#.ok all of that is REALLY OMINOUS i promise it's not as devious as it sounds
hershelwidget · 11 months
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Here he is :) In my really wild AU I’ve been writing for over a year now he was the First Captain of a sort of Beta version of the Octonauts, and knew both Professor Inkling and Min a bit before he joined the team !! After an Incident that killed nearly everyone onboard he went missing and later turned up on an island in the middle of nowhere as “Soup Man”. Lars is a LOT older than he looks, his many soup recipes have some fascinating effects!
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colbys-secret-life · 5 years
They Are Not What They Appear to Be!!-Colby Brock Smut
Colby and I had been friends for a few years and had gotten very close, even filming videos together, sleepovers and movie nights. But it was only ever platonic. Little did Colby know I had a crush on him. I had for over a year now.
One evening Kat and I were having a talk after Pizza Night, telling each other secrets like any cliché.
“What’s something you’ve hated that your past boyfriends have done in bed?” Katrina asked making my face immediately blush
“I... uh...” she bit her lip. Suddenly Kat understood
“Oh. Sorry (y/n) I forgot.” She frowned, going silent for a moment. “Oh aren’t you and Colby going out to film tonight?”
“Yah” i nodded, looking at my phone “actually I gotta go now. We’re going to an abandoned pizza place. I don’t know why but it’s a cool video idea.” I smiled before saying my goodbyes and walking over to Colby.
“You’re ready (y/n)?” He smiled as he asked. I nodded before we walked to the door.
The pizza place was only a ten minute drive and Colby had already filmed his intro. When we were parked he grabbed the camera and sat it on the dashboard.
“Ok guys we made it to the haunted pizza place.”
“Haunted!!?” I interrupted lightly hitting the other “thanks for informing me” I laughed sarcastically.
“Sorry boo.” Colby laughed “anyway there’s no security but it looks pretty locked up. Rumor has it things get weird at midnight and it’s...” he looked at his phone “11:43 so me got 15 minutes to find a way in”
Having said that he and I got out of the car and started to circle the building. Eventually I called out to Colby and jimmied out an AC duct “Here’s how we get in I guess.” I shrugged before quickly slipping through the tight space then turning to take the camera. Colby pushed through but got stuck half way, calling for me to pull him the rest of the way through, laughing the whole time.
“Wow so not slick. Now let’s hurry. It’s 11:52” Colby said, turning on a flashlight. As we walked, there was debris everywhere.
A spark jumped from a bear animatronic, scaring the shit out of me. “Damn that this is creepy” I panted, still a bit startled. That’s when the robot moved towards me and gave an ominous laugh. “Uh Colby I thought you said this place had been abandoned for ten years” I said, slowly backing away from the bear. He was about to respond when a rabbit in the corner suddenly creaked. Colby shines his light and saw it wasn’t on the platform anymore, but slowly moving towards the two of us.
Before I could register anything, Colby grabbed my arm and ran into what looked like an office before shutting and barricading the doors.
“What the fuck w-“
“Look” Colby interrupted, picking up a piece of paper then turning the camera back on “hey guys so (y/n) and I just got trapped in this office by the creepy robots. Long story.” He smirked “but I’m here there’s a paper. Look” Colby turned the camera around to show the words ‘they are not what they appear to be. Safety in the sunrise’
“Colby why are you fucking filming.” I groaned and sat in the surprisingly clean chair. “What does that shit mean anything?”
Colby turned the camera off and looked over “(Y/N) it’ll be ok.”
“N-no it won’t” I panicked as a slam came from the wall “Were gonna die. I’m gonna due a fucking loser.”
“I promise you were going to be fine. We just have to wait till sunrise. That’s what it must-“ Colby was trying to help but I was mid panic attack
“I’m gonna die a virgin.” I blurted “And without telling the person I like that he makes everyday worth getting out of bed and smiling and not just staying in sweats all day and -“ Colby had heard enough and stopped my babbling with a spontaneous kiss.I sat there in shock for a moment before kissing back.
“You’re finally calm.” Colby smiled as he pulled away a bit. “I’m surprised that the babe (y/n) is still pure” he said, something else in his voice that wasn’t surprise.
“Well I uh...” my face was bright red as I looked away
“Ever done anything sexual?” I shook my head to Colby question “so no guy has given you oral?” He seemed shocked. “But you’ve dated before... how?” The boy seemed so confused. “Well then let me try something, ok?”
