#-puppets.... like YEAH those words are Not fuckin comin outta Those lil things the whole fuckin ROOM is talkin!!! the fact that That-
spotsupstuff · 1 year
Has sparrows ever seen caper without his face plate on?
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she Is his Mechanic (which is like.. a doctor almost) so like every month, yes! sometimes it should happen more often but Euros hates sittin' still with his puppet. if he's already Focusing on it and Using it, it bettah be feckin movin
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puppetiers · 5 years
A friend in need is a friend indeed
Gamzee 03/30/2019
You are one Gamzee Last Name Not Important, and you and your new best friend are out and about on this fine motherfuckin night. You don't remember why though. Something about heretics and truth and doing something to make your Lord all pleased with you, which sounds like a great motherfuckin thing, you like when others are all kinds a pleased with you, near makes being out in the cold worth. Nearly.
"You sure s'all good?" You focus back on your new friend, watching his reassurin that things were gonna be all kinds of motherfuckin ok and that you were doin what was wanted of you.
Lil Cal 04/01/2019
"All good" you reassure him with a big smile. "Are you feeling nervous?" You wrap your arm around his shoulder and give his head a few gentle pets. "No need, you're doing great. Be confident. The Lord trusts you~"
Even if he's nervous, you're not. You've come so far with him, got him so far under your control. All will be fine.
Gamzee 04/01/2019
"A little yeah," course you're motherfuckin nervous, why wouldn't ya be? The sister ya was gonna be encountering was not one to be messed with, not that you couldn't, sister mighta been given all kinds of motherfuckin visions of falsity but you were better at the more physical side a things than she was. Iffin it came down to it, you'd be takin the victory for The Lord's corner.
You're thankful for the petting though and lean into the touches. Confident, gotta be confident, your best friend believes in ya, The Lord wouldn't a ordered it of ya iffin he wasn't all up and knowin ya was able to be doing it. You've got this.
You're close to the empty street the sister has to pass on her way between the church and the motherfucker she likes to pay visitation too, you'll reach it soon then you'll just be waitin for her arrival...
You've motherfuckin got this.
Lil Cal 04/01/2019
"It'll be fiiine~" You giggle. "The Lord will be proud!" A last reassuring pet for him, and then you slip off to the side to hide in the shadows. Clowns are dangerous, you're aware, and you don't intend to get into the middle of two of them. But you're staying close by to watch and see if your new friend proves to be as reliable as you expect. And for the carnage, a little bit.
Gamzee 04/01/2019
You really fuckin hope he'll be proud a you, really really motherfuckin hope he is. You take yourself a breath once you're standing on your own in the middle of the street, try to get that shakin in your limbs to just calm itself the motherfuck down before -
"Gamzee? What in the Mirthful's name are you doing out here at this time?" Fuck, fuck fuck fuck there she is, no time to calm or plan just time to go go get this thing going now.
"Yo Tanny," is your voice shaking? Motherfuck can't be having that none, no no no, s'not allowed, gotta draw yourself up tall as you can be, get you that confidence. S'an easy thing you're gonna be doin, you've done it enough times before, don't matter that her colour's close to yours or that she's smiling at you like your friends.
"It is you! The Messiahs have been speaking of you lately, how fortunate we should run into each other tonight." Her heads titled towards you, can't see you none, needed to give all that up to be seeing the Mirthful's wicked visions. Falsities. Lies. Made a sister give up her eyes to just be fed lies for the rest a her days.
That firms you all kinds a good, s'not fair to be letting their falsities and lies pile up when you're all kinds of aware of the truth of things. Not... not anymore.
"Gamzee?" Asking you again, musta been too quiet for too long, ya know it can't be cause a the voodoos acting up. You ain't got none that work like that, after all. No images of dread, terror, rottingdecayanddestruction comin outta you on this day.
"Ya ever get to thinkin, 'bout the truth a things sister?" You question, more to be keeping her distracted while you close a bit of distance 'tween the two of you. You're both close ranged fighters, but you've got the advantage of being able to throw one of your clubs for disorientation and surprise, she ain't standing much of a chance here. "'Bout, what the Church be up and deciding is truth? Is lies? Things a that liking?"
