#006. ━━ francine murphy ♡ headcanons.
strcngergirls · 1 year
reminder that francine would’ve been 27 in season 4 and could’ve helped the Party get to Henry :’)
she also would’ve slapped steve and eddie upside the head at least once each
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strcngergirls · 2 years
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Francine works as a waitress at a diner in town and she practices her powers by guessing what people are going to order before they order.
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strcngergirls · 2 years
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Francine saw a Demogorgon in a vision and nightmare once, but since she has no relation to the Party and has no idea what D&D is, she refers to them as ‘the creatures’ or Flytraps. As for the Upside Down, she’s seen glimpses of it while in the sensory deprivation tank and in visions. She knows of its existence vaguely, from Brenner after she told him about what she saw. But again because she exists outside of the Party, she refers to it as Elsewhere.
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strcngergirls · 2 years
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this is such a francine fit though
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strcngergirls · 2 years
1 aand 9 for whoever you feel like! :D
from this meme ♥
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1 does your muse blame themselves for their trauma?
Francine definitely doesn’t blame herself for the trauma she’s endured. She knows she plays a large part of it but she often copes with it by putting the blame on others(even if unfairly so), mostly her father. Although she is capable of taking responsibility for her mistakes and misdeeds, she has the mindset that everything links back to her childhood and her cruel father. Her lack of control over her powers, her desperate need to break the rules while also pleasing everyone around her, and, of course, not knowing how to be in a healthy relationship.
9 what coping methods  ( healthy or unhealthy )  did your muse learn during their childhood?
Running away is a big one. Most of the time when things went wrong in her childhood, she would run away. It typically only lasted a night, sleeping under the slide at the park or going to a neighbors house. Her mother went out looking for her the first time, but by the fifth and sixth time they knew she’d come back.  As she got older, she would retreat to Ricky’s house most often. His mom would cover for her if needed and she felt safe in their home.
 One of her first instincts when things start to go bad is to run. When her parents were suffocating her, she ran. After she realized how bad things were at Hawkins Laboratory, she planned her escape. Even after they were caught by Brenner’s guards (*in my canon, Ricky is the one who gets shot and Francine and Marcy are the ones to get away), she runs at first chance, without really looking out for Marcy.
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strcngergirls · 1 year
MULTIMUSE ASK MEME! send in the name of a muse you don’t know at all and i’ll tell you…
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I’m gonna reply to this here since I got like 3-4 about Francine so this can be all of them in one
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their general personality
Francine is a fire sign and redhead, so she’s feisty and stubborn by nature. That being said, she is typically very friendly towards others albeit hesitant to open up to people about her past. She is an introvert for the most part, but adapts to the energy around her and can become a social butterfly under the right circumstances.
their hobbies
Reading, riding her bike, listening to music, and she really enjoys camping & hiking
things they like
Her friends, freedom, salty foods, the color orange
things they dislike
Her parents, Dr. Brenner, liars, big open spaces ( kenophobia )
some things people do that annoy them
Liars. She absolutely despises lying, in any form. Even little white lies can rub her the wrong way if they’re not explained well enough (i.e. surprise parties, or things of that nature). If she catches someone in a lie, especially if they try to defend it, she’ll shut down immediately. When she found out her ex-boyfriend and best friend Ricky had lied to her, she shut him out completely until he literally cornered her to explain himself.
how easily they form friendships
Her powers are purely precognition but she has a great judge of character and can typically gauge whether a person is good or bad pretty quickly. So, if someone passes her initial vibe check, they’re considered usually a friend right away. Otherwise it might take some time to earn her trust, if at all.
how easily they get crushes
When she was younger, incredibly easily. She was the type of girl that if someone smiled at her, she’d develop a crush. If a boy shared his crayons at craft time or swapped Twinkies for Dunakroos, she’d have heart eyes for the rest of the year. But after Ricky and her escape from the Lab, she’s more guarded about people. It takes a lot to break down her walls and fall for someone. But it’s definitely not impossible.
the kind of person they get along with the best
Fellow feisty types, honestly. But mostly people who are spontaneous or outgoing, who can bring out that side of her (other fire or air signs prob). She’s also always drawn to her fellow underdogs, no matter their temperament.
the kind of person they get along with the worst
Anyone who uses others for their own entertainment or is consistently dishonest. Popular kids or people who care about the way they’re perceived or who they hang out with will definitely not get along with Francine.
whether or not they could get along with your muse(s)
@slaymetal​ Definitely! I think Eddie & Fran could be a funny duo. The sarcasm between the two of them would be hilarious and I can imagine him trying to teach her D&D and her getting absolutely confused.