I looked at Colby with curiosity in my now wide eyes.”o-okay” I nodded as Colby leaned forward to kiss me again, this time it was hotter, harder. I groaned against his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck. Colby leaned down a bit more and scooped me out of the chair.
“Fuck your lips are so soft,(y/n)” Colby breathed in my ear as he pressed my back to the wall, slowly leaving kisses that melted my brain.
“C-Colby I’m- uh” I started and the brunette immediately stopped asking if it’s too much “no just my neck is really, um, sensitive “ I stuttered before seeing his devious look. Colby swiftly leaned down to nip at the skin on my neck, pulling a moan from slightly swollen lips.
Moving back he sat me on the desk and pulled the chair up, before stripping me of my pants. With a simple moment, he leaned down, pushed my parties to the side, and gave one long slow lick. At the warmth, my body shuddered. “Oh fuck” I gasped, arching my back slightly.
Colby chuckled before gripping one of my thighs and practically attacking my core with his magical tongue. “I’m- ah Colby I’m gonna “
I couldn’t even finish the statement because Colby suddenly went more intense, causing me to gasp and moan his name. The cooling feeling in my stomach releasing and he flipped me over.
“I-uh (y/n) are you on birth control or do you have a condom?” He asked grinding his still clothed cock against my ass.
Nodding I reach for my bag, still having yet to catch my breath as I pulled out a small silver packet. “Both” she smiled softly.
It took Colby no time at all to roll the condom on and line up with my folds. “Are you ok with this? “ he checked, teasing me.
“Uhhhh~ yes I’m sure.” She groaned “b-but be gentle.”
“Of course” he smiled and bent down to kiss my back before slowly pushing into me with a restrained groan “oh my fucking god you feel amazing (y/n)” he groaned “how does it feel?”
I was gripping the desk as I looked back to observe him “s-so big” i moaned out, causing him to groan and capture my lips again “y-you can move” I whispered against his lips.
Nodding, Colby pulled out slowly before snapping his hips forward
“Oh Fuck Colby!” My voice couldn’t be controlled as he began to repeatedly thrust against the same spot at a sudden and deliciously rough pace. His nails dug into my hips as he thrusted deeper, sweat dripping from his forehead to my back.
“I’m gonna cum! Colby oh god yes!” I screamed out as my walls clenched around him. After a few more thrusts Colby filled the condom, groaning out my name “(y/n~) shit” He panted and laid against my back. After a few minutes passed he pulled away and discarded the condom.
“Hey uh (y/n)?” His voice filled the silence “would you maybe wanna go to dinner with me tomorrow?” Colby bit his lip looking at me
“I’d.. really like that.” I smile as I button my jeans, moving over to him, sheltered under his arms.
“What time is is?” I asked
“4:25 not too much longer till sunrise.” Colby sighed, almost sad.
“Wouldn’t it be better in a bed? Why do you seem like leaving is horrible “ I said jokingly.
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I help a little girl get revenge on her mean older brother via escape room.
I work for an escape room and, as you might expect, one of our rooms is a horror experience. No live actors or anything (not yet anyway), but we don't need them to get scares out of our customers.
So a family group of 8 enters our building as a walk-in group wanting to play a game while on their vacation. Unfortunately, it was a kind of busy day and our other rooms were booked already. The only available room was the scary experience. We explained this to the group, along with the assurances that no one is in the room with you, we can control everything except for the ominous music that plays in the room so it doesn't have to be too scary, etc etc and most of the family is on board. But with them they have a little girl no older than 8 who looks very scared already.
As her parents and other family members (aunt and uncles I assume, it was a younger looking family group) fill out the waivers, I kneel down to her level and say "you don't have to be scared, sweetie, I promise nothing will hurt you, or grab you, or chase you, or anything like that. And, if you want, I can give you your own flashlight so you can see a little better in the room. Would you like that?" She nods, so I step into the back room for a moment to find a flashlight for her. When I come back, her older brother (looked maybe 13-15) is looming over his sister making growling noises and holding his hands like claws. The mother scolds him briefly and calls the girl to stand with her while she finished the paperwork, so the brother backed off and had a seat. I figured that would be the end of it, so I handed the girl the light and waited for the others to finish.
It wasn't the end of it. I escorted the team to their room, which was dimly lit and the girl immediately turns on the light i gave her. But her brother snatches it out of her hands immediately and turns it off again. The girl yells "hey!" which is when the mother again steps in, snatches the light from him, but still says to her daughter "just leave it off for now, ok? Nothing scary will happen before the game starts anyway."
