#.Fizzarolli  ♠ ﹙Interaction.﹚
fzrticv · 3 months
@the-delightful-temptation said: Asmodeus brings near Fizzarolli a plate of pancakes with a lot of syrup on top of it and places near him on bed. For once Ozzie woke up first. “There, baby. The club will be filled today but until then let's relax a little.”
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The jester's eyes blinked open, confused for a moment. He looked between the food and Asmodeus before smiling widely. "Panckes That early? Damn, you must been a good mood. Usually I have to force you out of bed. Sleepyhead ~"
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Taking a sip from his coffee followed by taking a bite of the pancake with the fork, " mhmm !!" the jester gave a pleased hum " You sure you're a king of sin? Because those babies taste like they are from heaven "
Fizzarolli took a few more bites before suddenly stopping, looking at the sin " are..are you sure this alright?"
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fzrticv · 10 months
@the-delightful-temptation [cont]
Fizzarolli had already gotten hold of a small notebook, getting down some ideas. He is no fashion designer but it always helped to try and scribble something done.
Not that he would follow it much once they find stuff, but getting something to fit Fizz's aesthetic always needs some work.
" hah! Certainly ~ , but are you gonna give small oz a chance to shine? Or you gonna just tower over everyone" This is a simple question. With it being a masquerade ball. Ozzie would kinda stick you being as big as he was.
" Also, wanna match the color or are we gonna do our own thing? Also, Masks gonna be a challenge..hmm...would like something to cover my nose too ~ be funny if people don't know who you are "
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"OH! And I need a costume too .. or maybe I can reuse something..." if he only could recall if he had a fitting costume in his closet it be helpful.
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fzrticv · 10 months
@the-delightful-temptation [cont.]
" Talking like ya ain't get showered with compliments daily ~" the jester chuckled, trying to play it off but also gauge how serious Ozzie statement was.
These statements always made him blush a little, even if he didn't see what was so special about him doing those things for the sin
With wide steps the Jester was quick to move, in mere of second onto the sins shoulder, kicking his legs into the air
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"You wanna add some glitter to these cheeks ~ oh! I could also add a little heart here " pokes under the sin eye. Fizz enjoyed doing his own makeup as much as Ozzie's - if the sin wanted it. He probably wears it more than the sin.
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fzrticv · 1 year
@the-delightful-temptation || [cont.]
" I know .. " the jester's voice wasn't above a whisper - yet raspier than usual as the jester took a few heavy breaths.
Of course, he knew, he knew better than anyone - maybe even better than the sin himself.
Fizz would feel bad later, but he just didn't want the sin to leave just yet . Not looking forward when has to be on his own after work also. Those workers should be able to handle shit even if the sin isn't on time for once in their lives.
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" just..just a few minutes...please.." Fizz arms had wrapped around the sins arm, finger digging into it.
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fzrticv · 1 year
@the-delightful-temptation cont.
" H-heyyy ! After a run with crime, I deserve some burger! uyhheh!" the jester laughed. But he stopped his face dropped a bit before sinking back into the sin fur.
This day has affected him more than they care to admit - or show.
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Metalic fingers played with the king's fur, wrapping it around one of their fingers" ..chicken nugget burger, what some salat and roasted onion?"
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fzrticv · 2 years
@lust-sinner​ cont. from here
FIZZAROLLI couldn't help the grin hearing the sin so excited to see them. Relife washed over them just the conformation this hadn't Asmodeus own order. That thought had bothered them more than they cared to admit.
Not that they would share it.
Fizz quickly bounced next to the sin on the bad. Tail thump against the bedding with their tail. " haha ! hrm .. sureee... not as good as usual though, missing some of the glitter" yes they are teasing, grinning. It wasn’t like they had much to talk about, being make-up less themself with eyebags.
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 " They also took shitty care of your fur too. ghehe - buuuttt, its presentable." the jester stick their tounge out. One of the few craturs of hell bold engouh to tease the sin like that.
" Bhah, efucking fucker probably is still somewhere around here. Must felt so high and mighty, been personal task the stand guard" there still angry at that. Sadly not exactly surprised. " Might find him and get an answer - had to camp at Lithes for the time" it was far from bad, and they could have effort a hotel. It's more some of their important stuff hadn't been with them. " Well, when i wasn't busy bouncing between the clubs..or organizing performances ... or the payments ... and orders...and other shit I will dream of for the next few months"
Carefully, the jester leaned against the sin. Not wanting to bring more pain. They could very much figure out how much it might hurt. Given their history.
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fzrticv · 2 years
@hannah-the-small​ Gritt vc: Gotta know what the public likes
“ BHawaa ! Speaking likea true profosinal eh? Kinda boring ain’t it - everybody knows best work is done going with flow”
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“I’m hornered - not sure if that information truly would assit in your strems, last I seen - it are games ain’t it? Not, camgirl shit. hehee ! “
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fzrticv · 2 years
@lust-sinner​ from here
"whaattt, don't ya trust your favorite??? I feel hurt! I'm always up for a challenge, you know that hahah ! Besides, what's a small stomach bludge ~ " they still laughed, with the tone of voice it was hard to say if the jester was serious or just joking. it might be very weel both. Fizz enjoyed having a good time with sin of course and more or less aim to be better than anybody else. In some shape or form anyway.
