slashingdisneypasta Β· 1 year
Ok. Here's take two! Wifi, please, do not let me down!
You sent me that AMAZING ask for the wolves. So now, I must return the favor! I don't have writing, but I have little headvannons I got from the.... Four minutes of screentime the boys got XD (and fangirling)
- First of all, PLEASE LOOK AT GRANNY'S EYES!!!!
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THEY'RE SO BLUE!!! AND BRIGHT!!! I LOVE THEM!!! And Big Bad and Kiddy! It was hard to tell since they didn't have as clear shots as Granny did here, but I think BB had gold/yellow eyes, while Kiddy had red/reddish brown eyes. Matching his collar!
- (Ok imma be honest, Granny got the most headcannons out of me by far. You can tell which one is my favorite XD) So, despite how beautiful his eyes look, I'm thinking Granny might be near sighted. During the chase scene, he completely missed the fact that Ella, Munt, and Mumbo hid from him despite being a few feet away. If this is true, it would explain why he goes after old people and little kids. Easy prey. (Though his aim is pretty good too. So maybe he's got a lot of practice throwing knives for some reason? Or his nose tells him where the target is?)
- Which leads to my second headcannon for him. He's the smartest out of the gang. He's the first to point out that something is up (even though everybody was looking at the castle), and the fact that he was asking Ricky what his deal was hints to this. I know that's not much evidence, but with less screen time than the Toon Patrol, what can you do? XD
- The fact that Granny looks out for Kiddy, told Ricky to have a drink with them, and didn't threaten him when he tried to 'go to work' hints to Granny being the 'nicest' out of all these fellas. However, with how confident he seems to be, it could also be a hint to him just not seeing any reason to throw his weight around. Which could be another point to him being the smart guy of the group.
- Opposite to Granny that I saw though, Big Bad not only seems to be the most manipulative with his interactions with Ricky, he also seems to be the most ready to jump to aggression. He was the first bad guy to run into the ballroom when they broke into the castle, and he seems to have a bad habit of getting into people's faces. This might be another reason why he and Granny have a rivalry; Big Bad feels the need to establish his dominance all the time unlike Granny.
- Despite that though, they seem to be able to work together. When Granny ran past the trio, we hear a different howl behind them. Maybe this is Big Bads or Kiddy's way of calling out to Hranny to tell him he needs to re-route himself. Or to find him if they think he's got lost (I bet you ten bucks Big Bad teases him about needing a guide XD)
- Finally, this is more like a possible, albeit dark, idea for why Kiddy seems the more unhinged member. In his story (if we're correct about which one it is), his ending is... Not pretty. (It involves him getting cut open, stones stuffed into him, sewed back up, and then he falls into a well and drowns because the stones weigh him down). And since it's made clear that this stories have played before and will continue to do so, what if Kiddy just... Snapped? And that's part of the reason Granny looks out for him?
But this could also be used in an x Reader context! Kiddy is having a nightmare about his ending, reader wakes him up and comforts him through the night. It hurts and heals my heart at the same time ^^
That's all I got so far. This is no where NEAR as good as your writing, but I hope you enjoy this either way! ^^
(Also, I I the tags on your last post. I'm sorry that lesson was difficult. I hope these, as well as internet hugs, help you feel better ^^ πŸ’›πŸ’™β€οΈ)
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I loveeeee the idea of Granny being near sighted! It adds dimensions that the wolves desperately need!! XD πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ And this means his sweet S/O can look after him, a little XD And I'm also obsessed with his knife-throwing- that was pretty hot. (And I'm sure its a lot easier to see when the target is not moving like Ella, Monk and Mambo were). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh! Imagine putting a blindfold on the wolves and seeing if any of them can find you- Granny gets to you in like 3 seconds flat. He's used to relying on his nose! Then he spends the rest of the time (Which to be fair is not long, cuz the other two are still wolves and have great noses) teasing the others.
And I could tooooootally believe that he's the smartest too- like, specifically, in that enquiring/nerdy way. Like, if he was in school he'd be asking the teacher so many questions (Imagine the Bell dings, Big Bad tries to get outta his seat and skedaddle, but Granny raises his arm to ask a heavy question- and everyone in class hates him for it XD), and he probably loves puzzles and chess and stuff like that! I can also seeing him be very observant; He notices shit.
And the nice thing!! Totally agree!! He has a little protective in him ^^ *cough* make him a dad.
Ohhhhhhhh yah. Big Bad definitely has a need to be Boss. I feel like Granny sees this and keeps an eye on him- he knows at once that he could never fully trust this guy. This is normal, though, in the world of villains; Its comfortable. So, no biggie. Also, its just fun to mess with the guy XD
Omg!! Big Bad and Kiddy going *sigh* he got lost again. Timeta go fetch 'em // yeah-yeah-yeah- Oh no, we're making them family. Its the Toon Patrol all over again πŸ˜‚πŸ€£.
AND THAT LAST ONE?? I don't even have anything to add. Its perfect. Truly brings Kiddy together. I wanna write it so bad XD
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