#-which I’m going to ridicule you for so I can roleplay the lit teacher that tore up my papers and spit on my dog*
synechd0che · 8 months
I think something important to remember is that just because somebody on here has appointed themselves king of … early medieval lit … or cold weather composting … or Joan Didion think pieces … or whatever, that doesn’t mean they’re nice - or even correct. It takes a while to figure out who actually knows more than you, versus who just likes to act like they do.
The follow up to this being that occasionally someone is quite knowledgeable - which does nothing to sweeten how sour they are at heart. I promise you can find the same pearls of wisdom on the lips of a nicer person, and spare yourself an ulcer.
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suallenparker · 7 years
Philinda Fanfic: In Control, Chapter 14
RATING: Explicit as in lots of detailed sexual practices between two consenting adults.
SPOILER: ALL the backstory we saw on the show up until Melinda met Andrew. - Because this is set before she met him. ;)
SUMMARY: After Melinda expresses an interest into the BDSM scene, Phil offers to scratch that itch for her. So they meet at a hotel to explore her fantasies …
NOTES: See Chapter 1. Thank you to everybody who kicked my ass to write! You’re all awesome! I hope you enjoy this. :) You can also read this  on AO3
Chapter 14: In which they discuss roleplay
She bought yet another dress. This one was a black wrap dress. The v-neck made her boobs look amazing, even without a bra and the flowy skirt allowed for easy movement.
And it cost about 200 bucks.
It was fine.
She took off her coat when she stepped out of the elevator and walked towards her destination.
She had the money and what if she spend it just to look good for a man? It was fine.
And she just wanted to look good to turn him on so they could have hot sex. It was very selfish, really.
They hadn't seen each other for two weeks. At all. Not even at work.
And she missed him. - Well, the sex. The magic dick. She had missed that.
So was it a bit ridiculous to try and look as good as possible?
It was not.
It was fine.
Besides since she had skipped underwear for tonight, she had saved on money there. Or something.
She opened the door to yet another hotel room to find Coulson sitting on yet another leather chair in the corner of the room. Somehow all hotel rooms looked the same. - Well, not completely alike, but very similar. So far they all had a big bed in the middle of the room, two chairs and a table in a corner, sometimes a desk. This one had a desk.
Coulson's eyes lit up and he almost jumped out of the chair as soon as he saw her.
This was definitely worth 200 bucks.
Her heart skipped a beat.
He looked at her like she was a princess.
But he didn't look so bad either. The dark blue suit was tailored nicely and the grey tie made her want to grab it and pull him in for a kiss.
Smiling, she dropped the go bag and her coat on the floor next to the door and walked up to him.
She really wanted to kiss him right now.
He hid his hands behind his back as he walked towards her and smiled too. “Hi,” he said. Such a dork.
She noticed the opened bottle of red wine and two glasses on the table. “Please.”
Without touching each other, they sat across from each other. He poured her a glass of wine and she could just see on his face that the next time he'd open his mouth, he'd say something stupid, like comment on the weather. He was a good guy, but he tended to ramble when he was nervous. And the dress definitely made him nervous.
A very good investment.
But better, she'd save them from whatever dorky thing he'd say.
“Could we try roleplay?” she asked.
He sat the bottle down a little harder than necessary, cleared his throat and handed her the glass. “Sure, what kind?”
Yes, better.  Flustering him was always fun. This would be fun! She sipped on the wine. “You're the pro,” she said and grinned. “How about some options?”
He took a breath and sat down. “There's maid and hotel guest,” he said, counting on his fingers, “or teacher and student or doctor and patient or boss and subordinate. The last one wouldn't really be roleplay since I am your I'm your boss.”
She snorted.
“I am a level higher than you!”
She gave him a pitiful look.
He lifted his chin. “So anything strike your fancy?”
“What did you mean by teacher and student? Do you want me in a school uniform?”
“I thought more about a cooking lesson. If you want to wear a uniform for that, I won't stop you.”
“Ha. Ha.”
“You should really learn how to cook, May.”
Yeah, no, thanks. That wasn't what she had in mind. She tilted her head and nibbled on her lower lip. “Isn't there a scenario where I'm -”
“Like …” She licked her lip. She could say it. If he didn't like it, they'd do something else. No big deal.  “… a sex slave?”
He just stared at her.
“Is it too much?” Yeah, it was too much. Definitely too much. Flustering him was fun, this wasn't. This was him being shocked and she felt herself blush.