So I go through my routine, explaining the locks they'll find , explaining how to ask for clues, and general safety. All the while the brother sees his parents are distracted with listening to instructions and sees this as a perfect opportunity to torture his sister more. He moves to stand behind his sister and starts tugging at her hair and hissing and growling in her ear and crawling his hand up her arm. She keeps pushing at him, but she's hesitant to call him out since she wants to pay attention too. But I saw it and, as a fellow younger sibling who has been scared and tormented by his older sister for most of his young life, I decided I didn't like this boy.
However, family relationships are not in my pay grade, so I ignore it and leave the room to start the clock and the music. I sit at my monitoring station, slide on my headphones, and type out a few clues in advance just in case they need help. But almost immediately after the clock starts, I hear a scream. The brother grabbed at his sisters leg and scared her. Mom got bonus points from me in that moment for smacking her son upside the head as she handed the flashlight back to her daughter.
But the brother is relentless, and of course the rest of the family is busy trying to solve the puzzles to escape the room, so they aren't paying attention to the brother as he torments his already terrified sister. Throwing things at her, grabbing at her, pushing and tugging at her. Finally, the sister has enough. She breaks down in tears and asks if she can leave the room. The mother scolds her son, but agrees to sit outside with the daughter while the other 6 keep playing.
Daughter's not happy, Mom's not happy, I'm not happy, but I see brother has a sickly smug grin on his face. A grin I was determined to wipe off by any means necessary.
I leave my station and meet the two out in the lobby just to make sure they're alright. The girl is wiping tears from her eyes and she hands the flashlight back to me. I kneel down to her again and ask her "Does your brother pick on you a lot?" She nods. "Yeah, my big sister used to scare me all the time too. She thought it was a lot of fun." I put on my biggest, most devious grin. "So how about we have a little fun this time?"
I lead mom and daughter to my station in the back and pull up a couple chairs for them as I say "So you remember how I was saying before that I pretty much control everything in the rooms and I can control how scary it is? Well, this is where I do that. We normally judge it on a scale of 1-10 and, up til now, I was keeping it at a 1 for your sake, sweetie. But now that you're not in the room, how about we turn it up to an 11?"
Mom and daughter are both on board.
I direct the two of them to keep an eye on the cameras as I leave the room. I go right outside the door and then WHAM WHAM WHAM I wail against the door with enough force to knock a man unconscious. I hear screams in the room, exactly as I hoped. I return to the station and mom and girl are still laughing.
"sounds like I really scared your aunt, huh?" i said.
"That wasn't her aunt" Mom said trying to catch her breath, "That was her brother!"
"He screams like a girl!" the daughter shrieked with laughter. This was the exact moment I knew this was going to be a fun hour.
"I've got plenty of other tricks up my sleeves" I laugh back. I sit back with them and turn up the volume so they can hear what's happening in the room.
About 15 minutes in, the family is making some decent progress. Not leader board worthy, but they'll get out of the room within the given time-frame. Presently, they're trying out codes to try and open the chained door that will lead to the second room. And the brother is the one fiddling with the lock. Time for step 2.
I said to the girl "Alright, I want you to help me this time. Watch this camera here and wait until you see me enter the room. Once I'm at the black door, I want you to hit that button labeled 1. Got it?" She nods. I play one of the creepy noises soundtracks and leave the room again.
I enter the room the back way, through the exit door in the third room. I creep through quietly until I'm standing directly behind the chained door, and I hear her brother still standing right there. Right on cue, the sister hits the button. I know she did, because I had her hit the light switch for the room. The second the lights go out, I grab the back side of the chained door and push and pull against it with all my might, ripping the lock from her brother's hands and causing an ungodly amount of noise as well as some delightful screams from the family.
I run back to the station and turn the lights back on again. Mom and sister are screaming with laughter. "He fell over!" the girl screamed.
The team in the room eventually got to the point where they were ready to enter the second room. As they're unraveling the chairs on the door, I flip on the fog machine and fill room 2 with smoke. I hit the lights in room 1, plunging them into darkness, with nothing but one dim flashlight to see them through. And finally, more ghost noises. The 6 cautiously enter room 2. They creep across to the door to room 3. This door is made of wrought iron bars and you can easily see into room 3 (or you could if I chose to turn on the lights in room 3. I didn't) so obviously I couldn't wail against this door without being seen.
We have a button for that.
