#*thinks abt the i saw seven birds speech*
kh3finalmix · 2 years
i think about taz balance sometimes and there are parts that give me goosebumps when i think about it
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zhalar · 3 years
literally no one asked but i just finished the official storyline of taz the balance campaign and im having some big damn emotions. so. might as well post this very incomplete and incomprehensible list of some fave scenes, moments, lines, both gutting and glad, here. includes all sorts of good tropes and characters and whatnot that caught my interest in no particular order at all. it’s a mile long so under the cut it gooooes
- "its me. Hi, im taako - you know, from TV?!" - kravitz alone and drowning in the astral plane ooohhhhhhh it hurts feels bad - lydia just fuking Screaming when edward/she did the die - roswell's sacrifice - paloma ja taako best hits - merle's whoooole entire "why did pan lie to me" - barry's reveal..... the blUejEAnS - taako-kravitz date and everything abt it - "oh, boy howdy, that is a clammy one" - kam's sacrifice - "i saw seven birds" - taako losing his SHIT over the vogue-elves - magnus whittling the ring for carey/killian - hurley's Absolute Fuking Delight when driving + when with sloane - klarg and the boys having tea :( - "god's gonna kill you with a train" - "bad luck." + "because youre dying" - arms. Out. Stretched. - garfield's ENTIRE D E A L - taako's backstory as long as it's suitably upsetting to him - merle's relationship with pan inquires me So Much - magnus' devotion for juliaaaaaa/disinterest during heartattack - scottish accent merle - riling up the murderous train elf over spell slots etc - bugbear hugs - lesbian robot excellency noelle you're a star - "junebug." - also the fight against roswell at the bank - the clay swallowing the trio - the underground worm-attack -rollercoaster - johann's death :-( BIG UPSET!!! - "i love your cadence dear" - every instance of "my dude / darling / pumpkin / ___" that taako’s speech naturally floats to - "im bout to tentacle your DICK" - rueful as it may be, the.... hhh... 50 shades of green -scene - tres horny boys as a team name - "avi i'm real fucked up" + "hair of the dog that bit him" - kravitz' cutscene in the lunar interlude after the suffering game + griffin's smile-voice when mentioning the crystal kingdom - carey goes berserk after killian's hurt and fukcing Yells - ash the gambler wizard and their goliath-friend - much more competent women who come to save our doofuses - taako and lup. Looked. After. Each other. - singing girl from ipanema in elevator-scenes - "I HAVE SO FEW PLEASURES IN LIFE" - the way lup was 'introduced' - calling barry a nerd and publicly demanding back her money - "i keep staring at taako - i doN'T, BLINK" - "was this call for business or pleasure?" "i mean, a little bit of both" - taako being informed that kravitz is very handsome and instantly becoming attached - "taako, you've been dominated. Unsnap your safety harness, and take a diving leap -" - hurley hugging taako as she gives him her safety harness - "you're in troouble..." - "listen. Light them the fuck up" - lup's teary eyed speech about the hunger and the FUCKING 15 DOLLARS - just the fact that the female characters aren't automatically more stoic and serious and hardasses and 'killjoys' because ~they're women~ AKA just the fact that theyre allowed to be So Fuckin Fun and flawed and everything i look for in a woman -- - the absolute canonization of surfer dude "sweet flips" taako - everything And I MEan Everything about the beach episode have you Ever felt this blessed before. Have you. - fukcing crying laughing at poor merle making those shitty shitty beach souvenirs - taako calling lup LULU !!!! - taako and lup interaction in roboworld - guns and "youre gonna blow out the battery >:(!!" - lup and the she-robot, lup's absolute stance of "we're not killing this planet" - "boy you're not intimidated by me at all, are you?" - "i don't think my dog could FIT in an aSs" - "you're gonna kill america's favorite wizard" - merle retching and magnus yelling in the bg while taako and barry are trying to converse and Have A Moment on the beach - yeah taako fishes - "i like your renegade spirit, there" - "because i'm worried no one else will have me" "if i can't be honest at the chug and squeeze then i - frankly, my man, i don't know where i can" - jessie and james elves.... idk man just the image of these elves rocking the joint like j&j did, the drama of it all - the fact that i've been listening to 'you adventured in the wrong neighborhood' for SO LONG AND ONLY NOW DO I GET TO KNOW THAT TAAKO SAYS 'I EAT OLD DEAD DUDES WITH MY UMBRELLA', AND NOT SOME VARIATION OF FUCKING.... 