#3) any other liberties taken with a interpretation of the movie are really small
mrs-luigi-vargas · 1 year
Some of my coworkers made the mistake of asking me what I do for fun, so I talked their ears off about fanfiction for a bit. I'd mentioned something about how I write mario as nonverbal when most people don't (with reference to the mario movie, also) and one of them said something like 'what if you wrote a screenplay' and another was like 'or a silent film lol' and y'all could you imagine if I rewrote the mario movie to make mario nonverbal
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hotaruyy · 4 years
Mulan (2020): A Scathing Review
Or, an extremely long rant by two extremely mad Chinese girls.
Before we (@hotaruyy and @meow3sensei) watched Mulan (2020), we didn’t expect too much, since the director and screenwriters aren’t Chinese (even though they claimed to want to be more culturally accurate). But holy shit, this film didn’t even fulfill our exceedingly low expectations (and we’re speaking as people who didn’t mind the loss of the musical aspect because look at the Beauty and the Beast live action). Our review will focus on our critiques of the presentation of different aspects of Chinese culture in Mulan (2020).
The Chinese Aspect of the film was especially infuriating to us as a Chinese audience. Disney emphasises that many of the changes made to the film in comparison to the animated film were to accommodate backlash regarding cultural and historical inaccuracies from Chinese audiences, but what we saw on the screen showed otherwise.
On Set Design (By a slightly irritated Architecture student)
Mix and match of architecture from multiple dynasties, which removes a lot of the sense of realism and authenticity from the film
Tang-style architecture is used (and if we’re being specific, Tang with hints of Song Dynasty) in the Imperial City’s set, which one would assume depicts the time period in which the movie is set in. Identified by the wooden balustrades, relatively simple and small dougong, vertical lattice windows, wooden piles for waterfront, organic shapes in landscape architecture etc. (fig. 1)
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fig. 1 - Scene in film
Understandably, information on architecture before Tang (618-907AD) is scarce, so I do think there was an attempt at referencing the original poem that was written during the Southern and Northern Northern Wei Dynasty 南北朝北魏 (386-581AD). Taking creative liberty here makes sense.
That being said, the film didn’t care for retaining a consistent style of architecture, resulting in a wormhole of a set that somehow spans five different dynasties. Only two examples will be listed to avoid an entire essay :)
Exhibit A. Mulan’s home in Hakka Tulou 客家圍土樓 (fig. 2) (roughly translates to Hakka Mud Towers), which originated in the Song and Yuan dynasties (960-1368AD), and started maturing in the late Ming dynasty. (Why use something that didn’t even exist when the Ballad was written and by doing so, physically place Mulan in Fujian?? Just put her in an ambiguous village like how the animation did??). Somehow Tulou started existing before the Hakka clan migrated down south :) To put it simply the presence of Tulou is a locational and historical bug. The jump from the Hakka Tulou to the Tang-styled Imperial palace (fig. 3, which is strictly speaking a hybrid of different styles but I’d argue still mostly Tang) in the opening scenes is only a taste of the amount of inconsistencies later seen in the film.
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fig. 2 Scene in film - Hakka Tulou
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fig. 3 Scene in film - the Imperial Palace
Exhibit B. This scene (1:20:14) showing Qing Dynasty architecture in what is supposed to be a Tang Dynasty setting, identified by more elaborately decorated dougong 斗栱 (fig. 4 a key feature in the structural system in Chinese architecture, referring to the interlocking structure that sits on top of each column; at least three different kinds of dougong from three different dynasties have been spotted in the film).
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fig. 4 Examples of different Dougong in Ancient Chinese architecture (top left being a good example of Tang-styled Dougong)
An insignificant building is not supposed to have more glamorous and larger dougong than the Imperial Palace, not to mention the lack of decorative dougong at all during the Tang Dynasty.
