#*tiktok audio* it’s okay. you can laugh. it’s funny. :D
tender-rosiey · 3 years
hi hi <3 back to request bc i just love your work!
could i request haikyuu boys reacting to their fem!s/o getting a phone call and a guy on the other line says “hey, you home alone?” or something along those lines. there was a tik tok trend where girls would get a fake ft call with a guy saying ^ to see how their boyfriends would react, i think i may be able to find a video if you want but i do hope i explained this well :)
❥ “Hey, you home alone?” Prank on HQ characters
Includes Oikawa, Bokuto, Tsukishima and Kageyama
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ᴀ/ɴ: i am glad you like my work, luv and this looks fun to write and I love these pranks a lot! hope you liked this luv 💕 also did my blog really go quack or is my stuff just getting ignored 👩‍🦲
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Oikawa Tooru:
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I would like to write a whole damn essay about how much I love oikawa but this is not our topic for today until now at least
SO, you felt bored and wanted to do something, plus oikawa has been free from pranks for far too long
That’s another reason why TikTok is your place to go for pranks
You saw said prank and wanted to do it since our lovely tooru has rather interesting reactions
So you set it up the sound and held your phone while your boyfriend is in the kitchen counter behind you preparing a snack for movie night
It was all fine and dandy until
“Hey, you home alone?”
You suddenly heard things stumble and your boyfriend was beside you in a snap with a frown on his face
“No she is not alone and in fact we are going on a date so you can just go FUCK YOURSELF— babe you are recording?”
You then smiled cheekily before bursting out laughing resulting in the blank stare and a pout from your boyfriend beside you
“Y/N, that’s mean, how dare you?”
However you didn’t expect your boyfriend to slam down on you and try and suffocate you with hugs
“Tooru get off!”
“No, apologize!”
He also peppered your face with kisses until you were sorry
You also posted the TikTok and it got more than 400k likes 👩‍🦲
And my favorite part is the comments so let’s start
Some of them were like
and “he is so pretty tho tf”
as well as “the kisses at the end were adorable tho lol”
Of course his ass was sticking out while peppering you with kisses so someone commented
“What a flat ass”
Bokuto Koutarou:
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I personally believe that Bokuto would have TikTok and would know about the trends unlike the dumbass up there who I think would only stick to one side of TikTok
Bokuto likes diversity in everything and doesn’t like getting left out, once again it’s my opinion
So he obviously knows the trend and you know that he knows, so you got a video of someone with a voice he never heard
He had just came from training and entered the home with a big smile and greeted you with a kiss
And so as he turned his back to you he heard
“Hey, you home alone?”
Bokuto threw the toilet roll at your phone knocking it down
His hair then deflated and looked at you with a look that made you feel extremely guilty
“Kou, it’s a prank.”
He then crossed his arms and faced away pouting
Now how do we make up things to a deflated and pouty Bokuto Koutaro, the great captain of Fukurodani?
Hug him from behind and start kissing his cheek and face then tighten the hug, like you are doing right now
He starts to relax to your touch still being just a little petty
“Don’t do that again, Y/N; these pranks aren’t funny.” He said barely audible as he was trying not to break his pout
He then broke into a fit of laughter and turned to hug you cause I stand by word when I say bokuto loves physical affection with every fiber of his being
And you guys continued the day cuddling <3
Onto the comments:
“That aim tho”
“Can we buy someone like him?”
He also gave you a kiss on the cheek while the camera was filming
And by the way
He told kuroo about this
And kuroo is planning a lovely prank to get you back for what you did for his bro 🥱
And kou doesn’t have any idea that kuroo is doing a prank even
Tsukishima Kei:
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The fact that you thought this was a good idea is very humorous, however tsukishima has TikTok, but ,unlike Bokuto, he literally knows everything
And he knew the moment you kept staring at him with a smirk on your face that there is something up
Inasmuch he was patiently waiting for your time to strike
He however then heard kageyama’s voice say
“Hey, you home alone?”
Love, when I tell you he whipped his head so damn fast he almost snapped it
“Hey king why don’t you go stick your dick in a dirt hole instead, y/n is too good for you.”
Cue you laughing while replaying the recording of kageyama saying that same line three more times
Explaining to him that it was a prank took some long time cause tsukishima was being a petty bitch
“Keiiii, I told you I am sorry—“ “no.” “Please, talk to me!”
Maybe just give him a hug or threaten him with going to kageyama and he will hug you from behind
“Don’t do it again, or I will never forgive you.”
