#09-2019 Science News
The disenshittified internet starts with loyal "user agents"
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I'm in TARTU, ESTONIA! Overcoming the Enshittocene (TOMORROW, May 8, 6PM, Prima Vista Literary Festival keynote, University of Tartu Library, Struwe 1). AI, copyright and creative workers' labor rights (May 10, 8AM: Science Fiction Research Association talk, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures building, Lossi 3, lobby). A talk for hackers on seizing the means of computation (May 10, 3PM, University of Tartu Delta Centre, Narva 18, room 1037).
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There's one overwhelmingly common mistake that people make about enshittification: assuming that the contagion is the result of the Great Forces of History, or that it is the inevitable end-point of any kind of for-profit online world.
In other words, they class enshittification as an ideological phenomenon, rather than as a material phenomenon. Corporate leaders have always felt the impulse to enshittify their offerings, shifting value from end users, business customers and their own workers to their shareholders. The decades of largely enshittification-free online services were not the product of corporate leaders with better ideas or purer hearts. Those years were the result of constraints on the mediocre sociopaths who would trade our wellbeing and happiness for their own, constraints that forced them to act better than they do today, even if the were not any better:
Corporate leaders' moments of good leadership didn't come from morals, they came from fear. Fear that a competitor would take away a disgruntled customer or worker. Fear that a regulator would punish the company so severely that all gains from cheating would be wiped out. Fear that a rival technology – alternative clients, tracker blockers, third-party mods and plugins – would emerge that permanently severed the company's relationship with their customers. Fears that key workers in their impossible-to-replace workforce would leave for a job somewhere else rather than participate in the enshittification of the services they worked so hard to build:
When those constraints melted away – thanks to decades of official tolerance for monopolies, which led to regulatory capture and victory over the tech workforce – the same mediocre sociopaths found themselves able to pursue their most enshittificatory impulses without fear.
The effects of this are all around us. In This Is Your Phone On Feminism, the great Maria Farrell describes how audiences at her lectures profess both love for their smartphones and mistrust for them. Farrell says, "We love our phones, but we do not trust them. And love without trust is the definition of an abusive relationship":
I (re)discovered this Farrell quote in a paper by Robin Berjon, who recently co-authored a magnificent paper with Farrell entitled "We Need to Rewild the Internet":
The new Berjon paper is narrower in scope, but still packed with material examples of the way the internet goes wrong and how it can be put right. It's called "The Fiduciary Duties of User Agents":
In "Fiduciary Duties," Berjon focuses on the technical term "user agent," which is how web browsers are described in formal standards documents. This notion of a "user agent" is a holdover from a more civilized age, when technologists tried to figure out how to build a new digital space where technology served users.
A web browser that's a "user agent" is a comforting thought. An agent's job is to serve you and your interests. When you tell it to fetch a web-page, your agent should figure out how to get that page, make sense of the code that's embedded in, and render the page in a way that represents its best guess of how you'd like the page seen.
For example, the user agent might judge that you'd like it to block ads. More than half of all web users have installed ad-blockers, constituting the largest consumer boycott in human history:
Your user agent might judge that the colors on the page are outside your visual range. Maybe you're colorblind, in which case, the user agent could shift the gamut of the colors away from the colors chosen by the page's creator and into a set that suits you better:
Or maybe you (like me) have a low-vision disability that makes low-contrast type difficult to impossible to read, and maybe the page's creator is a thoughtless dolt who's chosen light grey-on-white type, or maybe they've fallen prey to the absurd urban legend that not-quite-black type is somehow more legible than actual black type:
The user agent is loyal to you. Even when you want something the page's creator didn't consider – even when you want something the page's creator violently objects to – your user agent acts on your behalf and delivers your desires, as best as it can.
Now – as Berjon points out – you might not know exactly what you want. Like, you know that you want the privacy guarantees of TLS (the difference between "http" and "https") but not really understand the internal cryptographic mysteries involved. Your user agent might detect evidence of shenanigans indicating that your session isn't secure, and choose not to show you the web-page you requested.
This is only superficially paradoxical. Yes, you asked your browser for a web-page. Yes, the browser defied your request and declined to show you that page. But you also asked your browser to protect you from security defects, and your browser made a judgment call and decided that security trumped delivery of the page. No paradox needed.
But of course, the person who designed your user agent/browser can't anticipate all the ways this contradiction might arise. Like, maybe you're trying to access your own website, and you know that the security problem the browser has detected is the result of your own forgetful failure to renew your site's cryptographic certificate. At that point, you can tell your browser, "Thanks for having my back, pal, but actually this time it's fine. Stand down and show me that webpage."
That's your user agent serving you, too.
User agents can be well-designed or they can be poorly made. The fact that a user agent is designed to act in accord with your desires doesn't mean that it always will. A software agent, like a human agent, is not infallible.
However – and this is the key – if a user agent thwarts your desire due to a fault, that is fundamentally different from a user agent that thwarts your desires because it is designed to serve the interests of someone else, even when that is detrimental to your own interests.
A "faithless" user agent is utterly different from a "clumsy" user agent, and faithless user agents have become the norm. Indeed, as crude early internet clients progressed in sophistication, they grew increasingly treacherous. Most non-browser tools are designed for treachery.
A smart speaker or voice assistant routes all your requests through its manufacturer's servers and uses this to build a nonconsensual surveillance dossier on you. Smart speakers and voice assistants even secretly record your speech and route it to the manufacturer's subcontractors, whether or not you're explicitly interacting with them:
By design, apps and in-app browsers seek to thwart your preferences regarding surveillance and tracking. An app will even try to figure out if you're using a VPN to obscure your location from its maker, and snitch you out with its guess about your true location.
Mobile phones assign persistent tracking IDs to their owners and transmit them without permission (to its credit, Apple recently switch to an opt-in system for transmitting these IDs) (but to its detriment, Apple offers no opt-out from its own tracking, and actively lies about the very existence of this tracking):
An Android device running Chrome and sitting inert, with no user interaction, transmits location data to Google every five minutes. This is the "resting heartbeat" of surveillance for an Android device. Ask that device to do any work for you and its pulse quickens, until it is emitting a nearly continuous stream of information about your activities to Google:
These faithless user agents both reflect and enable enshittification. The locked-down nature of the hardware and operating systems for Android and Ios devices means that manufacturers – and their business partners – have an arsenal of legal weapons they can use to block anyone who gives you a tool to modify the device's behavior. These weapons are generically referred to as "IP rights" which are, broadly speaking, the right to control the conduct of a company's critics, customers and competitors:
A canny tech company can design their products so that any modification that puts the user's interests above its shareholders is illegal, a violation of its copyright, patent, trademark, trade secrets, contracts, terms of service, nondisclosure, noncompete, most favored nation, or anticircumvention rights. Wrap your product in the right mix of IP, and its faithless betrayals acquire the force of law.
This is – in Jay Freeman's memorable phrase – "felony contempt of business model." While more than half of all web users have installed an ad-blocker, thus overriding the manufacturer's defaults to make their browser a more loyal agent, no app users have modified their apps with ad-blockers.