I waited for the moment the entire family was pressing on the door, trying to see what was in the third room. "Push this button" I said to the girl. She set off the mechanism that violently shakes the door for us. The family screams and the brother runs all the way back into the first room and cowers against the entry door. It was too easy. I run out of the station and slam my fists against the door again, making him scream again. Mom and daughter are loving it, but I thought at this point maybe the brother had had enough.
Mom and daughter respectfully disagreed. "Can I push that button again?" the girl asked.
I explained: "Not right now, give them a little break. If we set it off again right now, it won't be nearly as scary because it just happened. We have to wait until they aren't expecting it."
"Its like hearing the same joke over and over," Mom added. "It stops being funny after a while, but hearing it again a few days later it's suddenly funny again."
So we wait patiently and the team finds the code to unlock room 3. "Now press it" i said. The prison gate shakes and the family is trying to open it, though brother is this time far away from the door because he's apparently learning but he still screams. I fill room 2 with more smoke and they quickly evacuate. They grab a tarp from room 3 and toss it over the iron gate before closing it again to keep out the fog. Unexpected, but it was too perfect.
I sneaked into room 1 and grabbed a creepy baby doll from the corner and crept into room 2, leaving it just behind the gate. I knew they would find it eventually because one of their puzzles required them to go back. I crept away and back into the station, where I played audio of a creepy child singing.
Mom asks, "Can I try something?" I shrug and say "what did you have in mind?" She wordlessly gets up and leaves the room. I watch her go down the hall to the door to room 1 and quietly enter. I was about to go stop her when I hear the most blood curdling screech come from the room, after which the mom scampers out giggling like mad. "I don't think they recognized my voice, but boy did they scream!" she said.
We go back to the station where the family is debating going back to room 1, half to investigate the scream, half to get what they need for the puzzle. The dad wants to go with the brother, who I think is almost in tears. He does not want to leave the group, he is so convinced that something is going to happen. But dad forces him to go.
First they pull the tarp off the door and see the doll. The reaction was musical. But then I decided to get daring. I run out of the room into room 1 and wait just behind the door. Someone threw the doll back into room 1 and I heard dad and son coming my way. When they were just a foot or two from the door, I slammed the door in their faces. Daughter was right: her brother screams like a girl. I run out of the room just before they enter and return to mom and sister in tears from laughing.
Finally came the plot I am most proud of. The family had 10 minutes left on their game and they were on the last puzzle. I said to the daughter "watch the camera for room 1. When I wave to the camera, press this button, got it?" I took her mom with me and left her in the station. Mom and I went into room 1 where I found the baby doll again. I waved to the camera and on cue the fog machine started going. I had the mom screech again and threw the doll down the hall so it slammed against the bars. And apparently the daughter remembered which button shook the iron gate because I heard that going too. Mom and I ran out barely containing our laughter as we heard the family panic.
At last, the family solved the last puzzle and got the door code, escaping with 4 minutes to spare. Mom, sister, and I were waiting in the hall as they walked out. 5 of them we laughing about what a great time they had. The brother...not so much. I saw the unmistakable stains of dried tears on his cheeks and felt a little bad, but also very vindicated. I hoped that he was having flashbacks to every moment he tormented his sister, both in this building and anywhere else they may have gone. Though it was unlikely, I hoped that he would think twice about ever scaring his little sister again.
I took their picture (the brother managed to pull himself together for that at least), offered them a few discount deals if they wanted to play later today or during their vacation, and the daughter ran over and gave me a hug before they left. I didn't tell the other 6 about what the Mom, daughter, and I had done to them during the game, and I don't know if the mom or daughter ever said anything or if they kept it their little secret, but I do hope that jerk of a brother learned a valuable lesson that day:
If you can't take it, don't dish it out. LITTLE SIBLINGS UNITE!
(source) story by (/u/oldtownphantom)
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thejokersenigma · 6 years
Loki x Reader - Runes - Part 1
Ok, so I’m really excited about this series, even if the last thing I should be doing is starting another series. But, I’m really tempted just to knock this whole one out in quick succession if I can - whilst the inspiration still holds - it would mean putting my others on hold for a bit?
I would still do oneshots and requests etc. but it think the best thing to do with my series is just sit down and write one at a time, and stop mixing up parts, otherwise i lose the storys and the characters?
I know that’ll mean some series won’t get done for a while, but I might actually finish some series then, what do people think?
Anyone, yes, this part is done - hope it’s alright! (P.S the end was a bit of a surprise for me too - I hadn’t planned that in so could be interesting....)
Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything!
“Did you even make it to the dinner?” Yuliya sighed in exasperation at your back where you were currently bent over one of the numerous tables in highest room of the tower, rolling up a scroll of paper.
