#1. senses of styles would work so well together. i wear only doc martens + eyeliner + am constantly listening to music of all sorts
your electric touch- j. champion
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"And I want you now, wanna need you forever. In the heat of your electric touch, mmm"
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part 1 / part 2
ship- Jack Champion x fem!reader
background- It had been almost a year since that very first kiss. Times had changed, situations changed, relationships changed. Y/n took a much-needed break from acting and began working on herself mentally. Of course, it's still a work in progress. She moved to New York and got a beautiful apartment in the heart of the city, just like she wanted to as a child. Though, she didn't do all this alone.
content warnings- use of she/her pronouns / use of y/n / description of heights / acrophobia / mention of death / (sorta) Scream 6 spoilers / (Please tell me if I missed any!)
word count- 1401
a/n: going through intense editing tomorrow!
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Snow was falling all around New York giving the city an extra sense of magic. It was both of theirs first winter in New York and they were living and thriving in it. They spent every waking hour together with much enjoyment. Tonight was no different except it would be even more intimate, if that's even possible. Jack had the whole night planned. He had kept it a secret for the past few days and ended up springing it on Y/n sort of last minute which was not appreciated. He found it hilarious though..
They had just had a ramen dinner at a Y/n's favorite ramen place. He knew he needed to get her in the best mood before they went to the next location. It was going to take a bit of coaxing from him to get her there.
"Are you almost ready?" Jack yelled impatiently. He was dying to get the date night started as he had waited all day. Everything was ready to go and the whole night planned, now he just needed to get his girlfriend out the door.
Y/n rolled her eyes at his childish antics. He had asked that same question at least four times in the last ten minutes. It was like when you're in a car and a child asks, "Are we there yet?" every other second. Annoying but with Jack it was cute and tolerable. One more fix to her lipstick and she slipped out the bathroom door and ran down the stairs. She stopped at the very last step, getting to see Jack for the first time since he had gotten ready.
He looked good. Really good.
As she took in him, he took in her. She was wearing a maroon sweater with a little black skirt; black tights layered over her legs, and she had on black chunky Doc Marten boots. Little white socks with red hearts could ever so slightly be seen over the boots. ((You can imagine whatever outfit you would like and the makeup how you like it. This is just my personal style.)) Her make-up was subtle but it accentuated her natural features. The features that made him fall in love with her. (Well, everything about her made him fall in love but that's another thing.)
To Jack she looked like heaven, but she would never believe it if he told her.
He began to mindlessly walk over to her, still starstruck by her appearance. He couldn't even get himself to blink. Stopping directly in front of her, he grabbed her hand gently and allowed her to step down. "You look gorgeous," he whispered, smiling down at her. "Now I've been waiting forever. Let's goooooo." He eagerly pulled on her arm. She laughed at his antics. This would be a night to remember, and she couldn't wait.
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Jack's hand was holding hers, as she looked at every corner of the city. The snow made everything even more enchanting. As she admired the city landscape around her, he admired her.
They walked down the snow-covered street which was filled with people. Though it felt like they were the only ones in the world. Two little people in a big old city that was just their own. Sadly, that wasn't the case, but the moment though, was at least their own.
"So where are we going anyway?" she said smiling looking at him happily. Just being in his presence made her feel ten times happier. He just had that effect on people.
"You'll see. Jeez your so impatient, he joked, sarcastically. Both of them knew she was definitely not the impatient one in the relationship. He giggled softly at her stunned face from his previous statement. "We're almost there."
Finally, he stopped right in front of the building. It was the building Y/n never thought she'd go in. "No no no. Not happening. I am not going up there."
It was the Empire State Building.
"We are going to the top together." Jack stated.
"Look Jack I care about you, I would do anything for you, except this. I've seen the Final Destinations movies way too many times, not also adding my already horrible fear of heights. I can't do this." she said. Fear was starting to course through her. But she knew something scarier than being up that high. She knew a few sincere words from him, and she would follow him. That was horrifying. Her feelings were becoming even stronger for him, and she didn't know what to do.
