#....i may be a little too obsessed with a not yet started webcomic series ๐Ÿ˜“
supersuperdupersecretnerd ยท 5 months
Hell to Pay & Latin Analysis (From a user who doesn't study other languages or Latin, so apologies for any inaccuracies) (Brainrot is oh so real)
If you haven't watched the pilot or checked out the website for this page, this entire post won't make much sense; so here's a link to both!
The Pilot:
The Website: https://helltopaywebcomic.squarespace.com
Ok now the actual analysis is beneath the readmore since it's a bit long.
Beginning with Profundus' summoning papers!
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[IMAGE ID START A screenshot from the Hell to Pay Pilot Episode. Two uncolored hands with black claws hold onto a yellow piece of paper with red borders. The paper has a colored image of the bee demon Profundus on it surrounded by bees. In the top right corner is a small bee symbol and in the top left corner is the name Profundus written in red and black. Some text is written beneath the name, with some letters covered by a claw. IMAGE ID END]
So I had a hard time reading the handwriting, so I zoomed into the screenshot and wrote over the letters to try and see what matched. The words in dark brown are repeat words and the last section is in orange as the claw covers up most of the letters needed.
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[IMAGE ID START A zoomed in image of the text from the previous screenshot, with letters written over the original text for easier understanding. There are translation notes as well. IMAGE ID END]
The legible text is as follows 'Vita avaritiae et vita gloriae providebit soporem mellis et ornatum et omnia desiderabillia'
From my research (aka googling various Latin dictionaries and using Wikipedia for 31 minutes) the words mean the following:
Vita = Life
Et = And
Avaritiae = Greed
Gloriae = Fame or Glory
Providebit = Provide or Foresee
Soporem = Deep Sleep or to Figuratively mean Death
Mellis = Honey
Ornatum = To Decorate or to mean Jewelry
Omnia = In all respects or to mean all things
Desiderabilia [I only found Desiderabilis] = Desirable
So, if we wanted to translate this to English, you could say 'Life of greed and life of fame will provide sleep of honey and jewelry and everything desirable'
There is also more text beneath, but most of the letters are covered up by Profundus' claw. The only Latin word I can make out is rex, which means king.
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I'm curious to see how his powers as a tormentor demon of bees will relate to this passage! We already know he can create (or sneeze) honey, but I'm curious if he can do anything else in regards to material goods-
[IMAGE ID START A black image divider. IMAGE ID END]
Now let's go over the demon's names and see what they mean! (I separated the images by four as I'm running tight on Tumblr's image limit :( ). Photos are taken from the official character pages on the website linked before (seriously please check it out, the pages have additional details that are super interesting; such as the fact that Infortunii is the only demon born that has a list of sins committed)
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[IMAGE ID START An image of four characters lined up. The first character is a yellow humanoid bee with a crown and four arms. The second character is blue skinned and blue haired humanoid; she has a grey animal wrapped around her neck and a black body. The third character is a typical red demon, who is completely nude and is only covered by his long ponytail. The fourth character is a short, pink and blue goat plushie with pins and cotton coming out of her. IMAGE ID STOP]
From left to right are the characters Profundus, Infortunii, Cupido, and Mollis.
Profundus in Latin can mean deep, dense, or mysterious. Could be intentional but I would also like to add how the name makes me first think of 'profit' or 'fund'. (Or maybe it's cause he had to get his name randomly generated that it doesn't fully match) (Or maybe his levels of greed is deep I don't know-)
Infortunii is Latin for misfortune and punishment. She is a tormentor demon of misfortune and has to be a guide demon as punishment for something she did.
Cupido is Latin for desire, longing or for lust, passion, and greed. He is a sin demon of lust who longs for a genuine romantic relationship with another.
(Also can I just say how fucking funny it is Cupido fell for Profundus, the literal only straight man in the entire cast who is still VERY MUCH in love with his wife. True disaster bisexual rep.)
