#XD thank you so so much for sharing these thoughts they are awesome!!!!!!!
slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
Ok. Here's take two! Wifi, please, do not let me down!
You sent me that AMAZING ask for the wolves. So now, I must return the favor! I don't have writing, but I have little headvannons I got from the.... Four minutes of screentime the boys got XD (and fangirling)
- First of all, PLEASE LOOK AT GRANNY'S EYES!!!!
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THEY'RE SO BLUE!!! AND BRIGHT!!! I LOVE THEM!!! And Big Bad and Kiddy! It was hard to tell since they didn't have as clear shots as Granny did here, but I think BB had gold/yellow eyes, while Kiddy had red/reddish brown eyes. Matching his collar!
- (Ok imma be honest, Granny got the most headcannons out of me by far. You can tell which one is my favorite XD) So, despite how beautiful his eyes look, I'm thinking Granny might be near sighted. During the chase scene, he completely missed the fact that Ella, Munt, and Mumbo hid from him despite being a few feet away. If this is true, it would explain why he goes after old people and little kids. Easy prey. (Though his aim is pretty good too. So maybe he's got a lot of practice throwing knives for some reason? Or his nose tells him where the target is?)
- Which leads to my second headcannon for him. He's the smartest out of the gang. He's the first to point out that something is up (even though everybody was looking at the castle), and the fact that he was asking Ricky what his deal was hints to this. I know that's not much evidence, but with less screen time than the Toon Patrol, what can you do? XD
- The fact that Granny looks out for Kiddy, told Ricky to have a drink with them, and didn't threaten him when he tried to 'go to work' hints to Granny being the 'nicest' out of all these fellas. However, with how confident he seems to be, it could also be a hint to him just not seeing any reason to throw his weight around. Which could be another point to him being the smart guy of the group.
- Opposite to Granny that I saw though, Big Bad not only seems to be the most manipulative with his interactions with Ricky, he also seems to be the most ready to jump to aggression. He was the first bad guy to run into the ballroom when they broke into the castle, and he seems to have a bad habit of getting into people's faces. This might be another reason why he and Granny have a rivalry; Big Bad feels the need to establish his dominance all the time unlike Granny.
- Despite that though, they seem to be able to work together. When Granny ran past the trio, we hear a different howl behind them. Maybe this is Big Bads or Kiddy's way of calling out to Hranny to tell him he needs to re-route himself. Or to find him if they think he's got lost (I bet you ten bucks Big Bad teases him about needing a guide XD)
- Finally, this is more like a possible, albeit dark, idea for why Kiddy seems the more unhinged member. In his story (if we're correct about which one it is), his ending is... Not pretty. (It involves him getting cut open, stones stuffed into him, sewed back up, and then he falls into a well and drowns because the stones weigh him down). And since it's made clear that this stories have played before and will continue to do so, what if Kiddy just... Snapped? And that's part of the reason Granny looks out for him?
But this could also be used in an x Reader context! Kiddy is having a nightmare about his ending, reader wakes him up and comforts him through the night. It hurts and heals my heart at the same time ^^
That's all I got so far. This is no where NEAR as good as your writing, but I hope you enjoy this either way! ^^
(Also, I I the tags on your last post. I'm sorry that lesson was difficult. I hope these, as well as internet hugs, help you feel better ^^ 💛💙❤️)
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I loveeeee the idea of Granny being near sighted! It adds dimensions that the wolves desperately need!! XD 😂😂 And this means his sweet S/O can look after him, a little XD And I'm also obsessed with his knife-throwing- that was pretty hot. (And I'm sure its a lot easier to see when the target is not moving like Ella, Monk and Mambo were). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh! Imagine putting a blindfold on the wolves and seeing if any of them can find you- Granny gets to you in like 3 seconds flat. He's used to relying on his nose! Then he spends the rest of the time (Which to be fair is not long, cuz the other two are still wolves and have great noses) teasing the others.
And I could tooooootally believe that he's the smartest too- like, specifically, in that enquiring/nerdy way. Like, if he was in school he'd be asking the teacher so many questions (Imagine the Bell dings, Big Bad tries to get outta his seat and skedaddle, but Granny raises his arm to ask a heavy question- and everyone in class hates him for it XD), and he probably loves puzzles and chess and stuff like that! I can also seeing him be very observant; He notices shit.
And the nice thing!! Totally agree!! He has a little protective in him ^^ *cough* make him a dad.
Ohhhhhhhh yah. Big Bad definitely has a need to be Boss. I feel like Granny sees this and keeps an eye on him- he knows at once that he could never fully trust this guy. This is normal, though, in the world of villains; Its comfortable. So, no biggie. Also, its just fun to mess with the guy XD
Omg!! Big Bad and Kiddy going *sigh* he got lost again. Timeta go fetch 'em // yeah-yeah-yeah- Oh no, we're making them family. Its the Toon Patrol all over again 😂🤣.
AND THAT LAST ONE?? I don't even have anything to add. Its perfect. Truly brings Kiddy together. I wanna write it so bad XD
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chubs-deuce · 2 months
So, I’ve been reading If You Like Piña Coladas and I’m absolutely loving it — it’s superbly written and I love all the art you make for it!! The sunset illustration especially made me stop reading for a minute just to freak out over how beautiful it is!
As I was reading, I had some thoughts about your AU with Dawn and have some questions if you don’t mind answering them!
Basically with the introduction of Frederick in Chapter 2, it made me wonder what Dawn would think of the human world if she was on a family vacation with her parents in this AU?
Is there anything in particular you think she might enjoy and how do you think she’d respond to being around human children like Frederick? I was wondering if she’d fit in really quickly or if would she struggle because there probably are very few children in Hell and she might not be used to meeting with kids her age.
I imagine Frederick wouldn’t be her choice of friend for obvious reasons, but at the same time I find the idea of Alastor fuming about them bonding quite funny XD
It’s honestly so so awesome that we have so many amazing artists and writers like you and your friend in the Charlastor fandom — I love the ship on its own, but I think the amazing community of creative people who share their love for the pairing online makes it extra special 🦌🌈🎶🔥
first of all thank you so so much for reading and I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying it!!! :D it sure is a blast to work on and me and @hazbinhobo are having a ton of fun with it!!!
