#*robstan cards
margseliserobbie · 8 months
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My Dearest Roo,
Congratulations on A Different Man finally releasing at Sundance and all the well deserving reviews that followed!! You continue to blow me away with every project you do, the way you disappear into each role. My man has range ;) As always, I can’t wait for the world to see you shine on screen just the way you light up any room you walk into at home and everywhere you go. You’re always my inspiration and each of these premieres proves that further. Maybe we should work together or something. ;)
I love you to the furthest moon and back,
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sebastianseb · 3 years
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Dear Harley,
Happy birthday to the most badass chick I know. Try to stay in line so you don’t become my next mission - or actually, go batshit crazy so we can get this crossover haha Better hope you’re never on my left ;)
(Tagged: @margseliserobbie )
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iamsebstann · 4 years
mondays| robstan
Seb: Sticking the key card into the door of his hotel room, the actor waked in. "Hey," he called out to the blonde in the suite. Truth was, he did have an attitude before, she'd been right. But he didn't really have a good reason for it, and it wasn't like he wanted to get into it and make things worse, when he himself wasn't even sure what was going on. "I'm gonna shower," he said lingering for a moment before exiting the room with a nod in her direction as he made his way toward the bathroom.
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margseliserobbie · 1 year
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My Dearest Roo,
Happy birthday, my love!!! It’s my favorite day of the year, along with our babies birthdays, and I just cannot wait to spoil you with so much love. The day you were born was quite honestly the best day ever.. The day the love of my life was brought into this world. I could never imagine doing life without you. Every day with you is better than the last and there’s not a moment that goes by where I’m not thanking god above for leading me to you. You are my everything. Even if I dreamt you up, I wouldn’t have been able to dream up someone as perfect, loving, caring and special as you. I know you hate when the attention on you but that’s too bad because this is where we differ, baby ;) you hate attention but I love showering you with lots of love and presents, wanting to make your special day as special as you are. I promise today will be chill, no crazy surprises. I know all that you want for your birthday is for our family to be together and that’s what today is: a nice family day celebrating the best husband and father in the world. I love you to the furthest moon and back, darling. Always.
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margseliserobbie · 1 year
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My Dearest Roo,
Happy Anniversary, darling. Two whole years since our beautiful wedding in front of our family and friends. Where has the time gone? How have we had two beautiful baby girls since then!? It feels like yesterday but forever ago, all at the same time. Now here we are, in our dream home in Australia.. just as we always planned. There are still times I feel as though I have to pinch myself because I get to live this perfect life with you and our babies. I’m the luckiest woman in the world. Not only did I get to marry you, I got to marry you twice. Very on brand for us and our love of the number two.
I love you more than words, baby. I love you more today than I did the day I married you and I love you more today than I did yesterday. How could that be when I already loved you more than it’s humanly possible to love someone all these years? Our love knows no bounds and every moment with you proves that. I can’t wait to spend a million more anniversaries with you. You are my everything, Roo. I never want to do life without you.
I love you to the furthest moon and back,
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margseliserobbie · 1 year
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My Dearest Roo,
Happy Second of the Month, baby. I love that I get to celebrate you and us on my birthday. It makes me so incredibly happy any moment I get to celebrate you and tell you how much I love you. As you know, I could ramble on about you and write novels trying to articulate how much you mean to me. Words never seem to be enough because the way you make me feel and how I feel about you is overwhelming in the best way possible and I could never seem to put that into words.
You are my everything. My end and my beginning. It’s no wonder I was so lost without you these past couple of months. When we’re apart, I feel like so much of me is missing. I don’t know how to function, I can’t sleep. But we don’t have to worry about that anymore, do we?
I couldn’t simply do just one poem this month. If these past two months have taught me anything, it’s taught me that you are my home. I always knew this, I always felt this but it just reiterated it. My home is you, my home is with you, with our babies. Moving to Australia has made me incredibly happy but I would still be the happiest woman no matter where in the world we are, so long as we’re together.
Baby, having you here with me on this Barbie tour has meant so much to me. As much as I love celebrating with Greta and the girls, you’re always the person I want to share my big moments with. I was holding in tears when I thought I had to leave you at the airport last night but then when you walked on that plane and surprised me.. It was simply the best surprise ever. I’m so lucky to share all this with you and to share it all with you on my birthday makes it even better. You’re all I’ll ever need in this life. You and our babies.
