#. | half man half fish but one hundred percent chill (triton)
singofus-a · 1 year
@intothewildsea requested a starter from TRITON!
Triton smiled at her as he hoisted himself up onto the rocks beside her, laying back and sighing happily as the heat from them melts into his sore muscles. He had travelled quite the way to see her, but it was worth it every single time.
"You'll have to tell me something. Would it be considered rude or disrespectful if I gave you a gift? Without any conditions, I mean."
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singofus-a · 1 year
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@saccharic asked: happy father’s day to triton, athena’s pseudo-father figure!
father's day celebration | Accepting for today
Triton smiles and wraps her up in a slow hug. He hadn't been sure if he would see Athena today, considering her sky dad and just...
So to see her here, uttering those words and showing him she still thought of him like that, it did bring a tearful smile to his face as he drifted over and wrapped her up in his arms.
"Thanks, little spear. Thank you for coming."
His home was far from empty nowadays, with his daughters all having come to see him and one another, many still living here. Yet it felt a little more complete now that she was here.
"Can you stay a little while? I'm being surprised with a feast soon." He smiles softly.
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singofus-a · 1 year
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@intothewildsea asked: 🫂 for triton!!! give him all the hugs
Send 🫂 to just hug my muse. No reason. Hug them. | Accepting
Triton grinned and gave a hearty chuckle as she moved up to him and gave him such a hug. It was so warm and Triton immediately reutnred it, bulking arms wrapping comfortably around her.
"Oh, wow...you give great hugs. Did you know that?" With his horse legs made of swirling water and sea foam, for once Triton was a huggable height, rather than lounging on the sand.
"What was this hug for?" He let her go then, realising he'd hugged her for a little while.
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singofus-a · 1 year
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@nectaric asked: 🫂 poseidon n triton uwu
Send 🫂 to just hug my muse. No reason. Hug them. | Accepting
To Triton, it seemed like Dad was telepathic. Seemed to know when to show up, and especially when to hug him like he was a little kid again.
Really, it was pretty obvious to anyone that knew and loved him. It was the time of year that the seas churned a little more, where Triton's watchful eye and maintenance of soft tides slipped. When he withdrew a little more and zoned out in pensive thought. Even now that his house was filled with more daughters, Pallas' death just never stopped hurting. Though she never left his thoughts, the anniversary of that event just brought it further forward in his mind all the time. Replaying everything in his head. Remembering how he had to be dragged away from his girl in the end, so she could be laid to rest. The hurtful things he'd yelled at Athena. It all just came right back.
Dad's strong arms wrapped around him and he just sunk right into them, body wound tight like a spring but slowly unravelling with him here. The one person he perhaps needed more than anyone right now, even Mom.
"I miss her so much." He eventually murmured, voice cracking and wavering. "It doesn't feel like it's been this long. She'd..."
Her life would be so full by now. Full of adventure, or family, or just fun. She would have made him so proud.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@saccharic asked: "much less brave than i admit, much more scared than they all think" athena and triton !
meme i've forgotten | Not Accepting
Triton chuckled, then glanced to her and stopped when he realised how that might look. He wasn't laughing at her, but at her naive assumption about everyone else.
Lounging at her side, he reaches over and grasps her shoulder, looking at her.
"Let me assure you, young one, that you are very brave. As brave as any one of us. And you can't be brave without conquering fear, so if you never have fear? You aren't brave. Nor courageous. You're just stupid. Something you aren't." A goddess of wisdom couldn't possibly be that.
Not one taught by him, especially.
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singofus-a · 1 year
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@faunisms asked: she's  already  at  the  far  reaches  of  where  the  sunlight  can  reach  .  she  can  see  it  dripping  down  above  her  ,  shimmering  on  rocks  and  sand  up  above  .  she  studies  the  darkness  behind  her  ,  listening  and  watching  for  any  possible  sounds  of  danger  .  her  palms  and forearms tingle  with  external  electromagnetic  pulses  ,  letting  her  know  she's  not  alone  .  
she  turns  her  head  slightly  ,  large  dark  eyes  staring  to  the  middle  distance  as  she  drifts  closer  to  the  cover  of  the  rocks  .  it's  been  a  while  since  she'd  been  back  ,  and  she  realizes  just  how  ill-suited  she  is  on  land  ,  or  with  fresh  water  .  but  then  she  thinks  of  her  husband  to-be  ,  and  the  effort  he  gives  to  her  ,  and  the  way  they  love  each  other,  and  she  knows  this  is  for  the  best  .  
and  again  ,  she  reminds  herself  ;  her  father  most  likely  already  knows  .  this  is  formalities  .
the  electromagnetic  pulse  grows  stronger  and  she  looks  up  ,  a  shadow  falling  over  her  from  above  .  dark  eyes  take  in  the  familiar  shape  ,  though  it  has  been  a  long  while  since  she  has  seen  him  ,  and  she  smiles  to  herself  ,  inclining  her  head  appropriately  as  her  nephew  enters  her  space  .  