And ohhh boy :'DDD
I think Frederick in particular would be difficult to actually be friends with, since he's very much the kind of gamer kid snob who wants nothing to do with other kids if they're not on "his level" - like the kind of kid who screams at you about how much you suck in online games and resorts to cheating and hacks way too quickly
he's a griefing little dickhead basically
Alas this is the first thing came to mind haha:
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w0lp3rtinger · 4 months
ANYWAY HI I'VE BEEN REALLY EXCITED TO SHARE THIS! This is the piece I wrote and submitted for the @shadamyzine! In fact, @deadrabbithq on tumblr did illustrations for it! They turned out awesome! alskjdflsj I DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE GONNA DO THAT AND I'M SO HAPPY!!! THEY TURNED OUT GREAT <3 <3
Okay so this piece is weird. You know that Jacket Shadow has in that calendar piece? The one where ShadAmy fans, accustomed to crumbs, lost their shit because Shadow and Amy were next to one another on the calendar and had matching cherry blossom motifs and Shadow had That Fucking Cherry Blossom Jacket??? THAT JACKET??? It has a GRIP on my SOUL can you tell can you fucking TELL?????
(I can't find the actual official art but in lieu of that PLEASE go check out @kuroiyuki96-art amazing piece here and maybe you'll understand how I went Fucking Feral over it.)
Anyway XD
Hats of and huge thanks to @shadowsfascination and @killingthecringe! They are the ones who beta-read this!
YOU CAN READ IT ON ARCHIVE HERE! (but I REALLY recommend reading it on the Zine which you can find HERE!)
It comes about in a slow series of moments, the act of Becoming. 
Like the rain that drums its lazy fingers atop the roof of the warehouse, then the attic window, then the storage shed. It is a measured tattoo across the decades of time just as much as the footsteps of the mice, the fluttering of the moths, the creeping of the yellow across pristine white leather and gentle fading of brilliant reds. 
It is moved from box to box. A game piece in the shuffling and settling of affairs. Something to be bartered and sold. It’s neat and tidy for a while. Then, a business closes. An estate liquifies. The box is suddenly adrift on tides of time and paperwork. 
This Prenatal Dark seems to stretch forever, but then, it always does. That is the way of things. The Becoming cannot happen yet. The Wait must occur. It is the silence Beforehand, the Eternity predating the Infinity, and the Infinity is the Rest of Existence in Becoming. 
Because eventually, there is light. Eventually, there’s a young woman who peels back the cardboard and runs her hands down unyielding buttons and a stiff wool front, and the smile she gives outshines the sun. 
That’s where it starts. 
Infinity unrolls in the hours she has taken to looking at the future, walking around still-creased edges thrown over her mother’s dress form. Sometimes she’s sketching on scratch paper, face scrunched like all of the discarded waste around her bare feet. Sometimes, she’s holding up threads against the faded reds and yellowed whites, clicking her tongue as she checks the morning, the afternoon, the evening light against the colours of what is and the colours of what will Become. 
But Infinity is a long time. Becoming is not easy, and eventually, the Becoming takes on the tune of maple seeds pelting her open bedroom window in a breeze that smells of coming summer. Meanwhile, the ground outside is littered with browning pink blossoms. 
She wears it, thinking of the Past, thinking of Eternity, and she’s crying. Her tears are salty on musty cuffs. 
When her mother comes in to ask what is wrong, she talks about being Late, about taking too long, about overthinking everything. 
But there is never a Too Late in Becoming. 
Her mother says this to her, and it can be felt in every Fiber of Being. It sinks into the Stitching of Everything, along with the salty tears, along with the heavy smell of late spring. 
There’s Hope in Becoming. 
She tries again. Tries harder, truly, this time. There’s a shaking in her hands against the flat of red wool as she traces her twirling thoughts out in soft chalk against the wide expanse of space, Immortalized as a part of the Becoming, taking form one stitch at a time across Being. 
Her Learning Hands guide the Change, to a point. 
Some things, they happen Intentionally, with Purpose. Some things, they happen by chance. Perhaps they could be called Accidents, but she has Learning Hands. She leaves no Accidents. 
She adapts, and just like the branches she stitches, she Grows.
There are no silken threads. They are solid quilting threads, this shape of Becoming that spreads out between her fingers. From limb, to branch, to twig. From each petal, stamen, anther. They are built to last with a Heart that wields Love like a hammer. 
Sturdy. Strong. Real. 
There’s mass to that sort of Love. It sits in the chest and in the palms of hands as a comfortable weight. It solidifies the Infinity of Becoming in a way nothing else can. 
It rests astride the shoulders like a set of warm hands. 
It says, ‘Become whatever it is you will to Become. I will Love you anyway.’ 
And so, such things happen.  
And eventually, they are Blooming with so much Becoming that they put the spring outside to shame. Gilded in brilliant Colour and Texture, they are so Full that they threaten to burst from it. When she wears them outside one day when the world is Pristine and Still under moonlight, they blister like a solar flare against the white. 
And she’s whispering. It’s the darkest night of the year, here out in the cold, and she’s whispering into the cuffs.
“You will take care of them.” 
She keeps repeating, gripping them tight in her hands as she holds them to her mouth. She keeps repeating with her eyes wide on the moon, watching the movements of something that cannot be seen. She keeps repeating. It’s something between a hope and a wish and a threat. 
“You WILL take care of them.” 
And it’s Love. 
Love. It’s all Love. That’s all it ever was, the all of it, the everything, of Love. It makes so much sense now, the Everything of it All. 
It rings in the still silence of deep winter. It shakes the snow from distant trees and sends the night birds into the sky. 
But then, there is more Wait. 
And it is a long Wait. 
So busy and bustling was the Becoming that they had almost forgotten the Waiting part of it all. But there’s a Fear that must be thawed out. 
