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Very Dark Turquoise to Pakistan Green #006633 to #006600 (RGB; Upper Left to Lower Right)
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papiliona · 3 years
000000 000 000033 003 000066 006 000099 009 0000CC 00c 0000FF 00f 003300 030 003333 033 003366 036 003399 039 0033CC 03c 0033FF 03f 006600 060 006633 063 006666 066 006699 069 0066CC 063 0066FF 06f 009900 090 009933 093 009966 096 009999 099 0099CC 09c 0099FF 09f 00CC00 0c0 00CC33 0c3 00CC66 0c6 00CC99 0c9 00CCCC 0cc 00CCFF 0cf 00FF00 0f0 00FF33 0f3 00FF66 0f6 00FF99 0f9 00FFCC 0fc 00FFFF 0ff 330000 300 330033 303 330066 306 330099 309 3300CC 30c 3300FF 30f 333300 330 333333 333 333366 336 333399 339 3333CC 33c 3333FF 33f 336600 360 336633 363 336666 366 336699 369 3366CC 36c 3366FF 36f 339900 390 339933 393 339966 396 339999 399 3399CC 39c 3399FF 39f 33CC00 3c0 33CC33 3c3 33CC66 3c6 33CC99 3c9 33CCCC 3cc 33CCFF 3cf 33FF00 3f0 33FF33 3f3 33FF66 3f6 33FF99 3f9 33FFCC 3fc 33FFFF 3ff 660000 600 660033 603 660066 606 660099 609 6600CC 60c 6600FF 60f 663300 630 663333 633 663366 636 663399 639 6633CC 63c 6633FF 63f 666600 660 666633 663 666666 666 666699 669 6666CC 66c 6666FF 66f 669900 690 669933 693 669966 696 669999 699 6699CC 69c 6699FF 69f 66CC00 6c0 66CC33 6c3 66CC66 6c6 66CC99 6c9 66CCCC 6cc 66CCFF 6cf 66FF00 6f0 66FF33 6f3 66FF66 6f6 66FF99 6f9 66FFCC 6fc 66FFFF 6ff 990000 900 990033 903 990066 906 990099 909 9900CC 90c 9900FF 90f 993300 930 993333 933 993366 936 993399 939 9933CC 93c 9933FF 93f 996600 960 996633 963 996666 966 996699 969 9966CC 96c 9966FF 96f 999900 990 999933 993 999966 996 999999 999 9999CC 99c 9999FF 99f 99CC00 9c0 99CC33 9c3 99CC66 9c6 99CC99 9c9 99CCCC 9cc 99CCFF 9cf 99FF00 9f0 99FF33 9f3 99FF66 9f6 99FF99 9f9 99FFCC 9fc 99FFFF 9ff CC0000 c00 CC0033 c03 CC0066 c06 CC0099 c09 CC00CC c0c CC00FF c0f CC3300 c30 CC3333 c33 CC3366 c36 CC3399 c39 CC33CC c3c CC33FF c3f CC6600 c60 CC6633 c63 CC6666 c66 CC6699 c69 CC66CC c6c CC66FF c6f CC9900 c90 CC9933 c93 CC9966 c96 CC9999 c99 CC99CC c9c CC99FF c9f CCCC00 cc0 CCCC33 cc3 CCCC66 cc6 CCCC99 cc9 CCCCCC ccc CCCCFF ccf CCFF00 cf0 CCFF33 cf3 CCFF66 cf6 CCFF99 cf9 CCFFCC cfc CCFFFF cff FF0000 f00 FF0033 f03 FF0066 f06 FF0099 f09 FF00CC f0c FF00FF f0f FF3300 f30 FF3333 f33 FF3366 f36 FF3399 f39 FF33CC f3c FF33FF f3f FF6600 f60 FF6633 f63 FF6666 f66 FF6699 f69 FF66CC f6c FF66FF f6f FF9900 f90 FF9933 f93 FF9966 f96 FF9999 f99 FF99CC f9c FF99FF f9d FFCC00 fc0 FFCC33 fc3 FFCC66 fc6 FFCC99 fc9 FFCCCC fcc FFCCFF fcf FFFF00 ff0 FFFF33 ff3 FFFF66 ff6 FFFF99 ff9 FFFFCC ffc FFFFFF fff
Thanks for this 👍.