❛  well  met  ,  my  lord  ,  ❜  she  says  ,  voice  richer  in  the  water  . ( neri @ triton )
unprompted ask | Always Accepting
He'd heard whispers around that Nerisei had returned, and so he wondered if he might catch up to her on her journey. Though he did enjoy being down here in the dark depths anyway. Once she acknowledged him, the light green patterns across his skin illuminate and fill the space with a gentle light. And a sign to everyone else that the prince was here.
"χαίρε Aunt Nerisei!" He grins at her and bows his head in return. "How exciting to see you again. You look well, considering the circumstances."
Her stretch of sea and its issues were known to him, though it was an area he didn't tend to go to very often. Though with the pollution and harm, he was trying to make connections, see what he or his father could do. What anyone could do. It had worried him a lot when he heard she'd gone to freshwater, so it was good to see her here and looking amazing. Honestly he thought she'd be a shell of her former self by now.
"What brings you here? May I escort you wherever you're going?"
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@intothewildsea asked: 🐣 lil bebe triton?
Send “🐣” to meet my muse as a child. | Accepting
The mer-child could be found giggling away as he was either covered or dragged by localised waves. The ocean played with the Prince, and Triton enjoyed playing with it. Some nymphs bobbed further out in the ocean, watching over him at the request of his mother but letting him have his fun. He always enjoyed being at the beach.
The next time that the current deposited him on the shore, he glimpsed a woman approaching and smiled.
"Hello! Do you like the beach too? I like the beach." He said to her from where he lay in the sand, the ocean darting forward to hide his tail amidst the sandy waters. Ready to protect the prince.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@nectaric​ asked: [ OPEN ] amphi to triton !
[ OPEN ]:    sender wordlessly opens their arms out to offer the receiver a long-awaited hug.
Triton returned to the palace and sees his mother standing there opening her arms. There’s no delay, he’s floating over to settle into her arms. His own strong ones tugging her in close to him for a lingering embrace. “Hey mom. Good to see you again.” He murmured, holding onto her for just a little longer before pulling back. Amphitrite was greatly missed. Those words went unspoken, he didn’t think he needed to say them. Now he just smiled at her.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@nectaric​ asked: "Have you eaten anything?" amphi @ triton
ways to respond when someone says, “I’m okay.” | Accepting
Triton hesitated in answering his mom’s question, not because he didn’t want to tell her, but because he hadn’t remembered the last time he ate. His mind was just a ball of many thoughts right now, work thankfully keeping him very busy at the moment. It was a blessing and a curse.
“Yeah, I’ve eaten.” He said despite this, giving her a reassuring smile from behind his desk. The last thing he wanted was his mother to worry about him.
“I’m alright, mother. Really.”
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@inoblivicn​ asked: ❛ i like being close to you. you’re warm. ❜ nike @ triton
&. 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. | Accepting
Hearing that, he wrapped the arm around her waist a little tighter as she nestled on in. The both of them now settled, he tucked his other hand beneath his head as they lounged together. Perfect. Everything had flowed into this so nicely too, she seemed to fit perfectly against him.
“Now I’m no deep sea vent, but I’ll do.” He said with a lazy chuckle, his thumb rubbing at her waist. Then he realised after a second she might be hinting she was cold too. He assumed it was an excuse to get close, but what if it wasn’t? Maybe he was a little rusty...
“If you’re still cold I can get someone to get you a blanket.” His eyes cracked open to look at her, just in case he needed to summon a servant.
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singofus-a · 2 years
@inoblivicn requested a starter from TRITON for POSEIDON!
Lounging in the main living room, he heard the door open and familiar footsteps. Cracking an eye open, he gave a soft huff before sitting up. He’d just gotten comfortable in his lounging! He liked his work but right now?! Then he saw dad’s expression, and he squinted a bit. Damn, was he being serious or only pretending to look serious to bluff him? He’d done both before!
“You’re doing the thing. I can’t tell if you’re about to give me work or offer to do something cool. Don’t let me down here, dad. It’s gotta be something cool!”
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singofus-a · 2 years
@ichoric requested a starter from TRITON for RHODE!
Triton sat down beside his sister, lounging on his side with his head in his hand as he watches his sister crafting shells. A few of her previous bracelets hung around his wrist on full display.
“What’s the plan for this piece then? A... necklace right? What colours and shapes’re you thinking?” He asked, waiting to be either given a job or just chat with her as she worked on it.
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singofus-a · 2 years
@ichoric requested a starter from TRITON for APHRODITE!
Triton popped his head out of the waves and grinned brightly, arms reaching out wide above the water, wanting to embrace her as soon as she ran over to him.
“I knew it was you! I could see that bright smile miles away!” He called to her, holding her close when she came in close enough. Gave her a squeeze and a kiss to the forehead.
“Is this gonna be just a beach visit, or do I get the honour of escorting you back to see mother and father?” He asked her, the both of them now bobbing along with the gentle waves. “Your room’s still available. That lover boy of yours’s welcome too.” He briefly glanced around to see if the god was there.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@ichoric​ asked: ‘ dad grounded me. he GROUNDED me. ‘ percy is huffily floating in the hallway. ‘ all i did was trip hermes, and i got caught because it was so funny i pulled a muscle laughing. how’s that fair ? ‘ brother help
unprompted ask | Always Accepting
Triton chuckled at his little bro’s escapades, and the image of Hermes going flying, as he leant against a wall and watched the other pace.
