#1. there used to be only one guy in charge of the mini donut place and it was the best fucking place like the donuts were delicious and
woahajimes · 1 year
why am i crying outside the donut shop
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Just What I Needed
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Warnings: Language, mentions of smut, mentions of SVU type cases. Rita Calhoun x fem!reader A/N: This is part 3/ the final part of our mini Coyote Series. Pr 1 here. Pt 2 here.
It also covers the “free square” on thatesqcrush ‘s Vday bingo. Using the song “Just What I Needed” by The Cars.
The elevator doors slid open and you stepped out into the hallway, following the noise over to the squad room, immediately feeling out of place surrounded by cops, business casually dressed detectives and the even more well dressed lawyers. Despite you and Rita continuing on your casual shenanigans over the past couple of weeks you hadn’t been privy to this side of her life aside from a second meeting with your brother, and you weren’t really sure how to handle yourself in a new environment. Pausing in the doorway you caught Amanda’s attention as she was passing a perp off to a uni.
“Blondie?” You were taken aback,
“Hey.” She smiled, “are…you meeting Rita or did something happen at the bar?”
“Rita.” You replied, following her into the bull pen as she gestured to her desk, “you’re a cop?”
“Yeah.” She half laughed,
“Wish someone would’a told me that before I was free pouring and over serving all night.” You laughed back, taking a seat on the corner of her desk, foot propped up in the empty chair.
“Hey, that’s not my problem. I was just there to help Rita out, and considering you’re here now I’m taking that it worked?”
“If by worked you mean I fucked her so good in an alley she immediately took me home and neither of us got anysleep, then yes, it worked.” You smirked, plucking a donut hole from the box on her desk.
“Good for you.” She laughed.
“Thanks.” You smiled, “if you guys are friends I feel like I should actually know your name.” You teased and she laughed.
“Amanda.” You shook the hand she extended, “though that was the first time we’ve ever really spoken outside of work. And considering I’m pretty sure Vixen isn’t on your birth certificate…” You cackled out a laugh,
“It’s y/n. Management doesn’t like us giving out real names, especially with social media nowadays, way too easy to get stalked.”
“I can only imagine. I’m surprised a case hasn’t come through here yet.”
“Mm, we’re all pretty careful. Door guys have to walk us to our car or cab, especially if we’re off early. When we’re working closing they do a handful of sweeps around the building to make sure no one’s lingering around. We’re all trained in some form of self defence, when it hits capacity in there if a bouncer’s not paying close attention shit can go down pretty quick and it’s way to harder for them to get through a tight crowd than us. Takes a certain kinda girl to work there.”
“Yeah my sister wanted nothing more than to work there when she graduated.”
“Is she in New York? I could swing her an audition?” Amanda practically cackled at that,
“Trust me, you want her nowhere near you. She’s currently on the run and there’s a warrant out for her arrest.”
“Woof. I mean, I feel you, my brother’s out on bail right now, it’s the only reason I met Rita.”
“She mentioned that.” Amanda cocked a brow, “her clients are usually pretty high end.”
“Mmm.” You swallowed a sip of the red bull you’d cracked earlier, “drug charges. I just wanted a really good lawyer ‘cause he just finished his parole over the last stint in jail.” You rolled your eyes, “fucking idiot.”
“Your parent’s not supportive?”
“Small town Utah…they somehow support the drug addicted felon more than the lesbian, but we’ve both been basically shunned since high school.” You shrugged, “honestly, doing better without them anyways.”
“Aren’t we all.” Amanda agreed, her gaze jumping up at the sight of Barba and Rita near bickering their way down the interrogation hallway, “there’s your girl.” She smirked. Your head turned, pushing back your hair with your free hand as you caught Rita’s eye, a small smile breaking out on her cheeks, happy that Barba was headed off to Liv’s office.
“I thought you were at work?” She greeted softly as she approached Amanda’s desk and you half laughed, sighing.
“Turns out management deeply frowns upon teeth marks on our thighs…considering they’re eye level with the customers…I got sent home.” Amanda did her best to not howl with laughter considering you were in the middle of the squad room, knowing Rita would probably kill her if she brought attention to the situation, Rita’s cheeks immediately flushed as she awkward laughed out an apology.
“I’m so sorry.” She winced and you shrugged.
“I just came by to drop this off.” You pulled her wallet out of your bag, “you left it on the table at lunch, I figured you’d probably need it.”
“Oh fuck, thank you.” She took the item from you, tucking it into her own purse.
“Alright.” You hopped off Amanda’s desk, “I’m gonna run to the gym, I’ll see you guys later.”
“The gym, really?” Rita quipped.
“I’ve gotta burn off this red bull somehow.” You laughed, “see ya blondie.” You winked at Amanda before vanishing from the squad room.
“Ya know..” Amanda started, “if she’s gotta burn off that red bull, why don’t you go after her.”
“Rollins…” Rita warned with a glare.
“Hey, I’m not the one fucking in a back alley Counsellor.”
“You know, I am completely regretting letting you have any knowledge of my personal life.”
“I’ve gotta keep entertained somehow.” Amanda smirked at the woman as Barba popped out of Liv’s office, calling Rita over to the two of them. She gave Rollins a nod and made her way across the room.
You were glad you had the gym to distract yourself with for the next hour or so, especially after being cut from work. The little visit to the precinct had thrown you off more than you’d expected, your brain started to overthink everything the second you stepped back into the elevator.
The time you’d spent with Rita was more than enjoyable that was for sure, but it had always kind of been, in the dark, so to speak. After the first night you spent together things had started to become more of late night meet ups, Sunday afternoon brunch in bed kinda thing. Your schedules were basically opposite, though you worked a few of the day shifts during the week meaning your evenings were free. The bar was open until 4:00 a.m on a daily basis which meant you usually met Rita for a coffee while she was on her way into work. At least during the week it didn’t open until 2:00p.m, and you were able to meet up for lunch before you went in (like today). Everything was still very casual, you were sure Rita hadn’t mentioned you to anyone aside from Amanda, and you certainly didn’t tell your brother you were banging his lawyer. A couple of the girls from the bar had asked about your visitors but you’d shaken it off as new friends. Things just seemed like they were up in the air and could come tumbling down any second.
You’d barely shucked your workout clothes off into your laundry basket when your phone pinged with a text from Rita.
‘Wanted to say sorry again about costing you a shift. Can I make it up with dinner?’
‘You don’t have to.’
‘I want to. Please?’
‘Okay. I just got home, still have to shower and get ready though.’
‘Where about are you?’
‘Lower East, not far from the bar.’
‘I’ll finish up here and come pick you up?’
You rattled off your address to her, letting her know to just come straight up when she got there before throwing a playlist on and heading into the shower. After drying off and slathering yourself in moisturizer you slipped into a pale blue lingerie set, one that you’d reserved for non work days. It was cute, trimmed in lace while still being a much more comfortable cotton and much less showy than your work stuff. You pulled a mini robe on overtop, leaving it loose while you started on French braiding your hair, figuring it was easier than dealing with a blowout right now. It wasn’t much later that you heard Rita’s knock at the door.
“It’s open!” You yelled, the sound of the door clinking confirming that she did hear you, her heels clicking on the floor as she followed the music to the open door of the bathroom.
“You know you shouldn’t leave your door unlocked right?” She half teased.
“I had to buzz you in.” You shrugged, wrapping an elastic around the end of the second braid and she chuckled.
“You have a very strange habit of sitting in weird places, you know that?” You glanced down,
“It’s closer to the mirror.” You laughed.
“You’re practically in the sink.” Rita teased, moving into the room, this time greeting you with a soft kiss. Her eyes drank you in, despite the previous dates this was the first time she’d seen you not in work mode, currently barefaced, the coyote personality hung up and your own fully shining through.
“Guess it comes second nature to dancing on the bar.” You kissed her quickly, “I won’t take too long to finish, promise.” Rita kissed your cheek gently,
“Take your time.” She stepped back, taking a seat on the closed toilet lid, a small smile on her face as she watched you swiftly work through a basic make up routine.
“Hey…sorry about just showing up earlier today, I should’ve just called about the wallet.”
“Sweetheart it’s fine.”
“I just don’t want you to feel like I’m taking up all of your time or anything.” You murmured, “or like..out you at work. ‘Manda said she didn’t even know you liked women til the night you guys came to the bar.”
“I could count the things I know about Amanda on one hand.” Rita chuckled, “I simply choose to keep my personal and private lives separate.” You cast her a look that reminded her she just confirmed what you’d said. “I don’t mind you coming around and wasting all my time.”
“You sure?” Your brow furrowed as you turned to her.
“Yes.” She smiled warmly, “are you back stepping because of coming into the precinct today?”
“Guilty as charged.” You replied, swiping on a couple coats of mascara. “It was…unsettling? I guess? I mean, your world is all detectives and highly educated lawyers. Like, you went to Harvard…why would you be interested in spending time with me, I’m just a bartender from Orem.”
“First off…you are far from just a bartender.” She smirked, though you missed it, your eyes on your reflection as you started your brows, “and it doesn’t matter where you’ve been. You’ve managed to make it on your own, you’ve got a job you love, you’re renting a gorgeous loft. I enjoy spending time with you, even if it means I only get you for a coffee in the morning, those moments are precious. There’s something incredibly intriguing and absolutely wonderful about you sweetheart, that sparkle, it makes me want nothing more than to spend time with you.”
“You mean it?” You turned to her a melty looking pout on your face that she nodded at.
You climbed off the basin with such grace Rita couldn’t understand it, settling easily across her lap as you wrapped your arms around her shoulders.
“You really wanna spend more time with me?” You quipped, a smile on your lips as you met hers in a soft kiss.
“I really do.” She murmured against you, kissing you delicately, “starting with dinner.” You pecked her gently,
“Guess I should go put clothes on then.”
“I mean, I don’t mind what you have on now.” She smirked and you chuckled.
“Only if we’re staying in.” You took a pause to kiss her again and she shook her head.
“Absolutely not. I want to show off the girl I hope to call my girlfriend one day soon.”
“Mmm..guess I should wear something nice then.” You made time for one more kiss, “and I own the loft.” You giggled, climbing off her lap and she huffed out a laugh.
“That’s exactly what I mean!” She called after you as she followed you to your bedroom, leaning against the doorframe. Watching as you slipped out of the robe, grabbing a semi casual cocktail dress to tug on, instinctively she stepped toward you, her hands deftly pulling the zipper up for you.
“Thanks.” You smiled, pecking her cheek before grabbing a cardigan, “shall we?”
