she contends with the promise and purpose for something greater than herself, the temptation of her nature, and the hauntings of her past.
[ trigger warnings for: mentions/descriptions of blood, war, implications of sex work, more tbd ]
»» Delphine's childhood was littered not with toys and pretty things, but stoney streets lined with more bloodshed than blossoms, soldiers fighting over territory disputes as the country itself clamored for independence. Her family was not made of fighters but of thieves. She quickly followed suit, roaming the reddened streets to pick the pockets of the fallen for any trinket to pawn, unbothered by the sights or sounds of the dying.
»» Once too young to know the difference between polish and peril, Delphine used the shell casing of a musket as a hard candy. A gnawing pain in the mouth of a two-year old brought her mother's attention to the hollowed-out bullet between the young Delphine's gums. But, before taking it out, her mother first brandished the moment to her father, a chorus of look at your daughter less a call for reprimand and more an affectionate coo — all for putting a killing thing in her young little mouth.
»» It wasn't the metal that poisoned her, but the so-called love she was weaned on, love which taught little of the closeness of kin in exchange for all manner of thievery, conning, and swindling. Beyond just the apple of her father’s eye, she was fruit bowl and orchard to him — a perfect creature whose particular talents were rarely seen, to set upon the masses in a firestorm of charisma and chaos, blinding the world with her unquestionable beauty.
»» However, he bet on the wrong grand scheme, believing that his wife's homeland could never separate from the 'greater' nation of France. The betrayal of secrets slipped from Delphine's mouth to the ears of a war-hungry general of a neighboring tribe — only for both the general and her father to be put to death for treason, once the nation formalized.
»» Delphine, only nineteen, found her fate left in the hands of a country eager to cement its standing. They saw promise in her, but rejected the leniency of a pardon, too fearful of the girl to grow into her father's shadow, and too wary of the ease in treating the chaotic birth of a nation as ladder rungs upon which to ascend. What better use for a girl whose talents lay in dishonesty and charm than to set her on the world at large?
»» A bag, a few memories, and the crumbs of her birthplace were the only things she carried with her on the journey to the nation on which she was tasked to spy, her mother left in the clutches of Madagascar's government as collateral. It was her father's native country, but it bore no similarities to the man she knew — where he was shadowy but strong, France was a weakened country clinging to the notion of its more glorious past.
»» To the French court, Delphine presented herself as both refugee and gift, escaping the fray as the new country solidified itself, with a talent for supposed divination. To the court, she was no great threat: less a girl who knew the nature of their newfound enemy, and more a pretty young thing they could use to entertain the court from time to time — a distraction.
»» Their attention, however, was grasped entirely when she 'predicted' the location and outcome of a battle, one which supposedly gained France a different African ally. The truth of the matter rested in Madagascar's own carefully planned instructions, sewing seeds of certain belief for the French while Madagascar went on to harvest. A long game, to be sure, but one which garnered secret strides while France was none the wiser.
»» Nearly ten years into her employ, Delphine has become a bourgeoning young socialite, a favorite in the court if only for her entertaining charm and talents as a so-called oracle. Privately, a few nobles have taken to indulging her mercurial fancies in exchange for a nights sharing a warm bed and the divined assurances of their success. The woman enjoys the life to be certain, but still finds herself practicing her old thieving ways from time to time, playing with fire less for excitement, but more so as a means of keeping her core warm.
»» It is not for those reasons, however, that her loyalties have begun to shift. Instead, as a means of gathering information on all facets of the French people, Delphine has taken to associating with more of the common folk, finding in them a certain kinship that simply doesn't exist amidst the lacquered halls and gilded glory of the upper-crust. With a political revolution tinting the rosiness of France in shades of democracy, Delphine has found herself utterly captivated by what seems to be a purpose greater than herself — but the temptation of her nature still lingers, and the hauntings of her past may loom too heavily to ever truly escape.
my brain hurts but i'll add these soon i promise <33 hmu in the meantime pls!!!
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fangsofdestruction · 3 years
🚀+ past sessh into the future where an inhuman Kikyo is standing in the courtyard/garden staring at the moonlit skies. Elongated ears of pure, silken black stood upright upon her head, matched only by a well groomed, fluffed, obsidian tail. Red markings ran beneath her eyes and also along her arms. Hues no longer brown, shone with a golden intensity until they were obscured as her eyes closed. The animal appendages retreated until she was back to her usual appearance--before her kids came running to her to be picked up~
(☾) Spoiler: Part 3 of ‘I can connect memes!’ also part 234234 of 'fluff? Lol no'
Sesshomaru had found himself in a curious situation. What was this place? Architecture he’d never seen before, clothing that was quite unorthodox, and sometimes scant was a culture shock to say the very least.
It wasn’t until Sai had found him and brought him back home did Sesshomaru realize that this place was still Japan, but not the one that was native to himself, but of one who’d lived until the future times. If not for the fact that Sesshomaru had normally been curt with his words, most did not question him. He didn’t look much different either, though the more sensitive ones could tell there was a difference in his aura.
Taking in all the information he could, stowing them away in his mind, Sesshomaru had collected the fact that he was in the future, some mystery amount of time had passed. He was clearly still a dominating figure among Demons, who served under him. They called him ‘Kumicho,’ for whatever reason, rather than ‘milord.’