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fig. 5 Scene in film that features a building with dougong
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fig. 6 Shenyang Imperial Palace built in the Qing Dynasty
An actual Qing Dynasty Palace (fig. 6), for reference, and a random scene from the film (fig. 5). Note the larger dougong both fig. 5 and 6 (the ratio of dougong to column is significantly larger) with more layers of interlocking segments, as compared to the Tang-styled dougong that we pointed out earlier.
On Costume Design
Blue fabric on people who are NOT ROYALTY/NOBILITY. Soldiers guarding the imperial gate would not be wearing blue shirts under their armour. There wouldn’t be such a big supply of blue fabric in the first place; blue fabric would absolutely not be mass-produced for soldiers.
Ancient Chinese people made blue dye from crushed butterflies, did no one care enough to consider the sheer amount of wealth it takes to dye blue fabric organically? Soldiers would very simply not be wearing blue fabric because of how expensive these colours were at the time. Artistic liberty is fine but at least make it make sense in a clearly hierarchical society??
The painful inaccuracies in Mulan’s costume in the matchmaking scene (fig. 7). Ah, the scene that managed to translate breathtaking Hanfu (and there are plenty of resources to take inspiration from) into a Western caricature of a Chinese Halloween costume.
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fig. 7 Scene in film featuring Mulan’s Hanfu from the matchmaking sequence
There’s nothing wrong with taking artistic liberties for costumes with a historical context. For instance, exaggerating certain characteristics of the era the story is in, or modernizing certain features so that they align with the character’s more modern way of thinking to contrast with the traditional setting. Good examples that come to mind are the costume designs in Marie Antoinette (2006), or Nirvana in Fire (2015), which also happens to be a Chinese period piece set in a fictional, historically ambiguous era. Inspiration for its costume design is taken from the Han Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, so its costumes combine clothing silhouettes from the two periods, and use different characteristics such as colour to reflect class and status, and to represent characters’ personalities. It does a really good job of creating a new style while still giving subtle visual cues to the audience.
But Mulan’s dress can hardly be called an interpretation of traditional Chinese clothing. This is something the animated film did poorly on as well, and this probably contributed to the costume design in this film as an adaptation of the cartoon. The fabric had a shiny sheen that cheapened the costume. Coupled with the strange silhouette of the Hanfu (especially the bottom part of the skirt), this further detaches the audience from any hint of authenticity. The pictures below can speak for themselves. If they’re aiming for ambiguity in terms of the dynasties as seen in the set, then at least make something that is visually pleasing??
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fig. 8 Evolution of Hanfu
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fig. 9 Tang Hanfu recreated with references from Tang artifacts (top: early Tang; bottom: golden era of the Tang period)
For whatever reason it seems like the extras in the background have more accurate costumes than the main character
And as a girl from a farming village why is she being trained like a noble lady??? A question I’ve had since the animated film…
The film wasn’t consistent when taking artistic liberties. Audiences subconsciously make visual connections to historical periods when watching a historical fiction film. It would be visually more cohesive if artistic liberties were taken on elements from one dynasty or by combining elements from dynasties with similar aesthetics, instead of jumping across centuries of very different stylistic approaches.
Basing the set design on the Tang Dynasty, but then including random shots of Qing Dynasty architecture of no particular importance (two very contrasting architectural styles); extras having Tang-style Hanfu, but Mulan not having one that's remotely close to any style of the multiple dynasties the film has taken inspiration from; alluding to the time period in which the ballad was written by painting Mulan’s forehead yellow 黃額妝 (which was poorly done but I digress), a style of makeup used by women of the Six dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties (六朝女子), but everything else alludes to Tang or later. And finally, basing many things off the Tang Dynasty, but the Tang wasn’t in risk of invasion from the Huns or the Rouran??? We’re fucking confused :)
Small details like the ones we’ve listed above are visually off-putting; as an audience member I’m immediately thrown out of whatever universe the film is building due to the contradicting visual cues. If this was Disney’s and the director’s attempt at cultural accuracy, then it’s plainly insulting to the intelligence of their Chinese audience. (Respecting cultural concerns should not be Disney’s scapegoat for producing a bad movie.)