Thank you for being the best husband, the best father to our little ones, the best best friend and the biggest support system. I love you so much, Roo. I can’t wait to celebrate our other wedding anniversary at the end of the month with you. Creating all these memories with you is my favorite. I’m the luckiest woman on this earth because I get to do life with you.
I love you to the furthest moon and back. Always,
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margseliserobbie · 1 year
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My Dearest Roo,
Happy Father’s Day, my darling! Even if you're away from us during this Father's Day, that doesn't mean we're not celebrating you every second of the day. We adore and appreciate you more than we could possibly put into words, my love. You are our rock, our protector, our very own superhero. You are our everything. Any day we get to celebrate you is our favorite.
All three of our babies are absolutely obsessed with you and I can't blame them because so am I ;) You are literally better than anything I could have dreamt up and the most perfect father in this world. This day used to mean nothing to us individually before we welcomed our sweet boy into this world and now I look forward to it each year to remind you how incredible you are. Turning bad memories into good memories and creating memories with you in general fills my heart with so much joy. You are everything a father should be and more and I am the luckiest woman in the world to get to do life with you, have this family with you and call you my baby daddy ;)
We cannot wait to have you home with us, baby. I hope you know how loved you are and how our house doesn't feel like a home without you here. We miss you so, so much. I can't stop daydreaming about all the memories we're going to build as a family of five when you get home to us. We are so proud of you, Roo and we love you to the furthest moon and back. Always.
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margseliserobbie · 1 year
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My Dearest Roo,
Happy Second of the Month, my darling. I miss you so much that I can’t even put it into words. Without you, I feel like more than half of me is missing. I swear this is why Piper is so dramatic because she sees how we act when we can't be together lol. The only time we're dramatic off set. Have I mentioned how much I miss you? Nashville simply wasn't enough and saying goodbye to you the other day was incredibly difficult. You're all I think about, all I want and all I could ever need. The way I feel when you're away from me just proves that you're such a big piece of me. They say when you become a parent, half of your heart is living outside of your body and that's so true but it's also true when it comes to loving you. My heart is thousands of miles away right now, with you.
I cannot wait to have you back home with us but I want you to know how proud I am of you. You're working your ass off as you always do, killing it with The Brutalist while training for Bucky. Everything you do makes me and our family so proud.
Thinking of all the things we'll get to do as a family of five when you come home puts the biggest smile on my face. I can't wait for family cuddles, to hear your laugh, to see your smile, to feel your touch and to simply watch you with our babies. We're going to make the best memories here at home in Australia and my heart skips a beat just thinking about it. I love you to the furthest moon and back, Roo. Always.
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margseliserobbie · 1 year
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My Deartest Roo,
Happy second of the month, my darling love. Our first second of the month as a family of five. Can you believe it? Three babies. Three little ones. We are officially outnumbered and I couldn’t be happier.
Not only is this our first second of the month with our baby girl, it’s also the first living in Australia in our dream home. I can’t believe we’re here, living out our dream like we always said. Nothing makes me happier in this world than being at home with you, Axel, Piper and Rey. You four are my whole world and I still have to pinch myself that this is my life. My perfect life, all thanks to you giving it to me. I’m the most lucky woman in this entire universe, baby.
I had to include sunshine into my little poetry tradition this month as a nod to our baby girl. Our sunshine girl. Getting to wake up next to you and getting to witness you with our babies everyday is something I could have only dreamt of. You are perfect in every way, my love. Thank you for keeping us safe, for loving me the way you do, making me feel so loved and for being the best daddy and husband in this world. I wouldn’t have made it through last week without you and I’m so sorry for scaring you, making you think for even a second that you had to do life without me. I promise you, you never will have to do life without me because I never want to do life without you. I love you to the furthest moon and back, Roo. Always.
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margseliserobbie · 1 year
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My Dearest Roo,
Happy Anniversary, baby! Two years of marriage with you, my love... Being your wife for these past two years has filled me with so much pride and joy. Being married to you is the most fun, the most magical and just simply the best. Two years since we woke up the morning of our engagement party and said “let’s get married today” because we couldn’t wait any longer. I’ll never forget every little detail about that day, darling. Along with welcoming our babies into the world, that day was the best day of my life.