It could almost be missed, but it is there, slow-moving in deep waters, far below where the sunny disposition shines. It is there and it drifts but slowly, all husk and tatters and old wounds. It takes a long time before bravery can thaw those waters. There are many talks over the kitchen table. There are many hours of baking in the kitchen, of turning the eggs into frothy whites, stiff as snow drifts.
She wears her Effort and her Love through it all, as though her own Becoming takes place from the outside in, but that’s not how this works. It has to come from inside first. That’s one of the core tenets of Becoming. 
Nobody can Become for you. You have to Become for you. 
The Planning, the Stitching, the Waiting. Maybe they were the acts into which she thrust herself, threw herself upon the task, but the Becoming still happened on the inside of all of that. 
For every Action, there is an equal and opposite Reaction.  
For in your path of Creation, you Become. 
Snow drifts melt. Spring is brave. 
All the world comes into a dawn of oranges and pinks and baby greens, all dig deep down one last time before leaping up, like a heart in a throat, like a pitched voice, like a question, like a- 
She never Plans when she holds her Heart out, not really. It’s just the brute force of her thrust forward, stitched there in red wool, where each thread rises like a crocus from the frozen ground. What is done cannot be taken back. 
You cannot un-Become. 
The Still that follows is deafening. The Waiting of an instant feels like a lifetime, a cable of steel splitting it down the seam between their wide and watchful eyes. 
And for all their winter, for all their waiting in the silence, in an instant, it becomes so clear- 
Of course they Love her. 
Love her, Love her, for she is Becoming, as they are Becoming. 
And it gilds the shoulders, protects the back and arms, shields the heart by splitting it wide open down the forward facing front, towards the sunrise, towards her bright and shining eyes. 
A Safe Haven, enabling vulnerability.
What terror. 
What bliss. 
They have Loved this entire time. 
And here, now they Become One.
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amethystfairy1 · 1 month
Hi!!! I love your writing so much!
I know you have mentioned earlier that the hybrids in TT don’t have courting rituals like in TTSBC.
It is my personal head cannon that the hybrids did have courting rituals before they were enslaved but since they have been enslaved for generations those rituals have been lost to time.
That could also lead to things such as the fact the dog hybrids have attachments to their long hair comes from, as their ancestors would have cleaned and taken care of each other’s hair as part of the courting ritual.
It’s just my personal thoughts and just wanted to share!
Sorry for the rambles, it’s just your stuff just sparks my autistic brain.
Your stuff has made me stim in so many ways and it just makes me so happy (and sad when appropriate for angst)
Thank you so much for your awesome stuff (and sorry if none of this makes any sense)
I think that's an awesome headcanon, I like it! It definitely would make sense that the enslavement of their subspecies tamped out a lot of their courtship rituals or other cultural habits 😭
I'm so glad my stuff makes you happy! (or angstily appropriately sad XD)
Thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts, I love to hear them!!! 💖
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belong2human-kind · 9 months
Hey guys, Clara here!! How are you??
I'm here to talk about something more serious right now. But don't worry!
As someone who is deeply in love with the SW Rebels saga since even before the first airing and someone who has accompanied all of the development of this amazing expansion of the Star Wars' universe, I want to say that this is one of the most diverse community I've met, and this makes me really happy about how so many different beings share the same interest and passion for this show as I do 🧡
So.. my profile won't lie huh? I'm down for a ship of this show so so bad, and if you, person on the other side reading this, still don't know what I'm talking about, let me tell you: I'm a biig sabezra shipper and fan! Since the first time I saw these two interact, I feel in love with their dynamics. And as the show continued, the sentiment that they could be one of the healthiest pairings of the entire saga only grew more. I love both characters individually, Ezra and Sabine, and also love them as a couple.
Joining tumblr and being active here about them, I entered the community and even dared to share my weird thoughts and stuff and own creations about this universe I love so much. I was so so so motivated by amazing people who gave me support to show my little creations, and I made truly wonderful friends here on the ship community that I'll cary for life. I won't lie that I am very eager about this ship so whoever I see engaging in Sabezra, I tend to follow XD (I hope this isn't too weird heh ^^)
I'm here to talk about two things.
1. I am very thankful for the friends I've made on the ship community and the series community as a whole too. Also, the majority of people I interact with are absurdly amazing, kind and sweet, and as I said, it's really touching and heartwarming to me to know that such a different and diverse community is united by one specific passion about SW. You guys are amazing, stay awesome 🧡💜
2. This being said, unfortunately, things can get a little heated up about some topics, specifically the ones involving pairings. So, I'm here to talk/ask, all of the people who, like me, are part of this community, to just remember that, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter who you support your character with or without: we are still united by the same interest, this one being the love for those characters with such deep, unique and touching stories.
The Ghost Crew is a family, and we, the fandom, are kinda like a big one too. So what I'm here to ask is: Hey, be kind to each other 🌻 Different opinions exist, but this is not only fine, this is amazing. It'd be boring if everyone on earth loved Rebels or even my favorite ship, sabezra, because if everyone did then it wouldn't be something so unique and especial, and it is. As I said before, this community is so diverse! We can enjoy different things, we actually should do that! But, by the end of the day, we're just a bunch of people who love star wars. I think we can all agree on that ^^
That being said, I also apologize. I try to not engage with any hate spreading messages, and I know that there are quite a few here on both the shipping communities and the entire community too. Nothing can really justify being mean to someone (at least that's what I believe and try to hold myself on) but I know that we never know what's really happening behind the screen for someone, even if they share. Life can be tough, I know this myself. So I apologize for all of my friends and community colleagues that might have hurt on others, and also, apologize on myself as well if I did let this happen too. As much as I try always being kind, I'm still a human, with ups and downs and one that can make some mistakes too. I try my best to make people around me (physically and virtually) to feel comfortable and embraced because I think everyone deserves that. But at the same time, we can hurt people intentionally and unintentionally so easily :( So yeah, I apologize for that. And I hope we can interact with each other with kindness and respect. I think this is one of the most important things to do as a human: be gentle to others and the nature around you.
