#-and then there's just Third with two dots on his neck for the vamp bite and two jewels on his clothes AHIFKSGJSJD
altheadajoysoul · 2 years
tw for (fake)blood and needles (props)
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((Reblogs give me 🎃motivation and serotonin🦇))
I've been wanting to draw their Halloween outfits for YEARS bro you dont understaaaand :'D
Anyway happy halloween! ✨ Ignore the bloodstains on them, they dropped the bowl of red dye and it made a mess everywhere- 👀💦
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spnjediavenger · 5 years
Feel My Dreams (boys x sister figure!reader)
Title: Feel My Dreams (boys x sister figure!reader)
Type: one-shot (possible two-shot if people like it)
Warnings: general SPN violence, light wound description
Spoilers: none
              Y/n first noticed it about a month ago. She usually never had dreams of any kind, but then she started having nightmares.
           She was a hunter, and a good one to boot. She hunted with the Winchesters and was as brave and headstrong as they were. She killed monsters, fought demons, and was the only one who could rival the brothers in a prank war. She blocked out as much negativity from the job as she could so when the nightmares started, she was stumped. But that wasn’t the biggest issue. Not only could she see the dreams, she could feel them.
           The first nightmare wasn’t so bad, she awoke with a gasp, hand clutching her chest where her heart pounded violently against her ribcage. The next time, however, Y/n didn’t get off so easily. In her dream, she had gotten punched in the gut, leaving her a dull ache when she woke; the dreams and injuries only got worse from there.
           She began having to hide mysterious cuts and bruises from Sam and Dean, afraid of what they might say. Flash-forward to the present day, it was getting more and more of a task because she began avoiding sleep altogether when possible.
           Y/n was dreary from lack of sleep, and sluggish from her dream-induced injuries. The night before, Y/n woke up with a cut along her stomach, a black eye, and bruised ribs. She and the Winchesters were currently working a job taking out a vamp nest and as much as she continued to deny it, Y/n was not up for the task.
           After rushing to the bathroom to patch herself up before the guys could see, she emerged to find them both beginning to stir, and she put on a fake smile, hiding the horrors from last night’s nightmare.
           “Morning, boys,” she said cheerfully as she walked into the motel room’s small kitchen.
           “Hey, kid,” Dean said, pulling on a shirt.
           Y/n groaned. Dean treated her like a sister and she was Sam’s age; she loved it but apparently those two things constituted him to call her a ‘kid’.
           “Not a kid, Dean. I’m the same age as your brother and you don’t call him ‘kid’.”
           “I know; I just do it to get under your skin,” he smirked, giving her side a poke. This would normally elicit a squeal but her bruises forced a wince instead. Both brothers shared an odd look before going about their morning routine.
           Y/n started packing one of the weapon bags after grabbing her second cup of coffee; she needed to stay awake, the horrible sleep from the night not doing enough for her.  She bent over to grab a salt container from the floor, letting out a strained gasp when the cut on her stomach pulled a little.
           “Y/n, you alright?” Sam asked from the other side of the room. “Are you hurt?”
           Y/n mentally sighed. Of course Sam had to notice. Think, think! I need to go on this hunt! she thought.
           “Yeah, just slept weird last night; pulled a muscle in my back I think,” she lied, turning to give Sam a smile.
           Sam returned a half smile. “Alright well, ice it on the way to the nest – gonna need all your strength to gank those vamps.”
           Y/n nodded and resumed packing, grabbing an ice pack from the freezer to nurse her fake back injury on the way.
 ~                                 ~                                 ~
             Six on three, two vamps for each hunter. That would be fair, right? Well, unfortunately for Y/n, life was not fair; she had three vamps fighting her while Sam and Dean were taking the other three on.
           Y/n turned backwards in enough time to slice the head off one vamp but was pulled back by a second, teeth coming dangerously close to her neck before she stomped on his foot and threw her head back to give him a good knock in the face. Before she could swing her machete, the third vamp pulled her hair back and the second kicked her in the stomach.
           Right where she got cut the last night.
           Y/n let out a yell at the freshly stinging cut and doubled over, hand instinctively going to the wound. Along with reopening the cut, her horrible night’s sleep was catching up to her, making her usually killer fighting skills slower and off-timed.
           Y/n was pulled out of her distracted thoughts when multiple sharp fangs were pressed into the side of her neck, causing her to shout out.
           Sam and Dean had taken care of their vamps already and sprinted over to easily decapitate the two holding Y/n. As the hold on her left fell, her free hand immediately flew to her neck, trying to stop the bleeding. That jerk really went deep.
           “Y/n, are you alright?” a winded Sam asked, reaching one hand out to her shoulder while the other gently removed hers to look at her neck, wincing a bit at the sight. “Pretty deep but shouldn’t need stitches or anything. Let’s just get back to the motel and clean it up.”
           Y/n nodded, not missing the look on Dean’s face or the absence of wounds on both of the brothers.