You extended out your hand to hers, only pausing to slide on a pair of heels and lock the door before making your way out to the street. It was safe to say that neither you nor Rita had ever expected to cross paths in life, much less end up together for longer than a night or two. It took a bit of an adjustment to workout your schedules once you were officially a couple, but you made it work. You were beyond thrilled when Rita never once asked you to sacrifice one of your weekend nights at the bar to accommodate her, knowing that they were the busiest and when you made the most money. There were a lot of lunch dates, a lot of briefly stopping by her office during the day, or picking her up outside the courthouse for a quick dinner before you left for work.
But that was the thing, neither of you minded the extra work because what you truly wanted and cared about was each other and making time for the other person didn’t feel like a feat, it felt like the absolute right thing to do.
After a very exhausting Thursday close shift you sleepily stumbled into Rita’s apartment at all of seven a.m, catching her just before she left for the office. She’d left you a half pot of decaf so you could get some rest, and a plate of pancakes and bacon. You snuggled into her side while she finished her coffee, laying a kiss against your head as you murmured out to her.
“I guess you’re just what I needed.”
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Sugar, Honey, Ice Tea | Chapter 5-9
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1Summary: Fix-it-fic: Dr. Y/L/N and Savannah Hayes have been best friends since their medical internship at Bethesda General. When she receives a frantic call that Derek's best friend is being transferred to the prison she works at, an unlikely friendship bubbles.
Eventually falling head over heels for the innocent man.
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Prison, Prison Violence, Assault, Blood, Depression, Murder, Self-Hatred, Hurt Spencer Reid, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Drug Addiction, References to Drugs, Drug Use, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Romantic Tension, Forbidden Love, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Strangers to Lovers, Requited Love, Falling In Love, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, past abusive relationship, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault
Word Count: 14.3K
1-4, 5-9, Epilogue
Chapter 5
Spencer agreed to a Thursday night game night in her office sometime last week, and she’s spent every day since then planning it out for him.
Learning that he really loved Tandoori chicken, making it from scratch at home and packaging it into a couple containers to bring into work. She followed a recipe from Pinterest, hoping it bared any resemblance to what he was used to, only changing full chicken to boneless bite size cutlets, because he couldn’t use a knife in the prison.
She got a chess set at the store, as well as a deck of playing cards for the Vegas boy. Rushing out her door early Thursday morning so she could stop and get a coffee and one of his favourite doughnuts too.
Deciding that she wasn’t going to tell him how she felt any time soon, just wanting to show him friendship and support until he was finally out of prison. Vowing to uphold her oath, he was a patient in her care, she would care for him as such until he wasn’t.
She carefully placed her lunchbox and the chess set on the security desk, letting them look through it as she waited. Taking out all the food from her bag, looking through the plastic to ensure she wasn’t sneaking in anything.
“It’s just my lunch for the next 2 days, I promise,” she smiled.
“I know, but I have to look anyway,” the nice man smiled. “Have a good day today Dr. Pat.”
“Thank’s, you too, officer Kyle,” she smiled, picking her things back up and heading past the gates.
Spencer was turning the corner towards the infirmary as she walked towards the door. Officer Wilkins holding him in handcuffs as he roughly walked Spencer to her office.
“Hey, hey, hey,” she stopped, looking at Wilkins like he was an idiot. “Un-cuff inmate Reid, he’s not a threat. Plus, he can hold some things for me.”
“Whatever,” he huffed, roughly taking the cuffs off Spencer's wrists before leaving. Not saying another word.
“What a dick,” she mumbled as she handed him the lunchbox.
“Good morning Spencer,” she changed her tone to match her growing smile.
He sighed, smiling back as he rubbed his wrists. “Good morning to you too, Y/N.”
She opened the infirmary door, walking past all the sleeping men in the care area. Unlocking her office before inviting Spencer in. “Sorry I was almost late,” she said softly, taking the chess set and a brown paper bag out of her purse.
She set it on Spencer's desk along with the coffee that was in her hand, “for all your help this week,” she smiled.
Spencer placed her lunchbox in her fridge, laying a hand on her back as he walked past her towards his desk. “You’re too kind to me,” he was bashful as always.
“I have something I wanted to talk to you about,” she closed the door softly, making sure the blinds on the doors window were closed as well.
“That doesn’t sound good,” he tried to joke as he sat down.
“I asked to help with your case, maybe give a fresh opinion, so Penelope sent me all the files but I haven’t opened them yet,” she sat on the edge of her desk. Trying to read his body language as he took out his donut.
He liked the pink frosting off his finger, nodding as he followed along. “Why not?”
“I wanted your permission,” she pressed her lips together in an awkward smiled. His eyes raising to meet hers, innocent as ever.
“You’re very reserved, you have rules about what you share, I don’t want to break the trust we’ve built by looking into something so intimate,” she explained her thoughts. “It’s not fair for me to learn about the worst thing that’s ever happened to you, without you being the one to tell me.”
“What do you know already?” He asked softly, blinking at her as he patiently waited.
She smiled at him softly, grateful that he understood. “I know the 3 charges that you’re in on, and that you’re being framed.”
“I think I would prefer it if you read the file and just asked me questions. I don’t think I have the mental capacity to recite it all back to you today,” he was honest. Taking a sip of his coffee and looking away from her.
Giving up so much of himself to her so early in the day, she felt like he was finally comfortable with her.
She found the key to his thoughts and it opened just right, she could see the hurt that flowed through him, but she could also see the happiness. The side of him that he was afraid to bring out, in fear it would get him in more trouble.
“Okay,” she agreed. Sitting at her desk and finally opening the email form Penelope.
She read through his tox-screens, his drug history, his mental state. His first-hand accounts, witness statements, clues and findings his team had made. It all felt like the plot to a bad movie about revenge, possibly even female rage. But for what?
“I finished reading,” she said softly, brows furrowed as she chews the inside of her cheek. “Do you know anyone other than this Mr. Scratch guy who you’ve put away, wronged, lead on, or just pissed off?”
“Why?” He asked, clearly attached to the idea this was all Mr. Scratch’s doing.
“It feels like revenge, but very well planed. Like a women is mad at you so she found your weakness, I’ve done mean shit to exes in the past but this is insane. They knew you’d do anything for your mom, they knew your drug history, and the fact you might get schizophrenia one day, they wanted to drug you and make you think you did all this.”
Spencer stood then, listening to her words as he scrunched his face. Thinking as hard as he could, “can you call Penelope?”
“Yeah,” she nodded as she dialled her number, putting her on speaker phone.
“Well hello there, Love Doctor,” Penelope teased as she answered.
“Um hi, Spencer wanted to talk to you,” she panicked.
“Oh, sorry, how are you Spencer?”
Spencer looked so confused, “I’m good… Y/N and I were looking at the case files you sent-”
“Good, did you find anything?” Penelope cut in, eager to talk to him.
“Have you looked into everyone I’ve ever encountered on a case? Specifically women?” Spencer asked. “I told my lawyer and Emily that I remember a woman being there and helping, she must know me from a case too, like the other prison escapees he’s helped?”
“On it pretty boy, any specifics about her that you remember?” Penelope asked over the sound of her keyboard clicking away.
“Long brown hair, but it’s probably different now,” he added. “Everything else is dark, I didn’t see her face or any other features.”
“Alright, call me anytime Spence, I miss you,” Penelope said softly, changing her tone to a more sensitive one. “Take care of each other, my loves.”
“Love you,” they say at the same time. Looking at each other awkwardly after she hung up, leaving them to sit with their words alone.
Spencer was leaning so close to her she could feel his body heat radiating off him. Spencer placed his hand on her shoulder as he stood straight, towering over her as she looked up at him.
“I have patients to talk to, but I brought chess for you to teach me later,” she smiled up at him.
“Can’t wait,” he beamed a smile back.
She felt his hand rub the back of her blue scrubs lightly, pulling away as he walked back around to his desk. She watched him with careful eyes, wishing he would have stayed longer.
Normally at 4:30, Y/N would bring Spencer a tray of whatever the kitchen was serving her patients for dinner that night. Tonight, however, she walked into her office at 5 pm on the dot, closing the clinic for the night and putting all her attention on Spencer.
“So,” she smiled as she leaned against her office door, excitement radiating out of her. “A little birdie told me that you really like Indian food, Tandoori chicken to be exact…”
“No way?” He gasped as he turned around in his chair.
She nodded with a cheeky grin, “homemade so I could sneak it in.”
She took her lunch box out of her mini-fridge, opening it up to show him the 2 Tupperware containers. One for him, the other for her. She took the lids off and dished it onto 2 plates she keeps in the cabinet above the fridge.
Spencer grew more and more excited as she warmed it up, filling the room with a familiar smell. He was so happy, “I don’t know how to thank you for everything you do for me?”
“Come here,” she said softly, watching him walk towards her carefully.
She wrapped her arms around his middle, holding him in a hug. He carefully placed his hands on her back, holding her against his chest as he snuggled his cheek into her hair again.
“I’ll take hugs as payment from now on,” she pulled back from him as the microwaved beeped.
Taking a plastic spoon from the cutlery jar, she opened the microwave and handed him a plate. “Did you want to stay in here or go to the break room? I never use it cause I don’t have any co-workers, but it has a couch and a coffee table?”
“Okay,” he smiled. Taking the plate from her and waiting for her to warm up her own meal before taking a bite.
He was ever the gentleman.
Y/N reached back into her lunch box, taking out the package of naan bread, seeing Spencer’s eyes basically roll into the back of his head. “You thought of everything?”
“Bread is my life,” she laughed.
When her food was ready, she placed it on top of the chess box and led the way down to the break room. Spencer holding every door for her.
She flicked on the lights in the break room, watching them strobe before making that awful powering up frequency. She groaned, putting her food on the table before turning on a few lamps instead.
The room went from bright and anxious to relaxed and personal, the amber glow bouncing off the cream walls, it was nice. As nice as it could be in a prison. She never thought she’d be having a date at a prison.
That’s basically what this was, a date.
She made him dinner, they were going to play games, he was going to sit right beside her, close enough to kiss. She really wanted to, she’s thought about it a lot, his pink lips were perfect and she just wanted to see how they’d feel between her own.
But she wont.
“Dig in honey,” the name rolled over her tongue like it was always meant to.
She felt his eyes on her right away, realizing that she called him honey in a situation where he wasn’t crying, where he wasn’t vulnerable. She said it as a term of endearment, she couldn’t stop the embarrassment form settling in her veins.
She sat beside his softly, picking up her dinner and pretending it didn’t happen. “Thank you,” Spencer cut into the awkwardness.
“You’re welcome,” she said softly. Feeling like she could flip inside out at any moment.
From the corner of her eye she saw him take the first bite, closing his eyes as he appreciated the moment. His shoulders settled as he chewed, she could swear he almost moaned as he ate it. She has had the food in the cafeteria before, she understood his reaction.
“That good?” She asked, teasing him softly.