Of course you wouldn’t go off the hook so easily sweetie
Tsukishima Kei ,as Tanaka once said, never forgets to counter and take revenge
So you basically started a prank war and may god be with your neighbors
But y’all still gonna watch the movie you agreed on and gossip so 🙄
You even managed to make him put on a face mask which I salute you for by the way
He is a little disappointed in himself cause he already knew you were gonna do something but still was shocked or rather startled
And for the comments which are the loveliest
“Woah is his neck okay—“
“So stubborn wow”
You showed kageyama his reaction and he almost burst out laughing instead just ended up smirking in an evil way
While on the other hand hinata was rolling on the floor having the best laugh of his life aside from the one after his first receive which I was very proud of him for
Kageyama Tobio:
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Hinata was low key gonna ruin it all
He almost laughed his way through the one sentence he was supposed to say
So your boyfriend was just doing his nails peacefully like the pretty boy setter he is until your dumbass decided to do the prank him while he was doing that
And so in the middle of his nail care session he heard the voice of his best friend say
“Hey, you home alone?”
You didn’t want to use the actual audio since when you guys cuddle he watched TikTok with you and basically knows the trends because of you
Unlike his senior who despite having TikTok doesn’t remember trends for shit
So you called his best friend and made him take part in this and sacrifice his being for a good laugh
Anyways back to him almost injuring his finger when he heard it
He kept glaring at hinata through the phone and ended up hanging up on him and returning him to the “to serve at their head” list for the 37th time
He just looked at you and pouted unintentionally
“It wasn’t funny you know, you scared me.”
now make it up to him
“What can I do so you can forgive me then, Tobio?”
“…milk and cuddles.”
And so he got it what he asked for
Hinata’s funeral got scheduled 3 days later but he made it out alive so it’s okay :D
The comments were interesting to say the least
“Did he just do like oxen do? You know, the air from their nose when mad”
“So pretty”
“I feel like the orange headed dude is gonna get his ass handed to him.”
He went to ask noya and tanaka for advice to get you back for what you did
To which they told him to ignore you for 24 hours
They also shared the idea because they heard oikawa and tsukishima talking about it separately
They also showed him their evil laugh
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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shotorozu · 3 years
getting non-existent feminine products
(tiktok prank)
character(s) : amajiki tamaki, bakugou katsuki, shinsou hitoshi (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, but they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : crack, fluff (x reader)
note(s) : i choose tamaki because i’ve been lacking with him lately but NWNDNWKX please this trend is so funny 💀
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amajiki tamaki
the fact that he even has to get you feminine products was enough to make him blush
yeah, even though he had to get you feminine products in the past— he’s still quite shy about getting them in the grocery store (it’s the stares, not the concept)
“tamaki, could you buy me more feminine products?” and he stops in his tracks, and a blush spreads on his cheeks “s-sure. what do you want me to get?”
“cooch pouch version 2.”
he blinks, and it looks like he has to pass out, “c-come again?”
“cooch pouch version 2. it’s in purple and pink packaging, tama!” the fact that you’re not even the slightest bit of embarrassed, makes him shake.
“okay, bunny. just stay here.” he sighs, and gets out of the car— and that’s when tamaki set off to get you ‘cooch pouch version 2’
he was looking around the feminine product isle, and he was literally about to ditch everything, run back to the car and cry himself to sleep, when he couldn’t find ‘cooch pouch version 2’
“may i help you, sir?” an employee finally decides to offer their services, when they noticed that tamaki was stuck in the isle for quite sometime.
okay tamaki. you’re a part of UA’s big three. there’s no need to be nervous because of this. he reassured himself first, before asking “d-do you have c-cooch pouch version 2?”
the employee blinks, “uh. cooch pouch version 2?” they ask again, and tamaki— very reluctantly, nods.