"I will be with you. We will do it together. Nothing will happen to you as long as I'm breathing." He made sure every word was assuring and honest, because they were.
"Last time you said something remotely like that I ended up dead on a movie theater floor," she smirked.
"Okay, that was part of a film, not real life, and I didn't particularly want to." he said laughing. "Though you do look hot dead." Wanting to get a rise out of her.
"Why thank you." she said, rolling her eyes, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Now let's go face your fears and go see the best view of the city," he stated.
The real fear at the moment wasn't even the heights. Of course, she was still terrified of being up that high. The real fear is when all her feelings for Jack were becoming apparent. The electric sparks had become a raging fire, and that raging fire was generating an immense heat. A heat that was burning the inside of her skin to ash, threatening to let all her feelings out and into the world. This wasn't just an intense liking anymore. This was much, much more.
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The elevator ride was mediocre at best. Now it was becoming reality for Y/n that she would be standing 1,250 feet in the air. Not what she expected on what started off as an amazing day. Jack held Y/n against him letting her listen to his heartbeat to hopefully keep her calm and grounded.
After what seemed like forever, finally, the elevator stopped, and the doors opened. "Fuck you..." she mumbled repeatedly as she walked through the doors. Her grip on his hand was deathly but he didn't mind. They arrived at the door to the outer deck. Her breathing was heavy, but Jack's touch helped. He knew that and planned on mocking her about it later.
Stepping on that deck was like the first time she kissed Jack. Butterflies erupted in her stomach and her head felt dizzy.
They walked around and found a spot for themselves. Y/n wrapped her arms around Jack's neck and looked at the scene in front of them. She had to admit it was beautiful. It was peaceful but also haunting.
Slowly, she turned her head to look at Jack. He flashed a beautiful smile at her. The damn smile. It made all her fears melt away. She was safe as long as she was with him. Nothing could happen with them being together.
A surge of confidence flowed through her. The moment was right. This one time the stars had aligned for her and brought her the best human to her. He was all hers and she was his.
"I love you..." she whispered, smiling at him. His eyes widened and an even bigger smile painted his face. His arms wrapped around her waist spinning her around. Giggles and pure laughter erupted from the two before he set her back down.
"I love you too. Holy shit, I've been wanting to say that to you since we kissed in your trailer. Oh my god!" He grabbed her face and pulled her into a deep kiss as if this was there last. (It will definitely not be.)
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The two sat cuddled up in their bed, holding each other incredibly tight. "Love, Actually" played on the tv but both were preoccupied with each other's company. The bit of adrenaline they got from earlier still filled them with utmost joy. Though they were really beginning to doze off.
"I'm so in love with you Y/n Y/Ln." he whispered in her ear before kissing her forehead so gently, as if she was glass.
"And I'm in love with you Jack Champion.." She finally dozed off into the most comfortable sleep of her life. Nothing could beat this night. Not anything.
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a/n: Hi! I'm so incredibly sorry for taking so long to finish writing this and I'm sorry if it's not as good. I will be editing this thoroughly tomorrow, but I really wanted to get this up. I hope you enjoy it! <3
Please send any other requests you have! I would love to wite them!
Hope you're having an incredible day/night!
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pjbehindthesun · 6 years
Character Profile: Cora
Hey hi hello. When I asked you how you wanted to celebrate the latest reader milestone, you voted to see Cora's character profile in full. Here it is! Or, here it is, current as of chapter 23 (I had to take some stuff out, you know how it is). So if you're not through chapter 23 yet, there may be some undesired spoilers. And if you’re current up through chapter 23, then maybe some mild desired spoilers, who knows. Enjoy!
Name: Cora Lane Shaw
Age: 22 when the story starts. She’ll be 40 when it ends. (I told you guys, we got a whiiiiile yet to go…)
Nationality: American, with mostly Scottish and Irish ancestry.
Socioeconomic level as a child: Very poor early on, but became more solidly middle class once her mother remarried.