“First off, that’s hilarious. Wish I’d seen that.” He held his hand out so they could come give him a high five. “Second though, he is being fair - hear me out.” He tacked that request on before he got his brother all huffy again. “You don’t really have a sense of danger or self-preservation, little bro. Dad’s just flexing his muscles and makin’ you sit and think on a lesson.”
He comes floating over then and stands in front of him, older brother mode truly activating. As a son, and as a dad himself, Triton could understand both sides. But on this one Dad was right. As he usually was.
“When I was younger, like equivalent to a teen, I started getting really curious about the sea trenches and the deep sea. I’d heard cool things about the beings down there and wanted to go look. So what did I do? I just started swimming down. And down. And down.” He paused a little, and mimicked an expression of concern. “And then...then I started finding it difficult to breathe. Like really quite difficult. I looked around, thinking I should head up, and I realised that I was so far down that the light was pretty much gone. I couldn’t tell which way was up. I started panicking. I realised too late that I’d fucked up. I swam around, tryin’ to find an edge, but I was panicking too much. Then I black out.” Another pause.
“I wake up in my room with dad and mom standing over me. Mom lookin’ really worried, ‘n dad with an expression I’d never seen on him before. He grounded me for months right there and then. Turns out I was fine, but a few weeks later I found out something I hadn’t known, but I really should have before goin’ down there. At some depth, even for gods, it gets to toxic and deprived of all regular nutrients that your body can’t handle it if it’s not used to it. That’s why those that go between, and aren’t born there, slowly trained themselves to get to deeper and deeper depths. Gotta let my pliable immortal body make some changes.”
Now he took himself out of his storytelling voice, and put on his big brother tone again.
“I also learnt, that the few boundaries Dad puts in place are there for a reason. With mine, it was not me dying for curiosity. For you...well perhaps it’s best you figure that out yourself. But I’m saying, that it’s something that’ll keep you safe. And he, and I, want you safe most of all.”
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@seaprofound​ asked: how did triton feel when his daughter, pallas, was born and when he saw her grow up into a young woman? what fond memories does he have of raising her? did he ever make any mistakes as a parent? lastly, what made him decide to take athena into his care? given how she had accidentally slain pallas, does he ever regret it?
unprompted headcanon questions | Always Accepting
Oh this is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions
How did Triton feel when Pallas as born?
Triton was excited when his daughter was born. His own little godling. Right there and then he promised to protect her and give her all of the happiness in the world. He tried to be there as much as he could and replicate parts of his relationship with his own parents.
How did he feel when she grew into a young woman?
Very proud. Extremely proud. He felt she had a natural talent for combat and had a very sharp mind - she would go on to do great things, perhaps even lead an army alongside him or one of her own. Her friendship with Athena was something he enjoyed seeing glimpses of, especially them playing/sparring. Triton didn’t like how quickly she grew up though, and would still mess around/play with her even as she started to ‘complain’ it was embarassing. He thought she secretly liked it anyway.
What are some fond memories he has of raising her?
The ones he remembers most are her chasing him around the palace with a homemade driftwood sword and giggling with such eager delight, then how he could catch her by surprise, shift his form a little, and be the one to chase her around. Sometimes Po joining in on either side. Her laughter is something he always will remember.
He also liked the times he would sit beside her bed and tell her stories of (greatly exaggerated) adventures he had. Down in the deep sea and the people there, or with parents, or with his siblings. The way she would always laugh at the voices he put on, or the way she tried to fight her sleepiness and listen to the whole thing.
Or how he would sit in the shallows of a beach and watch her draw out her battle plans in the sand with Athena against a fictional battalion of giants.
Or the determination in her voice whenever she’d tell him about her plans for the future. The way she planned it all out and knew what she wanted. 
Did he ever make mistakes as a parent?
Of course he did. The biggest mistake he made, was not taking the grudge between Pallas and Athena seriously. Just dismissing it as a tiff,  as a childish argument that they would both forget about eventually. He was ignorant to it, even as Zeus picked up on its seriousness and sought to defend Athena.
It’s the mistake Triton will never forgive himself for.
What made Triton take Athena into his care?
I’m not quite sure on this topic still (perhaps it’s something to chat about more with zeus/athena muses). Perhaps he agreed that Olympus isn’t the best place to raise a child. Perhaps it was because he had been training Pallas in combat and military strategy so he knew he could teach Athena too.  Perhaps he thought she would make a good friend to Pallas. He does like being a parent so didn’t mind adding another to his care - although her grown form, but naivety did take some getting used to.
Does he ever regret it?
Sometimes, when he misses Pallas the most, he does - just for a moment. He thinks about the woman his daughter would have been. But, most of the time he doesn’t. It wasn’t Athena’s fault - it was an accident. He doesn’t blame Athena and is proud of her. It was hard to be around her for a while, but now he’d like to foster a closer relationship again.
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singofus-a · 2 years
Headcanon - Triton
He knows quite a few sea shanties and enjoys them!
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