#-homophobia/+transphobia/racism. and i've only watched video essays on these issues. jesus.)
chloeseyeliner · 2 months
help, we just finished the adhd and autism chapters on my kids and teens' psychopathology course and i am about to send my professor an audhd character recommendation, who is going to be, you guessed it, sara from young royals, because frida is an autistic person (+ she has adhd, i think???), and neurodivergent people have judged this positively, so i am trying to make him add more women fictional characters played by actual neurodivergent people to his list of white men tv-show and movie characters being portrayed as a stereotype by neurotypical actors-
i was going to tell him about alex (claremont-diaz, i mean) too, but he says he doesn't read fiction, so.
i need to remind my autonomic nervous system i am not fighting a giant bear, i am sending a freaking innocent e-mail. stop beating this fast, heart. he isn't going to judge you-
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