The first step of making such a blocker, reverse-engineering the app, creates criminal liability under Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, with a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $500,000 fine. An app is just a web-page skinned in sufficient IP to make it a felony to add an ad-blocker to it (no wonder every company wants to coerce you into using its app, rather than its website).
If you know that increasing the invasiveness of the ads on your web-page could trigger mass installations of ad-blockers by your users, it becomes irrational and self-defeating to ramp up your ads' invasiveness. The possibility of interoperability acts as a constraint on tech bosses' impulse to enshittify their products.
The shift to platforms dominated by treacherous user agents – apps, mobile ecosystems, walled gardens – weakens or removes that constraint. As your ability to discipline your agent so that it serves you wanes, the temptation to turn your user agent against you grows, and enshittification follows.
This has been tacitly understood by technologists since the web's earliest days and has been reaffirmed even as enshittification increased. Berjon quotes extensively from "The Internet Is For End-Users," AKA Internet Architecture Board RFC 8890:
Defining the user agent role in standards also creates a virtuous cycle; it allows multiple implementations, allowing end users to switch between them with relatively low costs (…). This creates an incentive for implementers to consider the users' needs carefully, which are often reflected into the defining standards. The resulting ecosystem has many remaining problems, but a distinguished user agent role provides an opportunity to improve it.
And the W3C's Technical Architecture Group echoes these sentiments in "Web Platform Design Principles," which articulates a "Priority of Constituencies" that is supposed to be central to the W3C's mission:
User needs come before the needs of web page authors, which come before the needs of user agent implementors, which come before the needs of specification writers, which come before theoretical purity.
But the W3C's commitment to faithful agents is contingent on its own members' commitment to these principles. In 2017, the W3C finalized "EME," a standard for blocking mods that interact with streaming videos. Nominally aimed at preventing copyright infringement, EME also prevents users from choosing to add accessibility add-ons that beyond the ones the streaming service permits. These services may support closed captioning and additional narration of visual elements, but they block tools that adapt video for color-blind users or prevent strobe effects that trigger seizures in users with photosensitive epilepsy.
The fight over EME was the most contentious struggle in the W3C's history, in which the organization's leadership had to decide whether to honor the "priority of constituencies" and make a standard that allowed users to override manufacturers, or whether to facilitate the creation of faithless agents specifically designed to thwart users' desires on behalf of manufacturers:
This fight was settled in favor of a handful of extremely large and powerful companies, over the objections of a broad collection of smaller firms, nonprofits representing users, academics and other parties agitating for a web built on faithful agents. This coincided with the W3C's operating budget becoming entirely dependent on the very large sums its largest corporate members paid.
W3C membership is on a sliding scale, based on a member's size. Nominally, the W3C is a one-member, one-vote organization, but when a highly concentrated collection of very high-value members flex their muscles, W3C leadership seemingly perceived an existential risk to the organization, and opted to sacrifice the faithfulness of user agents in service to the anti-user priorities of its largest members.
For W3C's largest corporate members, the fight was absolutely worth it. The W3C's EME standard transformed the web, making it impossible to ship a fully featured web-browser without securing permission – and a paid license – from one of the cartel of companies that dominate the internet. In effect, Big Tech used the W3C to secure the right to decide who would compete with them in future, and how:
Enshittification arises when the everyday mediocre sociopaths who run tech companies are freed from the constraints that act against them. When the web – and its browsers – were a big, contented, diverse, competitive space, it was harder for tech companies to collude to capture standards bodies like the W3C to secure even more dominance. As the web turned into Tom Eastman's "five giant websites filled with screenshots of text from the other four," that kind of collusion became much easier:
In arguing for faithful agents, Berjon associates himself with the group of scholars, regulators and activists who call for user agents to serve as "information fiduciaries." Mostly, information fiduciaries come up in the context of user privacy, with the idea that entities that hold a user's data would have the obligation to put the user's interests ahead of their own. Think of a lawyer's fiduciary duty in respect of their clients, to give advice that reflects the client's best interests, even when that conflicts with the lawyer's own self-interest. For example, a lawyer who believes that settling a case is the best course of action for a client is required to tell them so, even if keeping the case going would generate more billings for the lawyer and their firm.
For a user agent to be faithful, it must be your fiduciary. It must put your interests ahead of the interests of the entity that made it or operates it. Browsers, email clients, and other internet software that served as a fiduciary would do things like automatically blocking tracking (which most email clients don't do, especially webmail clients made by companies like Google, who also sell advertising and tracking).
Berjon contemplates a legally mandated fiduciary duty, citing Lindsey Barrett's "Confiding in Con Men":
He describes a fiduciary duty as a remedy for the enforcement failures of EU's GDPR, a solidly written, and dismally enforced, privacy law. A legally backstopped duty for agents to be fiduciaries would also help us distinguish good and bad forms of "innovation" – innovation in ways of thwarting a user's will are always bad.
Now, the tech giants insist that they are already fiduciaries, and that when they thwart a user's request, that's more like blocking access to a page where the encryption has been compromised than like HAL9000's "I can't let you do that, Dave." For example, when Louis Barclay created "Unfollow Everything," he (and his enthusiastic users) found that automating the process of unfollowing every account on Facebook made their use of the service significantly better:
When Facebook shut the service down with blood-curdling legal threats, they insisted that they were simply protecting users from themselves. Sure, this browser automation tool – which just automatically clicked links on Facebook's own settings pages – seemed to do what the users wanted. But what if the user interface changed? What if so many users added this feature to Facebook without Facebook's permission that they overwhelmed Facebook's (presumably tiny and fragile) servers and crashed the system?
These arguments have lately resurfaced with Ethan Zuckerman and Knight First Amendment Institute's lawsuit to clarify that "Unfollow Everything 2.0" is legal and doesn't violate any of those "felony contempt of business model" laws:
Sure, Zuckerman seems like a good guy, but what if he makes a mistake and his automation tool does something you don't want? You, the Facebook user, are also a nice guy, but let's face it, you're also a naive dolt and you can't be trusted to make decisions for yourself. Those decisions can only be made by Facebook, whom we can rely upon to exercise its authority wisely.
Other versions of this argument surfaced in the debate over the EU's decision to mandate interoperability for end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) messaging through the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which would let you switch from, say, Whatsapp to Signal and still send messages to your Whatsapp contacts.
There are some good arguments that this could go horribly awry. If it is rushed, or internally sabotaged by the EU's state security services who loathe the privacy that comes from encrypted messaging, it could expose billions of people to serious risks.
But that's not the only argument that DMA opponents made: they also argued that even if interoperable messaging worked perfectly and had no security breaches, it would still be bad for users, because this would make it impossible for tech giants like Meta, Google and Apple to spy on message traffic (if not its content) and identify likely coordinated harassment campaigns. This is literally the identical argument the NSA made in support of its "metadata" mass-surveillance program: "Reading your messages might violate your privacy, but watching your messages doesn't."
This is obvious nonsense, so its proponents need an equally obviously intellectually dishonest way to defend it. When called on the absurdity of "protecting" users by spying on them against their will, they simply shake their heads and say, "You just can't understand the burdens of running a service with hundreds of millions or billions of users, and if I even tried to explain these issues to you, I would divulge secrets that I'm legally and ethically bound to keep. And even if I could tell you, you wouldn't understand, because anyone who doesn't work for a Big Tech company is a naive dolt who can't be trusted to understand how the world works (much like our users)."