He nodded, silent as he took it all in. He took another bite, and another, she felt like he was going to get the hiccups at this rate but it was too cute to stop. He was like a stray dog eating inside for the first time in months, it made her happy and then a little sad.
He stayed quiet the whole time. Crossing his legs as he sat on the couch, the plate pulled in close to his chest as he shovelled spoonfuls of food into his mouth. She sat there admiring him as he did so, falling more and more every time she glanced at him.
“That was delicious,” Spencer said as he stood, placing his plate on the counter across the room. “Are you done?” He asked, taking her plate as she reached it out to him.
“Yeah, thanks,” she watched him carefully, always wanting to help her in whatever way he could.
He didn’t sit on the couch when he came back, instead, sitting on the floor on the other side of the coffee table, taking the chess set out and beginning to set it up. Not wanting to miss a moment of the freedom he felt when he was with her.
“So, chess is pretty easy to learn,” he said, looking up at her through thick eyelashes as he spoke. “Do you know any of the rules yet?”
“Um, I know where they all go, I know that you can’t go through other pieces and the horse gets to jump?” She tried to remember all the way back to grade 4, the last time someone explained the rules to her.
He was so soft with her, explaining the rules and showing her what to do. His hand would lightly brush over hers occasionally, eventually, he’d just guide her hand over the pieces that she should move. It was so nice to just be alone with him, knowing they were both allowed to be happy.
The room was mostly silent, only the sound of Spencer's advice and her giggle as she still wasn’t grasping the concept of the game.
“I just like, don’t care about the rules?” She couldn’t stop giggling at the fact she wasn’t picking up on anything he said.
Spencer laughed, it was deep and hearty, right from his soul, “then how do you want to play?”
She picked up the queen and moved it to a random spot, “I want to put this here and fight your guy. That’s why I don't get this, what is my XP? What are their skills? I was raised on Pokemon, honey.”
He made his way back to the couch, sitting closely beside her. “Well sugar pie, do you have any other games you want to play?”
She couldn’t stop herself from leaning in and pressing her lips against his. His hands wrapped around her waist on instinct as they connected.
It was everything she imagined. Soft, gentle, refreshing. Like a cold glass of ice tea on a hot summers day. She wanted more, never letting up as she kissed him.
Spencer was the one to pull off first, “shit,” she whispered, covering her mouth with her hand as she stared at him, horrified.
He laughed, smiling at her softly. “It’s okay,” he promised, “I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”
She doesn’t stop him from pulling her back in, holding her hand on his cheek as he kissed her again. Hungrier than before, Spencer’s tongue was on a mission. He tastes like dinner, but with his own Spencer difference.
Kissing him felt like a fairytale coming true.
She forgot where they were, his hands on the back of her scrubs and her hands in his hair as their mouths clashed. She started to lay back on the couch, pulling him down on top of her.
“We can't,” he pants against her lips. Regretting it as he pulls away from her.
“Sorry, this was unprofessional I know,” she tried to play it off.
Spencer pulled her back in, flush against his chest once more. “No, I don’t regret it. It’s just, I’m not ready.”
“Oh,” she says softly. Then it clicks, “oh, oh my god, Spencer I’m so sorry I forgot. I didn’t mean to push you into anything,” she worries, running her hands over his arms softly.
He shakes his head, “you didn’t. I want to, believe me, I just don’t think I can handle the after part…”
“I cried for 3 hours after I had sex again, after everything,” she told him in complete honesty. Not even Savannah or Derek knew that.
“You don’t have to-“
“I want to,” she assured him. “You shouldn’t have to be the only vulnerable one here, I want you to know about me.”
“You don’t have to tell me the details, I don’t want to think about someone hurting you,” he whispered, his eyes innocently studying her face for how she was feeling.
“Okay, so here’s everything else,” she was still holding his face in her hands. Rubbing her thumb over his cheeks. “I had 2 moms and a little sister, and I was raised in Boston. I met Savannah in 2004, I worked with her until a few years ago. She’s my best friend, Derek is like my big brother.”
She gave him the basics, “I don’t have a dad, my mom used the same donor for me and my sister, so I’ve never really felt safe around men because I never knew many.”
“Understandable,” he smiled softly. “what’s your mom like?”
“She died when I was 26,” she pressed her lips together awkwardly. “I haven’t talked to her wife since then, my other mom, she remarried not long after. I think she was cheating on my mom when she was going through chemo.”
“I’m so sorry,” Spencer whispered.
“I can relate to a lot of the stories I know about you already. My mom was my world, I don’t know my dad. I’ve been hurt by people, I’ve lost a lot of myself while trying to help others,” she brushed her nose against his softly. Letting him know she wasn’t pulling back any time soon. “Who you are is not what you did, or what you’ve been through.”
He kisses her again softly. Breathing in through his nose lightly, his hand on her back pulling her in closer and closer. He didn’t want to let her go, and she was more than happy staying in his embrace forever.
He pulled back softly, “I lied to you.” He whispered against her lips.
“When?” She asked, scared to know the answer.
“I do remember you from Derek’s wedding, he told me about you a long time ago. I told him I was ready for dating again when you told him about Mark,” he couldn’t look at her.
“That’s not a huge lie,” she smiled softly. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking at you all night, with that little blond boy. You two were so sweet, Mark got really mad at me for staring at you actually.”
“Derek told me when he hurt you, he came to my apartment right after so he wouldn’t go and kill him,” Spencer’s voice was so low she had to stare at his lips to understand him. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she shook her head softly, kissing the tip of his nose. “Thank you.”
“I don’t want to go back to my cell,” he whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers.
Breaking her heart in the process.
She kissed his cheeks and his lips a few times, peppering kisses to his soft face to make up for it. “We can’t do this again until you’re free,” she whispered.
“I understand.”
“So you better think long and hard about this woman you remember so I can track her down and shove her in that cell instead,” Y/N’s stern voice made him smile.
“Thank you,” he replied again, hugging her the way he promised he would thank her from now on.
For being 9 pm on a spring night, it was rather warm in the Vermont parking lot. She left the prison a while ago, not able to leave Spencer’s gravitational pull yet as she sat there, staring at the prison thinking about him alone in his cell instead of pressed against her chest for the rest of the night.
Thinking about the feeling of Spencer’s hands on her body and his tender lips. Her hand over her mouth as she remembered how his bottom lip ghosted over her own, the anticipation was enough to light her on fire.
She took out her phone and called Derek, knowing he would put her on speaker if they were already in bed for the night. Really needing her best friends right now.
“Hey kick-ass, how are you doing today?” Derek’s voice was overly cheery, “Hey!” Savannah added in the background.
“I’m in love with him.”
Chapter 6
She barely slept anymore. Waking up at 6 am every morning without her alarm clock, her heart physically aching to return to Spencer's side after a night without him. She felt like a love-sick school girl, wanting to be with him all day even if they had nothing to say. Just looking at him was enough to make her happy.
A few weeks passed. Weeks filled with smiles and laughter, singing and reading, inside jokes and shared jello cups. She was so madly in love with him, hugging him every morning when he arrived and every night before he left. Keeping her word, kissing him on the cheek every so often instead.
She started a routine of picking up a coffee and a donut for Spencer every single Thursday, worried that he probably thought about his case all night, yet again. Which only kept her up worrying all night about him, wondering if he was doing okay all alone.
Only getting sleep when she remembered that he had a photo of her, his mom, Derek and hank with him. He’d be okay.
She walked into the infirmary to find Jerry and Mike waiting for her with a guard. Mike bleeding all down his face while Jerry held his clearly broken hand.
“You two are going to be the death of me,” she sighed. Putting all her things in her office before coming back to care for them.
She excused the guard, telling him she had it from here. They wouldn’t put up any more fights with her, they looked up to her like a momma bear, and they were her terrible cubs.
“It is 7:33 am, who the fuck did you have to fight this early?” She whisper yelled at them. Not wanting to wake Leo in the care ward, “who is worth this?”
“You don’t want to know,” Mike said under his breath.
“Well clearly he’s not here, is he dead or in violent crimes? If you two fucked up our plan of me helping you during parole next year, I’m going to be pissed,” she tried her best to entice the answers out of them.
“It was Shaw,” Jerry said softly. “He was planning to hurt the new guy, he’s all fake buddy-buddy with him.”
“Excuse me?” She panicked.
“He’s been talking to Milos at night in the locker room, Wilkins lets him out of his cell and into gen-pop,” Mike carried on the story as she tried to clean the blood off his eyebrow.
“What are they going to do to Spence?”
“Spence?” Jerry teased her, poking her side. “I didn’t know he had a nickname already. Why haven’t we met him yet?”
“I’ve kept him locked away to be safe, I’m going to find a way to keep him here at night,” She said softly. “He’s best friends with my brother, I can’t let him get hurt.”
“So you knew him in freedom land?”
She nodded, “a little.”
“All you need is a bandaid,” she changed the subject as she reached into her kit. “And Jerry I’m going to have to set your fingers back in place, if you scream in my face, I will kick you in the nuts.”
They laughed at her fake tuff guy act, never actually being able to hurt them. They were her buddies, giving her a big hug after she finished with them. Getting them both a pudding and telling them to stay put for the day if they wanted to.
Spencer found her in the lab when he arrived, she knew it was him when the door opened, no one else had a passkey to get in. She was writing down some numbers on a chart when he wrapped his arms around her from behind.
She dropped her pen and turned around in his grasp, holding his face in her hands immediately as she pulled him into a quick kiss.
“I thought you said I couldn’t do that again till I’m free?” He asked softly. Kissing her a second time as he finished.
She smiled against his lips, “you’re free when we’re alone.”
He kissed her harder. His hands around her waist as he picked her up slightly. Twirling her around as they kissed, she laughed against his skin. Unable to stop herself from smiling as she held onto him.
She kissed him one last time as he put her down on the floor, “I have a coffee and donut for you in my office.”
“You’re too good to me, Sugar Pie.”
“Anything for you, Honey Bunch,” she bit her lip as she smiled at him again. So absolutely overwhelmed with love for him.
“I actually have a serious question to ask you,” his tone changed, making her concerned.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m still trying to figure out more about that night, and I think I want to try exposure therapy,” he explained. “I was wondering if you’d help me get high, so I can remember what happened in the same mindset.”
“Okay,” she nodded softly. “I can book you in for the night here, say you’re under observation, and I’ll stay here with you.”
“Are you sure?”
She kissed him softly again, looking up at him with a smile after. “If you’re sure about it, I’ll help you. But we need some ground rules.”
“Of course,” he agreed. Letting go of her as she stepped back, leaning against the counter now.
“No kissing, nothing like that, we’ll do it in my office so you can be alone and then later you’ll sleep in the observation room. Leo is in there, he’s harmless and sleeps all night on his morphine anyway,” she explained. “I’m not going to take advantage of you, I don’t want you to regret it. It’s going to be hard to sober up again once you get a taste of euphoria in here.”