Uhh I speak so much :'n It's 2am now and I have class tomorrow, my adhd brain is still running on circles on my head LOL so I'll be off for now. Keep awesome guys! And stay safe 🌻
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allastoredeer · 3 months
I didn't realize we could just drop in and say "hello"! Hello! I just wanna say that I legit haven't been so deep in any kind of fandom since the Harry Potter days and I'm SO GLAD that I came across "Just Kiss Already" a couple of weeks ago. It's been like a domino effect ever since. Firstly, I watched the show and was like "Okay that was really good but I need more! I wonder if people still write fanfiction?" I went my my old stomping grounds, fanfiction.net, but there was only like 1K HH stories there. Clearly there's another place. Thankfully I discovered AO3 and omg.. the OPTIONS it had! So I found your story, LOVED it, then found your tumblr, looked though it and found all the awesome fanart, made my own tumblr and now I'm drawing fanart again for like the first time in almost 20 years! I just wanted to let you know that you are such an AMAZING writer and I feel like I'm fortunate to have discovered your work as early as I did. The show alone, I might have lost interest already but because of fantastic people like you, you've made me so much more interested in the characters, their personalities and their possible stories.
It's going to be a painfully long wait for season 2 you make the wait more bearable. Please don't stop writing. You have an astonishing understanding of the characters and I check every day for new updates! Thank you!
HI! Hahah, I love it when people pop in to say hello, so feel free to do so whenever!
Ah, when that hyperfixation sets in deep and won't let you go. Oh man, I feel you. When you mentioned fanfiction.net you sent me ZOOMING into the past when that was my old stomping ground too XD I've since moved to AO3 and despite still having fics on FF.net I hardly go there anymore. So, welcome!! AO3 is a goldmine of fics, so I hope you're eating your fill!
AhhhhhhhhH! ♥‿♥ It's so awesome to see people getting creative and writing their own fics & making their own fan-art! TBH it's been a while since I've been in a fandom THIS active (actually, I don't think I've EVER been in a fandom this active), so interacting with so many awesome people with shared interests is just hhhhhhhhhh it's been amazing.
And thank you so much (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I absolutely LOVE writing. It is a passion of mine. Storytelling and character analysis brings me so much joy, and to hear that it brings other people just as much joy makes me just
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I love sharing stuff with you guys 🥺 and I love that you love it in turn. It's a cycle of love and appreciation and it's beautiful. I have a lot of Hazbin thoughts and prompts squirreled away, not just for my RadioApple series ;) and I'm very excited to get into them!
Thank you so much for dropping by to say hi! 😍
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kaiserkisser · 6 months
mutuals appreciation post <333
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hello, everyone. this is my end of year mutuals appreciation post to thank each and every one of you here, who has put up with me enough to be friends with me. I simply can't put it into words how much I love yall and how much im grateful to all of you for being here, but I'll still try. I wish all of you a very very happy new year ❤
@delusina kaz, thank you. thank u sm for everything. you were my first mutual and i love you sm for that. almost all the friends i have right now, they're thanks to you. i still remember sending you cat pics every week in the beginning (im sorry i forgot to continue that 😭) and you and vi are the reason ✿❀ anon exists <3 ilysmm <333
@floraldresvi VIVI. ILYSM. ik ive already sent you a new year ask but still i can never express my appreciation for you enough <3 thank you sm vi for literally always being there for me, and i hope i can return the favor whenever you need :) i lovelovelove seeing you in my notifs :)) also baivi rules <333
@chosokisser mai my bbg my love /p again, ive already mesaaged you, but still, im so glad i have you in my life. if you need absolutely anything, if you just wanna talk to smn, or anything, ill always be here. in fact, we can even commit arson together if you want :DD and remember that me and choso adore you to heaven and back <333
@haithamvoid again, thank you sm for being friends with me. <33 im literally so glad for the day i opened tumblr to find mai forcing us to socialize XD we seem to have a bunch of shared interests and i remember the times we sent each other a bunch of kaiser (and gojo??) pics ehehe (also if you play genshin then on which server-)
@damyoujackson uhm thank u sm for being my irl bestie. I mean it. honestly i dont think ive actually had a friend i clicked with as much as i did with you in a long time. ik its probably not easy putting up with someone weird like me so erm tysm.. in all seriousness im really glad we're friends <33 ( we do NOT talk abt this in school OKAY.) (<- me being awkward)
@noomon you are an absolutely amazing, warm and pleasant person to be around! (And i love your aesthetic too omg) anyways you're very caring and nice and i always perk up whenever i see you in my notifs or inbox <33
@mikacynth mikaaa its been agesss i hope you're doing alright and uni is treating you well </3 again, one of my first mutuals that i interacted with bc you were a 'mutual in law' of mine hehe :) you're also an awesome and fun person to be around, so remember that me and kaeya love u <333
@yinyinggie yingg! You're such a big blog, so thank you sm for interacting with me! you're totally wonderful, and im so glad i got to participate in the ebg hosted by you hehe that was SO much fun <333(and it hurt my heart too but nvm-) anyways ilysmm <33
@alexisomnias aaah alexisss we dont interact much these days but still, i love you so so much, you are someone i always love seeing on my dash or in my notifs <3 and i adore alekav too its so cutee <333
@kitorin omg yes soutaa you're another person who shows up on my dash often and i love that you do <3 i hope you dont mind all the times ive tagged you in smth ahshshdhb i also always smile whenever i see u in my notifs so thank u smm for being moots with me <33
also to @ilyuu @m1shapanda @supernova25 @chooodles @camvrin @meidnightrain we havent interacted much this year, but ive loved seeing you guys often on my dash so i hope we interact more this next year <333 please dont mind me tagging you dhshsh
Happy New Year to all of you!!!! I hope you all have all the joys of the world and that all your wishes get fulfilled, because you guys totally deserve it 💕
I found a little something too here that i wanted to share with all of you since i thought you guys might like it <333
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levmada · 4 months
KANE hi, i hope you’re having a good day
Your work is awesome, specially the analysis of Levi, his childhood, relationships and mental state
Would you ever consider doing something similar for Kenny? Or his relationship with Levi?
