#-instead of being mia often 💀
rayroseu-reblogs · 1 year
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....im a fool to keep hoping for mozus trein ssr, divus crewel ssr, sam ssr, crowley ssr.... lol
the special has a coffin and it reflects the nrc mirror chamber??? I wonder what they'll put in there akdjjss
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heffy1111 · 18 days
Soo family DR | intro ༄.°
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Name - Hefina Monroe Soo ༄.°
Age: 16 °• ༄.°
Origin story - adopted by the famous YouTube couple Mr and Mrs mango butt a year before they got married. No one knows how or why they chose me but they did.
Interests - photography and videography, art, business.
The wedding - I was the only bridesmaid at the wedding, and I wore a cute lemon knee-length dress that had sequins and crystals sewn in. Honestly, the best dressed one there, other than the bride ofc.
Fun facts - being incredibly yt with a Korean / Chinese last name is really fun at the airports when they see who my parents are 💀.
- I stole tiger, he's my dog now.
- I am learning both Chinese and Korean with my mother.
- I get to go on all the trips 😌 ༄.°
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As a rule, I love K-pop, especially BTS. I often sketch them a lot when I'm in my room.
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As I previously mentioned, I often go on trips with my parents, but I do tend to stay in Atlanta if they are going to New York.
I love both my parents equally but grandmother is my favourite.
I often help out with Sophie and Mia, and I get to spend a lot of time with them.
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Soo family dr | outro ༄.°
The entire soo family together is chaotic and wild. Me being there only adds to that a lot of the time. However sometimes I just refuse to show my face at family gatherings if I'm overwhelmed, to which my parents completely understand.
Having not been born with such parents and instead given them later in life made me realise that you can, in fact, choose your family. Because if they hadn't chosen me, I wouldn't have experienced that familial love.
To conclude, I love my found family, and I wouldn't be anywhere without them.
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chessmaton · 2 years
sibling angst time because i wanna make a backstory for them. if you put this side by side with the game it will not make sense so it'll stay as an au type thing instead. 💀
It starts with Willow who is an old builder (my oc basically, i have a design for her I'll post when i redraw it it's years old now) - she was really good friends with Harper, Mevia, Hadrian, Otto, and of course Soren. They're the og team who actually had a respectable like thing going for them, they were blessed with the ability to build fast and hold a lot more than the average person.
At first they build a sort of empire that helps people to find a good home ir gives them the means to build their own house. This works for a good few years and the group are strong - however slowly after time the cracks start to show.
Willow meets a british red haired man in the town who sees past her status as an old builder which is one of the first times that an argument starts between the old builder group.
Hadrian and Mevia start to slowly let the power go to their head, truly believing that the people of the town should see them as gods, that they're higher, they are what's keeping the people happy.
Willow snaps back about that she truly sees the people as equal to them as do Soren and Harper. Otto is on their side too - but he doesn't want to show it, he doesn't want to pick sides between his friends like this which leads to even more arguments.
The group starts to crack and it's noticeable to the townspeople - however it is not enough to cause too much concern as of yet.
Willow and unnamed red haired man fall in love and date behind Hadrian and Mevia's backs as they knew more arguments would happen if they were to find out. She eventually falls pregnant with Romeo which they kept secret, going MIA until Romeo is born.
(During this time Hadrian and Mevia are being consumed by power, reading through old books in their library together, eventually coming across an old idea their ancestors pulled many moons ago. A series of games built entirely for them, that the townspeople played in for fun. It sounded great to them, only they wanted more, more power, more control, eventually leading to the idea of their Games.)
After nine months, Willow emerges from wherever she was hiding with her boyfriend. He's holding a tiny baby boy. Harper is instantly over there cuddling her new nephew (i see them as having a sisterly bond so she'd well be auntie Harper to Romeo.) Otto congratulates them while Soren is busy asking if he could show the baby to his few enderman friends he'd made in his lab during the time she was gone. Obviously she declines as Romeo is only tiny at this point.
Hadrian and Mevia are obviously mad as hell but refuse to show it. They have other plans at the moment.
Fast forward two years Romeo is now two years old and is constantly backwards and forwards between worlds, living with his mother and father in one world while his father worked there. He'd then be taken to the old builders realm with his mother who would be busy with her duties there. He got to spend time with his aunt Harper and uncle Soren during this time though. He did spend most of his time with his dad tho which is how he ended up with his accent. (no idea just had to somehow fit that in I'll get confused if i think too much about that one 😂)
When Romeo was eight years old the games had been created after years of planning from Hadrian and Mevia, and the occasional help from Otto who had no idea what they were really for he just enjoyed conjuring up ideas for rules they could make. Harper and Soren during this time were not given the opportunity to discuss and join in.
Willow had sorta disappeared again, taking temporary time off from her old builder duties because she was having another baby with unnamed red haired man. Only this time she took small trips backwards and forwards, but not often as it was too tiring for her
After nine months she returned this time with a baby girl. Hadrian and Mevia were not present and Willow was told they didn't care about her new baby which upset her a ton. They were more bothered about their new games, everyone admitted they hadn't seen much of them lately either due to how wrapped up they were in it.