"No." She's shorter with you now, tenser, her fear thickening in the air between you both. "No, never. That's heretical speech, what's, what's gotten into you? What's wrong?"
"Don't suppose I could be all up and motherfuckin convincin ya to either, could I?" And yeah, yeah there's a sadness to you, in the waver of your vocals and the slow way you pull your clubs from your back. But you've got this, you've got this, you've motherfuckin got all of this.
"No." And there's your confirmation, spoken with all her harshness, a death toll, a death toll. "No you couldn't.”
“Shame.” You’re a line of action then, sending the first club, weighted metal, heavy heavy deadliness, at her. Doesn’t matter if she ducks from it or enough, the distractions enough to close the distance between ya both.
-fade to black cause I got no want to do an actual fight thing-
There’s blood in the aftermath, your purple mixing with her darker, bluer shade. There’s lines of pain across the skin of your face, one of your eyes screams it’s rebellion at openin for the pain of it. Sister sure had a hell of an aim for a blind motherfucker.
But she’s… she’s dead now. One of the Mirthful’s loyal done away with because your Lord demanded it and you’re…
You’re very, very cold right now.
Your coats got holes in it when you pull your arms to yourself, sticky with the mixing purple hues, you can’t be saving it from this. Which is a right motherfuckin shame.
You love this old thing. :’o(
Lil Cal 04/05/2019
You love it. The whole show, the outcome, your friend prevailing. Even the look with the coat. Look at all those colors!!
When all is done and over, you slip out of your hiding hole and in front of him, hands on his face, grinning and giggling wide. "Well done. Look at you! So well done! Hoo hoo~" You slide an arm around his neck and move to his side so you can look at what is left of the other troll. "Such great work, the Lord is proud. Very proud. You can do it, you can end the blasphemy, do you see it now?"
Gamzee 04/05/2019
You startle like one of Horuss' frightened hoofbeasts at your friend suddenly being right in front of ya and touchin in a way that's too too too pale, not for him, almost gets a small unpleased sound from your throat. Gets you to focus on him though and not the coolin corpse of the sister.
And oh he's pleased with you, you've pleased that's so so good you're so contented with that. Your fangs dig into your lip when his touch moves to around your neck, too vulnerable but it's fine, gaze very much not looking at your handiwork, fiddling with your coat. "Good, good, that's... that's good. I can be, can be doin it yeah."
You're still so motherfuckin cold.
Lil Cal 04/08/2019
Aw, look at him. You're very proud and he understands that, even if he doesn't seem to be too excited about his own work. That's okay, he doesn't need to be. A good soldier and puppet does as told, after all.
"We should go somewhere else~ Reward you for your good work. I'll tell you more about the Lord, maybe even introduce you to his puppet servant. How does that sound?"
Gamzee 04/08/2019
You’re fidgeting, keepin ya hands all kinds of busy with picking at the clinging bloody tatters of your coat. It’s soaked in your blood, the sister’s blood, closer than blue than your own colour, and radiating her death fear stink. You want out of it now, please please please, thank you kindly, please just get it off.
Attention snaps back to him at his words, listenin, attentive, focused. Leaving? Yes, yes leaving sounds all kinds of good right now, let’s do that.
“Yes, yes that’s... that’s ok.” You don’t right be knowing if you real wantin to do that but he wants you to so you will. “Sounds... sounds good, yeah?”
Lil Cal Last Wednesday at 7:17 PM
"Sounds good!" you repeat with a giggle. Then you take his hand and pull him away. No use in staying around and risk being discovered by police, or worse, other clowns. Not that you don't mind meeting more clowns, but with a scene like this, they might get the, uh, wrong idea.
Gamzee Last Wednesday at 11:57 PM
You let him start to pull you away, doing your motherfuckin best to give him a shaky smile, it don't look the best but it's an attempted. Before the two of you get too motherfuckin far from... from her you manage to free yourself from the remains of your coat, leaving the torn, bloodied fabric close to the scene.
Time to go now, going is motherfuckin good.
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