If you already have, could you share a link to the post or something you consider relevant to him? He’s a pretty interesting guy and he’s had quite the impact on Levi’s life but i just don’t see much content about him in general XD
No pressure at all, and thank you so much for everything!
and thank you!! :D i have done a few about their relationship
and here
+ i’ve written this (one of my fav fics i've written actually), exploring veryyy deeply what kenny's training might've been like, and by extension their relationship.
eh not to repeat what i said in those posts, but in a nutshell, kenny definitely wanted levi to survive. ((((later on, they just happened to be fighting for opposite things)))) which says a lot for the guy who told kuchel to stop the pregnancy because there's no reason to bring children into such a horrible world. if kenny was the monster he *seems* to be, tbqh their meeting would've been it for levi.
but he's even worse than levi at Emotions™���, for one. for another, there is a dissonance in him: 1 part that reinforces that he can't be a father figure, that he will ruin the goodness kuchel ingrained in him, so he should be mean to levi as much as possible so he doesn't make any emotional connection. plus, being hard on levi will improve his odds of survival...on top of that, it's painful to think about kuchel, so that's even more reason to detach himself emotionally. but on the other hand, he's going to make sure levi has a good shot at survival because he's his family (and who wouldn't like little levi😇).
(but he didn't ruin his goodness, ofc :'))))
this presents a lot of nuance and complexity to his character not many recognize i think.
… ANYWAY this … more focused on levi. i was imagining the type of person kenny was trying to mold him into by (basically) taking advantage of just... objectively kind people. levi's need for praise from him, and what is required of him to survive, versus his very very ever-present compassionate heart.
and lastly this fic. super fun to get inside kenny's head and play with how he acts and thinks mirroring how levi would go on to be :3 + and exploring how they'd """""talk"""" about kuchel
yeah so in case you couldn't tell, it’s super interesting to me how levi and kenny get / got along😅 but i’d love to make an analysis of sorts on kenny soon… (lack of canon info aside).
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crankityart · 2 years
Guuuuuuuys, I'm gonna cry ... soooo ... I need to tell you all about my German comic con experience and how I met Harry Lloyd IN DETAIL!
First of all, the piece you have all been waiting for:
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AHHHHHH I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT! First of all, something I did not expect: Harry's autograph line was sooo empty. 🙈 The moment he arrived it was like ... 3 of us! Nonetheless, he was super sweet and friendly. When I told him I was here because I loved his performance as Viktor he was so surprised but happy about it! He immediately said, "Oh, I love Viktor!" and when I told him he was my favorite character Harry responded, "Mine, too!" So yeah, we bonded a little over our mutual love for Viktor. XD He gave me so many nice compliments and said the artwork is fantastic and 🥺🥺🥺 and my favorite comment of his when he saw the piece was "Well, usually Viktor doesn't look that happy!" 😂 and I had to admit to him that I was rather fond of sassy Viktor.
Eventually, I told him to put something motivational on it instead of my name and HE WROTE THE FRICKIN "CRANK IT" LINE! I secretly hoped that it would be a lil "crank it" or something but didn't say anything and he instinctively put it on there and I couldn't be happier 🥺❤️
But that's not all ... okay, I ... I got greedy ...
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Yep, I also bought a selfie ticket, don't mind me here. :'^) It was so awkward coming to his booth a second time (as far as I could tell his booth was rarely occupied by fans and I kinda wanted another shot, because you know, no waiting in line, what an opportunity! Gotta give him that sweet money, this poor man should not sit here all alone!) and this time I was the only one in line and Harry was still the sweetest. He asked me how my day was and if I had a good time and even asked for my name because I didn't mention it the first time. And then we shook hands and he said "Nice to meet you" like A GENTLEMAN! I swear he was so down to earth, it was so wholesome. 🥺 If you get the chance to meet him, please do it! I highly recommend it! And my favorite thing while waiting in front of his booth was listening to the people making comments about him when walking by because some people were hilarious! I remember one girl going "I thought he was kinda ugly in GoT but what the hell he is SO CUTE in real life!" 😂 poor and lucky Harry.
The rest of the time I've spent walking down artist alley and giving away my other Viktor fan art copies to other artists. I met some really cool people and had great conversations AND they all wanted to give me their arcane artwork in return, so I basically traded all of my copies for other awesome art. That was so nice of them! 🥺 And yeah, simultaneously I had the chance to brag about my autograph and hopefully inspired a few of them to get one themselves. 😌 so much for my Harry Lloyd/Viktor propaganda, haha. (I didn't see a single Viktor cosplay though, that was blasphemy!!)
Overall, it was just so nice and wholesome! Thank you so much for motivating me, because without you I don't think I would have created so many Viktor artworks. 🥹 Sharing them on here with everyone is so dear to my heart! ❤️
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sovereignspades · 1 year
Hey, same Anon(https://www.tumblr.com/sovereignspades/717092242393890816/hey-u-do-batim-and-cuphead-art-and-i-just-wanted?source=share) as before, thanks for answering my questions and concerns. Honestly, I've always wanted to do a Bendy and Cuphead crossover, I've got quite a bit of what I'd like to tell you in mind right now. I really appreciate you making sure I'm not being dramatic or rude, by the way, your art style is really cute! and I'll see if I can give these other blogs a chance. thank you so much for listening to me. have a good day!
ooooo I'd be interested in hearing about it if you wanted to share ^^ and of course! I'm happy to hear it helped :D
There are tons out there that are pretty cool! to name a few that I know of, there is @qftim-c which is a continuation, @overlee, and I believe @cucarachaisgay07 are also continuations, @theinkymystery has like a retelling of it on ao3, @inkmachine7 has some pretty awesome stuff too and has some very interesting aus :> same with @creator-of-monsters, @paint-n-thinner has amazing stuff as well!!! > w < and of course I have to self promote @babtqftim-reinked uwu which is one I'm working on with two other friends of mine
There are just, so many out there xD!!!! but all of them are so worth checking out, even the ones I haven't mentioned here/most likely don't know about yet xD
Also, thank you so much!! I wish you luck on your journey and that you also have a good day :>
sorry for all the tags guys just thought it'd make it easier to find ya'll, you all are amazing seriously &lt;3
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pinksmonkey · 10 months
sorry to hear about your friend. :( some people are very set in stone as far as their view of the show, and there’s not a whole lot we can do about that.