Not coincidentally, this is also literally the same argument the NSA makes in support of mass surveillance, and there's a very useful name for it: scalesplaining.
Now, it's totally true that every one of us is capable of lapses in judgment that put us, and the people connected to us, at risk (my own parents gave their genome to the pseudoscience genetic surveillance company 23andme, which means they have my genome, too). A true information fiduciary shouldn't automatically deliver everything the user asks for. When the agent perceives that the user is about to put themselves in harm's way, it should throw up a roadblock and explain the risks to the user.
But the system should also let the user override it.
This is a contentious statement in information security circles. Users can be "socially engineered" (tricked), and even the most sophisticated users are vulnerable to this:
The only way to be certain a user won't be tricked into taking a course of action is to forbid that course of action under any circumstances. If there is any means by which a user can flip the "are you very sure?" circuit-breaker back on, then the user can be tricked into using that means.
This is absolutely true. As you read these words, all over the world, vulnerable people are being tricked into speaking the very specific set of directives that cause a suspicious bank-teller to authorize a transfer or cash withdrawal that will result in their life's savings being stolen by a scammer:
We keep making it harder for bank customers to make large transfers, but so long as it is possible to make such a transfer, the scammers have the means, motive and opportunity to discover how the process works, and they will go on to trick their victims into invoking that process.
Beyond a certain point, making it harder for bank depositors to harm themselves creates a world in which people who aren't being scammed find it nearly impossible to draw out a lot of cash for an emergency and where scam artists know exactly how to manage the trick. After all, non-scammers only rarely experience emergencies and thus have no opportunity to become practiced in navigating all the anti-fraud checks, while the fraudster gets to run through them several times per day, until they know them even better than the bank staff do.
This is broadly true of any system intended to control users at scale – beyond a certain point, additional security measures are trivially surmounted hurdles for dedicated bad actors and as nearly insurmountable hurdles for their victims:
At this point, we've had a couple of decades' worth of experience with technological "walled gardens" in which corporate executives get to override their users' decisions about how the system should work, even when that means reaching into the users' own computer and compelling it to thwart the user's desire. The record is inarguable: while companies often use those walls to lock bad guys out of the system, they also use the walls to lock their users in, so that they'll be easy pickings for the tech company that owns the system:
This is neatly predicted by enshittification's theory of constraints: when a company can override your choices, it will be irresistibly tempted to do so for its own benefit, and to your detriment.
What's more, the mere possibility that you can override the way the system works acts as a disciplining force on corporate executives, forcing them to reckon with your priorities even when these are counter to their shareholders' interests. If Facebook is genuinely worried that an "Unfollow Everything" script will break its servers, it can solve that by giving users an unfollow everything button of its own design. But so long as Facebook can sue anyone who makes an "Unfollow Everything" tool, they have no reason to give their users such a button, because it would give them more control over their Facebook experience, including the controls needed to use Facebook less.
It's been more than 20 years since Seth Schoen and I got a demo of Microsoft's first "trusted computing" system, with its "remote attestations," which would let remote servers demand and receive accurate information about what kind of computer you were using and what software was running on it.
This could be beneficial to the user – you could send a "remote attestation" to a third party you trusted and ask, "Hey, do you think my computer is infected with malicious software?" Since the trusted computing system produced its report on your computer using a sealed, separate processor that the user couldn't directly interact with, any malicious code you were infected with would not be able to forge this attestation.
But this remote attestation feature could also be used to allow Microsoft to block you from opening a Word document with Libreoffice, Apple Pages, or Google Docs, or it could be used to allow a website to refuse to send you pages if you were running an ad-blocker. In other words, it could transform your information fiduciary into a faithless agent.
Seth proposed an answer to this: "owner override," a hardware switch that would allow you to force your computer to lie on your behalf, when that was beneficial to you, for example, by insisting that you were using Microsoft Word to open a document when you were really using Apple Pages:
Seth wasn't naive. He knew that such a system could be exploited by scammers and used to harm users. But Seth calculated – correctly! – that the risks of having a key to let yourself out of the walled garden were less than being stuck in a walled garden where some corporate executive got to decide whether and when you could leave.
Tech executives never stopped questing after a way to turn your user agent from a fiduciary into a traitor. Last year, Google toyed with the idea of adding remote attestation to web browsers, which would let services refuse to interact with you if they thought you were using an ad blocker:
The reasoning for this was incredible: by adding remote attestation to browsers, they'd be creating "feature parity" with apps – that is, they'd be making it as practical for your browser to betray you as it is for your apps to do so (note that this is the same justification that the W3C gave for creating EME, the treacherous user agent in your browser – "streaming services won't allow you to access movies with your browser unless your browser is as enshittifiable and authoritarian as an app").
Technologists who work for giant tech companies can come up with endless scalesplaining explanations for why their bosses, and not you, should decide how your computer works. They're wrong. Your computer should do what you tell it to do:
These people can kid themselves that they're only taking away your power and handing it to their boss because they have your best interests at heart. As Upton Sinclair told us, it's impossible to get someone to understand something when their paycheck depends on them not understanding it.
The only way to get a tech boss to consistently treat you well is to ensure that if they stop, you can quit. Anything less is a one-way ticket to enshittification.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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somethingboutafic · 5 months
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Home For The Holiday by Larrysmomfics (M) word count: 86,791 A "The Holiday" inspired AU where Harry meets Louis after agreeing to swap houses with a stranger on the internet for three weeks over the holidays.
Switch Out The Batteries by istajmaal, LoadedGunn (E) word count: 88,302 Two years after meeting in a sex shop, Harry's just returning to Louis from a month-long tour in the States, and they come up with a wholesome bonding exercise.
Stranger Than Larry Fiction by Larrysmomfics (M) word count: 90,736 A canon-divergent AU where Louis and Harry read Larry Stylinson fanfiction.
You've Got My Devotion (Hate You Sometimes) by lucythegoosey (E) word count: 95,417 Harry and Louis are forced to fake-date after an old video from when they were dating emerges.
Red Brick Heart by hazmesentir (E) word count: 98,194 Uni AU. Harry had turned up at the halls of residence expecting fun, new friends, and maybe a life experience or two. What he doesn't expect is a surprise roommate who's loud and dramatic and obsessed with tea and is maybe, actually, all he's ever wanted.
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daily-coloring · 1 year
Best of 2022 - Movies
Including morbid social criticism, soon-to-be cult thrillers, and unconventional fairy tales.
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01. Triangle of Sadness - Dir: Ruben Ostlund - 2022 - Watched it twice so far but I’ll watch it again soon, that’s for sure. It’s just genius. He is a genius director. So far all of his films are my favorites. 
02. Everything Everywhere all at Once - Dir: Dan Kwan - 2022
03. Parrallel Mothers - Dir: Pedro Almodovar - 2022 - I never cry in the cinema almost ever, but I did when I watched this. 
04. Riders of Justice - Dir: Anders Thomas Jensen - 2020 - Laughed so much and so loud, everyone were looking at me on a plane and they couldn’t figure out what’s wrong with me. 
