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anotherdragon · 4 months
Charlie talking about Gillion and headcanons! (Sorry if the audio is a bit quiet)
TTS: Yo Charlie my friend Connor is writing about how Gillion Tidestrider is autistic for his final psychology paper we miss him a lot can you tell
Charlie: Aw, yeah, I know. He'll be back soon, dont worry- he'll be back soon, don't you worry. I don't know that I would necessarily feel comfortable representing a character like that having not been in that position I don't think? Probably. But I think its cool people can kind of like put their own identities on to stuff. Or like... you know, see characters in their own light. But I definitely- I...I don't know if I would... I really... its someth- I really wouldn't want to mischaracterize something like that, you know what I mean? But I think that people can identify and see things within characters that maybe even the creators of them can't.
Charlie: (laugh) Chat just like "Mm okay buddy."
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