i will say, though — people can change their minds!
in mid-july of 2022, just a few weeks after volume 2 came out, my brother and i got into an argument about mike and his “love confession.” i argued he does love el, but not romantically, and he argued that he loves her romantically. he also said that mike’s been wanting to tell her this for years, but he’s “socially awkward.” we agreed to disagree and that was the end of that.
an entire year later (so this was just a couple months ago!), we ended up getting into a conversation about stranger things. i implied that i thought mike and will were interested in each other, and he…completely agreed with me?
he went as far as to say stuff like “mike never liked el in That way, he just thinks she makes him look cool” and “i’m a guy and i don’t fight with my friends the way they do” and how, looking back on it, will giving him the painting and that arc should’ve been enough for him to know it was a mutual situation.
after our 2022 conversation, i was sure to never talk about byler with him. i don’t even think i brought it up initially once i found out he was a m.leven shipper, because i didn’t want to be ridiculed or called delusional.
i’m not sure when he came to these conclusions, but somehow his mind had completely changed on its own (and no, he isn’t a part of the fandom online). when i asked him about now thinking byler is reciprocated and will happen, he just said he “knows how to follow a pattern.”
it’s possible that people in your life will come around! even if they don’t, others are seeing the vision, and i really do believe we’ll be seeing our boys be happy together by the conclusion of season 5. :)
Wow, that's awesome! Thank you so much for sharing that story!
And yeah, Mike loves El, but Idk if he ever truly loved her romantically, at least no where near to the same level that he's been shown to love Will.
Thanks for giving me some hope. Not that I really need my friend to change his mind, but it'll make it easier for him when season 5 comes out and Byler ends up happening. XD
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komorebi-rabbit · 2 months
Hey you!
I just came from your Sasori Roleplay account. I wasn't sure if you were active there anymore, so I hopped on over here via your pinned post.
You seem like a talented and fun person to roleplay with, so I thought why not ask?
I've read your rules and some of the older blogs and they really resonated with me.
I used to roleplay Itachi on Amino like you used to play/still play(?) Sasori on here. Those in depth roleplays that just make my heart sing. And also the RPs that are a pain to find because...well...novella takes work. And building a bond with a character who isn't naturally friendly takes even more time.
Still those have got to be the most fun times I can remember from my teens. And I misss them...
It was quite challenging to find people who share similar views on roleplaying and like the same fandom. So I must have given up sometime back. And when I read your blog today, I was instantly like "Oh my god this is exactly what I was looking for" (except like 6 years passed since I last attempted that xD)
So I wanted to pop in and say "Hi, I love your blog already!" but that didn't quite suffice so here we are xD.
It's kinda funny because after all this time not roleplaying, I found myself on tumblr, figured why not make a Sasori RP account (there are many others for the Naruto characters) to have some fun and be nostalgic? But...there was still a little 'eh' that was missing. And I found it in your blog.
I adore it, when people just get their characters and portray them correctly. And I've been aching to find more people like this. I remember it being quite the challenge in the past, back in my Itachi days, so it was like a gift to find your account!
Anyways, I am trailing off-
I'd love to RP with you sometime. Or...to just chat and reminisce about days past, even if I just discovered you today. I just know I would have loved to have you in my Akatsuki geoup back in 2015.
I hope you have a lovely day!
This is the SWEETEST message, oh my lord, thank you so much! You have no idea how happy this made me and how much I needed this little spark of positivity in my life right now!
I unfortunately no longer RP on tumblr due to some incidents that have made me wary over the years. I also no longer RP Sasori, but I do still RP in the Naruto fandom, just on Discord with friends that I am comfortable with. Novella does take work! But man, if it isn't worth the effort! I'm so glad people are still RPing and taking up Sasori. He absolutely deserves that love! Unfortunately, I did most of my tumblr RP back when the manga was still ongoing and tumblr was at its peak so there was a LOT more interaction then than I see these days. I wish it could go back to being that way! I miss a lot of the friends I made back then! (But also I'm still friends with some of them 10 years later, it's fantastic. You really form some lasting bonds). Even back then, however, there were only ever a couple of Sasori accounts (like... maybe 3, not including myself? And most were not active).
I'm mostly a Shisui RPer these days, though I do write for Kakashi, Tobirama, Kisame, and Izuna, too! Like I said, though, I only RP with those I'm super comfortable with, but if you want, I have plenty of recs for you! I'm also KomorebiRabbit on AO3 and @komorebirabbitwrites. My Sasori is actually heavily based on characterization from @renaerys and her works from back then (such as Zero Hour) and she is still writing FANTASTIC Sasori works to this day. I mean absolutely unbelievable, haunting, you will never get it out of your head type fics. Her characterization is unparalleled and also she's just an awesome person in general! I also mod @sasoriweek which will happen again in November of this year!
Also, if you like dark, horror-heavy Sasori, Athelise on AO3 is absolutely amazing! She writes such an interesting Sasori and some phenomenal smut, I definitely recommend her!
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rosapexa · 4 months
WiP Whenever
Thank you for tagging me @chevvy-yates , @wanderingaldecaldo , @gloryride 🖤
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I'm working... Ok, working is not the right word for that. I'm experimenting and losing my mind over this for weeks now. And honestly i've been depressed so many times over this, it really hasn't been fun in a while, unlike making the tattoos for V-Lexa. But also i can't let things go, when i start something, so taking a step back and just leave this for a while, was not really an option (and i tried). And i really wanted to make something for her.
And since yesterday, i think i'm finally on the right track. Maybe. Hopefully. We'll see. Sorry, i'm rambling.
I always wanted to give Lexa some tattoos. But there hasn't been anything so far, which i thought would fit her. And also tbh i didn't even really knew myself what i wanted for her. And tbh it was kinda difficult to find something, cause everything i tried, wasn't "good enough" for her and i was (and still am) constantly unsure, if i'm not ruining her.