the walk back to the car felt shameful. “so? did you find it?” you discreetly film his reaction, and he shakes his head, absolutely mortified
“they,, didn’t have it.” tamaki whispers, a very aggressive blush on his face was evident. “i’m so sorry, bunny. they were nice, and i really tried—”
you just laugh. “no, it’s okay tamaki. you don’t have to look anymore.” you reassure him, patting him on the shoulder
you had to reassure him on your way back home 💀 he was just so mortified. you just agree to yourself that you’re never going to do that again
but on the brighter side, the tiktok did well, gathering 800k likes and 2.5M views. the comments were laughing at him, but they also felt REALLY bad
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bakugou katsuki
katsuki’s already your errand boy, when it came to feminine products. he’s practically desensitized to it. even though he acts like he’s so annoyed by it
he’s so confused when he hears ‘super jumbo tampon deluxe; ribboned edition.’ and he’d like to say that he isn’t judging you
but he is, and it’s hard. “the hell’s that?? what are you even putting down there??” and you chuckle at his reaction
“don’t tell me you’re wussing out— on feminine products,” you tease, and he knows that. but he still rolls his eyes
“shut up. i’ll go get them, you’ll see.” he claims, opening the car door and marching off the to store
when he enters the feminine products section, he practically scans every single row for the packaging that has super jumbo tampon deluxe; ribboned edition on it’s front
but then there’s none. so then, that’s when his ruby red irises scan again, and again.
and of course, katsuki radiates intimidating energy— so no one dared on asking him what he was looking for especially in the feminine products section
katsuki— wanting to find the product, hesitates on asking for help, but he does anyway.
the employees blink, but they don’t want to question his motives— the expression on his face was enough to make them search the entire isle
afterwards, katsuki angrily marches back to the car— a slight blush showcased on his cheeks, most likely coming from shame
“so?” you have your phone in one hand, but it’s not very obvious that you’re filming him. “did you get it?”
“you.” he opens the car door, and slides right in, “you. humiliated. me.”
you laugh at his expression, “so i’m guessing that’s a no?”
“DUMBASS, SUPER JUMBO TAMPON DELUXE; RIBBONED EDITION DOESN’T EVEN EXIST. I LOOKED LIKE A FOOL.” he exclaims, irritated and humiliated by the entire encounter
and when you revealed that it was a prank, he,, wasn’t very pleased.
katsuki takes away your kissing privileges, and he’s in a rather silent mood for the rest of the day— but he says he’ll forget about it, if you’ll cook him dinner
you posted the tiktok after you got home, and everyone just assumed you passed away in the hands of your boyfriend 💀 at least you’re tiktok famous now
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shinsou hitoshi
again, also very desensitized to the idea of getting you feminine products— since, it’s not something that you can CONTROL freely
and he’s not in the right place to judge you anyway
he won’t make a big deal out of it, hitoshi will just get your products, and then camouflage it with things from the snack isle
so, hitoshi’s questioning you— when you asked him to buy ‘urethra padding cleanser’ since he’s also familiar with the feminine products isle
he wasn’t aware on what THAT even was, it’s pretty obvious— due to the fact that his eyes were wide like saucers.
“kitten, do you need to go to the doctor?” he asks— he’s half joking, but he’s also half serious because wtf is a urethra padding cleanser??
“no,” you shake your head, “you said you wouldn’t judge.” you fein being bashful, and this seems enough to trick him
“right, sorry kitten. it’s just very concerning that you’d need something like that”
you blink, and he raises his hands up in defeat “i’ll,, try to find it.” even though he isn’t very convinced that he’d find it
he enters the isle, and he scans every single row— and to no one’s surprise, he can’t find it
hitoshi decides to look around again, and when he turns around— there’s a clerk there, smiling at him, and also at his assistance
“hello! do you need help in finding something?”
thank you, store employee. he’s glad he doesn’t have to ask “i,, guess you could say that. uh, does this store have a ‘urethra padding cleanser’?”
the store clerk looks at him like he’s gone mad. “uh,” they look through the isle once again, “i’ll be right back, we’ll need some assistance.”
it doesn’t take long for him to realize that ‘urethra padding cleanser’ doesn’t. even. exist.
he decides that it’s probably best for him to buy some snacks— because leaving the store empty handed feels weird to him.
the tall man apologizes to the staff as he leaves, and the walk back to the car is basically one long walk of shame
“it doesn’t exist,” hitoshi’s quick to say, placing the snacks in your lap— “urethra padding cleanser doesn’t exist. i should’ve trusted my gut.”
you snicker, and you’re glad that you’re filming his reaction— because the look on his face is just priceless. “did you ask for help?”