He nodded along as she set the rules, “those are good. Thank you.”
“They drugged you with heroin, and while I know where to get some, I’m not letting you do that,” she laughed. “I have Dilaudid in pills and liquid morphine.” Letting him pick his poison.
“The pills will be fine,” he said softly.
“Alright,” she smiled. “And if you want, when you get out I can take you to a meeting? You’ll need to talk to someone other than me, someone who gets it.”
“You’ll stay with me after all this?”
“As long as you let me,” she felt her heart grow 3 sizes at the way his puppy dog eyes stared back at her. “Go have your breakfast and I will come to see you soon, okay honey?”
His smile was glorious, she could feel the love radiating off him as he looked at her. It felt wonderful, knowing at that moment her feelings weren’t one-sided. That he wanted her just as bad as she wanted him. He was going to be good to her.
She had mike and Jerry help her move the couch from the break room and into her office, allowing them to meet Spencer, finally. It was awkward at first, two big muscle men telling him how much they also loved their Sugar.
“Should we tell him?” Mike nudged Jerry.
“What?” Spencer asked softly, sitting at his desk on the other side of the room, really not enjoying their alpha energy.
“Shaw, Milos and Wilkins are all secretly buddies, they were planning to hurt you and so Mike and Jerry beat Shaw up in the yard,” she scrunched her face as she explained it, not ready for his reaction.
“After they cut that kid's throat, they wanted to get you to run heroin for them. But you ended up in here, we heard them in gen-pop last night saying they wanted to get you,” Jerry explained as he played with the bandages on his hand. “He won't be out of the violent offender's infirmary for a while.”
“Thank you,” he replied to them with a pressed-lipped smile. “I need to call my team about the case.”
That was their queue to leave, Y/N patting them on the back for the help, telling them they could stay with Leo or go back to the yard, she didn’t care. They just couldn’t be in her office for this.
Spencer looked a little pissed off. “I didn’t ask them to do that,” she said, defensively.
“I’m not mad at you,” he shakes his head softly as steps into her space. “You’re the only person I can trust in here.”
She placed her hand on his chest softly, “call Penelope. Take your time on the phone with the team.” She handed him her cell phone, “FaceTime them if you want. See their faces, it’ll be okay.”
He hugged her, a silent thank you. She ran her hands over his back as she pressed her face into his neck. Holding back every instinct to tell him she loved him as she pulled away.
“I’ll be back soon, okay?”
“Okay,” he smiled. Taking her phone, “how do I?”
She couldn’t help laughing, “here,” she dialled Penelope’s cellphone number and hit the FaceTime button.
Seeing her beautiful, bright and bubbly face smile as she answered. “Hey! Oh my god, hold on,” they watched as she got up and ran down a hallway.
Spencer was instant giggles and smiles, a side of him she’s never seen before. True, pure love. This was his family, these were his people. She could see herself fitting into his little world one day.
“Guys! It’s Spencer!” She yelled as she ran into another room.
“What’s wrong?” “Is he okay?”
Suddenly she turned the phone sideways to show all his co-workers. “Hi!” He waved to them.
“Spence!” Emily and JJ cheered, “oh you look so good.”
“I feel good, how are you all?” He asked softly, taking her phone and sitting down at his desk.
She watched him softly from the door, slipping out when she saw his attention was fully on his past life. She walked down the hall towards the lab, hearing his laughter through the walls.
She placed 2 pills in a plastic cup, taking an apple juice and jello from the fridge for Spencer. She placed it on his desk 20 minutes before his shift ended, giving him a little space to decide when he wanted to. He told her that he get’s cold when he comes down from a high, so she leaves a fluffy blanket and a pillow on the couch before slipping back out of the room.
She returned to the care unit, looking over Leo as he got ready for the night. Administering his meds and wishing him a good night. She closed his curtain, so when Spencer eventually went to bed he wouldn’t be disturbed.
When she finally settled into her office for the night, Spencer was in the dark. Sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. “Hey,” he said softly.
“How are you?” She asked softly. Closing the door behind herself. Locking it and making sure all the blinds were closed.
“It’s going to hit soon,” he said softly. Suddenly embarrassed and closed off, hiding from her as he laid down.
She didn’t want to bother him, sitting at her desk with her reports. The light from the computer is just enough to see what she was looking at. She glanced at him every few minutes to make sure he was okay.
He enjoys it at first, a blissed-out look on his face as his head is tossed back against the couch. She knows the exact euphoria he’s feeling, she understood perfectly why someone would want to escape like that.
Then his face changes as he starts to hate it, he mumbles to himself with his eyes squeezed shut, she could see him gripping the sheets as he tries to force himself to remember.
She’s uncomfortable watching it, feeling like an intruder. She tried to only focus on her work, flipping through emails and Twitter, scrolling through Facebook for the first time in months to preoccupy her mind.
He was like that for at least an hour.
She could hear his teeth chattering as he came down, just like he said would happen. “You okay, honey?”
“Y-yeah,” he tried to speak through the shaking. “C-can we cuddle?”
“Yeah,” she whispered, turning on her desk lamp before joining him on the couch.
She pulled him up into a sitting position, sitting where his head once was and letting him settle into her lap. She ran her hands through his hair, combing through the locks as she shushed him. Running her hand up and down his back in a tender motion, he snuggled into her leg.
“I’m not that high anymore,” he says softly.
“I know, it’s okay if you are. I’m not going anywhere tonight.”
“I love you,” he whispers.
It makes her stop. Her whole body stills at the words, he wanted to clarify so she’d know it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing. She closes her eyes and squeezes them shut, biting her lip as she tries not to burst into tears.
He felt it too.
She swallowed the lump in her throat, “sit up.” She instructs him softly.
She laid down against the couch then, waiting for him to snuggle into her side. Wrapping the blanket around them both as they found the most comfortable position.
“Sorry,” he whispered against the crook of her neck.
“It’s okay, it just feels wrong for me to say it back right now. I feel the same, believe me, Spencer.” She wanted to assure him to the best of her ability. “But you’re still an inmate in my care, I can’t. Not yet.”
“You don’t have to,” he pulled back to look her in the eyes, his own still droopy from how tired the drugs made him. “I’m going to love you regardless.”
She broke her own rules. Kissing him softly, holding him close to her, under the blanket where both their body heat was trapped. She had never felt safer in her entire life.
Spencer only crawling into that bed in the care ward when he woke up to her alarm the following morning.
Chapter 7
There’s someone banging on her office door just a little after 8 am. She was in the middle of putting a new pair of scrubs on over her long-sleeve undershirt, the banging on her door doesn’t stop until she opens the door.
“What?” She yells at them.
It’s Officer Wilkins. “Where is inmate Reid? We have a visitor for him.”
“No one is scheduled to see him today?”
“There is now. Where is he?” The man towered over her. Trying his best to intimidate her.
“Care ward. I’ll get him. You can go wait in the waiting room,” she pushes past him. Watching him stumble as he hits the wall.
“He’s not worth dying over,” he whispers under his breath.
She doesn’t leave Reid’s side as Wilkins attempts to escort him to an interrogation room. Y/N stands in the observation room as Spencer waits, cuffed to the table. Looking through the mirror at each other, only he couldn’t see her. He just knew she would be there.
“Mom?” Spencer’s shocked voice breaks her out of her thoughts as she sees Diana walking into the room.
A dark-haired woman she’s never met before escorting her in. Y/N whips her phone out to take a quick photo before running back to her office as quickly as she can.
Y/N: I need you to check on Cassie, Diana’s nurse. Someone I don’t know just brought Diana to the prison.
She attached the photo she took, setting her phone down to looking through the visitor's logs on her computer. Wanting to know the name of the woman accompanying Diana.
“I’m sorry,” the familiar voice says from her doorway.
She looks up at him from her desk. Wilkins is stepping into her space with a look of guilt, taking his baton off his belt.
“You don’t have to do this,” she backed up against the wall, trying to keep as much distance from him as possible.
“I have to,” his tone changed. Like a personality switch, his eyes darkened as he charged at her.
She ran around the desk, watching him follow. Punching her in the face, causing her to fall back against the couch, she didn’t want him to get on top of her. Dropping to the carpeted floor as he dove onto the couch.
She crawled on the floor towards the door as he tried to get up. Standing as fast as she could, roundhouse kicking him in the face with a grunt. Her foot hit his jaw at just the right angle, rendering him unconscious.
She reached for his cuffs as soon as he hit the floor, “Leo!! Help!” She screamed down the hall.
She heard bare feet running down the hall, followed by the sound of rubber on linoleum. “Sugar??” Mike and Jerry yelled as they followed.
“Watch him,” she insisted once the cuffs were on him. “Hurt him if you have to.”
She took the second pair of cuffs off Wilkins's belt before running out of the room, her lip busted and bleeding down her neck.
She ran down the hall towards Spencer, busting into the room and knocking the nurse to the ground. Struggling to get her onto her stomach, “stop struggling, who the fuck are you?”
“Get off me!” She screamed in return.
Y/N cuffed her and pulled her to her feet, pushing her against the stone wall.
“What is going on?” Spencer stood up, cuffed to the table so he couldn’t help.
“Wilkins just attacked me, Diana wasn’t supposed to be here,” she said over her shoulder in Spencer’s direction. “So I’ll ask again,” she whispered in the woman's ear as she pushed her against the wall harder. “Who, the fuck! Are you?”
“He knows me,” she spat out.
Y/N ripped her off the wall, making her look at Spencer who was shocked, speechless as he tried to remember her face. “Who is she?”
“She told me Cassie was fired, she’s been with me all morning?” Diana tried to explain, slightly freaking out.
“I sent her photo to Penelope, I need a guard,” Y/N said, hauling the unknown women into the hall with her.
The prison was put on lockdown as they tried to figure out this security breach. Wilkins and the nurse being held in prison custody as they waited for the BAU team to fly in.
Figuring out that her name was Lindsay Vaughn, Spencer remembered as much as he could about her. How he tried to save her dad, losing him to his carnal need to kill. Lindsay following closely in her daddy's footsteps.
Diana sat at Spencer’s desk, Mike and Jerry stand watch at the door. Y/N was sitting on top of her desk in front of Spencer, it was his turn to run alcohol over her cuts. Holding her face in his hands as he cared for her.
“I'm sorry,” he mouths the words at her. Not wanting his mother to overhear them.
She nods in response, unable to smile as the cut on her lips stings. All things considered, she could have been in a lot worse condition if it wasn’t for Derek and her training.
She wants to kiss him, she can tell he’s looking over her shoulder at his mom. Waiting to make sure she’s not looking before he leans in a little closer.