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ancientoriginses · 4 years
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eimari-af · 4 years
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Oi oi pessoas! Esse é o code Lua Cheia :)
Para trocar a cor insira a nova no lugar dessas    #006633,  #66cc99. 
Se optar em usar, curta, por favor. 
Nunca retire os créditos.
Code aqui
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b-arfbag · 4 years
my first strategy was to pick every single shade of red and green and stuff by hand from your drawings and make a color ramp usin that, but i really don't know how to do that!! so i'll just be picking the few outlying colors i see and just making swatches of color that peeps can use.
thats ok… i dont completely understand what “color ramp” is but maybe this website could help? (if ur having trouble finding in-between colors)
i dont wnat you working for no reason so if you wanna quit that would be fine. im just glad you cared :)
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ahinana · 6 years
MiniMiniPoradnik - Kolorowy PlumBob
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Gra oferuje zmianę koloru PlumBoba, od samego początku, nie trzeba do tego żadnych modyfikacji, wystarczy podmienić 3 liczby w odpowiednim miejscu, by nadać swojej grze charakteru.
Oto mały poradnik krok po kroku jak ustawić niestandardowy kolor kryształka.
❗️  Przed przystąpieniem do edycji zalecam wykonanie kopii zapasowej pliku Default.ini ❗️  
Aby zmienić kolor kryształka należy zedytować wartość koloru kryształka w pliku Default.ini. Znajduje się on w lokalizacji:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 4\Game\Bin
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Plik można edytować w dowolnym programie tekstowym
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W prostokącie zostały zaznaczone miejsce dotyczące koloru PlumBoba i innych wiszących nad głową Simów elementów.
W edycji samego kryształka interesują nas tylko 4 pierwsze linijki kodu. 
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Tutaj pierwsze 3 liczby określają kolor w standardzie RGB w zakresie od 0.00 do 1.00, ostatnia liczba określa przezroczystość.
Jeżeli marzy nam się niestandardowy kolor, ale nie wiemy jaki jest jego numer, wystarczy skorzystać z kalkulatora kolorów. Przykładowy może być TEN.
Dzięki niemu możemy wybrać interesujący nas odcień i jasność, a następnie skopiować odpowiednie liczby:
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i podmienić je dla kryształka, który nas interesuje:
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U siebie zachowałam numer poprzedniego koloru, napisałam linijkę na nowo, a przed linijką definiującą stary kolor dodałam znak #, który spowodował, że komenda stała się zwykłym komentarzem i nie ma wpływu na wyświetlanie koloru w grze. #aqua jest komentarzem napisanym przeze mnie dla mojej informacji. 
Wybrany kolor prezentuje się tak:
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Jeżeli interesuje was zmiana przezroczystości kryształka, trzeba zmienić czwartą liczbę, również w zakresie 0.00 i 1.00
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Lista przykładowych kolorów bez przezroczystości:
biały 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 czarny 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00 limonkowy 0.576, 0.964, 0.00, 1.00 miętowy 0.039, 1.00, 0.784, 1.00 różowy 1.00, 0.039, 0.976, 1.00 biskupi 1.00, 0.00, 0.501, 1.00 ametystowy 0.6, 0.4, 0.8, 1.00 jasny morki 0.00, 1.00, 0.858, 1.00  cyjan  0.00, 0.717, 0.921, 1.00  jasny szary 0.86, 0.86, 0.86, 1.00  jasny zielony 0.80, 1.00, 0.75, 1.00  jasny niebieski 0.560, 0.8, 1.00, 1.00  indygo 0.294, 0.00, 0.509, 1.00 turkus 0.188, 0.835, 0.784, 1.00 burgund 0.376, 0.007, 0.003, 1.00 fiolet 0.721, 0.011, 1.00, 1.00
Jeśli chcecie uzyskać konkretny kolor posługując się gotową listą kolorów, możecie w kalkulatorze przeliczyć go podając jego zapis w formacie HEX lub RGB. 