Harper again took on auntie Harper role and instantly had baby Cassie Rose in her arms as she gave her the mini tour of their world despite her only being two weeks old at this point.
The years passed by. Cassie was a total mummy's girl and she spent most of her time clinging on to Willow while her dad didn't get too much of a looking until he started taking both her and Romeo out on nature walks for a bit of fun. These were cut short when Cassie would scoop up a handful of ants, and proceed to try and eat them. She also found Winslow when she was five in the forest by the old builder's area - she ran off while no one was looking and after an hour of searching she came back beaming with a tiny kitten nestled in her arms. She was allowed to keep him.
Once Cassie was nine and Romeo was eighteen (nearing nineteen) did everything go terribly wrong quite quickly.
The games' true colours were revealed. This lead to arguments and hell. One day Willow and her now husband went to properly talk about how wrong all this was. Her husband was a regular townsperson just like the people forced into the games.
This lead to a gigantic argument. Willow and her husband had been killed by Hadrian during the spat.
The disappearances of both took their tolls on the rest.
Romeo and Cassie had basically just lost their parents. Romeo had studies to do, he knew what he had to do to help them both.
He dropped Cassie off with the old builders and simply left her there with them. He felt horrible about it and he cried on his way out. It was too painful to hear her cry or call his name, he just wanted to hug her and keep her safe. But he knew he couldn't provide for her even if he tried, he knew his parents wouldn't be coming back. So he knew he was ultimately doing the right thing. He didn't answer to any of their shouts of anger or confusion, he just left.
Cassie grew up with Harper and Soren as her new guardians. She had resentment for her brother as she didn't at all understand the whole picture, she thought he hated her, she thought he didn't love her. So she hated him right back.
She stayed under Harper's wing during her own studies, her aunt making sure she was , barely interacting with Hadrian and Mevia. This is because of how they treat her. To put it lightly. They hate her.
They see Willow every time they look at her. They see her glaring at them, planning revenge for killing her.
It's why Mevia is absolutely terrified of her, the guilt is eating at her. She didn't personally end either of Cassie's parents, but she certainly slapped Willow as well as watched them die. She sees the way Cassie looks at her, it's like she knows something is up with her. She scares her so much. What if she found out?
On Cassie's eighteenth birthday she's practically a shell of what she was. She misses her parents, she misses her brother. She's none the wiser what happened, she fully believes everyone left her. She loves Harper and Soren most but they still don't completely fill the void that her family once did.
She's turned cold, unwilling to properly communicate with those who took care of her since she was nine. She even started to join arguments and fights that Hadrian or Mevia started. Things were thrown, sometimes from them, or sometimes from her.
It was until one day Hadrian had enough, he took everything she owned, dragged her out of bed, and threw her at one of the portals. He didn't feel any guilt anymore, all he felt was anger.
Luckily she had been thrown Winslow too, she caught him, and that was that, they were stuck, she'd been abandoned again.
Harper, seeing another sudden disappearance couldn't take it anymore, took her things as well as the redstone heart, and left. Soren lead his endermen away and also left due to his own sadness from the whole situation. Otto stayed because he didn't have anywhere else to go, he also had known Hadrian and Mevia for so long, he couldn't just up and leave them.
Romeo thinks about his little sister a lot, he misses her. Part of him is angry at himself, for not taking the opportunity to care for her, or the fact he didn't make an effort to call or write to her. Even if when they were younger they fought or were annoyed by each other, she was his baby sister and he did love her really. She was family, the only family he had left, and he abandoned her.
He finishes his studies in college - there he met Xara who was on the same course as him.
They then both meet Fred who was in their university course.
The three become admins after accidentally coming across a hidden artifact they definately were not supposed to see. It gives them power - power much stronger than even the old builders possessed.. more power than his poor mother had.
(Note: In this au, Romeo is off the deep end with the things he did, he didn't actually build any of the worlds, he can just create new ones, he just says that he built them to seem more powerful.)
The three can create whole worlds as well as bury them if she wished - sorta the same as erasing them.
- The events of the arguing, Fred dying, Xara's powers removed.
After Romeo is stripped of his abilities he comes back down to his true reality. Memories of his parents, his sister. God he misses them.
So he locates Cassie, seeing her stuck in a pit makes him buckle to his knees, tears welling up in his eyes as he slowly makes a bridge towards her.
She's sick. Sick from the time she spent in there - but she's still there with him.
Cassie weakly pushes him as he picks her up, she still resents him for what he did all those years ago.
While he cares for her he explains the situation. It's not enough for Cassie to truly forgive but she hugs him tight, crying into his shoulder for their lost time. She never got to see him graduate - he never got to see her grow up. Even if she had trust issues she promised to try, try and mend the broken bridges.
The last part includes the two looking for answers for their mother and father's disappearances. Meeting Harper and Soren again.
Then they both beat Hadrian and Mevia's asses for what they did to their parents.
Wow that was long- kudos to you if you read this far :0 hope you enjoyed my little hellfest lmaooo. I seriously love these two being related it has me :,) blessed.
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