#...also hey @pointwhitmark i know i haven't texted back in forever i'll get around to it promise
daughterofhecata · 1 year
for the fic writer meme: 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 37, 48? (sorry, i'm just curious!)
[questions for fic writers]
That's fine! Thanks!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
...looooots of Enemies to Lovers, and Age Gaps, and [Friends/Colleagues/Enemies/etc] with Benefits, Casual Sex, D/s Undertones (or overtones xD), fun things like that. I think something that especially shows up in a lot of smutty one shots really is the sex without an attached relationship or romantic feelings, or at least not centered around that, because I simply am very aromantic and I like my no-strings-attached smut fics, and I especially like it with Cotta/one of the boys, because they can be soft and sweet with each other without the possibility of a romance looming in the background. (I really need to write some explicitly aromantic Cotta at some point.)
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
[this is a little hard without a fic! because have you seen how many fics I have posted? I'm just an indecisive little me! /lighthearted] But I am pretty proud of getting Bob|Stan's feeling of intoxication across in "because hell is empty", I think that went pretty well!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
Why did I stuff "Necessary Tragedies" full of references and metaphors? Because I thought it was fun and because I wanted to see if I could do something more "literary" and worthy of analyzation!
9. How do you find new fic to read?
just answered!
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
I mean. I'm both a big fan of specific characters/pairings but also writing A Lot of different ones. My favourites are probably Peter/Skinny (for the enemies to lovers, the hate sex, the secrecy because they don't want their friends to know they're sleeping with each other, the violence, the downright unsafe kink shit, the possessiveness, the humilition, etc), Peter/Cotta (for the fun, easy, responsible no-strings-attached sex, for decent communication and the opportunities for cuddling without romantic undertones, for the nice age gap and more responsible kinky fun, the softness and intimacy of knowing each other for quite some time already but also not heading towards anything relationship-y), Cotta/Skinny (for Skinny's idiocy colliding with Cotta's grumpiness, for them riling each other up, for Cotta doing things he really shouldn't and for Skinny to get *some* gentleness in his life, for the way they actually get along as soon as they get over "petty criminal vs cop") and Cotta/Goodween (for the gentleness, the domesticity, the very adult way of interacting, the care between them, sometimes the pining and idiots in love too). Which also answers the question for my fave characters - Skinny and Cotta, by far. Skinny because he's a shithead and just so much fun, Cotta because a) I relate to him a lot, probably the character I'm most alike to, and b) he's very, very simply My Type. xD
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? / 13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
both already answered, and can't really think of any more rn
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
hmm... "this morning" (ff.de/ao3) probably is one of them. It's not shippy and pretty introspective, so of course it didn't get much attention, but I like it for very personal reasons. It's just Cotta contemplating his job, because I sometimes need to grapple with him being a cop and his relationship to/with the police (system), with all the problems it has, especially the racism, but also the corruption and "us against them (everyone else)" mentality; generally the toxicity of the police as an institution. And I really like the beginning especially, starting it off with this constricting, slightly too-tight undershirt.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
(Thank the gods for the ao3 history!) It was "Bobby" by @pointwhitmark (apparently I've already visited it 15 fucking times! who knew!) and uh. yeah. as you can probably guess from the amount of times I've read it, I *absolutely* recommend it, for the sheer mindfuck and the absolutely *delightful* (and, frankly, way too sexy) dark!Cotta, but also. Mind the tags and warnings. Mind. The. Tags. And. Warnings. (Also, it's ao3 locked, so if you don't have an account you won't be able to see it. Which *gets on soap box* is one of the reasons you (general you) should all get an ao3 account, even if you're "just" reading! You're missing out on so much fic! And it's getting more every day since AI scraping ao3 and people subsequently locking their fic!)
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