05. The Lost Daughter - Dir: Maggie Gyllenhaal - 2021
06. The Father - Dir: Florian Zeller - 2020
07. Good Luck To You, Leo Grande - Dir: Sophie Hyde - 2022
08. House of Sand and Fog - Dir: Vadim Perelman - 2003
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09. Spencer - Dir: Pablo Larrain - 2021
10. Help - Dir: Marc Munden - 2021
11. Licorice Pizza - Dir: Paul Thomas Anderson - 2021
12. Knife + Heart - Dir: Yann Gonzales - 2018 - Gay porn and murder in ‘70s Paris with Vanessa Paradies? Sold. Also dildo knives are scary as fuck!!!
13. Great Freedom - Dir: Sebastian Meise - 2021
14. After Love - Dir: Aleem Khan - 2020
15. Rainbow - Dir: Paco Leon - 2022 -  Paco Leon, delivers a new fresh concept of Dorothy. Dora (maybe like Marco) is looking for her mother whom she has never met. Definitely not for everyone’s taste. Some people call it “pure art” others “wasted time”. Which one are you? 
16. The Mitchells vs The Machines - Dir: Michael Rianda - 2021
17. Another Round - Dir: Thomas Vinterberg - 2020
18. The Nest - Dir: Sean Durkin - 2020
19. Catherine Called Birdy - Dir: Lena Dunham - 2022
20. The Worst Person in The World - Dir: Joachim Trier - 2021
21. The Wonder - Dir: Sebastian Lelio - 2022
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22. I’m Your Man - Dir: Maria Schader - 2021
23. As Far as I Know - Dir: Lorincz Nandor & Nagy Balint - 2020
24. 15 Years - Dir: Yuval Habadi - 2019
25. By The Grace of God - Dir: Francois Ozon - 2018
26. Rams - Dir: Grimur Hakonarson - 2015
27. All My Friends Hate Me - Dir: Andrew Gaynord - 2021 - You sometimes sympathise with Pete, you sometimes hate him. But you're always thinking about what is going on!
28. All The Old Knives - Dir: Janus Metz - 2022
29. Swan Song - Dir: Todd Stephens - 2021
30. The High Note - Dir: Nisha Ganatra - 2020 - Loved it. It's not rocket science but it's thoroughly enjoyable. Easy to watch, some great one-liners, excellent performances... Haters gonna hate no matter what. 
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#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
The Rojava revolution [UPDATES]
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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China's FH-95 electronic warfare drone passes performance test
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 07/27/2022 - 14:00 in Technology, UAV - UAV, War Zones
The FH-95 electronic warfare unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed in-house in China passed a test that examined the performance of the aircraft, with local experts saying on Tuesday that the electronic warfare capabilities of the new UAV will add a new dimension to the "popular" armed reconnaissance drones.
Developed by the Aerospace Times Feihong Technology Co (AFTTC) under the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, the FH-95 medium-range armed electronic warfare reconnaissance drone has successfully completed a performance test on an undisclosed test base.
The FH-95 series drone can carry more than 250 kg of a wide selection of mission payloads and has an autonomy of more than 24 hours, allowing the operator to perform complex combat missions, including comprehensive reconnaissance in highly contested battlefield environments, as well as electronic warfare and timely elimination, the report said.
In addition to traditional missions such as armed reconnaissance, border patrol and maritime surveillance, the FH-95 electronic warfare drone can work in training with other types of drones, providing electronic interference and coverage for the latter while carrying out other missions, the magazine said.
Electronic warfare is a vital component of modern combat, Chen Jianguo, ATFTC general manager and researcher, told the Global Times in an exclusive interview at the Airshow China 2021 held in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, southern China, where the FH-95 was on display.
Drones capable of electronic warfare, reconnaissance and early warning will become essential in combat, as they can perform remote detection outside the defense area or perform feint tactics and saturated attacks in coordination with manned aircraft, Chen said.
Drones are mainly designed for reconnaissance and attack functions, so a drone capable of electronic warfare will provide a new dimension to the deployment of drones, said a Beijing military expert who asked the Global Times for anonymity on Tuesday.
In a possible combat scenario, the FH-95 electronic warfare drone could conduct electromagnetic interference first, providing coverage for the FH-97, a high-speed stealth drone, to penetrate and destroy hostile lines of defense. The FH-92A, a type of traditional armed reconnaissance drone, can then carry out follow-up attacks, the Global Times learned from ATFTC.
The FH-95 series drone completed its first test flight in 2017, was delivered to an important customer in 2019 and received its first export contract in 2021, according to Unmanned Vehicles.
A new variant of the FH-95 series has been conducting test flights on a test base in northwest China recently, the report said, without giving further details.
Tags: ChinaDronesFH-95UAV
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mirandamckenni1 · 2 days
Tumblr Doesn't Understand BDSM: The Non-Sexual Kink Controversy Looking for more info mentioned in this video? My social media? How to support this channel? Just click "show more" below! ヽ(´・ω・`)、 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▼▼▼ SUPPORT AND SUBSCRIBE ▼▼▼ Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/EvieLupine My Patreon: https://ift.tt/unJMFvN & For 1:1 Chats, Advice & Video Calls: https://ift.tt/Pkvn4gO Twitter: @EvieLupine Watch me LIVE on Twitch! https://ift.tt/IH4vOcx Looking to meet kinky people? Try Feeld*: feeld.pxf.io/9gLNnQ Want Even MORE BDSM Education? Check Out Dom Sub Living*: https://ift.tt/sEDZG6d https://ift.tt/zpIRrVH FREE resource Library: https://ift.tt/HaljZkO My BDSM Merch Store: https://ift.tt/macukls Business Inquiries ONLY: [email protected] [DO NOT SEND YOUR PERSONAL QUESTIONS HERE] ▼▼▼ RELATED VIDEOS ▼▼▼ The Problem With CNC: https://youtu.be/IIrm6RbDBJQ Twitter Discovered CNC: https://youtu.be/5EyGx-jDXds Are Women Being Brainwashed into Polyamory?: https://youtu.be/578GIfKKVG0 ▼▼▼ VIDEO INFORMATION ▼▼▼ FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. All of my videos are intended to provide safety information for adults who choose to engage in these activities as well as combat stereotypes and misinformation. In addition, these videos may contain educational commentary on queer issues, pop culture, and news items. No portion of my content is meant to be used for gratification, nor is it intentionally salacious. In this video, we discuss a recent viral poll on vanilla Tumblr. To start off Pride month a large argument was started about whether or not kink is always about sex. So let's talk about it, with science! 00:00 - introduction 02:00 - "is kink always sexual?" 04:07 - the standard response 07:37 - why this is so difficult to understand 09:37 - non-sexual BDSM is scary 12:45 - "but the dictionary says...!" 20:43 - saying kink isn't sexual is sex-negative 29:50 - CITATION NEEDED 34:35 - serious leisure 41:26 - if it's not sexual... what IS it? 45:04 - final thoughts CITATIONS: Stebbins, R. A. (1982). Serious Leisure: A Conceptual Statement. The Pacific Sociological Review, 25(2), 251–272. https://ift.tt/xoZU4lG Stebbins, R.A. (2006). Serious Leisure. In: Rojek, C., Shaw, S.M., Veal, A.J. (eds) A Handbook of Leisure Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://ift.tt/5oTZeAO Newmahr, Staci. (2010). Rethinking Kink: Sadomasochism as Serious Leisure. Qualitative Sociology. 