Ultimately, the film is based on a ballad and we wouldn’t say the points we’ve mentioned are considered common knowledge. So let’s treat it as a fictional era and put less significance on historical consistencies and authenticity. Let’s narrow it down to the crude representations (and misrepresentations) of general Chinese culture and society.
On Stereotypes
“Chi”: Why are soldiers receiving chi-related martial arts training, which takes years and years of elite, specialised training and experience? Ordinary soldiers don’t train their chi, they are not Wuxia 武俠 (roughly translates to martial arts chivalry). These people aren’t training for Jianghu martial art contests (江湖俠道的比武), they are training to kill for war, which does not require finesse at all. Even disregarding the lack of logic in training ordinary soldiers in martial arts (especially them teaching Taichi in the film), logistically it is simply not worth the economic and time cost of training entire regiments in martial arts only for them to be mostly killed off in battle. (Sorry, it’s difficult to explain wuxia and jianghu in a few words, but they’re super cool so please search them up if you’re interested!)
Many others on tumblr have commented on how chi itself is not the weird masculine "power" the film made it out to be, which is also very true (it's also actually very interesting so search it up if you want to!)
On Language as a Limitation
Clumsy translations of Chinese idioms and phrases that are just tragic comedy, e.g. 四兩撥千斤 being translated into “four ounces can move a thousand pounds”, which neglects the subtlety and gentle vibe of the original word choice while twisting the concept into something related to brute force or physics (but we guess this specific example is not entirely the screenwriters’ fault, since some English Taichi classes also translate it as that).
Replacing Chinese concepts and mythology directly with Western concepts such as witches, phoenixes rising from the ashes etc.
The single clumsy reference to the original “Ballad of Mulan” 雄兔腳撲朔,雌兔眼迷離;雙兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌?(translates to: when being held by the ears off the ground, male rabbits would have fidgeting front legs, while female rabbits close their eyes; who’s to tell male and female apart when the two rabbits are running side by side?) This line is an acknowledgement and compliment to Mulan’s intelligence and capabilities. It also challenges patriarchal beliefs of gender and women.
On Traditional Virtues (or the oversimplification of them, and a continuation of Language as a Limitation)
The film’s traditional values of 忠勇真 (translated as loyal, brave, and true in the film by using the most direct translations possible) and 孝 (translated as "devotion to family" in the film) seem to be a reference to the core values of Confucianism. We assume that the film is referencing these Confucian core values: 仁 (to be humane)、恕 (to forgive)、誠 (to be honest and sincere)、孝 (filial piety) and 尊王道 (to be loyal to the emperor). If the screenwriters were going to use traditional values, it is curious for them to choose only those three specifically, and to grossly simplify the actual values in their choice of Chinese characters (instead of using the conventional characters), then to grossly simplify them again in their English translations, and then to put them together in that order. The film also just briefly goes over the values by plainly listing them out in the form of an oath, thereby erasing the complexities of the values...
In a hilarious weibo post by 十四皮一下特别开心, they point out that the three values of 忠勇真 used in the film actually directly translate and correspond to the FBI motto of “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity” :)
Let’s talk about 孝, the fourth traditional virtue engraved in the sword gifted to Mulan by the emperor at the end of the film. Over everything else, this is the original ballad’s central moral, and what we believe the film is also trying to evoke, so the weak translation diminishes the story’s message. The animation was smart in not directly translating it and instead demonstrates what it entails through the progression of the plot. The film does the opposite and translates it as “devotion to family”, when they could have just referred to it as filial piety. Care, respect, thankfulness and giving back to one’s parents and elderly family members. While obedience and devotion are part of what the virtue teaches, it's not supposed to sound like an obligation, it’s not something ritualistic, it’s just something everyone does as a “good” human being.
(And if the director and screenwriters were trying to diminish the role and significance of filial piety in the film on purpose because they wanted Mulan to appear “stronger” and “individualistic”, then… I really have no words for how painfully insensitive that is in terms of how white feminism does not and should not apply to or be imposed on other cultures.)
