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for allen - 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22
sinday asks 
12. Would you consider your muse to be kinky? Not at all. Even when he was younger I don’t think I’ve ever considered him to be kinky. I don’t want to say he’s vanilla and boring but he is. He’s more so the type who just enjoys having sex than getting toys and other things involved. Just let the man have sex.
13. What’s their favorite sex position(s)? It has to be doggy style without a doubt. Plenty of control while also being able to touch his partner, spank them, grab them by the hair, etc.
14. What’s their least favorite sex position(s)? I want to say that his least favorite is maybe cowgirl? Because it’s an enjoyable position but at the same time, I don’t really see him being the type who is just okay with laying there and doing nothing for an extended period of time.
17.  How long can they last before they cum? Obviously, considering he’s getting older, it takes him a little longer to ejaculate than he’d like but… he can still get the job done when it needs to be. It’s a little harder and might take a little but the job gets done if he/his partner is trying harder enough.
18. If your muse can have sex with anyone right now, who would it be? If your muse has a partner, who would they invite to have a threesome with? I… honestly want to say Wendy because that’s his everything right there. First kiss. First time. First date. That was his wife. That is the mother of his children. If he could make it so that he could just have one more night with her then he’d probably take you up on that. And it would probably depend on who his partner is, honestly, because if this is like a Styles x Becky or Charlotte ship then obviously he’d bring in Charlotte or Becky.
19. Give us a sexcanon about your muse that not many people know about. Allen doesn’t like being called ‘Daddy’ because that’s what his children have called him. He doesn’t get turned on when you’re calling him that. It’s weird. He doesn’t associate the word with sex.
22. How does their foreplay go down? I think it’s mostly consistent of kissing and touching. I don’t think he’s ever really had his way with words so I don’t really see him talking dirty a lot of the time. Always been more of a man of action.
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sheslegit · 4 years
NEW TAG DUMP (Sasha, Bayley, and Styles)
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💐 Styles/Az and Punk/Paige
Ships & Headcanons. // Accepting.
Allen & Azin:
          It remains a constant shock to those who actually know the two separately that they are a couple and have been for nearly three years. Azin is fiercely protective of her relationship with Allen, something that even surprises her. She just didn’t see herself falling in love with someone else after her first marriage. She has played no games when it comes to her affection of Allen, that is her man, and she will defend the life they have together and it doesn’t matter who she has to defend it too.
        These two are intensely physical — no really we swear. Allen has four children with his first wife so what does that tell you? When it’s just the two of them there’s a lot of grabbing around the waist and pulling into one another. Azin does play into this a lot by teasing him and trying to basically turn him on.
       The blended family is actually interesting ( as a note this is probably the only verse were Frankie is with her biological father pretty normally ), but Frankie does see Allen as a second father, even if she thinks he’s a little strict. Azin, of course, must mother all the things and the boys refer to her as Mamma Az when they’re with Allen and Az, she likes to feed them and generally dotes on them. And Anney as been a part of Azin’s life since she was two if that, this makes things weird when she called her Mama in front of Wendy.
        As they are from the outside polar opposites, but the truth is they are very similar and have the same interests. The biggest being video games, one of the first things they did after moving in together made a video game, well…. level of the house. She can often be seen on Retro Styles with AJ. Basically, the two give one another collector items as anniversary gifts.
Saraya & Phil:
       The age difference actually doesn’t bother Raya as much as it bothers Phil, her father and mother are about the same when it comes to age, it’s normal for her. She does not like the idea that she might be without him but she has rarely said that part out loud to him.           
       The topic of children has been brought up, but after Saraya’s surgery to remove the cyst on her fallopian tube was revealed as well as a pregnancy when she was sixteen (something I might add she didn’t know was going to be on Total Divas - ie they told her it wasn’t be shown but was without her knowing ) and the possible inability to get pregnant again, Saraya doesn’t like talking about it. It bothers her though, something Phil can see. Because she so very much wants to be a mother.           
       Brad Maddox was threatened with bodily harm more than once. That might have also been the only time they’ve been apart since they both ‘retired’ from the ring so to speak. Saraya was so embarrassed by her actions that she disappeared for two weeks.  There have C/M P/unk style tantrums on twitter about this and he’s probably got the worlds largest block list.         
         After that last bump and the last time Saraya was in the ring she called Phil to let him know it was over, she was never going to wrestle again. He jumped on the first plane out and was right by her side. She knew that it was it and she didn’t need a doctor to tell her what she already knew, he was the one who inspired her to get out of wrestling and that she didn’t need it. It was his idea to open a business, one that later became her cosmetics line.
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