It was a lot easier to find something for V-Lexa. Not because i care less about her, but because she's in comparison relatively new and i'm still figuring everything about her out.
But Maelstrom Lexa has been around for quite while now and allthough i want changes, i'm so scared (yeah, it doesn't make sense). Also it doesn't help, that her personal lore is about wanting (Maelstrom) perfection and making her body the perfect weapon -.-
Aaaand i'm rambling again. Ok... Changes:
New tattoos of course. Lexa LOVES skulls. On her clothes, as decorations... So that is also mostly the theme for her tattoos. A lot of skulls. But she also got two "let's get some ink while blackout drunk" tattoos (she's not always perfect xD). On her right hip you can get a glimpse of a "yelling" cat, which she got after Salem adopted her and she just wanted to show off, that she now has a fur baby. The other is a Maelstrom logo on her leg which she got shortly before her initiation, when she got extemely drunk with Royce and Dum Dum and decided it's time for a gang tattoo. And of course they thought it was an awesome idea 😂
There's a tattoo for Johnny as well. It's the heart on her right arm. Not a cute heart, since we're still talking about Lexa, so it's the... literal organ 🫀 I still have to add Johnny's name and their wedding date to it. Also i would like to give him the same tattoo, but i'm not sure about that yet. Mostly because i'm hesitant to change his tattoos and don't want to get yelled at for that 🥴.
I got rid of her vanilla body scars and trying right now to give her some custom ones. Because i always thought she doesn't have enough scars, since she's fighting a lot and she sees them as trophies. But that's just an idea for now and i have to see how this goes, cause i'm not really understanding what i'm doing (normal maps wtf!?). I would also like to work on her face scars, but that is even more confusing.
I also thought about making my own skin color for her, cause sometimes her skin looks too red for my taste. I would like to have her paler and with even less color. But i didn't have any succes now, cause nothing looked good enough.
Other stuff:
I'm tidiying up Johnny's NPC+, cause every time i gave him a new outfit i just threw the things into his mod folder without organizing anything. And now i have a ton of stuff and no idea, what is for what. Also there are a lot of appearances, which i will never use (again).
I'm very slowly working on a mod for the Aurore Outfit: Pants, bra, top and jacket. I like this outfit so much but as usual, i need COLORS 😂 Currently only the pants are more or less ready, so this will take a long while until i can share it, since priority are definitely things for the blorbos.
Also in between i make some poses, but these are mostly just for myself for now, cause i'm actually too lazy to make them good enough for the public (at least i know how to position the camera to hide the chaos) or to retarget them for other couples besides M/F.
I think, that was it for now. Which was already too much again 🥴
I'm tagging @togepies , @miss--river , @thelonestrider , @wraithsoutlaws and @dreamskug for a WiP sharing. As usual without any pressure of course 🖤
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treason-and-plot · 1 year
Who does Angus favour in looks? I feel like he definitely looks like Roy there, but it’s hard to tell.
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Roy: Hmmmm, he's very good looking so it's pretty obvious he favours me. Aside from his teeth. The fact that we've had to spend squillions on orthodontics is all Sonia's side. I mean, have you seen the teeth in her family? Her mother could eat an apple through a tennis racquet, I swear to God.
🥰 Angus, handsome and talented!
Angus is so good-looking!
Angus: Thank you!
Roy: Well, you know, he did win the genetic lottery having me as a father, so....
Oh damn, back to bridgeport is here. Have to catch up to the end of the story before I saw spoilers about the Bridgeport peeps xD
Don't worry, I'm Simblr's slowest story writer- I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to catch up! And thank you so much for your awesome ask, I'm working on answering it right now! ♡ ♥💕❤😘 
I thought he was Roy from the side but he really favors Sonia in the face.
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He definitely does! His eyes and mouth are Sonia's, you can see it very clearly in the above pic. But his face shape is from Roy, and his nose is a blend of both. That he shares Roy's facial structure is even more obvious in the below pic.
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LMaoooooooooooooooo, this is awesome XD
Thank you dear friend! I had a lot of fun doing it.
HAHAHAHA what an adorable and hilarious moment ❤
Thank you! It was especially nice to do a scene with them both- neither of them get enough airtime!
Thank you for the reblogs @queeniecook, @simstralia and @simsloveaffairreblogs- I love youse all!
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kirstenonic05 · 6 months
Schezo for Character Opinion Bingo!! I realize that everyone is very mixed about him, and I'm curious
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To no one's surprise, I am very normal about him. Uh huh.
I would love to write up my thoughts on him, but I'm sure you're not here to see me write an essay on this guy!!!
Here, I'll put my thoughts under the read more!
Did you know I expected Satan to be my favourite Puyo character but Schezo invaded my brain after I listened to his song?
The Gorgeous Man who Defiled the God is one of my favourite songs of all time, and, in pure Kirsten fashion, I searched up this weird guy named "Schezo" who's name I could see was CLEARLY one letter away from being "Joke" in Italian (Scherzo, a musical term for "Playful" funnily enough). I expected a joke character, and came back with... decapitation. Awesome. What is Wrong with him. (And why does he share themes with my other decapitated son??? (Allen) First time my friends found out I liked Schezo and he was also decapitated everyone thought it was BECAUSE he was decapitated djdbkddnksm THAT WAS A COINCIDENCE)
And then uh. It went horribly downhill from there and I like him he's silly he needs a nice nap that doesn't last 100 years again. (Shin Madou.)
The story of how I found him and got dragged into Puyo is much longer than that, but let's not delve into that. XD
As a few people know, my favourite characters share one theme: They aren't as they seem. And with Schezo, that's the case as well; he's a powerful Dark Mage with a hardened exterior, but also thought to be a pervert due to his horrible way of speech. Yet, he's stupid dense (maybe even naive with the innuendos) and loves cute things. Heck, it's hinted that he even liked cute things/animals back in the Madou 123 era!