And here’s our list of Things That Also Pissed Us Off that other people on tumblr have talked about already, which is why we’re mentioning them without much elaboration:
On Feminism
We get that Disney was trying to make a female empowerment movie but they really missed the mark? Even with a female director, somehow. Stepping back and ignoring the Chinese aspects of the film, as a female audience this film was equally, if not more, hurtful
Mulan is only seen as “strong” because of her extraordinarily powerful “gift” of chi that led to her being physically more powerful than the men, especially in that scene where she lugs the two buckets of water to the peak of the mountain (which is in sharp contrast to how Mulan in the animated film is strong because she’s intelligent and is able to utilise teamwork and her strengths properly, and doesn’t let her understandable disadvantage in terms of physical strength trip her up)
All female characters are one-dimensional as fuck and are mere caricatures (though to be fair, the male characters aren’t treated much better) BUT PEOPLE, MULAN IS THE MAIN CHARACTER!! Her name is literally the name of the film!!! Maybe give her some character??? And what happened to wanting to produce good Asian representation in Hollywood???
The character of the witch was slightly more complex than everyone else, which, good for her, but then the screenwriters had her killed when she could easily have not been written with that conclusion to her arc?? Seems to us like some bullshit where the witch had to be punished in a narrative sense because she “succumbed” to using her powers (which are again dubiously chi-related) for “evil”, when instead she was merely trying to achieve as much as she could for herself in a patriarchal system designed to punish her
Plus the implication of writing the sequence of the witch sacrificing herself for Mulan is that Mulan is inherently more worthy of protection because she’s more “noble”, which, again, we call bullshit. Mulan achieved (impossible) success and validation in a patriarchal system because she played by their rules of what it means to be a masculine “warrior” and excelled, while the witch is scorned and punished within the story and also in a narrative sense because she doesn’t. Is that really what it means to be noble and good???? Does that really make Mulan superior to the witch?? (Honestly this plot point might have worked if there was more complexity written into the script, but unfortunately there wasn't)
Can’t believe they just threw away what could have been a perfectly complex and compelling relationship between Mulan and the witch because of shitty writing
The way Mulan lets her hair down and dumps her armour as an indication of her female identity (which is irritating to us on so many levels, as explained by various tumblr users)
On Production
Plot and character arcs have no emotional tension; they’re super rushed and super shallow; emotional beats are not hit properly (e.g. Mulan’s loyalty and friendship towards the soldiers, built up with one line from Honghui “you can turn your back on me...but please don’t turn your back on them” kind of bullshit)
The screenwriters would not know character depth or development even if it were shoved in their face
Blatant symbolism and metaphors (e.g. the fucking phoenix, and thank fuck it doesn’t look like a western phoenix) that make the film feel very… low.
Cinematography and editing: some very beautiful and compositionally interesting shots, but the battle scenes lack tension. The jump cuts disrupt the rhythm and intensity of the fighting; in combination with the overuse of slow motion, they drag the pace of the choreography and further slow down the rhythm of the scene. Exaggerated colour toning make certain scenes more fantastical than others, resulting in a mix of realistic landscapes in some scenes and highly saturated unnatural colours in others, which draws the audience in and out of the film’s universe. This is a shame because they actually took the effort to film in real landscapes.
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fig. 10 Scene in film
Special effects: lack of blood in battle scenes (which, fine, they want it to be family-friendly) and Mulan’s suddenly clean face after she returns to her female identity visually puts off the audience (and links back to the issues surrounding the visual representation of her femininity)
And here’s the extremely short list of Things That We Liked:
That first fight scene between the witch and mulan when the witch brushes mulan’s hair away from her face with her claw while restraining her because that was gay as fuck and I am but a weak bisexual!!!