" They will be too drunk and high to notices shitttt" their arm extended, stroking one of the small heads " pretty sure you can still level a city if push comes to shove, but those suckers well are too drunk out of their mind to care. "
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" After all this partying is done with we gonna have a nice long time in the hot tup" plunks one of his feathers" Like, no offense, but your dear king are overdue for some preening" A chuckle " Well, after your milking that is, haha !"
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fzrticv · 2 years
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“ HEYYY, look at it like that squicky -  “
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“any higher and you would be a creepy stalker fan ! “
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fzrticv · 9 months
Fizzarolli had left with Ozzie to go outside before the twins showed up on stage and ended up not returning to the ballroom. It was just a bit much. Which still made them feel bad, like they had ruined the night for Ozzie.
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Anyway, he would try to just stir clear of things for now, sticking to the food and drinks.
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fzrticv · 11 months
@the-delightful-temptation || cont.
Fizz grinned widely. What better than to have a day to themself and spend it with his favorite person. He had just been snuggling into the side of the sin but at the mention of the bowl, the jester propped himself up.
He stretched his arm to crap the whole, the other hand already made its way through, until he found what he was looking for " You remember my favorite ~" he sing song, flicking the sour candy into his mouth. Making an obvious happy hum as the sour taste hit his tongue.
Before he got another handful of candy, the sweet ones this time
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" Open up, Ozzziiee e~ " and he started the flick the candy up into the air for Ozzie to catch with his mouth.
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fzrticv · 11 months
@the-delightful-temptation [cont]
It was rare the jester wouldn't draw attention to themself immediately. But he had just taken a sip as Ozzie entered and as the sin took no note of him the jester just, enjoying the view.
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" hah, yeah figured. Otherwise, you would give me more of a show ~" they hummed " Well, not that you ain't right now" the jester took another sip. Ozzie truly was the embodiment of lust - and the jester took pleasure in the fact of being one of the only beings able to see him like he is right now.
Putting the cup aside, the jester sliders his way onto his shoulder "Long day? " The jester snuggled their heads together.
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fzrticv · 2 years
Not really a con but reaction to here / @lust-sinner​
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“ DO youe vne know WHO your talkign to? I’m the court jester here, certainly more improtant then you dumb idiotic imp of a - “
“Fizz” the ejster turned is head, as Lithe come to up to him, pulling on their sleeve, keeping the ejster from doing anything stupid right now.
“ Leave it, alright? You cna stay with me , Josh will be there too. can have the face of lust ring, all there own right?” she shot a dirty look towards the bouncer also. Just as upset knowing how close the sin and jester tend to be.
There jester scoffed, with a growl. “ Fine, you keep on feeling all highy mighty standin guard for the king. Who knows how long you will keep this job” truly, on the inside there shaken still but also angry. Unable to tell if they guy was just acting some stupid protocol that never got updated or if the king geninuly didn’t trust them.
And that though just, hurt. Even if it would make sense. But it also makes them rethink a lot of things in there time here.
He just turned with Lithe shooting one last glare at the bouncer befor joing up with Josh and ahnohter hellhound.
Least he didn’t had to stay at a stupid hotel.
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fzrticv · 2 years
Soft touches prompt | accepting @jumblemuses​ : [ nuzzle ] Jevil just nuzzles his cheek against fizz’s cheek.
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THE jester raised a brow at the affection. Not that he minded the attention he gained over this. What's personal space to jesters anyway. A grin.
" naw, seeking attention from lil ol Fizzarolli? Or do you want something"
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" Yknowwww, imps tend to headbutt each other, geheeh. some kind of odd greeting turns into a brawl more often than not. Is either the stupidest or funniest thing in hell "
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fzrticv · 2 years
Hannah is just... going to hold it up for him.
Fizzarolli halted in his movement and blinked at the intruder ... ? Looking at the child, the cartridge, the child, back at the game before just - snatching it.
" Haa, little trickster ain't ya, didn't even have to look" a head tilt
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" ... Who ... you're a child " was she even a demon?  " You shouldn't be in here, kiddo"
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fzrticv · 2 years
@shadowtoons-arinanon​ [cont]
THE jester just, looked at the masked Imp, head tilting from left, to right back to left, bells making a sound at each movement. Having a brew raised, they're not sure what to make of him. Usually, Fizz is good at reading people - not exactly an option with a hidden face.
So who knows if he was truthful or not.
A huff, the jester rolled their shoulder back, giving the ends of their hat a light touch as they did so.
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"Nahhh, remind me of someone. ." a shrug " A good for nothing Imp arrogant bitchass foul mouth who taped shut wouldn't know to shut it"
The looked over his shoulder, whats personal space really? " Youuu on the other hand doesn't seem to like talking at all now do you ~ "
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