“No.” You muttered, not bothering to look up from your work.
“After you nearly bit my head off yesterday when I attempt to dissuade you?!” You didn’t really have the time – or words – to explain this right now, so instead you just shrugged. Yuliya scowled, stepping up next to you and leaning her hip into the table as she folded her arms, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at you. “You showed the rune again, didn’t you?” She accused knowingly.
“I did not see the point in wasting either of our times.” You admitted simply, now taking the scroll you had tied up with a small piece of string and moving around the table, leaving Yuli behind.
“But just throwing your rune - any rune – at someone,” Your friend insisted, turning to follow your progress with her eyes as you moved to the opposite side of the room, placing her hands on the table in front of her. “Is almost certain to scare them off!” She pointed out, leaning across the table at you earnestly.
“No.” You corrected, now lifting your wrist into the air. At this apparent signal, the dark wall in front of you - largely covered in shadow - came alive with the flapping of wings and protesting caws until a single raven – the one who had apparently won the argument – flew gracefully down to land lightly on the leather gauntlet on your arm. “Showing a man your rune straight away may indeed make them think you are perhaps a bit odd – maybe even desperate to be wed,” You admitted, now tying the scroll – onehandedly, thanks to years of practice – onto the bird’s leg which it had obediently lifted. “– but they would see past it perhaps.” You reasoned, then shook your head, glancing back at your friend. “Yuli, this man practically swallowed his tongue and fled the room.”
“Look I told you it was a bad idea – tried to convince you otherwise –“ She reminded you.
“That was because of the prince –“ You pointed out, now turning with the raven still on your arm.
“It doesn’t matter why – I promised I support you if that’s what you wanted – so this is me supporting you.” She insisted as she watched you now head for the largest window in the room which, as always, hung open ready for any arriving or departing birds. Yuliya had often remarked that the hinges of the window mere likely rusted in place now, but you didn’t care, it allowed a cool breeze in the height of summer and made no difference in the winter – the tower near impossible to heat anyway.  “[Y/N],” Yuliya stressed, stepping around the table after you, “Give them a chance to get to know you –“
“Yuliya,” You stressed desperately, cutting across her after throwing the raven out into the cool morning air that promised autumnal winds soon, “If I don’t want to deal with this, no one else is going to want to!”
“Well, you could just never tell them…” Yuliya murmured, thinking out loud.
You scoffed, “Any sane man would eventually ask at some point – no one would get engaged without knowing what they were in for. And I bet you - even if we’d been together for years - he would still turn tail and run!” You laughed a bitter, hollow laugh at the cruelty of it all.
“You could lie...” Yuliya threw out there.
“Oh, that’d be a delightful wedding present!” You exclaimed dramatically, throwing your arms into the air, the sudden movement making the roosting ravens startle, a few of them flying off their perches to flap once around the room before settling back down again. You barely paid them any attention though, “And what about the burning, hm? When I suddenly don’t turn out to be the lovely, mothering wife I was supposed to be, but a – “
“Ok I get it.” Yuliya interrupted you quickly.
“See?! You won’t even let me say it!” You cried, making the birds behind you shift and hop uncomfortably on their perches again.
“There are other things it could mean!” She insisted, turning after you as you now strode past her to the opposite side of the room where the window was barely more than an arrow slit in the brick, but beneath a small hearth crackled. “And you never know, it might not be as bad as you think-“
“Look, Yuliya.” You stated, stopping her as you turned to face her again. “I know what I said last night, but I’ve thought about it and I’m through lying to myself. I have to be seen to try for my mother, but I’ve made my peace with the fact I’m destined to be a spinster.” You told her.
“Y/N, it – “ Yuli tried to protest, but the sound of a knock made her falter, both of you now turning in surprise to see none other than Loki Odinson pushing open the heavy wooden door to the tower. “Oh, uh – good morning, your highness.” Yuliya stammered, offering a quick courtesy, glancing anxiously to you as you tried to keep yourself calm. You didn’t know how much he had heard.
“My apologies,” Loki nodded formally, “I require Lady [Y/N]’s services… I do hope I’m not intruding…” He added, looking between the two of you questioningly, both of you still looking somewhat like deer caught in headlights.  
