#...this might also be the main thesis for memnoch the devil its been a hot minute
volixia669 · 2 years
Hello! Just read ur context post on IWTV, I was wondering if you said Anne Rice is a bad person cuz of the fanfic controversy or if there’s more to consider? Thank u for putting the labour into that long post, its really interesting and helpful
I'm so glad you enjoyed my post and found it helpful! :D
As for why Anne Rice is bad...Well, grab a stool, and let's discuss that specifically.
For starters, the main reason I personally dislike her is because of the fanfic controversy. This adult woman whose books were popular enough she could live off them, was suing teenagers. People who had no money, and were just having fun imagining their blorbos in more situations. She would wreck people's lives over this. Being sued over fanfic is no joke.
That said, I won't deny part of why she was having this issue is some of the characters were based on her husband and daughter respectively, both of whom died. So seeing other people use those characters may have struck a nerve with Anne Rice. However, there's also a matter of, well, once your art is out there, people are going to have thoughts and opinions on it.
Whiiiiich leads to the other major issue with Anne Rice. She could not take critique. At all. When her newer books in the series came out, she would stalk the reviews, and harass anyone who gave it a bad review. It was bad.
Of course she was still human and according to her wikipedia page she did eventually change her view on fanfiction in 2012 so there's...that. Honestly didn't hear much about her changing her view so I suspect most people were wary of her changing her opinion.
Additionally, this isn't to say she hasn't done good things. According to her wikipedia page, she often spoke out in favor of queer people, even criticising the Christian (I think it was the Catholic in particular) Church on their negative stance against gay people. It also claims she used her voice to speak up for those in New Orleans post Katrina.
Whether or not she's a bad person...Well I suppose it technically isn't for me to say. She was a great ally to the queer community, but she also hurt those who critiqued her work or wrote fanfic, many of whom were queer themselves.
However, it's the negative things she's done that's why myself and others have a...complicated relationship with her work, which was what I was mainly getting at!
That said, I hope you enjoy the show, whatever books you read, and again, I'm glad my post was helpful!
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