#-because he was sad about not bein able to enjoy instruments with her n stuff like that but when she changed his hands she basically-
spotsupstuff · 1 year
uhh.... hand mutilation?
indeedy! i've already posted about it i think but here's it again:
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this shit sussy as hell to me ☝ and mutilation of body parts for whatever reason isn't such an unheard of thing irl either
it's not mendatory when one is living on top of the iterators/striving towards the religion and some May choose to rather wrap their hands up, but it is pretty common to cut the fingers off up there. some would rather do That to visually signal how good religious followers they are than actually work on themselves thru worship and other religion stuff. it's like a performance for everyone else, almost
the hands stuff in the oc lore is: • five fingered - the base for "higher" beings (aka sapient creatures capable of worship stationed on the planet) • three/four fingered - animalistic/way below the worshipping sapient creatures • fingerless hands - dedication to the religion in the form of renouncing using/taking anything the world has to offer. separation from the physical world is the whole theme of the Sins so goin as far as putting the body thru smth like that fits in real well
they sometimes take off the whole upper part of the hand (so half palm gone) or even the whole thing goes off. also thinkin that maybe the predecessor to this was just cutting the tendons that make the fingies move
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