@ghsteye​ I think Fran would adore Robin tbh. She’d feel protective over her and see her as a sister, even if Robin didn’t feel the same way. If she ever finds out that Robin’s mom worked at the Lab, there could be some possible angst and/or tears but I think they’d definitely get along!
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strcngergirls · 1 year
What Monster from Folklore Protects you?
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Lost... alone... unwanted... unnamed... abandoned... forgotten.
Such is the petrifying fate of the Myling children; children born to poverty-stricken women. Children who are abandoned or killed, their remains hidden, forgotten by time. Their souls are fated to forever roam this Earth, searching for their bodies, their names, the love they never had the chance to experience. Mylingar cries can be heard, mournfully echoing from deep within the misty woods, luring travelers into to investigate. The deeper they venture into the unforgiving branches, the further from civilization they strayed, the faster they approached their deaths. The myling would attach themselves to the traveler's back, demanding that they are carried to the graveyard so they can rest in hallowed ground. With every step the ill-fated traveler takes, the heavier the myling becomes until the traveler collapses into the soil from exhaustion. If they cannot regain their footing and make it to the graveyard... the myling will kill them in a fit of rage. You are perceptive and often childish, these are the traits that connects the Myling to you. Your body may mature but your mind remains youthful. Growing up never held any appeal towards you, especially since the adult life seems too complicated. If it were up to you, you could remain a child forever. Free from commitment, constraint and responsibilities, living life to have fun. Just be careful what you wish for.
Wishes have a peculiar way of coming true...
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strcngergirls · 2 years
What Flower Have You Blossomed Into? 
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 a baby's breath, of fresh air
"people used to believe that cats took away a baby's breath by magic." — unknown — you are someone who has a youthful air of confidence — new beginnings don't scare you away. you have a bright softness to you— a strong sense of faith, willing to take a leap with an open mind. soaring high into the skies is something you wish to do, since you have a lot of ambition. you may even be someone who gets bored easily as well, and this is why you're constantly seeking the youthfulness, innocence, and curiosity you once had as a child.
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strcngergirls · 2 years
👤 for francine
Send 👤 to meet an NPC in my muse’s life
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Ricky (003), Francine's ex-boyfriend, former best friend, and former neighbor
Fran always escaped to his house whenever things got hairy with her parents, especially with her dad. They were supposed to go to prom together and they were really close until Brenner convinced Francine to enlist into the program at HNL. 
p.s. anyone who gives me a ricky for fran will have my heart forever ok ty
Once Francine found out that Ricky (003) was a part of it the whole time and that his 'power' was emotional manipulation, she felt betrayed and distanced herself from him. After a while she learned to forgive him, prompted by the loneliness and seclusion in the Lab. Francine and Ricky plan to break out of the lab and take the kids with them, but they get stopped by Brenner and his security team before they can get everyone out.
In the canon, Francine has a vision of Ricky getting shot and puts herself in front of him to save him, thus dying and letting Marcy and Ricky escape into the woods.
In my default verse and canon-divergent storyline, Francine panics when she sees the vision, so she lives and Ricky is the one that gets shot by Brenner's security.
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strcngergirls · 2 years
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Francine Murphy Main Verse (Canon Divergent)
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In Francine’s main verse, she doesn’t react to her vision when Brenner is chasing her, Ricky, and Marcy. She sees Ricky get shot, but she panics and doesn’t act on it. So, Ricky is the one that gets shot instead and Francine and Marcy run off into the woods. Less than a week later, Marcy decides to return to the facility for her twin sister and Francine is left on her own.
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strcngergirls · 2 years
what’s your underlying motif?
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the dog
whether it’s the way you bare your teeth when backed in a corner, your loyalty, or your tendency to act on instinct, your reoccurring theme is the dog. like mitski said “i get mean when im nervous, like a bad dog” or how halsey said “i won’t smile but i’ll show you my teeth” even when migos said “dance with my dogs in the night time” the essence of the dog runs through you. you’re tough and a quick draw on the outside, but if we got down to it we’d see you’re acting the only way you’ve ever known how. it doesn’t make you bad, survival is natural, your loyalty and determination is commendable. i don’t blame you for the way you act when your back is against a wall, but please remember to not bite the hand that feeds.
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strcngergirls · 2 years
what shatters you?
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you are so tired of giving your trust away, only to have it thrown back in your face... your heart has been broken, again and again, by those you've mistakenly believed in. "perhaps this time will be different", you say. my dear, it won't. your heart is too gullible for the cruel world around you.
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strcngergirls · 2 years
how does your story end?
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cut down too soon, questions unanswered, desires unfulfilled... what a tragedy you are.
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strcngergirls · 2 years
tag dump 6/?
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