Np. Wikipedia  A-F G-M N-Z
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Chcąc kolor malachitowy wystarczy skopiować #006633 i wkleić go do kalkulatora podanego przeze mnie wcześniej
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Kolor ten będzie miał liczby 0.00, 0.4, 0.2, 1.0
Po wykonaniu zmiany plik trzeba zapisać zachowując jego dotychczasowe rozszerzenie. 
Aby przywrócić kolory do ustawień domyślnych można podmienić edytowany plik z plikiem zapasowym lub naprawić grę przy pomocy aplikacji Origin.
Materiał przygotowany we współpracy ze stroną The Sims: Believe in Youself
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seasonsgala · 4 years
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simplypsd1 · 5 years
30 Eye-Catching Logo Color Schemes
Color can have a significant impact on logos. It can communicate meaning and help users identify your company or brand. And just like other design trends, what styles and colors are used in logos tend to change over time.
The trend now is toward more streamlined logos without much color (often single color) or the exact opposite – rainbow-style color palettes for brand marks.
Here’s a look at 30 logo color schemes that are sure to catch your attention.
1. Miami Dolphins
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Some of the most interesting color combinations you’ll find some from sports teams. Athletic logos combine colors that are often not generally used together. The Miami Dolphins use a nice combination of teal and orange that’s bright, sunny and fits the logo mark well.
2. Slack
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Slack represents the rainbow-style color trend. The logo uses four distinct colors and there’s even a prominent secondary purple. While this palette has a lot happening this quad of colors – rooted in the Material Design palette – is extremely popular among lots of brands.
3. Outdoor Women’s Alliance
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Colors that’s just a little unexpected can really make a logo. The Outdoor Women’s Alliance uses a combination that evokes a sense of nature but opts for boldness rather than colors that could be more cliched.
4. PayPal
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Blue is the most popular logo color of all time. It creates a sense of trust and harmony. PayPal uses a trio of blues for that very reason.
5. Starbucks
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Single color logo design, especially with flat elements, is the most popular logo trend right now. Starbucks does this well with a color that is synonymous with the brand. The streamlined color palette is easy on the eye … and even easier to convert to black or white for alternate versions.
6. Trader Joe’s
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Trader Joes follows the same logo design philosophy as Starbucks, but shows that a single color design can work for text as well.
7. Mountain Dew
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The classic style Mountain Dew logo is a mashup of brights. This more classic color style has a less trendy, but timeless feel.
8. Thrive Global
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Thrive Global uses black and a blueish green combination for a simple logo mark with a monotone color scheme. What’s really nice about this color palette is that it mimics a gradient style without using gradients.
9. Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls
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The bright pink and gold of Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls is sure to jump out at you. The color combination has a feminine feel without being too girly, which works well for the brand.
10. Stitcher
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Stitcher is another rainbow-style design. The palette uses colors you might not normally put together, but here it works because color drives the eye across the logo design.
11. South Carolina Humanities
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South Carolina Humanities uses a classic color combination for a simple logo that feels trustworthy and modern.
12. Ally Bank
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Ally Bank bucks the trend with financial logos with a single purple wordmark. Most financial instutions, such as PayPal (above), opt for blue.
13. All That Grows
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All That Grows uses a simple bright green with black for a sleek logo design that has just enough color to draw the eye. This can be an effective option that adds a little more visual interest to a single-color design.
14. Breckenridge Brewery
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Breckenridge Brewery trades white lettering and accents for a warm beige. The color works well with the primary orange and creates a badge-style logo that contains all of the design elements in a neat package.
15. Dogs Trust
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A gold and black color combination can be harsh and difficult to use, but Dog’s Trust does it in a way that stands out and establishes the right feel. A combination like this can also stand out in a crowded logo color space of blues, reds and greens.
16. Stand Up To Cancer
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Bold choices with color – black, red and orange – sets the tone for this mostly text logo.
