#- if ur perfume is good shit she will come round sniffing
shrapnelsong · 2 years
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@jaxxmulti​ asked: [ GIVE ] for the taller muse to place their jacket around the shorter muse’s shoulders,  the garment essentially ‘swallowing them whole.’ / from sebek [ smol & tol ]
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     “I’m not doing anything suspicious..!” They’ve known each other for a little while now, and Alice is pretty confident that he’s been able to more or less gauge the type of person she is. Or at least enough to ease up a little on his open, close-ranged stalking. Still, she does admit that it’s out of character for her - and therefore worthy of being seen as suspicious - to be leaving the dorm at such a late hour, which, in turn, has her blurting out a statement that pretty much defeats its purpose.
Despite the moon shining bright above them, Alice hopes that the night is able to disguise her blush as she takes out a book from within her small bag. Opening it where the page marker sits, she shows him the picture of a beautiful flower. “...It only blooms under the full moon.” She offers timidly, angling the book in a way that it partially shields her expression from his watchful eyes. This particular plant does not grow anywhere near where she lives or studies, and when she saw it listed under the local flora, she just had to go and find one for herself.
Yes, she is breaking the rules. If not the academy’s, at least the ones for the exchange students. They’re not supposed to step out of the dorms after a certain hour. She doesn’t mean any harm, but figures he won’t care about that and insist that the rules be followed to the risk. When Sebek doesn’t immediately declare that he’s escorting her back inside, Alice tentatively lowers her book to meet his gaze again.
Much to her surprise, he’s not looking at her with reprehension, but rather with patience. And when he strides past her, seemingly leading the way, the tiniest of gasps escapes her lips and she rushes to catch up with his long strides, trying to keep herself from smiling too wide at how lovely it was of him to do so. Regardless of it being for the purposes of surveillance or escorting.
They walk for a little bit into the forest, the temperature steadily dropping the deeper they go. Alice is too distracted memorizing the path and cataloguing every new plant on the way to even feel it, and when they reach the spot where so many of the flowers are in various stages of bloom, she inhales sharply and sets off ahead of him like a child seeing a new toy at the shop. “They’re beautiful...” She breathes in awe, her usually polite and composed expression so openly unguarded with joy.
Moving closer, she looks from one bloom to the next, trying to find a perfect specimen to be carefully picked and preserved that wouldn’t pose too much stress on the plant. And that is when a warm weight gingerly settles itself over her shoulders, that elegant scent she has come to associate with his semi constant presence at her side suddenly enveloping her most pleasantly.
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Looking down at herself, Alice confirms that it is indeed his jacket shielding her from the cold that she’s just noticed now that she’s wrapped in his warmth. Her smile blooms further, but given that Sebek is so very pointedly looking away from her, she chooses to keep her gratitude to herself for now. She’ll make him his favorites for breakfast later.
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