'AL DENTE' AS I'VE BEEN DUBBING IT ADSFDJK - "the late merle highchurch rolls a five" - "i prostrate myself before you" - pan calling merle "homie" - "hell yeah, goin' rogue" and taako shreds his credit cards - taakos dream dish + 'a bond' + him and joaquin making the tacos together fuck dude that shit was so powerful - merle's 1st meeting with the hunger + the hunger saying that if hes been hunting [them] down, well, it seems like he's got [merle] Right Here. - john asking how he can kill the seven of them for good. Very politely :) - john asking what the ship looks like. Terrific - "are you my friend?" and griffin's reeling reaction to it - joy in life. - "huh. i feel sad" - "your voice is like a so~ng" "i use magehand to caress his cheek" - the seven of them are a family :) god im CRYING - cassidy's talking voice God i love her - on a similar note cassidy wearing a suit after the 11th hour - "when that day comes, little man, ohhhh when that day comes..." - "it's a monologue im working on :)" - taako telling angus to conjure up his own tickets - wonderland entrance, merle turns his head and says: "hey magnus, do youhufh- what the he ll...." - merle's consistent waddling - "we'll get it next time" and something something the ship fleeing the plane and it felt so hopeless at the time - "i'm mulTI-dimENsionAL!!!!" - the duet, and: the seven of you have Time, time to learn to care for each other and be taken care of - lucretia's Year. Alone. And she changed and she started to participate. and i Am Once again Crying - the cave skeleton dude what the fuck was his deal again. Love that dude wish he'd stayed a skeleton but then again hmm - so much of the music, mannn. storm top dog had me by the throat - stolen century episode seven when shit starts to hit the fan shut UP what the FUCK!!!! - "thank you." / "back soon" - taako's "who?" and barry's desperation of "kill me" im sjrdgolsrj - davenport's desperate DESPERATE "i'm davenport!" - LUCRETIA "I LOVE YOU MAGNUS I LOVE ALL OF YOU IM GOING TO DO THIS" LUCRETIA!!!!!!!!!! NOT ALONE!!!!!!!!!! - "everyone in the world deserved to be around you" - "tell me i made refuge safe" - "barry i rolled an eleven" - taako's talk with barry at the uh.. 'wake'. "i was the one i could focus on bc everybody else i ever met... were dust." oof. - also "i just stopped learning math" its such a fine line of hilarious and so gODDDAMN SADDDD - crystal kingdom song :''') - the eleventh hour just has SUCH a GOOD SOUNDTRACK THOOO - wonderland, also, f u c k s - like it's the. undertones of those arcs' main musical themes?? or the themes of these arcs' main songs??? god they just fuck so hard idk what to tell you - each of their willingness to give up their [well. Stuff] for the sake of the suffering game goddd - just the editing/static in Those Backstory Scenes You Know The Ones - "are you the one who's been hurting my brother out there?" "im gonna fucking Kill you now." - can you Fucking believe how Powerful and full of love lup is  jesus thank fuck - "yoU're dating the Grim ReapER?" - team sweet-flips...... - "sorry about the cookies lil dude" - dingus and goofus............ - johann's fear of being forgotten. Like. Sigh . - god i love clint's delivery of "check this shit out" - ALSO. HH. HAVE I NOT MENTIONED IT ALREADY??? merle's aesthetic is so COOL i love the wood arm i love the flowers in beard-hippie sorta beach body vibe holy fuck i love it - the trial scene was dooope the statues are DOPE lup is SO GOOD everyones case was fantastic - merle staying behind on the fungus plane - istus and the raven queen being pals :) - johann's SONGG WHOOOO gave you the r i g h t to title it 'the march of the forgotten', also, like, dsfgjhufcking, come ON - "everything's gonna be ok! I've got magic powers" - god fuck Yes kravitz warming up his face YES - hurley and sloan saving merle's kid jesus, man. the nature-interconnections btwn them - "my lab-" - "i dont know how to kill thAt" - when the trio regrouped and merle was acting 100% fatherly - "big one?" "Pointy-hat" "i like that guy" - john and merle's talk-scene before john was. Eaten? - upsie is .... an elevator mecha........ simultaneously im filled with so much rage and so much joy - "i walk over to -" - god im thinking about lucretia again i cant fucking deal with this shit she just wanted her friends to be safe she just wanted them to survive fkucingdfbh - "phantasmal and resplendent" waitta Fuck. fucking WAIT A MINUTE - the reaper known as kravitz ... you know? that title just FUCKS. - "you ARE my heart. you know that, right? - "i have nothing. and i dont give a shit" - "gonna... streak my fukcing eyeliner" - lup getting her body back and Instantly Kissing barry het rights - carey's wedding attire - just the fact that merle's officiating the wedding jesus - magnus and kravitz' meeting when magnus dies - lord sterling building a fucking,, bar at the beach with his own two hands can you imagine this brat tho.. - the bonds, man, the BONDS OF . FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE AND AW GEE I SURE AM EMOTIONAL!!!!! - magnus naming his dog johann :( - magnus rushes in, into the house that his wife build, im losing my mind - john and merle at the beach moments b4 john disappeared - carey and killian running to meet each other in the middle during their wedding im! oh!! - i really really REAALLLY liked that davenport got to travel the world after Everything - kravitz lup and barry being work buddies essentially, + family, i mean come on - tres horny boys holding onto taako as he was blasting the hunger in the finale...... - "you're going to be amazing." - garfield chucking a fukcing grenade at the hunger
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