33. 313-331. 10.1007/s11133-010-9158-9. Sprott, Richard & Williams, D. (2019). Is BDSM a Sexual Orientation or Serious Leisure?. Current Sexual Health Reports. 11. 10.1007/s11930-019-00195-x. Williams, D., & Prior, E. (2015). “Wait, go back, I might miss something important!” Applying leisure 101 to simplify and complicate BDSM. Journal of Positive Sexuality, 1(3), 63–69. https://ift.tt/7pBEoa8 Langdridge, D., & Lawson, J. (2019). The Psychology of Puppy Play: A Phenomenological Investigation. Archives of sexual behavior, 48(7), 2201–2215. https://ift.tt/yOwMLhr Wismeijer, A. A. J., Pascoal, P. M., Powls, J., Williams, D. J., Weinberg, T. S., Taylor, G., & Hebert, A. (2016, May 24). Is bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadomasochism recreational leisure? A descriptive exploratory investigation. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. https://ift.tt/DViXPMa ▼▼▼ EVERYTHING ELSE ▼▼▼ Art by: @animositi on Instagram Credits/Attribution (Music): Artist: Audionautix Website: http://audionautix.com/ Track: Transportation Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://ift.tt/rd7lbPG) All content used falls within fair use guidelines for education and commentary purposes. * = affiliate link ▼▼▼ P.O BOX ▼▼▼ Evie Lupine 4233 SE 182nd Ave # 357 Gresham, OR 97030 via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmML3aupPqE
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[Regarder] Gran Turismo Streaming VF (FR) en Français
Gran Turismo (2023) Streaming Film Complet en ligne Gratuit.Voir HD!! Gran Turismo Streaming Vostfr (FR) Complet en FRANCAIS Un autre site de Gran Turismo streaming de films en ligne gratuit Voir Film Gran Turismo Streaming Vostfr (FR) Complet en FRANÇAIS pouvez également essayer est Dans cet article. Ce site propose de nombreux films classés en plusieurs catégories comme drame, action, comédie, science-fiction et bien d'autres.
Regarder ➡ Gran Turismo | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
Telecharger ➡ Gran Turismo | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
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Comment Voir Gran Turismo des films gratuitement en français complet ? Gran Turismo un film sur internet gratuitement sans télécharger bonne qualité HD.
Gran Turismo (2023)
Titre original: Gran Turismo Date de sortie: 2023-08-09|(135 min) Genres: Action,Drame Qualités: 720p – 1080p
Synopsis:Le jeune Jann Mardenborough est fan d'automobile depuis l'enfance et joueur assidu des jeux vidéo Gran Turismo. Il va ensuite appliquer ses compétences à des compétitions du monde entier sur la route pour devenir un véritable pilote de voiture de course. Il va être entrainé par Jack Salter.
Gran Turismo is a 2023 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Black Panther. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the sequel to Black Panther (2018) and the 30th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Directed by Ryan Coogler, who co-wrote the screenplay with Joe Robert Cole, the film stars Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Florence Kasumba, Dominique Thorne, Michaela Coel, Tenoch Huerta, Martin Freeman, and Angela Bassett. In the film, the leaders of Wakanda fight to protect their nation in the wake of King T'Challa's death.
Ideas for a sequel began after the release of Black Panther in February 2018. Coogler negotiated to return as director in the following months, and Marvel Studios officially confirmed the sequel's development in mid-2019. Plans for the film changed in August 2020 when Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman died from colon cancer, with Marvel choosing not to recast his role of T'Challa. Other main cast members from the first film were confirmed to return by that November, and the title was announced in May 2021. Production initially took place from late June to early November 2021, in Atlanta and Brunswick, Georgia, as well as around Massachusetts, before a hiatus to allow Wright to recover from an injury sustained during filming. Production resumed by mid-January 2023 and wrapped in late March in Puerto Rico.
Gran Turismo premiered at the El Capitan Theatre and the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on October 26, 2023, and was released in the United States on November 11, 2023, as the final film in Phase Four of the MCU. The film received positive reviews from critics, who praised the cast's performances (particularly Wright's, Huerta's, and Bassett's), emotional weight, Coogler's direction, action sequences, musical score, and tribute to Boseman.
Sortie du film Gran Turismo : Date de sortie?
L’intrigue du film Gran Turismo
Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje fight to protect their nation from intervening world powers in the wake of King T’Challa’s death. As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next chapter, the heroes must band together with the help of War Dog Nakia and Everett Ross and forge a new path for the kingdom of Wakanda.
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Quelle est la différence entre le téléchargement et streaming ?
La diffusion après téléchargement requis la récupération de l’ensemble des données d’un film ou d’un extrait vidéo, cela prend du temps et de l’espace sur votre disque dur. L’avantage du streaming vous n’avez rien à télécharger, il permet la lecture d’un flux audio ou vidéo que vous pouvez lire directement depuis un lecteur proposé le plus souvent par des plateformes qui proposent plusieurs films, séries ou morceaux musicaux.
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[Regarder] Asteroid City Streaming VF (FR) en Français
Asteroid City (2023) Streaming Film Complet en ligne Gratuit.Voir HD!! Asteroid City Streaming Vostfr (FR) Complet en FRANCAIS Un autre site de Asteroid City streaming de films en ligne gratuit Voir Film Asteroid City Streaming Vostfr (FR) Complet en FRANÇAIS pouvez également essayer est Dans cet article. Ce site propose de nombreux films classés en plusieurs catégories comme drame, action, comédie, science-fiction et bien d'autres.
Regarder ➡ Asteroid City | Film Complet [2023] Streaming vF Français
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Comment Voir Asteroid City des films gratuitement en français complet ? Asteroid City un film sur internet gratuitement sans télécharger bonne qualité HD.
Asteroid City (2023)
Titre original: Asteroid City Date de sortie: 2023-06-09|(104 min) Genres: Comédie,Drame Qualités: 720p – 1080p
Synopsis:Asteroid City est une ville minuscule, en plein désert, dans le sud-ouest des États-Unis. Nous sommes en 1955. Le site est surtout célèbre pour son gigantesque cratère de météorite et son observatoire astronomique à proximité. Ce week-end, les militaires et les astronomes accueillent cinq enfants surdoués, distingués pour leurs créations scientifiques, afin qu’ils présentent leurs inventions. À quelques kilomètres de là, par-delà les collines, on aperçoit des champignons atomiques provoqués par des essais nucléaires.
Asteroid City is a 2023 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Black Panther. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the sequel to Black Panther (2018) and the 30th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Directed by Ryan Coogler, who co-wrote the screenplay with Joe Robert Cole, the film stars Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Florence Kasumba, Dominique Thorne, Michaela Coel, Tenoch Huerta, Martin Freeman, and Angela Bassett. In the film, the leaders of Wakanda fight to protect their nation in the wake of King T'Challa's death.