Pressing their lips together as silently as possible, his eyes still on her’s as they did so. It’s the most tender kiss she’s ever had, “I’m okay Spence,” she said softly as he pulled back.
“I’m still sorry you were dragged into this,” holding her against his chest softly.
From where she was sitting on top of her desk, she placed her head on his chest, holding him as close as she could, his cheek resting on her head. She wrapped her legs around him, not wanting to let him go, ever.
Needing the comfort he brought her, now more than ever.
When Derek and she started training again it was mostly to help her feel safe. To know what to do if it happened again. She didn’t ever expect it to, thinking it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. That she’d learn from it and then she wouldn’t be in this situation again, being punched in the face by a man.
She started to cry, the throbbing pain in both her face and her foot taking over as the adrenaline dissipated, she was too overwhelmed to do anything more. He let her cry against him, rubbing his hand on her back as he kissed her forehead.
She couldn’t wait for him to get out of here, and she was going to leave with him.
Derek is the first to burst through the door. Wrapping Spencer up in the biggest hug she’s ever seen him give. Rocking Spencer back and forth in his grasp as he kissed Spencer's cheek a few times.
He pulled back, holding Spencer's face in his hands. Smiling so he didn’t cry, “they’re dropping the charges.”
“You’re kidding?”
“Nope,” Derek shakes his head adding, “You’re free.” Expecting Spencer to hug him again.
Instead, Spencer turns to Y/N and pulls her into a kiss. She’s startled at first, eyes wide open as Spencer’s hands find her waist and pulls her right up against him.
She can't help but settle against him. Holding his face in her hands as she kisses him back. He picks her up slightly, spinning her around with his face buried in her neck as she yelps.
Everyone in the room watching him celebrate with her in shocked silence.
He placed her back on the ground, kissing her one last time. “You did it, Spence,” she smiles at him.
“We did it.”
She hears someone clearing their throat. Both of them turning to see the Warden as well as the entire BAU team standing in her doorway. But they don’t pull apart, Spencer’s hand stays on her side as they wait to get yelled at.
“I quit,” Y/N said before he could say anything to her, “and I might sue.”
“I’m suing for sure,” Spencer added.
“We’re terribly sorry for the condition of your stay Doctor Reid. And Doctor Y/L/N, I’ll never be able to make it up to you. I’m incredibly sorry for what Wilkins did,” the warden tried to cover his ass from a bureau lawsuit.
“Too late for that,” Emily added. Stepping into the room more. “Doctor Reid will be leaving with us, now.”
“Understood,” the Warden hurried out of the room before any more damage could be done.
Everyone took a turn hugging Spencer then. A handful of them even hugging Y/N as well.
Emily wrapped Y/N up in a hug, rubbing her back the way she would all those years before. “Thank you, you have no idea what he means to us.”
“I think I do,” she laughed against her. “If that’s not weird?”
“Not at all,” she pulled back, looking at Y/N with her big beautiful eyes, her bangs pushed out of the way so she could take a good look again. “You two are good together.”
She smiled, “thanks Em.”
“We need to fill him in on everything, will you stay with Diana?” Emily asked.
“Of course, I’m just going to be packing up some things anyway,” she said as she turned to Spencer. “Have fun with your friends, honey.”
“Thanks, sugar,” he kissed her on the cheek before walking out. Everyone whistling and hollering at the boldness Dr. Reid had developed in prison.
They all filed out after him, she watched the door with a soft smile as they wandered down the hall, Spencer taking them to the break room so they could chat.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Diana’s small voice came from Spencer’s desk.
“Oh, Diana,” she smiled. “Can I give you a hug?”
Diana nodded as she walked over to her, wrapping her up in a hug, much like how Spencer would. She can imagine Spencer’s hugs once feeling like this, imagining him small and shy, holding her slightly. Unlike his more beefy, relaxed form since being in prison.
“He means the world to me too,” she says softly as Diana pulls away.
“You saved him, if he didn’t have you he might not still be my soft and sweet little Spencer,” Diana patted her shoulder. “Thank you.”
“Thank you for making him,” she laughed slightly. “He’s a wonderful man, I have a feeling you played a big role in that.”
Her smile was just like his. The smile of a mother, someone who was going to love him forever, maybe she’d love her too. Y/N felt a little emotional, this could be her family one day.
Chapter 8
There was a lot of information to process as she sat at the BAU round table.
Learning the entire plot of some women’s revenge against Spencer, just how much Wilkins and Lindsay were involved, the crazy scheme they planned and how terribly it would have ended if she wasn’t there.
Spencer, on the other hand, was visiting this Cat person in prison. The one who orchestrated it all, the one who was obsessed with Spencer, the love of her life, to the point she might be having his baby. He had some things to settle with her.
He was on edge before he left, going with Derek and JJ while Y/N stayed back with Diana. David Rossi had even offered to let them all stay at his guest house later that night, seeing as Spencer’s apartment was a crime scene.
Lindsay murdered Cassie, leaving her dead body on Spencer’s apartment floor. Ruining the place he was so desperate to return to.
She was a little out of it. Trying to think of everything that happened and everything she would have to do in the next few days. Compiling a list in her mind as the anxiety bubbled in her gut.
She needed a new job and a new place to live. First, she’d have to go back to Vermont to pack, and she’d have to find a way to support her boys on Parole. And Mike and Jerry.
She put her hands over her face and rested against the table. Overwhelmed with everything, her face still hurting, the lights were too much, she was tired.
Then she was crying softly.
“Hey,” Emily rubbed her back softly. “Shhh, it’s okay, what’s wrong Y/N?”
She sat up and wiped her eyes with a small laugh, embarrassed that her kinda ex-girlfriend was comforting her. “I’m stressed?” She answered, not even really sure herself.
Emily smiled while she nodded, looking so different now than she did back when they first met. Older, but in a beautiful way, gracefully becoming who she was always meant to be. “I get it, believe me.”
She remembered Derek saying she ‘died’ once. How they buried her casket and how pissed they were when they found out she was actually alive. Y/N only knew Emily re-born, as they called her.
She was always caring, always wanted to comfort and make people happy. It was the way she coped with hurting them all, but it carried on past the team. It carried on to strangers, victims, sometimes even unsub’s.
And most definitely Y/N.
There was a part of Y/N that wonders what loving Emily would have been like; if it would have felt half as good as loving Spencer. Or would it be better? She’d never really know, but she could imagine it would have been nice.
“How can we help?” Emily asked, still as wonderful as ever.
“I need a new job,” she laughed. “Can Penelope use her mad skills to find a reputable business in need of a doctor around here?”
“Are you moving back to Virginia?” She smiled at the thought.
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded, a smile growing on her face. “I’m kind of attached to Spencer now.”
“Good, maybe Derek can help you find a place, he has like, what 7? Right now that he’s fixing up?” Emily threw out ideas. “You’ll get the ball rolling soon, it’ll all be fine.”
“Thank you,” she said softly. “For not giving up on him, I know you would never but, I was worried he had lost all hope and you never did. Thank you.”
Emily hugged her again, not saying anything. Y/N knew there was nothing to thank her for, this was a family. They would kill for each other if they needed to.
“Let’s go see Penelope,” Emily replied as she pulled away. Standing and extending a hand for Y/N.
The BAU offices were so interesting, many people running around to get jobs done before the end of the day as the main team chilled. It was like any other office she was in; controlled chaos and hierarchy.
Diana was sitting with Penelope in her office, flipping through a scrapbook while eating a jello cup. It made her smile to see it ran in the family.
“Hey,” Penelope cheered as she noticed them.
“I was just going to ask for some help with something, I see you’re busy,” Y/N awkwardly commented on the situation.
“Oh, we’re not,” Diana said. “I was showing her photos of Spencer. Would you like to see them?”
“I’d love to, um while I’m here, Penelope would you be willing to help me search for a good job?” She asked a lot mousier than Spencer would have if he was asking her for something.
“Of course, what are we looking for?” She wheeled to her main computer, cracking her knuckles as she got ready to look.
“Um, anyone hiring a GP close to here, I’m willing to go all the way to DC for work,” she explained. “I just want a place where I won't get punched again,” she tried to laugh at the trauma.
“The sanatarium is hiring, they’ve got good ratings and not a lot of patient complaints, they’re looking for a physician to care for the elderly members of the program,” Penelope explained as she clicked through screen after screen of info.
“That would be nice,” she smiled towards Diana. “Did you like the one you were at?”
“Oh yes,” Diana mused. “I had many friends there, I miss them and the social aspect. For a bunch of loons, I really loved the company.” She laughed at herself.
“I send the link to you,” Penelope smiled. “Now let me see his little baby bum again that one is my favourite, he’s so funny,” she leaned back in close to Diana.
All the pictures were priceless. Seeing Spencer grow up, page after page, every award and accomplishment displayed proudly. It made her miss her family, the love that a mother could bring to her life.
She got a little emotional, trying to nonchalantly wipe the tear off her cheek as she watched Diana flip a page.
“Are you okay?” She asked softly.
Y/N laughed, “yeah I just miss my mom.” She scrunched her nose so that the tears stayed in, waving her hand in front of her face as she tried to blink the tears back.
“Where is she?” An innocent question opening the floodgates.
“She had cancer,” Y/N cried softly. Not noticing as Emily and Penelope left the room. Giving them a space to bond.
“She died when I was 26,” she explained.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” Diana placed her hand on Y/N’s back as she rubbed her softly. “Do you have any other family?”
“My moms are gay, well. After my mom died I stopped talking to her wife, yes she raised me but she hurt my mom too much for me to love her like a parent,” Y/N unloaded her trauma onto Diana, it must be genetic to find comfort in the Reids.
“Spencer never had a father either,” Diana related to her. “After William left it was just us, and Spencer stepped up to being the man of the house. He’s always been thrown into situations where he has no control but he needs to make the decisions. You’re probably the best person he could be with, he doesn’t have to take care of you.”
“Cause I baby him,” she laughed as she wiped stray tears off her cheeks. “He’s pretty wonderful, you did a fantastic job. Both of you did, look at the love you have. This is a perfect family.”
She gestured to the book of photos, seeing the love beaming off Diana’s face as she held a 12-year-old Spencer in her arms. Braces, on his face, thick glasses, long hair. He was adorable.
“You’re welcome to join,” Diana offered softly. “I’ve always wanted a daughter.”
“Why didn’t you?” She asked softly.
“Why have more when you can stop at perfection,” she smiled, the same wonderful smile Spencer had.
“That he is,” she agreed. “Thank you for him.”
“Thank you, I mean it when I say you saved him,” Diana’s serious look making Y/N cry again.
“I know,” she cried. “And I’d do it again.”
In a heartbeat.