Mollis is Latin for soft, calm, or mild. Mollis is an old plushie-like demon that is a tormentor of plush. I don't know how mild or calm in personality she is, as on the website she's described as having a god complex and impulsivity, but she seems to be able to give some good advice still with the pilot's events in mind.
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[IMAGE ID START An image of five characters lined up. The first two characters are fused together, with one side being a smiling sun and the other side being a frowning moon. The third character is a smiling jester with red locs coming out of his big hat and a ruff around his neck. The fourth character is a purple skin humanoid in a green outfit shaped like an umbrella and a green hat with floating horns. The fifth character is a thin plague doctor holding a stick with a lamp attached; the character is emerging from a pool of black with some small ghost-shaped creatures popping out of it. IMAGE ID END]
From left to right are the characters Serenum & Lunares, Fastus, Nolite Flere, and Aegritudo.
Serenum is Latin for bright, cheerful, or fair weather. Serenum is described to be a very joyful and optimistic character, and is also a sun (the sun is very bright, very painful to look at)
Lunares in Latin means to make a crescent shape or relating to the moon. Lunares is shaped like the moon (she is also the tormentor demon of moons).
Fastus is Latin for pride, arrogance, and destain. Fastus is the sin demon of pride.
Nolite is Latin for 'Do Not' and Flere is Latin for cry or weep. So their name means 'Don't cry' and they seem to have crying makeup stains under their eyes. (I don't associate crying with envy, but their page also mentions feeling negatively nihilistic and poor at being a symbol of envy in death so perhaps the crying is related to that?)
Aegritudo is Latin for sickness and disease. Aegritudo is a tormentor demon of illness and works as a surgeon, doctor, and pharmacist (and botanist). (Also conducted experiments on ill patients during the bubonic plague)
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[IMAGE ID START An image of five characters lined up. The first two characters are together, with the smaller red one standing on the shoulder of the taller blue one; the blue one has an eye covered by an accessory with a cookie and whipped cream like hair with a straw poking out. The red one looks like a small doll holding a phone and has very long red pony tails. The third character is a green humanoid gumball machine. The fourth character is a pink humanoid with visible lungs, heart, and guts in her torso; only has a visible mouth on her face. The fifth character is drawn like a child's messy crayon drawing; she is an orange demon with red horns and a red dress with black hair. IMAGE ID END]
From left to right are the characters Lac & Pupa, Bullatio, Mendacina, and Furor.
Lac is Latin for milk. Considering her blue and white color scheme, cookie jewelry, and her straw hair-accessory this makes sense (as milk does go with cookies).
Pupa is Latin for both doll and for little girl. Pupa is a character that looks like a puppet (and is very small in size).
Bullatio is Latin for either bubbling or for a blub-like formation. This name is a bit harder to relate to the character, but perhaps bubbling could relate to bubbling gum? Or maybe certain bubbling sounds involved with cooking candy? It could be a reference to his face shape (glass circle or blub shape).
Mendacina is a bit mixed in the meaning? Google Translate claims it means lies in Latin, but I can't find any other source confirming this. Google thinks I'm trying to find Mendocino, which is a county in California, US. Supposedly in Spanish 'Mendocino' means 'a man from Mendoza', a city from Argentina. I cannot relate any of these definitions to the character.
Huzzah an easy name to translate! Furor in English means 'an angry or maniacal fit; or to rage' or 'an outburst of public excitement or indignation' (in context of rage). In Latin Furor means madness or rage. Furor is a little demon of wrath, of these definitions makes sense!
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[IMAGE ID START A black image divider. IMAGE ID END]
So yep, that's all I had to ramble about! If you actually read this far, thank you and I hope you enjoyed it! All character art is found on the linked website and is by @ misseligon (not @ing to be polite!), I just used it here so y'all could have a face to associate with the names being defined!
Also feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong!
Uh bye now!
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[IMAGE ID START A screenshot of a black and white drawing of Infortunii giving the thumbs up. The background is orange. IMAGE ID END]
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