17. Feeding America
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Feeding America uses an orange and deep green combination that perfectly matches what the nonprofit does and imagery in the design. The orange makes you think of wheat (in the top of the logo) and green connects with nature and farming (food generation). The green also serves as a nice neutral against the orange, which can be harsh.
18. Pampers
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Another trendy color combination with teal and gold creates a sense of fun and adventure, great for a brand aimed at new parents.
19. Core Hydration
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Core Hydration uses a great monotone blue color palette that includes all the blues you might think of when it comes to water. Pair those with color black lettering for maximum impact in the logo design.
20. Seattle Sounders
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The Seattle Sounders use a calming blue and green combination. These colors almost have a neutral feel without being bland.
21. Credit Karma
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Credit Karma uses a bright green that’s a new spin on what you might think of for money.
22. TikTok
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TikTok uses simple black text with cyan and magenta accents to represent the video social channel. The colors are bright and trendy and help push black lettering to the forefront.
23. Dunkin’
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There’s nothing like a color pair that doesn’t match to make you look at a brand. That’s just what Dunkin’ has been doing for years with a bright orange and pink color combination.
24. Wonder Woman
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The class DC Comics Wonder Woman logo uses a red and yellow pair that brands have used for generations. Red is a popular logo color because of its impactful nature and the addition of yellow makes it even more attention-grabbing.
25. NBA
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The NBA uses another classic color commination – red and blue. You could say these colors go together in logo design the same way that peanut butter and jelly go together on a sandwich.
26. Nike
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Nike’s iconic logo design uses no color at all. If you start scanning websites, this is something you’ll see a lot of right now.
27. Lord + Taylor
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Lord + Taylor uses a softer version of black and gold. The gray and yellow logo is inviting and a nice alternative to all the in-your-face designs that are more popular.
28. Sanzaru Games
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Sanzaru Games uses a line green with black to grab attention. While lime was once dubbed the “new neutral,” it’s not overly popular and stands out for this reason.
29. Chipotle
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Chipotle uses two reds for the restaurant chain logo. It’s an effective use of color – red is said to stimulate the appetite and it goes with the Mexican food theme.
30. Salty Turtle Beer Co.
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Salty Turtle Beer Co. uses several neutrals in a visually interesting way. The greens and beige are the colors of the iconic animal in the logo and color of hops, which are used to make their product. Color choices help the user “see” the design.
from Design Shack http://bit.ly/2v6XQEE
30 Eye-Catching Logo Color Schemes Read more on: Simply PSD Blog
from http://bit.ly/2DeFJkO
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kotoripiyopiyo · 7 years