He still just stared, so she had to look away.
Then he swallowed hard. “No, it's just …” He took a breath. “We could definitely do that.”
She looked up again. “Are you sure?”
He took a long sip from his wine. “This is only or fifth session and I really don't want to push you too hard.”
“So far it's usually me pushing you to try new things.”
He pulled up his shoulders. “I just want this to good for you.”
“We've got the lists, we've got the safe word and you always made it good for me so far.”
He grinned. “Cause I'm the best sex you've ever had.”
She rolled her eyes, but had to smile too. “But I also don't want to push you into something -”
“You're not.” His voice was so soft. “Just tell me what you had in mind.”
She took a deep breath. “I really like it when you take control over me and when I'm not completely sure what you're gonna do. Like, when you're in charge and I just have to obey.”
There. Lots of words from her.
And again, he stared.
“Is that bad?”
“God, I hope not, because I really enjoy those things too.” He smiled. “And thank you.”
“For what?”
“For trusting me like that. I really appreciate that.”
Sweet. He was just so damn sweet!
“Now what would you like to do tonight?”
“Whatever you want.” She shrugged. “That's the point. Whatever you want to do, I'll do.”
He put down the glass of wine. “You're sure?”
“And you remember the safe word.”
Of course. She nodded.
“Ok then.” He took a deep breath and sat up straight. “I think from now on you should address me as sir, just so you remember I'm in charge.”
She grinned and put down her glass too. “Yes, sir.”
“But just when we're in here. Not at work.”
At work? “Wasn't tempted to do that, sir.”
“Good, because at work you're usually mad at me when you do.”
True. She raised a brow. “And it shall stay reserved for such situations, sir.”
“The whole slave play features punishments, too. I think we should put that bit on the backburner -”
“You should spank me.”
He blinked, but recovered quickly, “Since you forgot to address me as sir, I have to teach you some manners.”
The dress was perfect for this. He could pull her over his lap and lift that flowy skirt right over her ass and … “If I behave now, will you play with me after?” she asked.
“Well, since you're my slave …” He licked his lips and grabbed his knees with both hands. “I think I should just play with you whenever I want.”
His pants were already tented. This would be so good. She spread her legs a little.
“Are you wearing panties tonight?” he asked.
“No, sir.”
His eyes went wide. “No?”
She grinned.
“Lift your skirt.”
She obeyed, spreading her legs even further. His eyes were glued to the place between her legs.
���I want to spread you out and lick you until you come,” he growled.
She shivered. God, that would be perfect! “Yes, sir.” Whatever he wanted.
“Get up, take off the rest of your clothes and hurry.”
Again, she obeyed. The dress made it so easy! She just had to pull at the bow on her waist and she could simply let it glide off her, before she kicked off the red high heels she had paired with it.
So much for her fantasy of being spanked wearing it, but this was good, too. It was great!
His eyes wandered over her body. “Now I want you in an open stance with your arms behind your back.”
She got into position and he got off the chair. One small step and he stood right in front of her.
“See?” he asked, admiration in his voice. “Like this I can reach everywhere I want.”He dragged a finger between her tits, over her sternum and stomach, down to the few curls of hair above her blank pussy, before he cupped her in his palm.  “God, you're already wet.” He pressed his lips against her shoulder and rubbed his palm against her. His other hand grabbed her ass and squeezed, making her gasp.
“I love how excitable you are,” he mumbled and kissed her throat. “I could fuck you right now, no problem.”
“Whatever you wish, sir.”
“Still think I should call all the shots or do you want to renegotiate?”
“I made great decisions the first time.”
“Well, then.” Finally, he kissed her. Long and sweet and tender, making her crave more.
He stepped back. “Stay,” he said sternly. She wanted to argue, but he started to undress, so she just enjoyed the show.
First his jacket went on the floor, his shirt followed soon after. Next were his shoes and socks. Then his pants. And then, finally, the dark blue boxer briefs dropped to the floor as well, leaving him gloriously naked, his erection standing up. He took his cock into his right hand and stroked it, once, twice. “Do you like what you see?”
“Yes, sir.” Very much. She wanted to touch him. She wanted to taste him.
He came close again and kissed her quickly. “Good.” Another short kiss. “Now get your hands on my cock and get me off.”
NOTES: And that’s another chapter down. They’re getting bolder and bolder! I hope you still enjoy! As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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