#04 or 03???? iDk bRoh-
neptuniadoesstuff · 5 months
OC Idea #04? 03? Idk bro I can't count for the life of me.
Name: "Abalos the Wandering Trader" (Placeholder name)
Age: 20-26 (Mortal age is 22-28)
Species: Eohmynk (Fezar/Nil Hybrid)
Height: 6'0.2 ft
Gender: ??, ??/??
Pride: ??
Occupation: Wandering Trader around Fable in the Fezar Colony (Mainly, but they also go to other Colonies around Fable)
Background: "Abalos" was actually born in the Apnoaw Colony, but thye were a orphan + was a hybrid of a Fezar & Nil-mynk, & if you know about about Apnoaw-mynks... They are extremely racist to Nils do to them having no elemental properties, so Abalos struggled a lot... But they did eventually obtain some levels of success from selling trinkets they have made to mortals while wandering abouts, but they are pretty bitter about the Apnoaw thing & only sell their handmade items to much nicer Apnaows.. (Btw they may have been jn a few fights before with theives-) Occasionally, they will go to the mortal realm & sell trinkets to willing mortals who then in return, give them smtn + money to give back to the ppl of Fable. (This system has been pretty successful so far)
Physical Desc: A weird feathered Fezer-Mynk with the normal Grey eyes but with a slight tint of color in them, pointing out their Nil heritage (Including their tongue). Strangely is based on Quetzalcoatl but only in the feathers. Horns, Claws, & inner-ears are the color of white fire. Their upper scales are the colors of the dunes of Mars (hence the placeholder name) while their belly scales are the color of dirt & normal sand. Their clothing comes with a navy blue hood covered in faux-fur with some gold & Crimson bits. The hood seems to be homemade.
Now this deff ain't for the same frend I made the prompt of Edith for- /s (Ok it is-)
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