Yuliya snapped back to her sense first. “N-Not at all,” She dismissed quickly, shaking her head, “Just – uh – friends - gossiping,” She explained. “I’ll – uh – I’ll get out of your way.” She said with a forced smile, casting you a glance to check this is what you wanted. But you didn’t know - did you want her to leave? It was your duty to help the Prince in whatever matter he came seeking your aid in, your job to help him if it involved the ravens - but you didn’t want your backup to leave. Yuliya saw you were unlikely to answer anytime soon, so turned back to Loki, forcing a pleasant, breezy smile again before then move past Loki, going to leave - though not before she shot you one last meaningful glance back at from behind Loki’s shoulder. You knew what it meant, she would be back later that evening, and you rolled your eyes at her whilst Loki’s own gaze was diverted to the ravens that croaked softly in the shadows.
You followed after Yuliya without glancing at the prince, shutting the door behind her with one last look before you then to Loki with a bright – though still slightly forced - smile. “Your highness, how can I be of help? You have a message – a parcel?” You questioned politely.
Loki moved further into the room, inspecting the timbers overhead where cobwebs caught the sunlight and birds rustled. “No, I don’t need a raven.” He informed you, his head tilted up as he turned, “I require a potion.” He stated, finally dropping his head so his eyes met yours.
You blinked in surprise. “I – uh – should – should you not be seeking the city’s skilled alchemist – the man whose daily wages are made from crafting such concoctions?”
Loki’s face darkened at this. “I am not simple,” He growled, “I am aware of the man, though he does not deserve to possess his title.” He snarled, “The fool messes up the simplest of recipes, drunken half the time –“
“I believe he calls it being experimental, your highness.” You murmured with a small smirk, now turning to pick up the few spare pieces of string you spotted left on one of the tables.
“Let him hide behind whatever façade he wants,” Loki muttered, “When I rule Asgard he’ll have no place within these city walls…”
You raised your eye brows at this statement but kept your head down as you tidied. “You are certain you will take the thrown then, my prince?” You asked conversationally, sweeping smaller bits of string into a pile on the table. “Not your brother?”
You glanced back at Loki when he didn’t answer straight away, finding him now looking at you oddly. “What will be, will be.” He stated calmly, his face blank of any emotion. You thought this sounded rather ominous. You knew Loki as a troublemaker and a trickster – often seen by many as devious and cruel in his pranks, favouring other’s misfortunes as his entertainment – but you also knew the love he held for his brother, and that was no lie despite the competition between them. No, the prince couldn’t possibly be considering sabotaging his own brother over something as important as coronation…
What will be, will be.
You eventually nodded uncertainly, then turned back to the desk, sweeping the pile of string into your hands, still feeling the prince’s eyes on you as you moved to throw them into the fire. “I have heard many people speak highly of your alchemy skills.” Loki continued now, turning the conversation back to the original topic.
You were grateful for this, though tried not to show it. “I cannot really confirm or deny their compliments,” You said, shaking your head modestly your back still to him, “I simply help where they cannot afford Olaf’s prices.” You shrugged.
“You do not charge them?” The prince asked, his voice showing his interest.
“I charge them adequately for my skills – which are far more limited than the city’s alchemist. I also do not limit the payment to coin alone.” You explained. “I have just as much use for a loaf of bread than the coin that would buy me the bread.”
“You have a kind heart.” Loki observed gently.
You shrugged, though was surprised by the sincerity in the prince’s voice, knowing that wasn’t exactly his strong suit. The truth was though, if your rune was anything to go by the last thing you had was a kind heart. But because of this, you were desperate to ensure you did as much good as possible whilst you still could – as though in some way that might make up for anything you did if – despite your best attempts – your rune should ever be burnt, and your future released.
“So, will you help me?” Loki asked simply, his voice low and almost soft. You heard his footsteps as he moved up behind you, but you were surprised, when you turned, to find him much closer than you had originally thought. You took a step back towards the hearth, feeling the heat through the skirt of your dress as you tried to put some distance back between the two of you. You studied his face for a moment before finally nodding.
“Of course, what is it you need?”
“Just a simple healing balm.”
You furrowed your brow at Loki in slight bewilderment, but then simply nodded, glad for the excuse to now slip past him and trying not to look as awkward as you felt. You headed to the small door next to wall of roosting ravens, pushing it open and descending the few small steps to the small study where you kept your meagre alchemy supplies.
Though it was odd to you that the prince had asked for something so basic, you were grateful really as it meant you would not have to send out for any rare supplies than what you already had.
“You’re puzzled by my request.” Loki observed, now appearing in the stone arch of the open doorway having followed after you. “Tell me what you are thinking.”