He was then led to a room where he witnessed the sight of an inhuman woman whose visage was strikingly similar to that of a Miko he’s acquainted with. It didn’t take long for her image to revert back to a form more familiar to him, greeting young children.
Standing in the doorway, Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed dangerously. Who was that inhuman woman who now bears Kikyo’s image and scent? Why did those things don his scent of kin? Knuckles cracked as if poised to decimate anything in his path.
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“Kumicho?” Sai questions quietly, alarmed by Sesshomaru’s sudden bloodlust.
He did not know who this woman was, but she was no Kikyo. She must have been some Demon temptress who exceled in mimicry arts. Additionally, she’d somehow tricked him into bearing offspring with him by donning Kikyo’s image. No, perhaps she’d instead stolen Kikyo’s body, taking it as her own to use as she pleased?
To dare make a mockery of a respectable warrior was simply unheard of. To utilize a woman he’d well acquainted himself with against him, to use Kikyo’s face to lure him into siring bastard children. The AUDACITY!
“Kumicho, is there something amiss? Worry not, Anee-san and the children should be safe with the spells cast upon this mansion.” Sai had stood in between the room and the raging Sesshomaru, bloodlust boiling over.
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“Who are they? Where is Jaken to allow a fake to serve as the mistress of his Lord?”
“L-Lord? Have… Kumicho… have you forgotten your memories? Inside dwell your wife and children. How much have you forgotten?” Sai had noticed that Sesshomaru hadn’t been wearing his illusion casting item, but he’d assumed it must’ve broken, therefore needing maintenance.
The flooding demon energy incited anxiety throughout the estate as Demons noticed the flaring anger rolling off in waves from their Kumicho.
“Milord, you’ve waited centuries for the missus to reincarnate. Please relax.” There was something wrong with their lord, and as the one tasked with ensuring the safety of the immediate family of his Lord, Sai was willing to lay his life on the line, posturing in front of his lord, as insolent as it was.
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“Reincarnate? She hasn’t died. That imposter must go.”
“… Milord…”
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A sigh. “Sai, look into spells that can forcibly send people through the passage of time.” The Kumicho they were familiar with had returned.
This was not the first time he’d been sent through an interesting adventure through time. How curious this was. After rubbing his temples, he’d noticed the tense atmosphere. Noticing how Sai still remained postured in front of him, his eyes narrowed to dangerous slits.
“Dare you posture in front of this Kumicho, Sai?”
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Sesshomaru had returned to his own time now, mind reeling with information and sensory overload. Unable to understand the contents of what he’d just witnessed by piecing together bits and pieces of context clues, he refused to believe it.
It hadn’t been long since he’d last seen Kikyo, was it not? The flow of time for Demons was quite vast in comparison to the drop in the galaxy for Humans.
Kikyo had died? Reincarnated? Into what? Who had turned her into something inhuman? Who dared to use her for some nefarious means, turning her into something she was not?
Vaguely reminiscent of how another human had been turned inhuman, Sesshomaru’s rage continued to boil in his veins at the mere prospect that someone had tampered with Kikyo. HIS KIKYO.
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A pause. Frozen in his sudden intrusive thought—he ruminated over this surprising reverie. His… Kikyo? Since when had Kikyo ever been his possession to obtain? Why else would he feel so offended by him laying with a fake?
Why did he wish to tear the damned son of a bitch who tampered with her body, to turn her into something paralleling Naraku, the one who had been the reason for her death?
Though her past relationship with Inuyasha was certainly something he strongly detested, his pride unrelenting, he could not deny the fondness he felt for a particular human woman.
Pride is a sin, for certain, as it deluded his mind with bias, clouding him from the truth. The truth being that to him, Kikyo was far more than a fascinating woman. More than a human he was content with spending time with.
He had an attraction to her that he misconstrued as fascination.
Realization hitting him late, the budding seed morphed into a pang of worry. Kikyo died. When was the last time he’d seen her in the flesh? How many human years have passed?
He then moved in hot pursuit of finding Kikyo with this newfound information he was still processing, bashing his pride, insecurities, and prejudices.
Alas, what he’d find is regret. Kikyo had already passed on, but she at least appeared peaceful in death. He was too late.
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At the very least, he could ensure she could have a well deserved resting place, one that should not be disturbed, so no ill-intending Demon could ever take her place to trick him.
While he did not believe that Kikyo would ever allow herself to succumb to a fate so similar to that of Naraku's, he at least could rely on the idea that perhaps she would be reincarnated. Kagome being a grand example. Should he wait long enough, perhaps-- he and Kikyo could start over again, where his own prejudice and pride would not cloud the judgement of his heart.
It was too late to regret now. What he could do for Kikyo was to ensure no one could disturb her resting place as it has been many a time in the past.
Beside her beloved sister, the two can now rest in peace. The Demon Lord nary felt regret in his life, but this one- he felt, would follow him until the end of his days. Carefully resting Kikyo atop his Mokomoko, he went in search for a resting place Kikyo would appreciate.
In the meanwhile, this Sesshomaru had plenty of time to ruminate over what exactly these feelings in his chest meant.
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mindgamcs · 4 months
tags !!
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