Donnie Yen’s action sequences lmao (they’re not even among the better ones he’s done so everyone go watch Ip Man for actually good action sequences and choreography)
Just listening to the soundtrack itself was great, loved the Reflection variations but I was simply too distracted by the other shitty things in the film
All-asian cast (thank fuck) with impressive actors and actresses (who should not be blamed for a shitty script)
TL;DR: This film is not worth your time or money. Inferior to the animated film (which already has a few questionable aspects). If you’re somehow really interested in seeing how badly Disney butchered Chinese culture (and to a certain extent the animated film), then just pirate this film. If you want to know what happened but can’t be bothered to waste your time watching the film, read this amazing and hilarious twitter thread by @XiranJayZhao, which we found right before we posted this review, and pretty much sums up our viewing experience as well.
Disclaimer: At the end of the day we're two girls from a predominantly Chinese society who are used to Chinese period films and dramas, watching Mulan (2020), a film primarily meant for Chinese diaspora and audiences in the West, with the Chinese market in Asia being just a secondary economic opportunity for Disney. We do realise that we aren't this film's target audience, and that we're not at all experts in everything we've discussed in this review. A lot of this is just us nitpicking, and all of it is just our personal (and very emotive) opinions from watching this film. Mostly we're just disappointed that the film was advertised to be relatively realistic and culturally accurate, but… wasn't.
Btw please feel free to ask us for recs of actually good, actually Chinese films and shows lmao.
Finally, all the love to our beta @keekry​, for her many suggestions and hilarious comments!!!
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Perform You Way To Mention That Besides These Years ...
In the second write-up of a four-part set, you'll see the progress of bipolar II through the tale of Wendy, a teenager that grappled with the disorder. For one the pretentious" remark rears this's mind here as well, yet an additional one is actually the ______- rate philosophy" review, you understand the ones, this is actually merely college-tier/ high school-tier/grade school-tier/baby-tier ideology" so individuals are actually stating certainly not merely is it certainly not as smart is that presumes yet is in fact really entry level. Our team possess possessed some great personal document purchases because of Nolan Smith, but our company fizzled on our percentage considering that a few individuals around below may not be having their sales quite truly. They appear to scratch some religious expertise" coming from this artsy manure totally because of that people possess the humbleness to presume that this is strong" and prudent even if they don't comprehend that. Which's due to the fact that there is nothing at all to comprehend. It's an art work from pair of individuals, that's this. In terms of top quality through how people were coated, you may certainly not always also call it good. If being authentic is thought about a quality - just what our team must make every effort to be in community - after that being ostentatious is considered a cover-up, a face-palm to your background. Delight in the eccentric and uncluttered appearances of Pompous Activity and plunge completely right into an imaginative as well as deep-seated tale. The daffodil hairstyle blooms could resist from 4 to 8 days, if they are meticulously joined. However often folks do not seem to obtain that to actual crooks organisation is just that - service - it's certainly not regarding standing or even any one of that other crap related to this. I commonly hear people pertain to hip, pricey or even visible brand-new fashion trends as pretentious." I think that is actually fine if we approve the new interpretation that some thesaurus are pushing, but in my publication, that still does not reduce this. I attracted everyone from recent and also I attacked the crack-pipe over a 4 month time period in such a way that would certainly possess killed most people after a time's treatment along with the type of misuse I was self inflicting. The shopper, that had actually spent the final 4 hrs with Leo looked him in the eye and announced what does it cost? he adored the product and also said to Leo that he was actually the best salesman he had observed in a long time. Individuals are certainly not acting like themselves, somewhat, their being located urbanity is violating throughout your plain-speaking reality. Leo knew something was going on, however he didn't have a clue regarding what this Glove was about. If you enjoyed this information and you would like to receive more details pertaining to mountains in wales to walk [http://giulianomariateresa.it/] kindly check out our own web page. Every period has performers" that may not be actually performers yet simply pretentious tryhards, nowadays our experts simply possess simpler means to locate all of them. Secondly, the same speech throughout the day to people who want to periodically pay attention, however have certainly not been actually trained, is actually a wild-goose chase. Most