#1) I've never really been a fan of beat-for-beat canon rewrites in general
mrs-luigi-vargas · 1 year
Some of my coworkers made the mistake of asking me what I do for fun, so I talked their ears off about fanfiction for a bit. I'd mentioned something about how I write mario as nonverbal when most people don't (with reference to the mario movie, also) and one of them said something like 'what if you wrote a screenplay' and another was like 'or a silent film lol' and y'all could you imagine if I rewrote the mario movie to make mario nonverbal
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
let's go totally different here cause I've been in a stargate mood and say stargate
tumblr keeps white-screening on me as i type this draft so i feel like i'm racing the clock as i rewrite this again!
so the stargates (sg-1 and sga; i never saw sgu) are two of those shows where i saw a het ust ship and went "ok sounds good, let me devote my life to that" BUT:
jack/sara: i always liked them as a past ship but hooooooly smokes in this watch-through it flattened me. the intensity of his love for her!! STILL!! how she literally hadn't seen him in a year and was still like "are you here because you want to get back together?" i desperately want them to still be in each other's lives. there's a solid chance i would throw over my otp for this. i was recently introduced to the concept of "maybe they still sometimes have sex" and i have not stopped thinking about it for one minute since.
daniel/janet is apparently a rarepair, because it doesn't crack the top 10 on ao3, but it was such a staple of my sg-1 existence that it surprised me to learn that just now! the actors shipped their characters, and so sprinkled in some unscripted beats for us. there's definitely some kind of energy between them in the "2010" future episode, and they have some cute awkward moments in real-canon. i don't ship them as ferally as i used to, but it lives on in my heart.
mini!otp probably doesn't even count because it gets automatically categorized under the juggernaut sam/jack ship tag in ao3 but i am clinically obsessed, i have not slept in years, if mini!otp had a thousand fans i would be one, etc (it has like seven fans, but I AM ONE).
teyla/kate heightmeyer: it's a little bit hard for me to work my way past "oh my god they're SO PRETTY" with this pairing to actual rationale, but there IS a lot of actual rationale. they have really wonderful scenes together. teyla quickly gets over her aversion to kate's professional role and they have a lot of trust in each other. they are both somewhat isolated (kate by her role; teyla because now she's neither fish nor fowl when it comes to the atlantis expedition & her people), and so are perfectly primed to develop a deep friendship and connection and they are so goddamn pretty together. just take a minute to think about this pairing* and i promise it'll improve your day. (*offer only valid for seasons 1-3)
teyla/ronon: they are also very goddamn pretty together, and are very physically comfortable around each other, but they also get each other on a level that none of the earthlings around them can understand. i wrote them once and 100% believe that at least the general idea of that happens in canon (the part where they sometimes have sex, and it's not a big deal).
john/elizabeth/rodney: oooooh this one is so dicey because i do NOT ship it as a "john & rodney but elizabeth is there" thing and that's most of what you'll find, so i'm hesitant to click on anything that isn't by an author i know, but there are a few fics out there that create a great dynamic here.
jack/elizabeth: is it weird to REALLY ship something, but as kind of a transitional pairing? because that's this for me. i really like the exchange of power dynamics they have early on, and love that she dreams him up in "The Real World," and whenever i see them on screen together i lose it because i really want them to have sex. in a "you know, let's just see how this goes" kind of way. if the real world were a dedicated AU, i absolutely ship them there for really-real, but in the canon world, it's not an endgame ship for me. i don't genuinely see them having lifelong potential (though that might be because i have emotionally committed them elsewhere), but i want them to just Have An Understanding and sometimes they have sex.
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