Socioeconomic level as an adult: At the start of the story, she’s able to make ends meet, but she’s pretty much living paycheck to paycheck and sharing living expenses with Alex.
Hometown: The general Asheville, NC area is all she’s ever told anyone. She has not told anyone the actual name of her hometown yet. She’s kind of embarrassed by it.
Current residence: At the beginning of the fic, she lives in Seattle WA.
Occupation: PhD student at UW College of Forest Resources, also a part-time waitress at Cyclops cafe. Her career will obviously change over the course of the fic.
Income: She gets a small stipend from working as a teaching assistant in her department, and picks up a little extra money waitressing.
Talents/Skills: Her biggest skill is being extremely book smart. She has decent wilderness skills. She had to learn some basic thriftiness skills like knitting and sewing, although she hates all that stuff. She does like to cook and bake but only because it appeals to her inner scientist. She also plays guitar (badly) and mandolin (worse).
Birth order: Oldest of two.
Siblings (describe relationship): She has one younger brother, Patrick, who she calls Patch and who is four years younger than her. Patch is 18 at the start of the fic. The two are extremely close, although nothing alike, and Cora is very protective of him. But she also relies heavily on his opinion.
Parents (describe relationship): Her biological parents are Shirley and Paul. Paul left when Cora was 8 years old and she has not seen or heard from him since. She has fond (albeit childlike) memories of him, but of course, his departure had a deep impact on her ability to trust people and her view of what commitment means. She has a terrible relationship with her mother, which has more to do with John, the man her mother remarried, than anything else. Whenever she has to go back to North Carolina, she stays with her childhood best friend's parents instead of her own.
Grandparents (describe relationship): She doesn't know her dad's parents or anything about them. Her mom's father died when her mom was very young, and her maternal grandmother is in a nursing home with dementia after having suffered a stroke a few years ago.
Significant others (describe relationship): At the beginning of the fic, she is dating Alex Henderson. Alex is a year older than her but they were the same year in college and met during the first month of freshman year. They used to have a very relaxed, fun-loving, easy relationship in which neither of them expected much from the other. But moving across the country together has exposed some of the fault lines that they hadn't noticed before. They do not share many worldviews or hobbies, and they never developed good communication skills as a couple. Their sex life used to be great but has dwindled to essentially nothing at all. They don't really fight, they just fall into cycles of ignoring/dismissing one another until one of them feels compelled to put more effort into the relationship to keep it going. Alex is the first boyfriend she’s ever had. She will have other relationships as the story progresses.
In a relationship: She throws herself entirely into everything she does, relationships included. Recently, things with Alex have gotten more distant and complicated, but generally, her relationship style is to be very loving and loyal and committed. She tends to develop huge blind spots, and she has terrible communication skills, preferring to hide from uncomfortable truths and lashing out when she’s called on it. But she’s good at using her sense of humor to diffuse bad situations and get things back to normal. Despite a heavy-handed religious upbringing, she enjoys sex and is... not particularly repressed about it.
Height: 5’3 if she stands up straight
Weight: 125 lbs
Race: Caucasian
Eye color: Very dark brown
Hair color: Bright red
Glasses or contact lenses? She wears glasses when she reads sometimes but not routinely.
Skin color: Very pale, very freckled.
Shape of face: Oval
How does she dress? She’s definitely a tomboy. She wears a lot of jeans and grandpa sweaters. (One pair of jeans in particular has a bunch of raggedy holes from a literal acid wash thanks to a lab accident.) She owns three skirts and zero dresses (with the exception of the Day-Glo orange bridesmaid’s dress). Footwear of choice is either Converse or Doc Martens.
Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.) She will smoke occasionally but only socially, not as a habit. She does drink a lot of bourbon, like, way too much bourbon. Can be a bit of a pothead, although not as much in grad school.
Health: She’s pretty healthy, but it’s almost by accident. She’s a vegetarian, and she likes to ride her bike more than drive (or she did, before she gave away her bike...), but those habits have to do with her environmental convictions, not being a fitness nut. She does not generally sleep well or take great care of herself outside of those activities, although she does periodically go for a run to clear her head.