I know we keep saying this but it feels like we have been married forever. It’s because when you meet your soul mate and your person, you feel like you have been by their side forever. I was so focused on my career when we first met but then I saw your face and everything made sense. As soon as you walked into my life, I knew you were it for me, Roo. I wanted it all with you: marriage, kids.. to do life with you. You made me break my rules and not only make me realize I wanted a future outside of my career, but I wanted that with you. It was you or nobody. Just like this poem says: it was you… it was always you.
Now here we are: we have our third little one on the way. Our second baby girl. I still can’t believe this is my life: I have the most loving husband and the most perfect family. You four (fourrr!! It still feels surreal to say that outloud or put it in writing) are my world. I cannot wait to keep building a lifetime of memories with you and our little ones, baby.
Thank you for being the best husband in this world, the best father to our kids and for giving me a life I could have only dreamt of. You make me feel so loved, so appreciated and the happiest woman on this earth. I’m so lucky to be your wife and there’s nothing I love more than doing life with you, Mr. Stan. I love you to the furthest moon and back.
ps. remember that time when I was pregnant with piper and I accidentally told the whole world about our secret wedding because of baby brain? lol don’t tell me any secrets whilst pregnant because clearly I can’t be trusted!
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margseliserobbie · 2 years
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My Dearest Roo,
Happy Second of the Month, baby. I love looking back on each of these cards and seeing how much life has changed since each one, how many memories were made in just a month. It’s always a change for the better with you, and it fills me with so much joy knowing that life just gets impossibly better with you. I can’t believe we are finally expecting our third little one. I know we have been trying for a few months, but the feeling I get every time I think about growing our family still gives me butterflies and never fails to put a smile on my face. I can’t wait to create more memories with you, Axel, Piper and our baby boy or girl on the way. To experience pregnancy again with you, to hear you talk to my bump, to see how the kids will react to it all, to finally go on a babymoon (hint, hint 😉).. I am so excited for the months ahead. I catch myself daydreaming about our baby and seeing you with them. There’s not a more beautiful sight in this world than the sight of you with our babies. You are the best daddy in this world and doing life with you is a dream. I never want to do life without you, my darling. I love you, Roo. Thank you for giving me a life I could have only dreamt of, better than I could have ever dreamt of, and for making me a mummy again.
I love you to the furthest moon and back,
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margseliserobbie · 2 years
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My Dearest Roo,
Happy Sharper Release Day!!! Finally!! I am so excited and so, so, so proud of you. While I’ve already seen you film this firsthand and have already seen the finished product at the premiere last week, I cannot wait to watch it again and again. Not just to see your handsome face, but to see that talent of yours shine on screen yet again. You never fail to blow me away, my darling and I know you’ll blow the world away yet again. I always tell you this but even if I didn’t know you, I’d still be your biggest fan. From the risks you take with roles, to the way you empower and support strong female characters, to the way you go out of your way to work with first/second time directors. No one deserves all the praise and recognition you’ve been getting lately more than you. Your hard work and dedication, along with your talent, proves you are one of the best in the industry. I am so lucky I get to do life with you, I get to see your magic firsthand and so lucky I got to film my favorite project with you. Everytime I see you at work or on screen, it only makes me want us to do that RomCom (or anything!!) even more. It’s no wonder all your female costars request to work with you and request more scenes with you ;) You are simply phenomenal, my love. Congratulations on another amazing project, baby!
I love you to the furthest moon and back,
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margseliserobbie · 2 years
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My Dearest Roo, Another Valentine's Day with you.. How did I get so lucky to find the most perfect man to do life with? You are my everything: my universe, my sun, moon and stars, my best friend, my perfect baby daddy, my husband.. I couldn't have even dreamt up a more perfect man if I tried.
You're the end and the beginning of everything. Nothing makes sense without you and even if we have to be apart for a day because of work or to spend time with friends, I feel lost. I don't care how incredibly silly or clingy that sounds and I know you feel the same way. I've never felt this way with anyone before: I never felt the need to constantly be near someone until you. Over six years on and I still get the butterflies when I so much as look at you or think of you.
Being your wife and being your girl is the most fun I've ever had and along with being the mother to our children, it's the greatest honor I've ever had. Loving you and being loved by you is indescribable but if I could begin to explain it? Fun, adventurous, fulfilling and overall it just feels so complete. Doing life with you never fails to put a smile on my face. Tonight is a prime example of that: only you and I would find so much humor in playing a prank to fuck with everyone's heads, only to quickly change into our red outfits because we can't stand the idea of anyone flirting with each other. From these silly pranks to doing something as simple as grocery shopping, I love doing absolutely everything with you and I never want to do life without you ever again.