Ideas for a sequel began after the release of Black Panther in February 2018. Coogler negotiated to return as director in the following months, and Marvel Studios officially confirmed the sequel's development in mid-2019. Plans for the film changed in August 2020 when Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman died from colon cancer, with Marvel choosing not to recast his role of T'Challa. Other main cast members from the first film were confirmed to return by that November, and the title was announced in May 2021. Production initially took place from late June to early November 2021, in Atlanta and Brunswick, Georgia, as well as around Massachusetts, before a hiatus to allow Wright to recover from an injury sustained during filming. Production resumed by mid-January 2023 and wrapped in late March in Puerto Rico.
Asteroid City premiered at the El Capitan Theatre and the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on October 26, 2023, and was released in the United States on November 11, 2023, as the final film in Phase Four of the MCU. The film received positive reviews from critics, who praised the cast's performances (particularly Wright's, Huerta's, and Bassett's), emotional weight, Coogler's direction, action sequences, musical score, and tribute to Boseman.
Sortie du film Asteroid City : Date de sortie?
L’intrigue du film Asteroid City
Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje fight to protect their nation from intervening world powers in the wake of King T’Challa’s death. As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next chapter, the heroes must band together with the help of War Dog Nakia and Everett Ross and forge a new path for the kingdom of Wakanda.
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Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. RegarderIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telLe Voyage du Pèlerin,tel que Netflix, ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une é Asteroid City ion télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés.
Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio sont généralement extraits de iTunes ou d’ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video,
puis redistribués dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. DownloadMovieIp Man 4 :Le dernier combat L’un des impacts les plLe Voyage du Pèlerin importants de l’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du streaming vidéo L’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du DVD a connu un véritable succès grâce à la vulgarisation en Le Voyage du Pèlerinsse du contenu en ligne.La montée en puissance de la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion multimédia a provoqué la chute de nombreLe Voyage du Pèlerines sociétés de location de DVD telles que BlockbLe Voyage du Pèlerinter. En juilletIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat, un article du New York Times a publié un article sur les SerLe Voyage du Pèlerins de DVD-Video de Netflix. Il a déclaré que Netflix continue ses DVD serLe Voyage du Pèlerins avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente.
Quelle est la différence entre le téléchargement et streaming ?
La diffusion après téléchargement requis la récupération de l’ensemble des données d’un film ou d’un extrait vidéo, cela prend du temps et de l’espace sur votre disque dur. L’avantage du streaming vous n’avez rien à télécharger, il permet la lecture d’un flux audio ou vidéo que vous pouvez lire directement depuis un lecteur proposé le plus souvent par des plateformes qui proposent plusieurs films, séries ou morceaux musicaux.
étiquette :
Asteroid City film complet
Asteroid City 2023 film complet
Asteroid City film complet en français
Asteroid City streaming vostfr
Asteroid City film streaming
Asteroid City streaming vf
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workpermitz · 11 months
Is Post-Study Work Open The UK?
Graduation can seem far away when you're just getting started with your business schooltrack UK visa application. However, if you're an international student enrolling in business school in the UK, you're probably planning on staying in the country after graduation.
Traditionally, your ticket to working as an overseas graduate after business school was a post-study work visa (PSW Visa), contingent on being sponsored by your company. However, the UK government will establish the UK Graduate Route in July 2021.
The New 'Graduate' Route for UK Post-Study Work Visa
The (PSWV) Post Study Work Visa is a temporary india visa uk that permits overseas students to live, study, and work in any chosen post or career path after completing their school. This UK Post Study UK work visa route is open to everyone, including Indian students with immigration status in the UK. 
The Graduate Route is available to all students studying at a UK Higher Education Provider-approved institution. This measure is being taken in response to the UK's determination to retain the brightest students from around the world and to aid them in finding employment opportunities in the country.
With this statement, new fast-track Visa pathways are being established to retain science academics who are remaining in the country to do research. As a result, the removal restriction for students pursuing a Ph.D. degree has been transferred to the Skilled Worker Visa Route. 
This decision by the UK government to change the UK skilled worker visa up is taken to assist the UK in emerging as a famous centre in the field of science and technology, which can only be accomplished by promoting STEM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
According to the Government of the United Kingdom website, roughly half of the students of Indian origin who have come to the UK in the last 10 years, or approximately 1, 30,000 since 2008/09, have selected a STEM study. 
Considering recent statistics, the number of students entering from India has increased dramatically during the last three years, hitting a high of 22,000 in June 2019. This was a massive 42% rise over the previous year's forecasts and a roughly 100% increase over the last three years.
Is Post-Study Work Open In The UK, And What Does It Allow?
The UK Post-study Work visas (PSW) have been closed to new applicants from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) since 2012.
However, the new visa categories are open for applications from non-EEA students who have been studying in the UK and wish to stay on to work.
The new visa categories are:
The Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme) visa
The Tier 2 (General) visa
All international students studying in the UK for a graduate or master's degree will be granted two years of work experience in the UK under the Graduate route. Students who complete their PhD by the summer of 2021 might be able to work as well as stay in the UK for three years.
The Benefits of a Post-Study Work Visa for International Students:
 1. Allow To Practice for ELearning In The Workplace
PSW will provide students with a new avenue for applying their academic education in the industry and the ability to translate theoretical information into practical knowledge tasks.
2. Opportunity to Establish Your Own Business in the United Kingdom
Students with a PSW visa will be able to work for themselves. Students in the UK can launch their enterprises and hone their entrepreneurial talents.
3. Possibility of Gaining Job Experience
The PSW visa route will allow students to work full-time in any company, at any level, in the UK. It is an excellent opportunity to obtain job experience from organizations based in the United Kingdom. This could be a big revolutionary point in the student's professional profile, allowing them to enter the UK employment market and convert to another skilled UK work permit visa.
4. Full-Time Employment Rights
The PSW UK work visa for Indians will allow qualifying students to look and work for work at any level for two/three years after finishing their degrees. The student can make money and benefit from a profitable higher education return on investment.
5. Excellent Opportunity to Network with Potential Employers
Both students who focus on their goals and are ambitious can take advantage of this opportunity to interact with possible employers based on their career goals. Qualified candidates may find themselves in top positions at international companies.
6. Networking Opportunities with Professionals
During the work term, ambitious students can use the platform to expand their network, connect with professionals in their chosen industries, and improve their opportunities for future benefits.
7. Employers May Be Able To Offer Tier 2 Work Visas
When working on a PSW visa, the employer may offer a Tier 2 UK skilled worker visa if they have sponsorship rights. Graduates will also be able to apply for tier 2 visa UK or other skilled job visas at other companies in the UK.
8. Possibility of Gaining Transferable Skills
UK graduates will be able to work in their preferred industries or sectors, gaining transferable abilities such as effective communication, analytical skills, teamwork, leadership, decision-making, organization and planning, self-awareness, and other soft skills required to thrive in a profession.
9. The Ability to Return to a Student Visa Or Another Type
Graduates will be able to convert back to a student visa after their PSW visa, or they will be able to switch to otherUK visa types if they meet the eligibility criteria from within the UK.
10. Excellent Takeaway for the Country (Home)
The degree and work experience of the UK will be valuable takeaways for students who return to their home country. This is the place where employers will benefit from graduates' world-class knowledge and abilities, influencing advantages for them and the Government.