54: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2012/11/10(土) 22:58:29.67 ID:onIdgJMh0 数年前、ランチを買いに大雨の中コンビニに行った。 自動ドアが開き、店内に入ろうとしたら足が滑り、 カーリングの石を投げる人のような格好で入店。 大慌てで立ち上がろうとするも、靴が滑ってうまく起きられない。 ぐっと力を込めた瞬間バキャッという音とともに180度大開脚。 あまりの痛さに「アァォ!」と大声一発。 パニック状態で上体をひねったら、その格好のままクルーっとターン。 床にひれ伏すようにして足を戻し、ガニマタになりながら退店。 自動ドアが閉まる音と同時に店内にいた十数人の爆笑が聞こえた。 恥ずかしかったです。
短くて笑えるコピペください | 不思議.net
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winter-green-dream · 5 years
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#WinterGreenDream #GreenDream #Green ~ #In a RGB color space hex #006633 is composed of 0% red 40% green and 20% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 100% cyan 0% magenta 50% yellow and 60% black. It has a hue ang… https://buff.ly/2LWTB62
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moonlight-green · 6 years
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#WinterGreenDream #GreenDream #Green ~ #In a RGB color space hex #006633 is composed of 0% red 40% green and 20% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 100% cyan 0% magenta 50% yellow and 60% black. It has a hue ang… https://buff.ly/2LWTB62
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Very Dark Turquoise to Vivid Blue #006633 to #33CCFF (RGB; Upper Left to Lower Right)
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ksksts · 7 years
143: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2012/04/28(土) 20:44:37.92 ID:LugkmXpTi 来ない。 遣唐使来ないじゃん。ぜんっぜん来ない。毎年貢ぎ物持ってさぁ、来てたじゃん。この時期。なんで来んの。なんで?なんで来んの。 あれかー。え?去年のあれか?「お前らの船さあ、毎回違うとこ着くよねー」って俺が言ったから? いやだってあれはホントじゃん。都目指して船出してくるのに、毎回よくわかんないとこに流れ着くし。 あの、お前らがよく着く南の方とか、正直うちの領土なのかどうなのか微妙だかんね?知らんからね、変な人に捕まっても。 でさあ、着いたら着いたで、「迎えに来てー、貢ぎ物多くて運べない」みたいなこと言ってくるでしょ。 なんだ。彼氏か俺は。行くけどね?貢ぎ物欲しいからね。ハッピーターン超うまいしね。あれ何?超うまい。 あれか。あれきつく言ったからか。お前らさあ、結構勝手にお経書き写すじゃん。 あれ犯罪だかんね。で、去年ちょっときつく注意したんだよね、そしたら、お金払えばいいんでしょ、みたいな態度とったじゃないですか。 あれホントなんだろ、がっかりしたわ。がっかりした。万里の長城あんまり意味ないことに気づいた時くらいがっかりした。お金とかじゃないよ。でも、ホント大目に見てる方だと思うよ、うちはね。 いや。あれか。あの事件か。なんだろ、さんざん都で遊んで「さよならー」って言ったと思ったら流されてまた帰ってきたじゃん。あれほんとやめてほしい。再見再見ってホントに再見したとき何て言っていいか分からん。 「あっ……お、おう!」ってなる。まあでもそれは仕方ないんだけど、「船が直るまであと3ヶ月居ます」みたいなこと言うじゃん。平気で。悪びれずに。 こっちの身にもなって欲しい。宿とか無いからね。お前らだけの宿じゃないからね。布団もさあ、全部干しちゃうし、シーツとか洗うし。 だから、カッとなって「お前らを泊めるところは無いよ!」って言ったのね。 つい言っちゃったのね。そしたら、なんか勝手に変な家建てたじゃん。ホントにやりたい放題だな、おたくら。 でも、それについても何も言わなかったじゃん。言わなかったじゃない。あの変な家もまだ有るよ。でも最近あの周りで人が消えるんですけど。あの家何? なんだよ。どういうことだよ。結構お前らのために尽くしてる感はあるよ。来いよ。 俺、実際問題お前らのこと嫌いじゃないの。すげえアホだけど、なんか憎めないわけ。あとハッピーターン?あれ何?超うまいんですけど。 来ない。
2ちゃんで最も有名なコピペってなんだろ | 不思議.net
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deppoavantaj-blog · 7 years
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Ürün Kodu: P-006633 Şal yaka kenar biyeli kaşe kaban sadece 39.99tl🌸 . ⬇️NASIL SİPARİŞ VERİRİM?⬇️ . Whatsapp: 05467252580 - 05446545550 Müşteri Hizmetleri: 0850 304 05 50 . DM ✔️ . DAHA HIZLI SİPARİŞLERİNİZ İÇİN➡️ www.deppoavantaj.com . TÜRKİYENİN HER İLİNE KAPIDA ÖDEMELİ KARGO YOLLUYORUZ.
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lz3ai · 7 years
[:bg]За какво ни търсят хората?[:en]What are our people looking for?[:]
[:bg]За какво ни търсят хората?[:en]What are our people looking for?[:]
Хората най-често ни търсят, когато искат по здравословен начин да постигнат нещо от следните неща:
[pricing_table columns=”4″][price_column highlight=”yes” bgcolor=”#006633″][price_header bgcolors=”#77bc1f”]Контрол на теглото[/price_header][price_row]Отслабване[/price_row][price_row]Напълняване[/price_row][price_row]Детоксикация[/price_row][price_row]Пазаруване[/price_row][price_row]Борба…
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Very Dark Turquoise to Light Blue #006633 to #66CCFF (RGB; Upper Left to Lower Right)
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