Happy Valentine's Day, my darling. I love you to the furthest moon and back.
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margseliserobbie · 2 years
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(excerpt from  “I Argued with the Stars About You”,  Asli Hersi)
My Dearest Roo,
Happy Anniversary, my darling. Two whole years of being engaged to the love of my life? I often question how time goes by so quickly but also it feels like just yesterday we were laying under those stars and the Northern Lights, pointing out Orion as you slid that beautiful ring you designed on my finger. Time is such a strange thing because while all our precious memories still feel so close, I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. It’s difficult to imagine a life before you, before our little babies. But that’s okay, because I don’t ever want to know a time without you three in it. Just as I never want to do life without you, I don’t ever want to imagine life without you.
You know recently I’ve discovered my newfound appreciate and love for poetry and I thought I needed to add something to our anniversary traditions. So, in addition to keeping up with our random card tradition every month, I’ve decided to find a poem or excerpts from poems that make me think of you, our love, our traditions, our precious memories and/or our family. This poem stuck out to me and I just knew I had to start this new tradition off with “I Argued with the Stars About You” especially on our engagement anniversary. The night sky is something that’s always been special to us: from getting engaged under the northern lights to getting married under the stars, and all our astrological dates in-between. There is never a moment where I look up to the stars and don’t think of you and our love. It’s one of our many things, thanks to you. But, as the poem states, while these stars light up the universe and leave everybody in awe, it’s nothing compared to you. You, my love, are my entire world and shine brighter than any star in the sky. No star, no constellation, no moon or planet would compete. I could ramble on about how this poem so accurately describes how I feel about you, but I won’t ruin Asli’s beautiful words with my ramblings and I’ll let it speak for itself. 
I love you to the furthest moon and back,
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margseliserobbie · 2 years
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My Dearest Roo,
Another second of the month is here, darling. Another excuse to write you one of my sappy cards and continue our random card tradition. We always talk about how much we adore our little things and traditions and this one is one of my all time favorites. All because I wanted to give you a card to apologize for calling you a fuckboy a few years ago but couldn’t find one so a Christmas card in October it was! Goodness, it’s mad how many memories we have. Walking down memory lane with you is something I’ll never grow tired of. I love it almost as much as creating memories with you. Like today, figuring out our New Year’s Resolutions together. I should say.. the NY Resolutions you came up with, which were brillliant.
I’m so excited to see what this year will bring us. 2023 may be The Year of the Barbie but you know what’s even better? It’s the year we finally move into our Australian dream home we built. Can you believe it’s finally complete after dreaming it up just a couple of years ago? This year will be a year we (hopefully) grow our family. A year to continue our traditions, watch our babies grow and go on more adventures. I just know whatever this year brings, 2023 will be good to us. Each year with you is a dream, my love and I’ll spend every 2nd of the month (and every second of the day, really) reminding you of that. I never want to do life without you, Mr. Stan and I am so lucky I never have to.
I love you to the furthest moon and back,
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margseliserobbie · 2 years
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My Dearest Roo,
Merry Christmas, my love! I love that we’ve started the tradition of exchanging gifts on Christmas Eve to focus Christmas Day on our babies and especially on our baby boy’s birthday. Can you believe this time three years ago, my water broke and we were waiting to see who would win our bet? You, of course, won when Axel was born a little after midnight and not on Christmas Eve like I had predicted. How did we get so lucky to have the best Christmas miracle in the world just three years ago today? And now we are even luckier to have two little ones running (or crawling) around, filling our home and our hearts with Christmas magic and cheer. You know I’ve always been a bit over the top regarding Christmas but my love for the holiday has only grown with our little family. I love seeing the Christmas magic through our children’s eyes and experiencing it all over again with our little loves. I know we say no pressure as we try for another baby, but I can’t wait until we welcome another little one into our world and have an even fuller home. The more little footsteps, the better. Thank you for dealing with my over the top holiday spirit and always being down for any crazy ideas I have. I know my holiday spirit can be a bit overwhelming sometimes but you always welcome all my ideas, activities, etc with an open mind and heart. How did I get so lucky to do life with you? You are the best husband, the best best friend, the best daddy and the best man I have ever known. I never want to do live without you, my darling. I love you to the furthest moon and back.
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