As a result, the Graduate Immigration route's Post Study Work (PSW) work visa will open numerous doors for overseas students to the UK, a top higher education destination and prosperous commercial centre of the world. The UK government welcomes international students to take advantage of this Graduate path.
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ssvas1966 · 1 year
Mantra Deekshe - Swamy Gautamanandaji Maharaj
It was a long pursuit of scriptural studies, mostly with breaks and internal turmoil’s, doubts, side tracking of the goals, which finally culminated into me taking a practical step in the form of MANTRA DEEKSHE, which happened exactly one month ago.  This was like a total turnaround from a mere pursuit of philosophical studies, for satisfying the intellect and the ego, into a simple practice of spirituality which looks amazingly powerful than all the studies put together.  It is a new beginning and a very big step in my LIFE.  A small back ground as to what and all happened till now….
I started my earliest studies with Ramayana and Mahabharatha during my child hood days and also a bit of Bhagavadgitha.  Lord Ram was my favourite deity and Aaradhya Daiva.  I was attracted to the teachings of Lord Gautama Buddha and tried to understand him through the practice of Vipassana.  As an ardent follower of Naturopathy as a way of life and admirer of Yogic Sciences, did some studies in these aspects of life.  I got firmly rooted in the Indian way of natural life and Yoga as a method for a healthy living.  Deeply inspired by Mahatma Gandhi I had full faith in the nature’s ability to heal itself.  In the meanwhile, I had the privilege of studying Homeopathy for some time (for the sake of my children) and highly appreciated its curative abilities at very subtle levels of body and mind.
My formal study of Vedic literature commenced during 2010 when I started my initial studies in Prasthana trayas through Chinmaya International Studies.   It was not exactly a scriptural study and I got a glimpse through the Foundation and Advanced Course in Vedantha, as expounded by Adi Shankara.   The huge knowledge base in the form of Bhashyas, Sutras to Vedic lore deeply stirred my intellectual hunger and set a direction for my further studies.  A glimpse of the advaitic thought mesmerized me and I got deeply attracted towards it. 
This initial attraction for “Advaitha” became stronger when I studied Complete works of Vivekananda and his vision about our ancient culture opened up a new vista of knowledge.  I could easily correlate the teachings of Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, through his devout and courageous, monastic student Swamy Vivekananda.  It is not a co incidence that I started this journey in “Ramakrishna Ashram”, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru long back during my High school days in 1980s.  I used to regularly visit this place and the divine rock on which Mata Shri Sharada Devi sat and meditated.  I never knew that one day I would be part of this great lineage through the process of Mantra Deeksha.
I was very sceptical since beginning about following any particular method / order in the path of spirituality.   I never felt that I should follow someone or something, which might be due to egoistic ideas of self-realisation through own efforts.  My recent visit to Ramanasramam, in Tiruvannamalai kindled my desire to strongly cling on to one particular method as there are too many roads leading to the same place.  I had a strong feeling that the journey so far was only theoretical and as that of a bystander without any real progress, except for accumulation of knowledge and confusing ideas.  Though it all looked very peaceful and steady, my inner core was with turmoil and waiting for any small provocation.  This made me send a mail to Swamy Gautamanandaji Maharaj and within a few hours I got a firm reply also !!
As a preparation to this great event scheduled for 30-09-2019 I had to follow certain procedures which began nearly a month before.  After registering my name, I started reading three simple but powerful books on the “Holy Trio” – Shri Ramakrishna, Sharada Maa and Swamy Vivekananda.  We were also instructed to study a book “Spiritual Initiation – What it is ?”.  This book is a compilation of material culled from the three articles written by Swami Bhuteshananda Maharaj, former president of the Ramakrishna Order, and lucidly explains the need of guru in leading the spiritual aspirants along the spiritual path by giving a formula called mantra repeating which they can reach the Supreme Goal.   It is a very handy material for those thinking of taking spiritual initiation.  Most of my doubts got cleared with this and I determined to plunge into this great journey. 
On the appointed day, I went early in the morning with specified things for Deeksha programme.  Cheerful devotees were there already helping us in setting things right.  There was a small briefing previous evening by the Secretary Swamy as to the dos and don’ts for the “D” day. My mind was full of reverence and anxiety for a new beginning. About 105 aspirants were there, including 45 students starting a new journey.  We were asked to keep our things in a very orderly manner and sit at the appointed place.  Every step to be followed for the next six hours was told in great detail.  We had to stay put for the instructions and completely pay attention to the procedures.  It was the hall mark of disciplined monastic order getting reflected in this simple but significant ceremony of the Ramakrishna Math.  We have to very systematically follow the steps and it was to the precision that things happened like in a dream.
Swamy Gautamanandaji Maharaj was very kind and patient, explaining the whole process in minute detail and inspiring us to follow a new path of glory.  His melodious but firm voice and reassuring smiles in between took me to a different plane, and our flight had just taken off with his energies backing all of us.  What exactly happened between 6.30 am to 11.30 am cannot be described in words, but there was an elevation of our minds and the Japa journey has begun.  Through out the program, I was completely engrossed with devotion and there was a subtle excitement about the new journey.
Swamy Gautamanandaji Maharaj also took Mantra Deekshe in RK Math, Basavanagdi, Bengaluru in 1956 and it was our great privilege to follow this lineage.  Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa – Swamy Brahmananda – Swamy Veereshananda – Swamy Gautamananda ….  (Brahmananda, born Rakhal Chandra Ghosh, was one of the direct disciples of Ramakrishna and the first president of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. He was born in Sikra Kulingram near Basirhat, Kolkata. Ramakrishna recognised him as his 'spiritual son'. He became the first president of the mission.).
Its one month now and the practice of Japa is going on with a particular pace and I am sure there will be more to come.  During the last one month, I also read “Japa Yoga” by Shivananda which was found to be having very useful and practical tips. I tried to understand the Aratikram of RK Math and read a book by Swamy Harshananda “Aaraatrika Gaanagalu” which explained the meaning and significance of i) Khandcana Bhava Bandhana, ii) Om Hreem ritham iii) Sarva mangala mangalye iv) Prakratim – paramam, four stotras during Sandhayarathi.  I had only heard them during Aarathi and got fascinated with the rhythm and melody of the Stotras and now I got a chance to understand the significance and meaning.
This is just a small narrative of the divine experience I had, a month ago and I wrote this to express my deep gratitude for  Pujya Swamy Gautamanandaji Maharaj who very lovingly initiated us into this Holy order of Ramakrishna Math.  The journey has begun in a real sense and a distinct link got established with this small step.
Shri Gurubhyonamaha – Hari Om Tatsat - Shri Ramakrishnarpanamasthu.