Hobbies: Reading, running/biking/hiking/anything that gets her outside, cooking and baking. And sometimes playing guitar. Again, badly.
Speech patterns: She speaks very quickly and moves her hands a lot when she talks. She has a faint NC accent despite having tried hard to shed it. Her favorite swears are religious, like “sweet merciful zombie Jesus.”
Greatest flaw: Perfectionism in the unhealthiest way. This applies to her standards for herself (personally and professionally) as well as a rigidity in how she navigates her life. She also has a short temper.
Best quality: Her idealism drives her to make the world better. Not just in her planned career, but in how she deals with other people as well. She’s not an optimist but she wants to make a difference.
Short-term goals in life: On the immediate horizon, pass her prelim exams, get a fellowship, and publish her first paper from her research. In the initial months of the fic, her other primary short-term goal was to keep her relationship with Alex thriving, although she has become less committed to that idea recently.
Long-term goals in life: Finish her PhD, get a tenure-track job at a research university, and use evidence to impact people's decisions for the greater good. She’s always seen that happening through a career in scientific research. She doesn’t have distinct personal goals like “get married, have kids,” because she prizes her independence and has misgivings about some of those life choices, at least as she understands them right now.
How does she see herself? She second-guesses herself constantly, both personally and professionally. She doesn’t have a very high opinion of her looks, but she doesn’t get bent out of shape about it either. She finds other things to have low self-esteem about, like her foot-in-mouth tendencies or her perfectionism in school or her worry of hurting other people.
What would most embarrass her? She hates it when she puts her foot in her mouth and says something rude to a person she really cares about. She would also be very embarrassed to be seen as vulnerable in any way.
Strengths and weaknesses: Strengths are intelligence, altruism, humor, stubbornness, and generosity. Weaknesses are emotional fragility, stubbornness, short temper, inflexibility, anxiety. 
Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert
How does she deal with anger? Her temper flares. She's not good with it at all. 
With loss? Not well. She internalizes it and it sometimes causes her to hold on to people she probably shouldn't. 
What makes her happy? Being in nature, being with her (very few) loved ones, and scientific discovery. 
Rude or polite? Rude for sure.
What motivates her? Fear of failure and loss. Altruism and ideals.
Is she ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? Almost always logic, although there are certain circumstances where she can be swept up in a moment.
Does she believe in God? Absolutely not. She was raised Catholic and still carries a lot of Catholic guilt around in her personality, but she’s pretty dismissive of spirituality in general.
Relationships with others:
1. Alex: They start out dating. They met when she was still a very naive 17 year old, and he’s been her whole world ever since. She’s starting to lose patience with him and doubt how truthful he’s being. And of course, she’s keeping a secret from him too.
2. Lucy: Best friend. Lives downstairs. You haven’t heard how they met yet but it’s a good story and you’ll hear it eventually from one of them. Suffice it to say they hit it off immediately.
3. Chris: Chris is the first member of the “Seattle scene” she met, out on their hike in an undisclosed location in the Northern Cascades. They have a deep friendship but they don’t see each other very often due to their respective schedules.
4. Jeff: Neighbors. They formally meet for the first time at the Off Ramp and don't really hit it off right away. He is annoyed by her sense of humor. Gradually he warms up to her as he understands her relationship with Lucy better. But they are always a little at odds.
4. Stone: She meets Stone at the Off Ramp at the same time as Jeff. They form a friendship very quickly, although Stone has feelings for her from the very start. She realizes slowly that she has feelings for him as well. Then... some things happen. It gets complicated, and not complicated.
4. Eddie: It takes a while for Eddie to stop being “that new guy” to anyone, including Cora. But she initially strikes up a conversation with him because she feels bad for how lonely he looks, and they hit it off well. They have a habit of oversharing with one another.
5. Patch: Little brother. Adores him, thinks the world of him, needs his validation for everything she does, is extremely protective of him.
