#*sighhh* just another case of a well-meaning disconnected adult not understanding online friendships & their odd but genuine social structu
wribbles · 1 year
All Might doesn't like Kitkat.
Some strange older man messaging a lonely quirkless boy? Every day?
It only made him more suspicious when young Midoriya tried to defend his friend by saying he was a ProHero who had gone to UA - but he couldnt say what his hero name was - or even what his real name was!
As if Toshinori is going to believe there's any truth in a secret stranger saying everything an impressionable and enthusiastic child would want to hear.
Young Midoriya gets defensive and upset, bordering on personally hurt, if Toshinori questions this "Kitkat" too closely, digs too deep. Midoriya quietly tells him that Kitkat has been with him through all his worst days, and that it wouldn't be a stretch to say he's the reason Midoriya is still alive right now...
And while Toshinori's heart clenches at the thought of the pain this young boy must have gone through to say something like that - the sentiment doesn't actually reassure him of "Kitkat". Now this stranger has Midoriya feeling like he owes some kind of life debt, on top of reinforcing their close connection with obviously manufactured lies designed to gain young Midoriya's admiration and respect. And the boy says he's known this older man for years? An even younger Midoriya would be even easier to manipulate.
Toshinori doesn't tend to deal with this kind of evil usually, but that doesn't mean he's blind to it.
Midoriya is clearly not yet in a place where he's willing to trust even All Might against the words of this online friend, but with their new mentor-successor relationship, Toshinori should have plenty of time to slowly build Midoriya's trust in him and introduce thoughts of internet safety and the kinds of horrible people that can be found there, waiting for innocent kids who need someone to believe in them.
Toshinori believes in Midoriya. Hopefully eventually that will be enough for the boy to see reason.
"Kitkat" - whoever he is - is not going to get what he wants. Not if All Might has anything to say about it.
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