#... Also better fuel for my Marcus Revival AU
bionicbore · 2 years
Constantly thinking about Marcus and how non-robotic he was. Seems like most people enjoy/roll with that but. Idk I genuinely would’ve enjoyed a much more uncanny Marcus. He’s got hyper intelligent AI but he is very much Not  Human and doesn’t think like one
Marcus not knowing who Leo was for so long despite being in the same classes because he has built-in tunnel vision. Unless you’re directly relevant to his mission, be it as an obstacle, a target, or just necessary to maintain his cover, he Will Not remember you
Marcus not actually leaving any fingerprints on his guitar
Adam helping Marcus up for whatever reason and commenting that this kid is way heavier than he looks
Yet he somehow manages to get around without Chase hearing him
Marcus just randomly going blank while he processes new information/situations and how he’s supposed to react. From an outside perspective, this kid’s personality literally just... turns off for like half a second before he’s back to normal like nothing happened
He’s blank around Douglas a lot because he doesn’t actually need to deceive anyone, and his outward personality pretty much only turns on when he’s being interacted with. Creeps Douglas out big time whenever he actually notices it
Marcus doesn’t exactly process that he’s an android for the same reason a smart appliance isn’t self-aware. You don’t program a GPS to know it’s a GPS, let alone that you’ll replace it the minute it breaks. So despite all the additional maintenance, Marcus views himself as no different than the Rats
The extent of his programming involving the Rats is Douglas’s kids, in the same way that he is Douglas’s son. Douglas didn’t think to program anything about Marcus viewing them as his siblings
Marcus not following the plan in Bionic Showdown because, as shown multiple times, hyper intelligent AI does not mesh well with objective programming
Marcus having no qualms about throwing Chase into a meat grinder on account of his logic being “Dad wants his three bionic kids. If I kill you, he’ll still have me. That still makes three”
Douglas actually being horrified by this ‘cause he has been projecting so hard onto this android and nothing shatters those rose tinted glasses like watching it try to kill your kid
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