“i did, actually. they looked at me like i was on some weird shit,” he turns his head, and he’s now facing you “i’m never doing that again.” even though he actually goes back your next cycle, and gets you everything
when you finished recording the tiktok— and also when you revealed that it was all a prank, hitoshi looks SO done
“who would’ve guessed,” he sighs, laying his head on your shoulder “you got there, Y/N. i’ll give you that.” and you’re lowkey lucky that he loves you a lot to not even care 💀
you upload the tiktok in the following hours, and it does great. the comments were mostly laughing at his reaction at the end and they were also sympathetic for him
it somehow managed to get to kaminari’s fyp— considering that he sent you a video of him laughing hysterically the tiktok 🗿
needless to say, hitoshi will ask you if it IS a real product, the next time you make him buy products with,, weird and questionable names
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
ATEEZ vs. Christmas confessions
Pairing: Gender neutral Reader x Member
Genre: Pure fluff 
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: When you spend Christmas at the ATEEZ dorm, they confess to you
Warnings: -
A/n: Merry Christmas!! It’s already Christmas over where I’m at, but it might be weird because I know half of the world is still only in the 24th, but I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and Happy New Years! 
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Would help you decorate a few weeks beforehand 
I feel like he’s probably more excited than he would show 
He just really likes christmas 
He even made a v short song about it because he likes it that much 
Wants to see what you think about it 
Bcs your opinion matter a lot to him 。◕‿◕。
Still won’t admit that he likes you even tho it’s pretty obvious 
Spends the night trying to stay close to you
Would probably get bullied by the other members because they all know 
If anyone else got you for secret santa, he would pretty much beg them to let him have you 
“Hyung, it’s just your luck” 
He just keeps saying please until Wooyoung gives him your name because he starts feeling bad 
Would buy you cute multiple gifts but they’re all small gifts 
Mingi or Yunho would purposefully hold mistletoe above the two of you 
Bcs they just want him to tell you already 
He’s nervous
You’re nervous
You’re both just staring at each other like ●﹏●
Until someone else Yeosang just yells at you to kiss already 
You peck his cheek softly 
Joong’s face is completely red
He wants to kiss you more 
Pulls you away from everyone else to finally confess to you
When you say you like him back he politely asks for another kiss like the good boy he is 
Got you for secret santa when everyone drew names 
He’s excited bcs he knows exactly what to get you
He likes you a lot and tries to make it obvious but not too obvious
Apparently it's not obvious to you bcs you brush it off a lot as friendly flirting 
Puts him down a lot bcs he’s worried you don’t like him back
You do 
You’re just oblivious to it 
San teases him about it a lot 
Wooyoung teases you about it a lot 
“Whaaat?? There’s no way Hwa likes me haha Woo you’re being weird” 
Hwa helps you set up the tree because everyone else planned something to finally get you two together 
They’re all hiding from both of you 
When you and Hwa are alone you’re just setting up the tree while listening to music 
He loves the way you find the ornaments so pretty even when half of them are crumpled 
Bcs Mingi bullied Jongho so he hit him with the bag of ornaments 
Mingi’s lucky they weren’t glass ornaments 
When you notice that Hwa’s staring at you
You blush ofc bcs hhhhh why’s he staring at you like that??? 
“I like you” 
He blurts it out bcs he can’t hold it in anymore 
When he realises that he said it, he blushes like crazy 
You’re blushing too 
You’re also freaking out on the inside 
If you know that tiktok audio filled with high pitched squeaking and screaming yea that’s what’s going on inside your brain 
“yeAH! ◎ܫ◎” 
You’re flustered 
But you finally tell him you like him back too 
The both of you spend the rest of the night pretty much stuck together while the other members bully you both for taking too long to get together 
AAAA I love this man 
If he likes you he would be so precious and flustered about it 
Gets nervous around you vvvvvv easily 
Completely forgets how to act like a human around you 
He screams
And it scares everyone in the room because what??? 
You’re staring at him like “wtf”
He’s staring at you like O_O 
Can’t believe he embarrassed himself like that 
Gets teased by Seonghwa 
The other members knew ofc bcs he’s so bad at hiding it 
You also had a feeling but you never really said anything about it 
Helps you go christmas shopping for secret santa 
He runs around the store like an excited puppy 
Is so amazed by all the cute decorations 
“(Y/n)!!! Can we get these?” 