           Stupid! She thought. This was supposed to be an easy hunt and I sucked! And worse, Dean noticed.
           When the trio returned to the motel, Dean was quick to grab the shower, earning an eye roll from Sam. The younger brother went straight to the first aid kit they kept and sat Y/n down on one of the beds. He tilted her head to the side and began cleaning the bite marks while Y/n kept pressure on the cut on her stomach, praying that Sam wouldn’t see the blood seeping through or the dazed look in her eyes as she began seeing dots from blood loss.
           “Alright, that should do it,” Sam announced after placing a piece of tape over some gauze on the girl’s neck.
           She was about to flash a grateful smile and head for the bathroom when Dean’s voice interrupted.
           “Let’s see the other one.”
           “There is no other one,” Y/n said, nervousness lacing her voice as she realized he must have seen the gash on her stomach earlier.
           Sam looked at his brother, confused. “There was only one bite wound, Dean.”
           “Nah, I mean the wound the vamps opened up when they kicked her,” he said a bit smugly, though not sporting any type of smile. He wasn’t too keen on people thinking they could hide things from him.
           “Dean, it’s nothing. I-“
           “Spare us the bull crap, Y/n,” Dean said, a bit testy. “You didn’t think I would notice how slow you were when fighting the vamps? And the freaking blood seeping through your shirt? Not to mention how weird you acted earlier this morning. Show us the damn cut on your stomach!” he ordered.
           Sam looked at Y/n, a bit shocked. He, too, had noticed her acting weird but didn’t put as much thought into it as he should have. Y/n sighed, giving up as she stood and rolled her shirt up to reveal the gash, looking more irritated than it should have, along with her bruised ribs. Sam’s jaw dropped when he saw and Dean’s face only hardened more.
           Sam stepped over to the girl again to get a closer look at the gash, gasping. “Y/n, what the hell happened?! This isn’t from a vamp and it looks like it’s getting infected! It’s deep too, it needs stitches; you should’ve told me sooner!” he rushed, though trying not to upset her. That failed when the apparent shock in his voice along with Dean’s stern eyes stayed locked onto hers.
           “I’m sorry,” she whispered, looking downwards.
           “Sorry don’t cut it, princess. We don’t keep secrets around here, you got it? Especially when you’re getting hurt!” Dean scolded, making her turning away further.
           “Dean,” Sam warned gently, seeing Y/n getting upset. “We can do this later. Come help me with this.” Sam had Y/n lay down on the bed and lifted her shirt. “Hold her still while I patch it up. This is gonna hurt like a bitch, I’m not gonna lie,” he said, turning to Y/n now. “But just try to not move too much ok? I’ll be as quick as I can.”
           Y/n nodded as Dean took a seat next to her, placing one hand on her shoulder and the other on her opposite hip.
           Sam, as promised, stitched her up as quick as he could but it was still a tedious process when the sting of alcohol and the pain of the needle poking through her skin made Y/n twist and jerk, groaning and whimpering. He finished, cleaning up the wound, then helped Y/n sit up, wiping the tears off her face with his thumbs, smiling lightly as she leaned into his touch.
           “Can you please tell us what’s going on now?” he said softly.
           “Look, kid,” Dean said, his expression soft now. “I hate getting rough with you, ok? I just hate seeing you hurt. We both do. And if somethin’ is goin’ on, you gotta tell us, ok? It doesn’t make you weak or stupid – crap happens. But if you want it to get better, you gotta tell us so we can fix it.” He ended with his own light smile as he ran a thumb down her cheek. The boys had a soft spot for Y/n, both thinking of her as a little sister. Even though she was Sam’s age, she had them wrapped around her finger.
           The girl smiled at Dean and grabbed his hand in hers, taking Sam’s with the other.
           “I’ve been having these…dreams,” she started slowly, unsure of the best way to explain it. The guys already gave her looks – they knew as well as she did that she always had uneventful sleep. “Nightmares really…” she continued. “At first they just scared me when I woke up…but then…they started hurting me. A couple bruises here and there but slowly getting worse and worse until last night where I got this,” she pointed to her stomach. “A black eye,” she wiped away the makeup she applied earlier; “And you already noticed and saw my ribs. I’ve been so slow lately because the dreams take so much out of me. And lately, I stay up as much as I can because I’m afraid to go to sleep…” she finished, eyes finding the floor again.
           Sam wrapped an arm around her shoulders and ran his thumb over her arm. “I wish you would’ve told us sooner, bug” he said, making Y/n smile at the cute pet name he often used with her.
           “How long ago did this start?” Dean asked, raising a brow at the strange circumstances.
           “About a month ago.”
           “Well, it’s definitely weird – I’ll give you that. But we’ll figure it out, ok?” Dean said, looking her in the eye. “And for the time being, until we do figure it out, why don’t you bunk with one of us each night? Might help you sleep better.”
           Y/n nodded and pulled Sam and Dean into an embrace. “I love you guys.”
           “We love you too,” Sam said, pressing a gentle kiss to her temple.
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