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year
Liked on YouTube: Wait, Is Cuffing Season Real? || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTc3t_NlirM || Looking for more info mentioned in this video? My social media? How to support this channel? Just click "show more" below! ヽ(´・ω・`)、 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▼▼▼ SUPPORT AND SUBSCRIBE ▼▼▼ Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/EvieLupine My Patreon: https://ift.tt/zwHe4I0 & For 1:1 Chats, Advice & Video Calls: https://ift.tt/V6ukC7M Twitter: @EvieLupine Watch me LIVE on Twitch! https://ift.tt/oHDhUG3 Want Even MORE BDSM Education? Check Out Dom Sub Living*: https://ift.tt/3NQ1emi https://ift.tt/20SzQiB FREE resource Library: https://ift.tt/dRSyusX My BDSM Merch Store: https://ift.tt/VlG9Dpz Business Inquiries ONLY: [email protected] [DO NOT SEND YOUR PERSONAL QUESTIONS HERE] ▼▼▼ RELATED VIDEOS ▼▼▼ Asexuality FAQ: https://youtu.be/b2te1Z70yCQ Feeld Dating App Review: https://youtu.be/E7TqXjejR1c Kink vs. BDSM: https://youtu.be/1ESIqx6_rrE Vanilla Shaming: https://youtu.be/2n1YE_pZtrI ▼▼▼ VIDEO INFORMATION ▼▼▼ FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. All of my videos are intended to provide safety information for adults that choose to engage in these activities as well as combat stereotypes and misinformation. In addition these videos may contain educational commentary on queer issues, pop culture, and news items. No portion of my content is meant to be used for gratification, nor is it intentionally salacious. Hello everyone! In today's video we'll be discussing a term that's been quite popular on social media in recent years: cuffing season. Is this just a cutesy term to describe how many people like to hook up at holiday parties, or feel pressured to bring someone home for Thanksgiving? Or might there actually be something to this? Scientifically speaking that is. Well as it turns out the answer is complicated! So stick around if you want to find out more. 00:00 - introduction 00:42 - overview of cuffing season 02:37 - my experience with cuffing season 04:19 - reason 1: we like being warm! 05:13 - reason 2: seasonal hormone changes 06:15 - reason 3: it's not just about winter 06:40 - reason 4: no one wants to be alone 07:40 - reason 5: celebrations and seasons 08:52 - but the science isn't there yet 09:53 - why are we assuming more s** = relationships? 11:46 - final thoughts Sources [YouTube likes to give channel strikes for links to anything related to sex, even scientific articles, so I apologize these links are not direct] www.womenshealthmag (.) com/relationships/a19959037/cuffing-season/ bumble (.) com/en/the-buzz/what-is-cuffing-season www (.) theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/oct/14/cuffing-season-are-people-really-coupling-up-just-because-it-is-winter www.insider (.) com/science-behind-cuffing-season-why-we-crave-relationships-in-winter-2021-12 www (.) vice.com/en/article/gqk5xb/the-vice-guide-to-cuffing www (.) sexandpsychology.com ▼▼▼ EVERYTHING ELSE ▼▼▼ Art by: @animositi on Instagram Credits/Attribution (Music): Artist: Audionautix Website: http://audionautix.com/ Track: Transportation Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://ift.tt/jWmeRYT) All content used falls within fair use guidelines for education and commentary purposes. * = affiliate link ▼▼▼ P.O BOX ▼▼▼ Evie Lupine 4233 SE 182nd Ave # 357 Gresham, OR 97030
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tea-and-crime · 1 year
Annotated Bibliography 
Posted on: March 30, 2023
Verhoeven WJ, Stevens L. The lawyer in the Dutch interrogation room: Influence on police and suspect. J. Investig. Psychol. 2012;9(1):69-92. doi: 10.1002/jip.1354.People v. Rivera, IL App (2d) No. 09-1060 (2011). https://wwws.law.northwestern.edu/legalclinic/wrongfulconvictions/exonerations/documents/rivera_brief.pdf
Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. Juan Rivera. n.d. https://www.law.northwestern.edu/legalclinic/wrongfulconvictions/exonerations/il/juan-rivera.html. Accessed March 30, 2023.
The National Registry of Exonerations. Juan Rivera. n.d. https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/casedetail.aspx?caseid=3850. Accessed March 30, 2023.
Gudjonsson GH. The science-based pathways to understanding false confessions and wrongful convictions. Front Psychol. 2021;12. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.633936. 
Meijer EH, Verschuere B. The polygraph and the detection of deception. J Forensic Psychol Pract. 2010;10(4):325–338. doi: 10.1080/15228932.2010.481237.
Tremlin RC, Beazley P. A systematic review of offender mental health stigma: commonality, psychometric measures and differential diagnosis. Psychol Crime Law. 2022. doi: 10.1080/1068316X.2022.2072842.
Gordon BN, Baker-Ward L, Ornstein PA. Children’s testimony: A review of research on memory for past experiences. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2001;4(2):157–181. doi: 10.1023/A:1011333231621.
Appleby SC, Kassin SM.  When self-report trumps science: Effects of confessions, DNA, and prosecutorial theories on perceptions of guilt. Psychol Public Policy Law. 2016;22(2):127–140. doi: 10.1037/law0000080.
Canadian Mental Health Association. Violence and Mental Health: Unpacking a Complex Issue. n.d. https://ontario.cmha.ca/documents/violence-and-mental-health-unpacking-a-complex-issue/. Accessed March 30, 2023.
American Psychological Association. Mental illness and violence: Debunking myths, addressing realities. 2021. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2021/04/ce-mental-illness. Accessed March 30, 2023.
The Standford Daily. Rivera discusses legal ordeal. 2012. https://stanforddaily.com/2012/02/14/rivera-discusses-legal-ordeal/. Accessed March 30, 2023.
CBS Chicago. Former Inmate Settles Wrongful Conviction In Waukegan Murder Case For $20M. 2015. https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/former-inmate-settles-wrongful-convictions-in-waukegan-murder-case-for-20m/. Accessed March 30, 2023.
Chicago Sun Times. Wrongful conviction leads to record $20 million settlement. 2016. https://chicago.suntimes.com/2016/6/24/18443298/wrongful-conviction-leads-to-record-20-million-settlement. Accessed March 30, 2023.
Chicago Tribute. Appeal promised after judge denies retrial for man convicted of murder in North Chicago burning death. 2018. https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/lake-county-news-sun/ct-lns-north-chicago-burning-death-st-0606-story.html. Accessed March 30, 2023. 
Jenner & Block. Former Pro Bono Client Juan Rivera opens Barber College with Former Prison Guard. 2021. https://www.jenner.com/en/news-insights/publications/former-pro-bono-client-juan-rivera-opens-barber-college-with-former-prison-guard. Accessed March 30, 2023.
Block Club Chicago. Wrongly Convicted Of Murder, Juan Rivera Uses Settlement Money To Open Barber College With His Former Prison Guard In Rogers Park. 2021. https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/05/05/wrongly-convicted-of-murder-juan-rivera-uses-20m-settlement-to-open-barber-college-with-his-former-prison-guard-in-rogers-park/. Accessed March 30, 2023.
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in-sightpublishing · 1 year
Creationism or Theology Creep into Wales Educational Curricula
Creationism or Theology Creep into Wales Educational Curricula
Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen Publication (Outlet/Website): Medium (Humanist Voices) Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2019/09/17 According to the National Center for Science Education (NCSE), and the BBC (2019a), Wales has been proposing a new curriculum at the national level with some of the United Kingdom’s leading researchers and teachers disapproving on one level of it. The teaching…
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