Points to random decorations and holds them out in front of your face 
You let him because you think it’s cute
When you actually get to decorating their dorm he stumbles around a lot 
Makes you really worried 
You see him hanging the lights 
The ladder starts shaking 
He fell but he’s fine because Hongjoong broke his fall he almost crushed the poor man
Confesses to you on accident 
He’s talking to Mingi about it in their room and you accidentally overhear bcs the door is slightly open
“I like (Y/n) a lot” 
“Yea it’s so obvious” 
“That’s not helping” 
Wants to confess at the right time 
But since you overhear you push open their door to the bedroom and they’re both staring at you like (◯Δ◯∥)
You’re staring at Yunho 
He’s staring at you 
Mingi ran away 
“Yun, I like you too you know” 
He goes all huh 
You tell him that you like him too you just never said anything about it 
His face goes from O-O to :D real quick 
Cuddles you for the rest of the night 
Won’t let you leave his side 
No one knows about his crush on you 
He’s very secretive about it 
Thought about talking to Wooyoung but he knows that man might just spill to you on accident 
It’s happened before and Yeo calls him a bumbling fool because of it 
Can compose himself around you 
But sometimes his mind just goes into overdrive 
Finds everything about you adorable 
You got San for secret santa 
You’re torn between buying him condoms as a joke or actually getting him a proper gift 
Yeosang thinks it’s cute that you even considered buying him peppermint flavoured condoms bcs even he thinks it’s funny 
“Yeosang, seriously, should I get him condoms or the plushie???” 
Laughs at you bcs he finds you extremely adorable 
Even tho he’s not your boyfriend, he protects you whenever the members tease you about something 
You tripped over Yunho’s long ass legs while he was sprawled out in the living room, letting San and Wooyoung try and turn him into the grinch
You get covered in the weird green fur that they were using 
When Yeosang hears them laughing at you 
He comes up behind them all (-`д´-)
He makes them leave you alone 
“Don’t laugh at them!!” 
Helps clean you up too 
It takes a lot of time because you’re covered in glue 
“Why are they using elmer’s glue???” 
“I don’t know,,,” 
You two spend quite some time in the bathroom just trying to clean your previously cute sweater 
Yeosang decides he’ll just throw it into the wash in the morning 
Lets you wear that really big grey hoodie of his bcs he thinks you look so (♥ω♥*)
The way it pretty much engulfs you completely 
He tells you before you leave his room 
“I like you a lot, (Y/n)” 
You’re honestly surprised 
Didn’t expect him to like you back because he’s just that good at hiding it 
You tell him you like him too
He pats your head while feeling all c:
Spends the rest of the night helping WooSan turn Yunho into the grinch 
He tried to make it really obvious that he likes you 
You just never seemed to notice 
Flirts with you a lot 
Compliments you a lot 
Calls you cute a lot 
But you just blush and brush it off 
He’s all pouty because he thinks you don’t like him back 
He forces Jongho to give him your name for secret santa
“But hyuuuung”
Jongho’s lowkey sad bcs he knew what he wants to get you but doesn’t know what to get for Hongjoong 
San goes all out 
Buys you a HUGE gift 
Like it’s actually HUGE 
The box is almost the size of Yunho 
You’re kinda scared of the large package when you see it 
But when you open it you’re all UWU because it’s a giant teddy bear
There’s a cute note hanging off of the tag saying it’s from San 
Draws a cute c: on the note
He tells the others he has a plan to confess to you 
He asks Yeosang to hold mistletoe above the two of you 
Yeosang thinks it’s dumb 
So he asks Seonghwa instead 
He also thinks it’s dumb 
San asks all of them to help 
Hongjoong offers because he wants to be nice (also bcs he knows that if San asks Wooyoung, he might throw the mistletoe at the two of you and accidentally hurt someone in the process) 
Hongjoong gets Mingi to help bcs he’s tall 
Mingi hangs the mistletoe from the ceiling 
Almost gives Joong a heart attack in the process bcs he almost slipped off the ladder 
San’s excited 
Mingi accidentally slips anyway and almost brings down the whole ceiling with him 
Everyone’s terrified
Mingi gets up and reassures everyone he’s fine despite almost destroying the whole dorm 
San’s frustrated bcs now he has no excuse to just kiss you 
Instead, Yeosang shoves you two into the closet and locks the door 
Forces San to confess or else he’ll tell you himself 
He finally tells you 
You go “ohhhhh” bcs now you realise his flirting was actually flirting and not just San being playful 
You apologise for being so oblivious 
San finds you so adorable he just kisses your nose 
You love it 
Spends the rest of the night trailing you like a puppy and makes hot coco with you 
Mingi’s like Yunho 
Becomes an absolute mess around you 
Doesn’t know how to handle his feelings 
Finds every inch of you insanely adorable 
He pretty much does everything for you 
“Mingi, can you help me with—” 
“Okay :D” 
“I didn’t even say what it was…” 
It was just baking cookies 
He helps you decorate the cookies 
He messes up a lot 
The snowmen cookies don’t look anything like snowmen but you find them so cute  
Mingi makes you laugh a lot bcs he likes hearing you laugh 
Purposefully messes up the cookies to show them to you 
“(Y/n)! Look!” 
