#....wanna have my Wally interact with other AU Wallys but.....ANXIETY IS A THING
frostedpolkabb · 1 year
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Alright! 4/8 done! I kinda started hating their designs when lining but then I started coloring and fell in love again XD
Any who, I'll leave Eddie for last since I hadn't done any headshot design for him before starting these lol.
Okay! So I have a small bit of info to add to Wally, Frank, and Howdy. They will be the main three of this AU because they know stuff they shouldn't and are trying their best to keep everyone else from finding out. Eddie is finding out the truth on his own despite Frank's attempts to stop him.
Eddie and Frank act married but aren't because of Frank's hesitance. The necklaces they wear are the first gift they gave each other and never really take them off unless absolutely necessary. Frank and Eddie treat Wally and Sally as their kids though they don't mean to. The two short-stacks don't mind this and will jokingly call them mom and dad [you guys can guess whose who :D]. Howdy and Poppy see everyone in the neighborhood as their kids and no one says anything about it. Wally and Sally are the dynamic duo of pranks and are always guaranteed to make a mess of something, with Sally burning something and Wally 'repainting' everything. Eddie and Howdy have a habit of picking up Wally like a giant stuffed animal when stressed or when they are overthinking, Wally doesn't mind and tries his best to help.
Frank and Wally take jabs at each other often which then ends up in a chase or a brawl many viewers find it endearing and amusing. Most viewers stick closer to Wally than any other neighbor simply due to him understanding them. Though Frank is getting better at deciphering their speech but its takes a while and by the time he's finished the viewers have gone back to Wally. Frank use to get upset at this though this changed when talking to Wally about it[before becoming aware]. Howdy and Eddie simply as yes or no questions to make communicating easier for everyone.
Last thing before moving onto Eddie's blurb! Wally hasn't seen Haunts before because they hide when he's looking. Since they are human souls driven a bit mad they do have some memories intact, mainly of the entire neighborhood and the feelings attached to them. They feel disgusting and very anxious at the idea of Wally seeing them like they are currently[one reason why they are so hellbent on getting a body].
Alrighty onto Eddie's info blurb :D
Eddie Dear is the local mailman of the neighbourhood. He use to devliver mail and other sorts of packages but has the decades rolled by and his job changed a bit. Eddie now only delivers packages since emails are now a thing and everyone in the neighbourhood has one. Eddie was the one to actually pitch the idea and figure out how to set emails up, Home didn't like it at first but came around to it when they realised how this could benefit them. Eddie is very similar to his OG self but a little more clumsy and skittish being slightest bit paranoid when alone. He gets lost in thought quite often, sticking his tongue out a bit when staring off into space. His clothes are normally in various shades of blue with his satchel constantly with him, he never leaves home without it. He tends to lean to big and bulkier clothes which have the effect of making him look thinner than he actually is. Him and Frank, like previously stated are a very loving and affectionate couple. They do have their arguements but they usually work it out themselves. Wally doesn't hang out with Eddie often but when they do hang its usually arts & crafts with the two taking turns to word vomit on each other. Wally nicknamed Eddie Teddy Bear cause according to him Eddie gives the best hugs.
Eddie does somewhat know there's more going on with Home than the sentient house is showing but he's not sure if he wants to know. Eddie knows something happened Wally that involved Home but doesn't pry since Wally seems to want to forget it. Frank has also told Eddie what happened to him as well though he left out the stuff Wally told him. This makes Eddie constantly worry about Frank and Wally though its only heightened by only enough info to know Home is the one who caused both incidents.
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