How she is different at the end of the novel from when the novel began: Obviously much older, and much more flexible in her ideas.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
I Remember You Differently (Trixya) - Chapter 1 - goth
One more high school lesbian AU for the good people of this blog. It’s the end of senior year, prom season, and Trixie thought she was finally over her crush on Katya from freshman year drama class. She was wrong. Kim is over it before it even starts.
A/N: This is the first, shortish chapter of what I intend to be a slow-moving, though not entirely slow-burn, multichapter fic. I have more of this written in advance, among a few other fics depending on the response. Hope this piques people’s interests.
Lunchtime at high school is an enigma. Trixie discovered this as a freshman, though she ruminates on it late into her senior year.
Some things never change. Not the terrible paint job on the walls, nor the ever-present smell of weed in the bathrooms. She’s thankful her popularity has changed, though. For the better. Even if it is meaningless — she discovered that as a junior.
Trixie’s selling prom tickets during said enigmatic thirty minutes. On normal days, the minutes disappear before she can finish her food. Today, like it has for the past week she’s been stuck doing this, the clock down the hall takes its sweet time to strike 12:30.
That is the enigma. Time never moves how you want it.
Trixie’s scrolling through Pinterest when she hears someone’s Doc Martens stomping towards the booth. She looks up, and is almost the first person to have a heart attack on campus.
A girl’s voice — deep — deeper than Trixie remembers it, is all Trixie hears when she regains her senses.
“How much are tickets?”
Trixie knows she responded too fast. Unbelievable. Of all the fucking people.
It’s impossible to look anywhere but everywhere on the girl. Trixie has to relearn her image. She looks so different.
Her platinum blonde hair, with dark brown roots, rests at angular shoulders in huge, messy curls. It used to be entirely dark brown, and down to her chest. She’s wearing all black. She used to dress like her strange Russian grandmother. Her eyes look black, piercing, with all the black eyeshadow, and the mascara coating her huge lashes. She used to wear glasses.
Trixie’s mouth goes dry.
The girl twiddles her fingers and briefly looks to the empty space to her right. She’s planning a swift exit. Trixie doesn’t want that. She leans closer, spread fingers drifting forward across the table.
“I can get you a discount.”
Kim, Trixie’s best friend and booth-partner, looks up from counting tickets. “What?”
Trixie ignores her question and stares ahead at the girl. “How does ten sound?”
The girl, is in fact, the girl she’s had a crush on, on and off, since freshman year. It sounds desperate. Trixie knows. It’s why she’s glad to hardly ever see her, or even really think about her.
When she does, it feels like a train-crash within the body.
Katya. Her name is Katya. She acts like they’ve never talked before. In retrospect, they only made it past being acquaintances, not all the way to genuine friends. But they had laughed together, cried together (stage-crying, they met in drama class), and almost got a detention together.
They were dumbass freshmen back then.
“Thanks,” The corners of her eyes crinkle when she smiles, and Katya steps closer to the table. A voice in Trixie’s head starts to yell, hopeful Katya will place her hands on top of hers. She doesn’t. Instead, she reaches into her small black satchel and rummages around for cash.
Trixie stares at Katya’s hands.
They have each other’s phone numbers. Neither of them text each other. Trixie’s eyes flicker down to her hips. Katya has a different phone sticking out of her pants pocket, and that solves her end of the puzzle. Trixie’s answer for her own distance being that she’s a pussy.
“How many are you buying?” Trixie tries not to sound too dismayed.
“Just one.” Now she has to try not to sound too joyful.
“You’re going alone?”
Katya once explained how to get to her house, but it was so elaborate and confusing, Trixie flat-out asked why she didn’t just tell her the address. Trixie was endeared. Utterly. And trying desperately to not appear that way.
She came off like a dick. Maybe that’s why Katya never talks to her.
“Um, no. No, I’m going with friends.”
Trixie can see the embarrassment in Katya’s eyes and feels her stomach sink. Going as a group is fun, it’s what everyone doing, it’s what Trixie and Kim are doing. She’s confused as to why it would embarrass Katya.