He managed to turn the santa hat into traffic cone 
You find it so cute 
Mingi’s just an absolute bundle of sunshine around you 
When you’re all decorating the christmas tree 
Jongho hands you the star to place at the top 
But you can’t reach it because the tree’s so tall 
Yunho offers to help but Mingi shoves him aside asks him to let him do it
He stands behind you 
“I’ll carry you” 
You don’t have any time to process that he’s lifted you onto his shoulders 
You’re surprised at how easily he carries you 
Almost bumps your head onto the ceiling because he’s so tall 
“Mingi!! Careful!!” 
He has to squat slightly so that you don’t get hurt 
When he brings you back down he has the biggest smile on his face 
“I like you” 
Your face changes from :D to (꒪⌓꒪) real quick 
Mingi thinks you don’t like him back 
Gets sad for a moment 
It’s not that you don’t 
You just didn’t think he liked you back and now you’re so flustered your brain pretty much short circuits 
He visibly deflates 
You explain that you like him back 
His group members cheer for him bcs goddamn you both took so damn long to confess 
He spends the rest of the night clinging onto you 
“Mingi, I have to pee” 
“Bring me with you” 
He doesn’t want to make it as obvious that he likes you but he can’t help it 
When you’re around he gets so excited his volume goes all the way up
You find it adorable 
You know he likes you and you like him too
You just wanna see how far he goes before he finally confesses to you 
He helps you cook dinner 
You accidentally burn yourself while cooking and he’s all “!!!” 
Maybe he went a bit overboard 
Tries to wrap your entire hand in bandages 
“Woo, I promise I’m fine. It’s just a burn” 
Still offers to run out and buy something to soothe the burn 
It’s not even that serious, your hand just grazed the frying pan lightly 
Wooyoung only calms down when you reassure him for the hundredth time 
Keeps an eye on you while you continue cooking but loosens up after a while 
He feeds you the food to taste (^▽^)
Chases you around with a wooden spoon because you pranked him 
When he catches you 
He can’t bring himself to hit you really hard
So he just 
Taps your arm with it
When it’s time to unwrap presents 
You realise that Wooyoung was your secret santa 
He got a picture of the two of you framed 
It’s a picture you both really like 
Wooyoung LOVES the picture 
Every time he sees it he just gets all (♥ω♥ )
It was the first time you went to their concerts after you became friends 
Jongho helped take the picture at the time 
Wooyoung also had a cute lil sticky note on it that was basically his confession 
You find it so endearing 
When you turn to him he’s smiling really widely but he’s obviously really nervous 
You tell him you like him back and his smile somehow manages to widen 
He pretty much grabs you and pulls you into a bone crushing hug 
He’s honestly a child at heart and he’s so cute 
You spend the rest of the night teasing the other members with him and pranking them 
The other members found it cute at first 
Now they hate it 
Bcs somehow you just managed to make his pranking more intense
Doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions 
Gets really quiet around you because he doesn’t want to say something that could embarrass him
You feel like he doesn’t like you as a person in general from how quiet he is 
Either way, you needed his help to carry some stuff from your car into the dorm 
“Jong, could you help me carry some stuff?” 
His heart flutters at the thought of you asking him first 
So he helps you 
It’s still silent because he really doesn’t want to make a fool out of himself 
You’re kinda scared because you knew he was really strong and you didn’t want torture the others with carrying the bags filled with various christmas decorations 
All of you decorate the living room together 
Jongho’s kinda sad that you don’t stick by his side 
He wonders whether you don’t like him either and starts feeling discouraged because he was supposed to play you a song he wrote
He had Hongjoong help him 
Hongjoong finds Jongho really cute and he couldn’t say no 
He has to reassure Jongho that you do like him because you’ve told Hongjoong before 
“I don’t think they hate you” 
“They don’t talk to me much T-T” 
“Just try it” 
Jongho still doesn’t know how to feel 
Brings out his guitar and starts feeling real nervous 
You watch him intently 
When he’s done, you’re both blushing like crazy 
Pulls you away from the others to talk to you about it 
“You were so quiet I thought you didn’t like me,,,” 
Now he feels bad for being so quiet 
He explains that he just felt really nervous around you 
You find that adorable 
He cuddles you for the rest of the night 
He’s so strong he legit doesn’t let you go and you can’t escape 
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