individuals explore their entire lifestyle for economic liberty as well as certainly never discover that they have every thing they already require right facing all of them. It's not difficult to find that it takes more talent to draw out feelings in folks with only the colour orange vs a picture of a plant. Business people pinpoint concerns as well as start working on their option a lot faster in comparison to other people. Few of the personal identified gamers I meet read considerably away from style myth, several are inclined intensely to STALK fields as well as many have certainly never heard of tarkovsky and also fast to assume that whatever movie the candle little within this dumb video game stems from should be actually artsy wank that individuals merely pretend to as if. If the video game possessed one goal, one account, one ending, one red hazard to adhere to, that would remove the uniqueness of every gamers encounter or even much worse, this would inform those that have actually not fully understood the activity or even misinterpreted it, that their point of views mistake and also they instead need to feel exactly what the hivemind and/or producer have created it to indicate. That's an art work of 2 people, that's it. In terms of high quality through exactly how the people were actually coated, you may certainly not always also call this great. If being actually authentic is actually thought about a quality - what we should strive to become in society - at that point being pompous is actually taken into consideration a cover-up, a face-palm to your background. Delight in the uncommon as well as minimalist appearances of Pretentious Game as well as plunge totally right into an imaginative as well as deeper tale. The daffodil hairstyle blossoms could resist off 4 to 8 days, if they are very carefully participated in. I talked to everyone coming from the past and also I attacked the crack-pipe over a four month time period in a manner that would certainly have killed most people after a day's treatment with the type of misuse I was personal inflicting. The buyer, which had devoted the final 4 hours along with Leo looked him in the eye and announced what does it cost? he adored the product line as well as told Leo that he was actually the greatest sales person he had found in a long time. So I 100% will The Witness a few times ago, acquired it a married couple weeks back after reviewing the job interview where he aspires to create something like GR, I in fact installed windows simply to play this. I'm certainly not a significant puzzle man as well as this is really the initial brand new activity I have actually played in around 2 years. He goned on opportunity for his session, yet was maintained awaiting 2 hrs in a small waiting space with very old publications up until he was actually mobilized. The very first step in overcoming your pompous developer propensities is actually to identify all of them and admit to them. Tender Parody: The initial pair of games satirize the meetings of pretentious puzzle-platform activities like Braid and Limbo By 3rd activity, where the tale begins to obtain more complicated, this is actually feasible that the series drifts into Indecisive Parody region. At that point you recognize exactly what sousho resembles in Japanese: Sure, the writer or some other trained individual may (perhaps) read it, but no one else possesses a clue what that mentions! And others appear to have on their own entirely seriously, and also are obviously not aware from their ostentatious attribute. Several men locate sexy Eastern women eye-catching nevertheless Asian girls may often really feel intimidated or even daunted by guys off various other societies and also as a result may come upon as ostentatious or even seem 'stuck up'. When David Bowie suited up like an intergalactic peacock as Ziggy Stardust (imagined), numerous thought he was past pretentious. Gout is actually a tremendously excruciating kind of arthritis - thus agonizing that lots of people can easily certainly not bear the body weight of a plume on the tender junction. The fourth activity in the collection focuses on the domestic partnership between Magenta's daughter as well as child. Our company have possessed some excellent personal document purchases with the help of Nolan Smith, however our team fizzled on our percentage given that a handful of individuals around right here typically aren't taking their purchases quite seriously. They seem to be to scuff some spiritual expertise" off this artistic manure totally because of that folks possess the humility to assume that it is actually deep" and a good idea just because they do not recognize it. Considering that there is actually absolutely nothing to recognize, and also that is actually. I desire to reveal that when you do work in this field that when that concerned organisation you worked harder compared to a lot of official people available. I loved this video game a lot that I had been playing this due to the fact that the first full week the game visited as well as specially had my opportunity with each region. Star-Crossed Enthusiasts: In Pompous Game 3 as well as 5, Magenta explains her function along with the wedded Gray as something that community disapproves of.
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