“It’s nothing, your highness.” You shook your head, then thought better of it – after all, he wanted to know – and paused in your collecting your supplies together, straightening up from where you had been crouched by one of the old cabinets, and turning to face the prince. “It is just…” You frowned at Loki, “It is common knowledge amongst people that you have fair skills in magic and alchemy – that your mother – that the queen,” You corrected quickly, remembering yourself, “taught you. Therefore, surely you are more than adequately capable of creating such a simple serum yourself?” You questioned guardedly.
Loki nodded formally, “Your assumption?” He asked, slowly descending the few steps into the room. “I can see you have made one.”
You blushed, not particularly comfortable with how easy he could read your face. “Well I – uh,” You glanced away, then turned back to the ingredients you had pulled out onto the side, fiddling with them nervously. “I decided that, just because you could do it yourself, does not mean that you cannot simply pay someone else to do it for you.” You observed. “After all, it is not like you have any shortage of money.”
“You truly think so little of me?” Loki queried, sounding almost amused by your verdict.
“Do not take it personal, my prince,” You assured him, glancing back over your shoulder, “I would think the same of anyone with any semblance of a fortune.” You explained with a small shrug.
“And you do not count yourself as one of those?” Loki assumed, raising an eyebrow as he walked further into the room, heading for the fireplace which was already crackling with life. He moved up behind the worn armchair that glowed warmly from the flames, next to which sat a small coffee table, its surface stained with multiple rings of varying colours. The prince reached a hand for a jar of something you had left on the small table, turning it to read its label with a vague interest.
“What gave me away?” You muttered, bemused “My job,” You gestured at the door where the ravens dozed, “my appearance,” You gestured down at yourself and your rather shabby, dusty dress, “or my abode?” You gestured around the room.
“It is more your title I have interest in…” Loki murmured, casting his eyes around the room as though your mention of it suddenly made him aware of the rather dark, slightly smoky chamber.
“My title is worth nothing thanks to my parents, your highness.” You informed him coolly. “They have made it very clear to me from the start of my life that they have no intention to share their wealth beyond what was necessary for my survival. They make their fortune alone, they, alone, therefore, are able to spend It.” You shook your head. “The only time I will ever see that fortune is to be when they are both dead.” You stated without emotion. “It is why I believe my mother is so desperate to see me wedded…” You muttered.
“There will be nothing left from what I have seen of their spending.” Loki observed, now moving up behind you to watch as you began to grind a variety of berries in a pestle and mortar, showing no signs of having heard your last comment.
“I am aware, your highness.” You agreed, your eyes not leaving the bowl of berries as you pressed them. “That is why I do not spend my life as though I will ever have a fortune.” You explained.
“That is very wise.” Loki commended with a nod. There was a moment of silence between the two of you, before Loki then turned away, continuing his investigation of the tiny room. “I overhead your conversation with your friend…” He finally admitted.
You stiffened slightly at this confession, but didn’t look up, continuing your rhythmic movements with the pestle, reaching with your free hand for a small jar of herbs to your left. “I would have thought, your highness, that you would know eavesdropping is impolite.” You murmured.
“It was not my intention, I assure you.” Loki said honestly, his eyes drifting over the contents of one of your open cabinets.
“May I ask what you heard?” You mused coolly, pouring in a few droplets of purified honey.
“You believe yourself to be doomed a spinster.” Loki recalled. “Though you still continue to search for a husband to appease your mother.” You kept your head down as you listened. “That is all in spite what you said to your friend last night.” Loki added.
You stopped your anxious stirring motions now as you were suddenly aware the herbs and berries had long since become purified. “That was all you heard?” You murmured nervously.
“Yes.” He confirmed, “Though your current state of blush makes me almost wish I had arrived sooner…” He teased smoothly.
You felt the heat in your cheeks rise a few more degrees and you shot the prince a scowl over your shoulder. “I am not sure it is wise to torment the person who is helping you, your highness.” You reminded him moodily, and Loki almost seemed to look bashful. “None the less,” You muttered, turning back to your bowl and adding in the last few ingredients, “I thank you for alerting me to flaw in my home, and I shall endeavour to make my door somewhat more sound proof…” You informed him coolly. Loki fell silent after that as you finished the last few steps to the balm, then carried the small bow over the heart that crackled and spat contently. You placed the dish on a aged metal grill that hung above the flames, leaving the contents to simmer, then withdrew, straightening up again. “It will take a few minutes for the heat to solidify it.” You explained to Loki, barely sparing him a glance before you moved back through to the main chamber of the tower.