It confuses her so much that she speaks without thinking.
“Do you want to go with me?”
She’s saved from witnessing whatever Katya’s reaction is by a small hand smacking her bicep.
“Trixie, what the fuck?”
Trixie turns to look at her attacker, Kim, who’s familiar confused and aggravated expression tells her that she’s done something stupid. “What the fuck?” Kim repeats, “We already reserved our table, which took three days, our party bus is full, and all our dresses and suits are coordinated. Are you serious?”
Trixie blinks at her best friend for a couple of seconds before the full impact hits her. Fuck. She wants to melt into a puddle under the table. Alternatively, Trixie squares her shoulders, plasters a smile on her face, and turns back around.
Katya’s face is so red, Trixie thinks she must be sick. Or angry, or -
“God, Trixie,” Kim gets up, rubs her forehead, and she slings her backpack over her shoulder.
She looks between Trixie and Katya and rolls her eyes. “I’m going back to lunch.”
“See you later.” Trixie’s voice is shaky. This is a disaster. She clears her throat, and tries not to wring her hands on top of the table. Looking straight-ahead at Katya, Trixie wills herself to have composure in the face of likely denial.
“I’m serious. I think it’d be fun, we haven’t hung out in forever.”
Katya’s unreadable, aside from the blush across her face, which Trixie is trying very hard to ignore, and she figures Katya’s working out a response that isn’t a simple yes or no. Maybe she’s trying to let her down easy. Or trying not to sound too excited, like Trixie back in freshman year.
She’s not sure why that voice in her head suggested the second one, but she’s finding herself getting carried away in the hopeful delusion when Katya finally speaks.
“Could I hang out with your friends too?”
Trixie sucks in a breath. Katya didn’t say no. Katya sort-of said yes, in a way, and she’s overcome with relief, but it’s short-lived.
Katya was lying about going with her friends, Trixie realizes, analyzing the way she responded. Her heart hurts as much as when she listens to Dolly.
“Of course, sweetheart.”
A faint smile plays across Katya’s lips, shyly, before she all-out grins. Trixie smiles back. This exchange has been exhausting for her emotions. Trixie’s calm now, breathing gently.
Out of what feels like nowhere, Katya’s waving a ten dollar bill around and lets out a brief laugh.
“Could I have the ticket, please?”
Trixie laughs as well, nervous, and she registers it sounding similar to Katya’s. Fuck. All she’s done is freak the poor girl out. “Right. Right.”
She reaches over to grab a ticket to trade with Katya’s bill, and signs a receipt for her. She wishes they both held onto the bill longer, if only to touch Katya’s hand.
“Bye, Trixie.”
“Bye, Katya.”
Trixie watches her leave, around the corner, stomping off like a madwoman. Just like she remembers her. Trixie giggles. All that’s really changed about Katya is her style. And her body, but Trixie will try not to dwell on that.
She leans back against the wall to console herself, rubbing a hand over her eyes. Trixie hears a pair of Doc Martens again, and ignores them. Too many girls wear those fucking boots here. She’s not going to pretend she’s being haunted by the ghost of a love lost, that was never had in the first place.
It could be anybody else.
Of course it’s not.
She curses under her breath when she opens her eyes. Trixie looks between Katya and the receipts on the table, assuming she must’ve spelt her name wrong. It’s too many letters.
Trixie readies a pen. Before she can start writing, Katya leans in so close and fast she almost knocks their foreheads together.
“It’s nice seeing you. I’m looking forward to seeing you again.”
Trixie swallows when Katya pulls away. It’s too slow, and yet too quick, at the same time.
Just when Trixie recovers, Katya winks. This girl has been out of her life for a year, a year, and all of a sudden it’s like Trixie never got over her. Not even a little. Trixie rolls her eyes, despite the pink across her face that must blend in with the pink of her dress.
The bell rings before Trixie can respond verbally, like a normal person, and Katya backs away. She disappears in the crowd of teenagers.
Kim is gonna kill Trixie. If Katya doesn’t do it first.
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