Rossi had 3 rooms ready for use in his guest house. Only 2 were ever used during their stay. They spent a few nights recovering together, helping Diana into a new routine for a few days while trying to just spend as much time as possible together out in the real world.
Rossi’s property was huge, never-ending even. He had lake access, ponds with ducks, fields and fields of long grass topped with flowers. It was like a dream getting to explore it together.
Happiness hit her like a freight train, smacking her in the chest and knocking the wind out of her.
She blinked and suddenly she had been waking up in Spencer’s arms for a week straight. Going on adventures together, waiting for him with a coffee outside his NA meetings, holding him all night long.
He had a hard time adjusting to a real bed again, it was too soft. He spent most of his time with his head on Y/N's chest, letting her rub his back slowly as she kissed his head, helping him drift off to sleep every single night. Causing her to fall deeper and deeper in love with him.
Every day beside him was a blessing, no longer was he a dog trapped in a cage. He was free, running with her through the fields like wild horses.
She woke up with him still snuggled into her, arm around her waist, legs tangled together, his face right in the crook of her neck. His hot breath on her skin being the thing that finally woke her up.
Absentmindedly running her fingers through his hair, eyes still closed as she woke up. Snuggling her cheek against the top of his head, causing him to pull her in tighter. Both of them slowly coming alive again.
“I love you,” her voice coarse from sleeping with her mouth open, dry as she licked her lips. It was the only thought that came to her mind. Not even realizing it was the first time she’s said it to him.
Spencer kissed her neck softly, “I love you.”
She couldn’t believe the happiness she was feeling, almost positive that even in her saddest moments she still loved him just this much. He was everything, even under all the scares and trauma, he was the most wonderful person in her whole world. And she was beyond blessed to be holding him in her arms.
The sun was barely up yet, having fallen asleep around 10 pm last night, they were up way earlier than they expected. It was so nice, the deep orange light of the morning sun creeping through the window behind the bed.
“Do you want to go watch the sun come up?” She asked softly.
“Yeah,” he nodded softly. Sitting up with her to get ready.
They put on track pants and sweaters and shoes, grabbing a few blankets and heading outside. A few minutes of walking behind Rossi’s house led them towards a beautiful little pond, they laid out 2 blankets over the dew-soaked grass before cuddling on top of it.
The birds were performing for them, the clouds were cleaning into the most beautiful morning blue sky she had ever seen. She couldn’t help herself from holding him tighter against the blanket.
The sun shined on the water, casting beautiful pinks and oranges across the surface as it stretched into the sky. A few ducks followed their mommas in the May morning breeze, quacking in agreement as they swam across the pond. Playing a game of following the leader.
It was a dream, she was sure of it. It was all too perfect to be real.
Including Spencer, he laid there softly underneath her, holding her against his chest as she appreciated the world around them. His attention only on her, even after being locked up for 3 months. He would always choose her.
“I’m so happy,” she said softly. “You make me so happy.”
He kissed her on the forehead, pushing her back against the blanket so he could kiss her whole face as she laid there. Smiling as she held his sides, letting him smother her in affection.
When he finally stops kissing her, he brushes her hair behind her ear. Cupping her face with one hand as he looks at her. The sun casting a vibrant glow on the both of them as they appreciated each other for a moment.
“I don’t know how I made it so long without you,” he finally speaks. “But I never want to do it again.”
“Move in with me?” She replied without a second thought. “I need to find a place here anyway, and I doubt you want to go back to your apartment.”
“I already asked Derek for the place he was fixing on Wilmont, it’s close to the sanatarium, mom wants to be social again,” he filled her in on his plans. “We just have to sign the lease.”
“We?” She teased him.
“I love you,” he reminded her.
“Good,” she smiled as she pulled him into another kiss. “Because I love you, too.”
Spending time with Spencer was intimacy in its purest form. It was a relationship built on trust, respect, and mutual love. It was the first time in her life she felt truly in love, not mesmerized by the idea of it.
She trusted him when he said that he loved her. She believed him when held her when he talked to her about his day or the most random things his mind could conjure. When he’d just hold her, enjoying her presence without wanting anything more than just her.
Chapter 9
They arrived in Vermont early on a Saturday morning, heading to her apartment to pack everything up. It was just the two of them this time, flying in together, half asleep at the break of dawn.
Only bringing 1 bag with her essentials for the next 2 days, hoping to pack her whole life into a truck and pray it arrived in Virginia okay.
And she got to show Spencer her space. A personal side of her that he had no idea about. He knew her mind, her feelings, her trauma, but he didn’t know what her personality was really like outside of loving him.
He was surprised by the amount of stuff she had. Wandering around her apartment quietly as she started taping boxes into shape.
Rented white walls enclosed the space when she moved in, not being able to paint them or anything felt wrong to her. So she covered them in photos, artwork and posters. Bringing the space to life with a touch of colour.
Mostly neons, having an affinity for green and purple accent pieces. Not a single shade of blue to be found, getting enough of that at work over the years.
She had plants everywhere, an old record player and a million different albums spread across the living room. Her bedroom was a mess, the closet was even worse. The kitchen would be easy to pack, it was the stuff on the walls she was worried about.
“I’m probably not getting my deposit back,” she laughed as she started taking the paintings down.
“I didn’t know you went to Harvard?” He points at her medical degree on the wall as she takes it down.
“Yeah, let me guess you’re a Yale guy?” She teased him.
He scoffed, nudging her arm lightly. “CalTech and MIT actually, Yale was my safety school.”
“Mine too,” she smiled.
Spencer stood beside her and watched for a minute, “what should I do?”
“Pick an area and pack the way you would if this was your place, I trust you won't break anything.”
“Okay,” he nodded, beginning stacking all her books on the kitchen table.
They worked well together, they knew that already. She put on music, they moved around each other freely. Occasionally singing the words and dancing around to the good ones. It was a lovely day to just open the windows and clean.
Hours passed, pizzas had been ordered and destroyed, boxes filled every corner of the space as her personality was completely ripped from the room. Soon it was just them, a couch and the record player.
She got up and walked into the bedroom to change, feeling sticky and gross from the day. Not expecting Spencer to follow and sit down on the edge of the bed.
“Who knew packing boxes for 7 hours would make you so sweaty,” she jokes as she peels the shirt off her back. Standing in front of him in just her sports bra.
He turns away from her, making her laugh slightly. “Spencer, it’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” He asks as he turns back to look at her.
She nods softly, “do you want to shower with me?”
He’s speechless for a moment, staring at her with an open mouth, “yeah, yes sure.”
She can't help herself from laughing, taking his hand and pulling him into her tiny bathroom. She makes sure they both have a few towels, seeing him awkwardly stand by the door like he’s not allowed to move.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” she reminded him. “Go as slow as you want.”
“I want to join you, but just to clean,” he made his decision.
“Alright, I have 3 different shampoos you can choose from,” she smiled, opening her cupboard and letting him pick. He smiled, appreciating how easily she made it a strictly business situation.
She took off her pants, watching him get undressed out of the corner of her eye. They had been much more intimate with each other already, getting naked in front of him shouldn’t have been as nerve-racking as it was.
She turned on the water, making sure it was the right temperature with her foot. She took a deep breath and just took the sports bra off, freeing her boobs after a long day felt amazing, replacing the fear of Spencer seeing her for the first time. She dropped her underwear to the floor and stepped into the shower, waiting for him to do the same.
Before she knew it, he was standing in front of her, naked. She didn’t know how to act, just laughing and smiling at him. He did the same, it felt kinda crazy that they were standing in a shower, butt naked as the water pooled at their feet.
“You have to pull the thingy up,” she pointed at the bottom of the shower behind him. “It might be cold when it hits you, here pull it up and hide in the corner, like I do.”
He followed her instructions, pulling the small silver plug up to redirect the water from the tub faucet to the shower head. Cowering into the corner with her, their chests pressed together as the cold water hit his back, making him gasp as she laughed.
She wrapped her arms around him, leaning against the shower wall as she held him against her, “hi,” she whispered through her smile.
He kissed her quickly before backing up under the stream. She watched the water cover his hair, making it darker as it spread through the long locks. She watched it drip down his body softly, her eyes travelling down as it did.
He had a scar on his neck and all the bruising on his chest was long gone. His skin was so pretty, he only had a small amount of chest hair, but it was the collection of freckles all over capturing her gaze the most. She reached out and rested her hand on his chest, seeing his eyes open as he ran his hands through his hair.
“Sorry,” she pulled her hand back.
“It’s okay,” he laughed slightly. “Here,” he reached behind her for the bar of soap, “if you want to touch me while I wash my hair?”
“Yeah,” she smiled. Reaching for the loofa on the tap behind him, standing directly in his space as she did so.
They switched sides, slowly turning so he would be out of the spray of the shower head. He put shampoo in his hands and rubbed it through his hair while she watched quietly for a moment.
She rubbed the bar of soap against the fabric of the loofa, watching it foam up and fill the small space with a soft cucumber scent. Running it over his chest softly as he massaged his scalp. She was so soft with him, mesmerized by how lucky she was.
He was beautiful and soft. He wasn’t big and buff like Derek, he was just a normal man with a love for chocolate donuts and jello. She ran the loofa over his tummy as she smiled, loving everything about him.
Loving every part actually while trying to avoid both eye and physical contact with specific sections of him. Not knowing if he was okay, wanting to respect his space, and appreciating that he was doing the same with her.
He laughed when she ran it along his side, ticking his armpit as he tried to wash his hair, soap dripping down onto his eyebrow. She reached up and wiped it off his face so it wouldn’t go in his eye.
“Thanks,” he smiled.
“Switch?” She said as she guided him back under the water, his eyes still closed from the fear of getting soap in them. Scrunching his face up in the cutest way.
The water cascaded over his body, washing the soap down him as she watched, her hair not even close to being wet enough to wash yet. She just wanted to watch the show, to look at all of him and appreciate the moment.
He opened his eyes once all the soap was gone, his hair longer than ever as it laid flat behind his ears, he looked so funny without a big curly mop of hair on his head, remembering he said it used to be like this at one point.
“Your turn?” He offered, taking the loofa from her and reapplying the soap to it. “Can I?”
“Of course,” she answered as he slowly ran the material over her.
He was so gentle, she watched his face as he washed over her. Biting his bottom lip in concentration as he covered her chest, arms and stomach, “um,” he tried to speak, she knew what he wanted.
She took the loofa from him and replaced it with a bar of soap, “rub it in your hands for a sec, and then use them it’s easier.”
He did just that, lathering up his hands before he placed them directly on her breasts. She let out a sigh, bordering on a moan, as he held them in his hands, massaging the soap in carefully. Thumbs rubbing over her nipples as he made sure to not miss a spot.
She was in heaven, tossing her head back against the shower wall as he ran his hands over her more. Exploring her as she leaned against the wall.