“I fear I have upset you, my lady.” Loki said lowly, following after you a moment later.
You felt your annoyance dissipate somewhat at the ‘my lady’, remembering who exactly you were talking to. You couldn’t be aloof to a member of the royal family. Especially when his voice was so smooth and soft that it alone was enough to make your muscles melt. You sighed, turning back to him where he lingered by the doorway. “Not at all, your highness.” You shook your head, “I merely -“ You paused, “I spoke those words behind closed doors for a reason,” You explained, “I did not wish for them to be common knowledge.”
“Then let me assure you they shall not be.” Loki declared, stepping towards you.
You eyed him warily. “You will not hold them over me?”
The look on the prince’s face was one of hurt. “You believe me capable of doing such a thing, then you truly do think very little of me.”
“My apologies, my prince.” You murmured ducking your head. “A person hears things...” You said in way of explanation.
“Cruel rumours only.” Loki muttered coldly. “Something I do hope you of all people will put no stock in.”
You glanced up in surprise at the prince’s words and was even more surprised by the almost tender look in his handsome, pale featured. You felt your heart well with hope for even a moment that this man – that Loki Odinson might actually…
You started violently in surprised as a raven suddenly flew through the main open window, flapping noiselessly and cawing in alarm, which in turn set off the rest of the birds until the whole tower was alive with agitated flapping and crowing. You watched the new arrival circle restless around the rafters above you till it was certain it had got your attention then dove down to land gracefully onto your outstretched arm, looking somewhat pleased of the cacophony of noise and distress it had produced. You placed a hand on your chest to collect yourself as the crowing slowly died down around you, your heart still racing ridiculously at the fright, then, out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the red string on the new raven’s leg.
“My apologies.” You said quickly to Loki - who looked just as astonished by the event that had just taken place – before you then hurried over to one of the tables, already working at the string on the bird’s leg which was raised obediently for your ease. Several times the raven went to nibble affectionately at your fingers, but you shooed it away urgently each time until it finally gave you a disgruntled glare and instead stood up rigidly straight, deciding instead to completely ignore you.
You didn’t care though, now pulling off the grubby scroll to find, to your surprise, that it was addressed to the prince behind you. You turned back to Loki, handing him the paper silently and who, in turn, took it without a word, unrolling it and scanning the text briefly.
You watched his face anxiously for any hint as to what the message contained, the worry lines on his face not suggesting for anything good.
“Is it the giants?” You murmured, unable to help it and chewing on your lip. Frost giants had been trying the city’s defences almost continuously over the last few months and you – and other Asgardian citizens – constantly lived in fear of the next attack, the creatures cruel, brutal and merciless.
Loki glanced up in surprise at your question, as though forgetting you were there, then glanced towards the sweet perfume smoke that now issued from the back room. “We may require more of your balm.” He observed gravely in answer. Your heart sank for a moment, before you then steeled yourself, nodding determinedly, and strode quickly back to the bowl nestled over the flames. You pulled it off the metal with an old rag and tossed the dish onto one of the already slightly singed work tables.
One pot of set balm wasn’t going to be enough though.
“How much and where do you need it?” You asked Loki, not bothering with formalities now, knowing there wasn’t time and already gathering all the supplies you had.
He blinked in surprise at your almost military-like tone, but then took on his own determined look. “As much as you can make as quickly as you can make it.” He instructed. “Eastern wall, by the old grave gardens.” You nodded, as you listened, though your mind was already busy counting out what quantities of material you had and how much you could make.
“I know you dislike the alchemist, but even mediocre medicine is better than none.” You told Loki now glancing over your shoulder, “I cannot possibly make enough in time.”
“I will send someone to bring you more resources.” Loki told you and you nodded at this gratefully. “You will be reimbursed.” The prince assured you.
“Do not fret about that now,” You scolded, shaking your head, “Get to where you need to be,” You waved your hand distractedly, ushering him out. “I shall find someone else to help with this.”
Loki surprisingly did as you said without any question – though you couldn’t reflect on this till later – and paused only for a moment in the doorway to note that you had already turned your back on him and begun measuring out berries, before he too turned to find his horse.  
Tags for Everything: @thatwriterizzy @beautifulbows924 @wanna-see-my-lease @arkhamsurviour @angelicshinigami @minahraven @sheldonsherlocktony @adaliamalfoy
Tags for Loki: @drakesfiance @vanyali07 @frostymoon11 @hakuoyuki @imagine-that-100 @lexiiiii28
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