Actually, he's the most "evil" character I like! However, he's not the most violent (a 10 year old takes that title) and... actually he's pretty chill for a supposedly evil guy. I'd say he's like... an anti-hero? He definitely got character development if he went from "guy who kidnaps magic users and uses their dead bodies for a sick amalgamation" to "silly innuendo guy who loves cute things and chickens out of killing people (and sacrificing himself for people he thinks hate him)". As much as he says he will, I don't think he's taking Arle's power anytime soon.
Everyone's characterisations of Schezo are really different, and I think that's so awesome! They're not as varied as, say, Ragnus, but there's huge differences if the person only knows of Sega or if they also dabble in Compile. I tend to know more about Compile era than Sega era, so my Schezo tends to be a little colder to match that.
His story is also stupidly tragic. Local 14 year old who is doing too well in school gets kidnapped and cursed to become the Dark Mage. At least in Shin Madou he wants to become the Dark Mage at least...? Doesn't look like it in ARS though.
However, the Statue of the Hero he was supposed to see was a statue of Ragnus, and that makes me go insane everytime I think about it. Does he realise the random hero guy who turns into a child is the Hero his village looked up to???
My favourite design of him is actually Tower of the Magician, but thanks to bias, Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon is my second favourite design. Madou II rocks as well. Have you seen that guy's painted nails???
If you ever see me draw Schezo (once in a blue moon), you may notice that I give him shoulder pads. This is simply because I forget Sega Schezo does not have those and I like shoulder pads, kapeesh? (It's a mistake I constantly make dbdkdnsks whoopsie)
On the other hand, Saturn Schezo creeps me out. In my opinion, they got his personality very wrong. People have been telling me that he gets better after Ragnus gets his body back though! I really hope that's the case.
I'd say Schezo isn't bullied enough, but if Satan's not in the room he usually ends up as the butt of the jokes. And to that, I say, yes. Keep bullying him :) (But also. Sometimes he gets bullied too much.)
He also deserves a nice hot cup of milk and a pat on the back. Nothing goes right in this man's life I stg.
I rock with his aesthetic hard!!! I'm a sucker for astrology aesthetics (hence Moon for Allen, Stars/Sun for Joseph and Sonic, etc.) And Schezo has such a cool moon aesthetic he has going on!!!
For example, look at his Puyo Sun tarot card!
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And even his belts in 15th anniversary have crescent moons on them!
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In conclusion: He's so silly I love him :)
If you got this far, thank you for listening to my insane, shortened ramblings about Schezo Wegey.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
Hey thank you for the links! They are working. Werewolf Sykes is sooo cool. And, I love dark fic so I thought the drabble was awesome. Pulling a gun on his s/o? Yeah. He would. His gentle, quiet, dangerous voice...👌👌
I had a dark thought, too. Warning for dub-con. If your family happened to owe Sykes a debt...imagine him demanding you as part of his payment. Promising them that the amount they owe will be reduced if they hand you over. He'll say you'll be working for him, helping with accounting and bookkeeping, that your services will take some of the weight off his shoulders...they can't see any other option but to accept.
He walks to you to his car, whispering silkily into your ear not to worry, all your needs will be taken care of. One of his big, warm hands on the small of your back as you climb into the back seat. Just a hint of a threat in his voice and his imposing size sending a shiver through you. You soon find out that the services he mentioned aren't exactly what you were expecting ;)
That's it. 😁 You must have some Toon Patrol asks then. 😁 I like the Weasels too, Wheezy being my fav. What else do you have asks for? It's ok if you don't want to share- I am just very curious. I have a feeling I'm going to like it here!
This. This, this, this!!! There's nothing to add, its just- Ughhh, good stuff 👌 XD
Accounting 😏 and Book Keeping 🥰 I see.
And- yes!! I have lots of Toon Patrol asks! ^^ There is some other stuff sprinkled in as well though. Ooh you like Wheezy?? Sameeee XD He is so chill and in control 😏 While also being an unpredictable addict, which is very interesting XD
Here's the list!: (Apart from the OC stuff, the audience for which is basically @marinerainbow and I XD )
Doc and Sheriff from Cars x Reader x Chick Hicks. I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED TO WRITE THIS. I NEED TO SIT MY ASS DOWN AND ENJOY IT, I DUNNO WHY I KEEP PUSHING IT BACK!! @marinerainbow g i f t e d this ask to me, suggesting a reader who's so flirty with Doc and the Sheriff, because she likes them so much <3<3 , but who's getting nowhere with them because she's younger and they're gentlemen who would never 'take advantage' of her- when Chick comes into the picture and starts coming onto reader (He has no problem with the age gap 😅🤣). And she kinda has a moment, like... well, I'm not getting anywhere with the men I w a n t- so I might as well give this guy, who actually w a n t s m e, a chance! Right?? And then suddenly Doc and Sheriff are jealous XD
Another of her gift asks to me as a Professor fucking Callahan one where he treats Student!Menstruating!Reader better then all the other students XDD I c a n n o t believe I haven't written this yet. I guess I just feel guilty writing so much Cal (and Jim and Cruella and Otis- my f/os) 😅😅 The audience is real niche for them 😅😅😅
Horror Villains sorted by Love Language
A few Spotify Wrapped Prompts I still havent done 😅😰 (Maleficent, Psycho Weasel, Greasy Weasel, Inkubus, Clayton, and the Horned King).
Rufus Firefly thoughts! x2
@marinerainbow 's Slasher!Toon Patrol AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x2
Lady Tremaine and Madame Medusa thinking about reader while they're... self caring~ 😏 XD
Which Disney Villains would be up for a threesome with reader?? And with w h i c h other Disney Villains would they be happy to do it with? 😏😏😏
Ex!Freddy Krueger x Reader who's with someone else now but cant stop thinking about him. (God fucking damn him, right?? XD ) I actually have written this, but I made it r e a l self indulgent and the other guys is d e f i n e t l y Jim Bickerman (I mean- I didn't use his name- But I alluded to it XD Reader kinda goes 'J- ' and stops just in time XD ). So i have to rewrite it and make it a bit more ambiguous XD
Pervy Villains (Beetlejuice, Chucky, Freddy, Greasy, Hades (or Jafar. I'm thinking of swapping them), and Offenderman) reacting to noticing reader having a wet dream ~~~
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