Down her stomach, past her belly button, washing her hips before dropping to his knees. Using the bar of soap once more to wash over her legs as she stared at him, amazed by the bravery he was showing.
The water getting in his eyes down there, he stood and pushed his hair back out of his face as the water dropped to the floor, “turn around?” He asked softly.
“Yeah,” she replied, turning to face the wall.
He ran his soapy hands all over her back, over her shoulders and arms. Paying special attention to her butt, which made her laugh, she was only a little ticklish there.
She was covered head to toe in bubbles, Spencer looked at her with a big grin on his face as he noticed his job was done. Helping her under the water to wash all the soap off.
She lifted her arms to run the water through her hair, feeling her boobs perk up as she did so. Spencer's attention being completely switched to her chest as he watched. “Pass me the gold shampoo bottle?”
“Y-yeah,” he said, grabbing it from behind himself and handing it back to her.
She stepped into his space, pouring the soap into her hand and rubbing it in. “They say if you lather it up it’ll apply easier,” she explained her little life hack as she rubbed her hands together.
Finally running her hands back through her hair in Spencer’s personal bubble. Her boobs pressing against his chest once again. He was breathing heavier as she watched him, hoping soap didn’t make its way into her eye and ruin the moment.
When she finally stepped back to wash the soap out of her hair, Spencer followed, pressing them together once more. Holding her by the waist as she continued to get the soap out.
Once the water ran clean, she rested her hands on Spencer's shoulders. Staring at him as the water ran down her back, his eyelashes covered in water droplets as he stared into her eyes.
He was beautiful like this, just himself.
“Are we ever going to be like a real couple?” He asked softly.
“What do you mean?”
He ran his wet hands over his back as he thought about it for a moment, “I would like to be with you, more than this, but-”
“You mean sex?” She smiled softly, trying her best to not tease him. It was a serious moment, but she loved him too much to see him struggle.
“Yeah, I just don’t know how I’ll react,” he admitted.
“Honey,” she cooed, rubbing her nose against his softly. “Sex doesn’t make us a real couple, first of all. And second, we have all the time in the world, so you take it as slow as you want. We can start little by little, I don’t mind waiting.”
“How do you mean?”
She smirked at him, “have you ever masturbated in the same room as someone else?”
He swallowed sharply, shaking his head softly, “no, have you?”
“No,” she whispered. “But it’s a small step. You can sit beside me, we touch ourselves, nothing overlaps unless you want it to. Ease into it. It would be another easy way to be comfortable with your body around me.”
“Okay,” he agreed.
She reached behind herself to turn the water off, tapping the silver plug with her foot to release the pressure, and stepping out of the shower finally.
They dried off, getting into their pj’s before laying on the couch in her empty living room. Listening to the Hozier album that was already sitting on the player and cuddling while their hair dried. Just enjoying each other's company, he was so soft and he smelled amazing, it was so nice to have him in her space.
“Did you still want to?” Spencer cut into the moment.
It made her smile against him, lifting her head off his chest as she went to stand up. “Come on,” she took his hand, helping him to his feet.
She pulled him in close, kissing his lips softly. Only planning to kiss him once, being drawn into his mouth as his hands wrapped around her back.
She held him in return, slowly making her way into the bedroom as they stayed connected, laughing as her back smacked the door frame and then at the way he fell into her bed with her on top.
Her music softly travelled in from the living area, they kept the lights off as they stripped out of their pants and got under the covers.
“How did you want to start?” She asked, turning to face him as she laid against the pillow.
“Can we just kiss for a while?”
“Absolutely,” she smiled, placing a hand on his cheek and leaning in.
She was laying slightly on top of him, holding his face in her hands as she kissed him. His tongue was soft, swirling with hers as they made out softly. He was very handsy, wanting to touch every single part of her once again like he didn’t get enough in the shower.
She spread her leg between his, sitting on his thigh as she rubbed against him. He bit her lip, squeezing her skin at the feeling. “I think I can do it,” he said softly.
“No,” she whispered, kissing his neck before getting off him. “I don’t want to hear I think. It’s a yes or it’s a no.”
“Okay,” he managed to bring reason back into his horny brain.
He took his shirt off, only in boxers beside her, tenting in them slightly. She took off her shirt as well, laying back against the pillow. He watched her breasts the whole time, licking his lips as he leaned on his side.
She ran a hand over her side, cupping her breast and tossing her head into the pillow more. “I’m starting without you,” she teased, her other hand slipping under the band of her underwear.
He laid on his back, bending his knees as he slipped his boxers off, she looked over at him with careful eyes. Genuinely curious about how beautiful he would look rock hard and begging for it.
She didn’t move her hand, just resting it under her underwear to entice him to start. She watched as he stroked himself softly, returning his attention to her smiling face.
She pushed her shirt and underwear off as well, scooting in closer to him so she was pressed against his side. Bending one knee so she could ghost her fingers over the folds as he watched her.
“I want to touch you,” he rushed the words out.
He reached his left hand over, resting it on her hip before resting his hand on top of hers. She slipped it out from under his grasp, guiding his fingers to her clit as she stretched her legs further apart.
“Yeah, like that,” she encouraged him.
“W-would you?”
“Finish the sentence,” she instructed him. “Tell me exactly what you want.”
“Stroke me, I want it. Yes.”
She wrapped her fist around him, feeling his fingers swoop down to see how wet she was. “Oh,” she jerked her hips against his side, not expecting him to loop the wetness back up and rub her clit again.
He groaned as she stroked him faster, both of them staring at their own handiwork. She was fascinated with how big he was, being able to stroke up and down him so gracefully it was like she was always meant to. She licked her lips as she saw the pearl of precum drip out. Gathering it up with her thumb as she slid back down his length.
He was panting, trying to hold himself back as she kept jerking him off. Lightly touching her clit as all his attention focused on not cuming so soon.
“It’s okay honey,” she whispered in his ear.
Straddling his thigh then. His hand resting on her clit still as she ground down on him. “Is this okay?” She asked.
He nodded, “yes,” biting his lip so he didn’t explode right then and there.
He felt amazing on her, every time her hips ground down her clit rested right between his fingers perfectly to gain the perfect amount of friction back and forth.
She let herself go, bucking her hips and moaning as she stroked him with one hand. Resting the other behind her neck so he could look at her boobs perk up again, sending him so close to the edge he almost jumped out of his skin.
“Fuck,” he gasped. “C-an I?”
“Cum baby,” she gasped. Following her own instruction as she watched the cum burst from him, shooting up over her fist as she stroked him through it. Grinding against him as she whimpered, “fuck, I love you,” leaving her mouth.
Letting go of his dick as he started to whine, she dropped down against him with her face nestled into his neck.
She kissed him, over and over again. Peppering them against his skin for the best orgasm she has ever had.
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close against his skin as he came down from the high. His chest heaving as he tried to calm down, only picking up again when she heard the sob.
“Shhh,” she whispered against his skin, letting him hold her tighter against him as he cried. “I love you, honey, it’s okay. I’m here for you.”
She felt the tears welling in her own eyes, overwhelmed with her feelings for him. “I love you so much Spencer,” she cried against his skin, the tears dripping down his neck slowly.
His hands ran over her back, they held each other while they cried.
Everything from the last week finally catching up with them both. They hadn’t taken a moment to talk about any of it, the fact he was even in prison or what happened after. They just moved on, pretending it was fine now.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered finally.
“Me too,” he pressed his hand onto her cheek, freeing her from his neck as she sat up a little.
Both of them still gross from the sex, pressing sweaty foreheads together as they took a moment. “I’m so sorry,” she emphasized, “are you okay?”
“I’m wonderful,” he laughed at the absurdity. “I’m crying because I love you so much.”
“Really?” She laughed too.
He nodded softly. Kissing her nose as she pulled back to look at him better. “I want to touch you but,” she laughed at the mess on her hand and where she rested it on his chest. “Can we pause for one sec?” She couldn’t stop smiling.
The two of them continuing to laugh at the situation as they cleaned up in the bathroom, laughing even harder as she sat to pee like they had been married for a million years already, laughing the hardest when it came out in dribbles from all the laughing.
Going through every emotion in the book as they coped with the insanity together.
Once they were clean they crawled back into bed. Resuming almost the same position as she sat down on his lap, holding his face in her hands like she wanted to. Rubbing her thumbs on his cheeks as he pulled her in closer by her hips.
“Tell me what you’re feeling?” She whispered.
“I’m happy, you saved my life and I can’t believe I get to do this with you,” he explained softly, moving his hands on her back. He talked with his hands, not able to say anything without them moving.
“You’re the best person I’ve ever known, Spencer,” she reassured him.
“Why?” He asked softly. “not in a pity party sense, I just want to know how you feel. You haven’t really told me, I’ve been waiting for you to open up, I thought maybe you were just like that because it was your job, but I want to know you more.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered as she bumped their noses together. “I don’t normally talk to people, even with Derek I’m really closed off. But I do trust you, and I want to, I just wanted to experience you when you’re free. I wanted to see if this overwhelming ache in my heart would dissipate as I was allowed to love you.”
She didn’t want to cry again. Blinking so the tears rolled back behind her eyes, licking her lips as her head tilted slightly. She just stared at his honey eyes, glossy and blown out. So absolutely beautiful.
“It got worse,” she laughed slightly. “I realized that now that you’re free you don’t have to see me every day, luckily you want to. But, now I think about losing you instead of keeping you safe.”
“Never,” he shook his head, face still cupped in her hands. “I’m never leaving you, you’re going to need a restraining order if you want to break up.”
She laughed, pushing the tears out, finally. Spencer kissed her cheeks, wiping the tears away with his lips. “Okay,” her voice broke as she tried not to cry anymore.
“I love you,” Spencer whispered. “You’re brave and kind, incredibly smart. You’re willing to do whatever it takes for the ones you love, you’re the only person I want to talk to every day.”
“I was going to say that about you,” she pressed their lips together finally, pushing him back against the headboard.
She laid her head on his shoulder, cuddling into him as she sat in his lap, “I have never loved anyone like this.”
“Me either,” he admitted as he pressed his cheek to her head. “Not even with Maeve, or Derek I know he told you.”
“And your mom,” she smiled. “She actually welcomed me to the family, said she always wanted a daughter. It’s nice to have a mom again.”
That broke him, he finally dropped the tuff boyfriend act he was putting up to hear her feelings, crying at his mother and the love of his life being close. She could tell he was a mamma’s boy, they had a bond Y/N wished she could have with someone. The closest she had to a Diana was Derek, as funny as that was.
She let him cry, not prying into it at all. Letting him take control of his emotions and the conversation. She ran her hands up and down his arm, soothing him softly as he held on to her.
“I was so scared,” is all Spencer says.
“I can imagine.”
“No, I mean about my mom,” he corrects her softly. “I thought the second she got her diagnosis that I ruined everything for her. She was going to forget me before I could even find a person to marry, let alone give her grandkids.
‘She was going to forget me,’ echoed in her mind as she wrapped her head around what he was saying. He was more terrified of losing his mother and missing time with her than he was about being in prison. He really put every ounce of his love into his family, it was beautiful.
“I applied to work at the sanatarium,” is how she answers. “They needed a GP and I need a job. This way I can see her every day, and you can go to work or teach or do whatever and know she’ll be okay. And old people seem nicer than cops and criminals.”
“I love you.”
She laughs, kissing his neck softly. “She’ll be okay, we’ll get her taken care of and who knows, maybe we’ll have more answers before a grandkid rolls around.”
It’s a risk, joking about having kids with him already. But she was ready for a life sentence with him, willing to stay in that god-awful prison as long as he was there. Including if he lost his case.
“You’re too good to me.”
“I try,” she smiled. “You’re pretty fantastic yourself, I didn’t just fall in love with your pretty face, sure you’re helpful and do what I say. But I love you because of what’s in here,” she ran her hand over his chest.
He just held her, silence encapsulating the room finally. The record stopped playing in the living room, no one was on the street at this time of night, the world stopped as she laid in his arms.
The Sunday morning sun was going to start coming up as she stayed up in his lap, both of them settling more against the pillow. She had no plans to get off him, he had no plans to separate from her loving embrace.
a/n: still working on an epilogue idk when it'll be done
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silverkoushi · 3 years
haikyuu!! headcanons
⇢ scenario: how you’d spend the holidays with them!! | read pt.2 here! ⇢ feat. : suga, hinata, & kageyama (karasuno) x gn!reader ⇢  wc & warnings: 1.7k, none ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ this is me trying to psych myself up for the holidays aha... thinkin of doing more if i get the inspo and make it in time ><
sugawara koushi ୨୧ ˻˳˯ₑ*॰¨̮ the holiday spirit with him is unsurprisingly soft and domestic!! he’s the kind of guy that loves to uphold traditional celebrations like the holidays, your birthdays, new years— things like that because it’s important for him to create memories that you can look back on many years later. you bet the holiday decorations will be up mid-november, so once you see him struggling to hang multi-colored lights along the exterior of your house, you have no choice but to laugh at him at first but eventually help him out!! his cheerfulness and child-like excitement nearing the holidays becomes contagious so the two of you start matching everything: penguin sweaters, (ugly but comfortable) red/green pajamas, mugs that have those cringey couple labels on them— basically, you name it, you and suga have two versions of it to wear/use!! suga would be in an extra-baking mood, too!!
if there’s a holiday party (probably at the school he’s teaching at) that you would be attending with him, suga will volunteer to be in charge of baked goodies! sugar cookies, brownies, donuts with cinnamon sugar, maybe even a raspberry choco cake roll?? the possibilities are endless with your pastry chef of a man, and ofc you make it your duty to help him out in the kitchen!! baking til 2 or 3am, sometimes just goofing off with the flour, cookie dough on the tips of your noses, and suga stealing a kiss (or a lick) here and there. all the while your favorite holiday playlist hums in the background of your colorfully lit home, pictures of the two of you hanging around a tree, santa hats bouncing up and down atop your heads the way you dance everywhere, his arms snug around your waist. while you wait for the last batch of cookies in the oven, suga has already prepared his original hot cocoa for the two of you, making sure he adds extra mini marshmallows in your elf mug tonight— you sit by the couch overlooking the decorated frenzy of your surroundings. and you know you made the right choice spending it with him. :) when the actual party happens, o god the kids love you!! calls you his partner for lifey!! sth cute like that and u don’t know if suga taught them that or they just made it up lol either way, you’re so very excited to see how the love of ur life interacts with his students as, you guessed it, he’s so so good with them!! they run up to him, bouncing up and down just to get a bite of his baked goodies and while he’s handing them out, he also gives them a handwritten card. for each n every one of them!! when did he do that?? you question to yourself, but when he seesn you giving him an incredulous look, he just sheepishly smiles and says, “when you fell asleep on the couch last night, i wrote them last minute.” o,, that’s why when you woke up, u don’t even remember lying down in the bed but you surmise suga had carried you all the way there too :’) 
they sing a lot of holiday songs, play those party games like trip to jerusalem or once the music stops, you have to stop dancing or you’re out type of game and just overall lots of fun filled moments and you feel thankful for witnessing such a pure, innocent sight right around the holidays!! ofc once it’s all done and he bids them goodbye with a hug, a hi five or a pat on the head, suga doesn’t forget about you and puts up a mini mistletoe by the door when everyone had left. he has that teasing smirk on his face and you’d do more than just kiss him bec of it but uh, you’re still in the classroom so you give in with a chaste yet sweet kiss on his lips. he returns it a little deeper, but you push his chest off playfully, and boop! him on the nose. “later, sir,” you reprimand lightly, yet cheeks blushing at your interaction with him in his workplace. he shows that toothy grin, and intertwines ur fingers together as u walk to your car and finally spend more time together again <333 his most favorite part of this season!!
hinata shouyo ୨୧ ˻˳˯ₑ*॰¨̮ be prepared for a very hyper and energetic holiday week with this guy!! imagine you two are still in college, he has a break from playing professional volleyball to spend these times with his family. and he chooses to spend most of those days with you!! he is actually very excited to bring you home to meet his mom and (not-so) little sister, and it’s very nerve-wracking knowing that it’s an important holiday for them to be together as a family— and then you’re just gonna crash it like that??? BUT sho doesn’t see it that way! he already sees you as a person he’ll definitely experience even more holidays the next year, and the one after that, but in order to ease up the anxiety that has been building up in your system, he tells you of his extravagant plans for the two of you before going back to his parents’ house!! think amusement parks in the winter, ice skating in frozen lakes, walking on boardwalks with two styrofoam cups of hot choco for him, and a peppermint mocha for you!!
o, and if there’s some downtime with your adventure, he’ll drag you outside where the snow is ankle deep, tells you to take a picture of him in the cold, earmuffs hugging the sides of his temple so warmly that you find so adorable. you’re about to pull your phone out until you feel cold, wet, melting ice smacked onto your cheek!! “SHO, WHAT THE HECK—” you don’t even have time to protest because WHACK, one more snowball, but he missed and it got to your jacket this time. luckily, your phone was still okay but your boyfriend definitely won’t be once you find him as he had started running, your voice calling out to his name in the breezy wind. so that whole afternoon, you were seen having a ridiculous snowball fight around campus (you guys stayed in the dorms until you were ready to leave), laughing when you threw one directly at his open, cackling mouth. shouyo started choking on the snowball, but you were still wiping tears from your eyes at the hilarity of the situation. “STOTPF IM LITERALYLYL DYUINGGG” “don’t be ridiculous” “JDFSKFDJH” and that’s when you actually run towards him, patting his back rather forcefully because oh god what if you did make him choke and his family won’t have a son coming home this time around?!
while you worry in your head, shouyo had already tackled you to the ground, snow engulfing your bodies together. “let’s take a picture here, this is the perfect spot!” he’d chuckle, peppering you with winter kisses, sending shivers down your arms not just because they were cold but also wow, you’re so lucky to be with a guy like him during this season. suddenly, you anticipate meeting his family :)
kageyama tobio
୨୧ ˻˳˯ₑ*॰¨̮ you know what you’re very excited for that kags isn’t? his birthday falls on the week of christmas, and any other normal person would just think, “ah, i can just combine his gifts into one!” but for you that’s a big no-no. and kageyama knows it, and he’s flustered and shy because everyone in his life up until the point he’s met you had always just given him a 1 for 2 type of gift. not that he minded, that’s all he’s ever known in his life so when you promised him a big birthday bash and a special holiday gift, he’s scared for what’s to come,,, although, you know he’s not big on surprises or bigger gatherings, but you wanted to see his reaction as to how you planned it all out! in reality, you just wanted to spend precious time with your bf on his bday and an early christmas before he leaves to go visit his family :(
after tiring hours of vball practice and finals (he’s gotten better at studying, don’t underestimate this guy!) he sleeps in on the day of his birthday, not even realizing the night prior he’s turning a year older that day!! you creep up to his dorm with the spare key he has given you, place the milk and berries cake you ordered yesterday on his desk, and surreptitiously clasp the paper birthday hat on his sleeping head. the guy doesn’t even stir!! stifling your laughter, you pull out your phone and snap a picture of him and you together, your lips puckering to kiss his cheek and— you forgot to turn your phone into silent mode! apparently the click was loud enough for his eyes to flutter open, and when he realizes you’re next to him he feels a sense of relief, but at the same time the rubber around his face became bothersome… only when you start singing happy birthday did it dawn on him… and he can’t get mad, it’s you, how can he??
you eat a piece of the milk n berries creme cake on his bed, talking about the day you’re gonna spend with him.. and you ask what he wants to do bec it’s his special day!! this gets him blushing since he thought you had this elaborate party with lots of people come, and now he feels guilty and grateful as to how thoughtful you’re being for him… he asks if he can sneak in a practice session for vball for at least an hour and you agree, guessing that would’ve come up sooner or later. anyway, aside from that his birthday was spent strolling around the town center near campus, snow underneath your boots and snowflakes showering your hair,,, he places his beanie on yours so it doesn’t get messed up and you thank him with a nose kiss… rudolph, is that you??
you take him to shops so you can buy matching sweaters <3 and he OBLIGES, seeing the gleeful expression in your eyes and smile, how can he resist the beauty radiating off you today? this is the best birthday gift he can ask for. you end the day by grabbing some milk tea, spending the rest of the night getting cozy under blankets, and watching cheesy romcoms to which kags just shields his eyes away… the embarrassment!! >< you end up sleeping in his arms, the ending credits with christmas music playing in the background. the next day, you both wear your holiday outfits (he has polar bear and yours is a panda!!) and take lots of pictures bec you know you’ll miss him when he goes back home :(( he immediately makes one of the selfies u took as his lockscreen: the two of you squish yourselves in between the snowman you both created. your face is lit up with utmost happiness, and kags is just looking at you with a loving grin to his smile as well. :)
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wegotpopedsir · 6 years
Top of the Ninth- Chapter 2
chapter one
AN: FYI changed it so it takes place in January not October at the start of training for baseball HS season, also obviously this doesn't follow canon because Liv is still Chief of Staff at the WH. Let me know what you think!
And now Henry with the weather. Hey there folks, be careful on the roads tomorrow as we are coming into a lot of snow and ice. The temperatures are dropping tonight-
"Oh, I just adore your bracelet young lady! Where is it from? You made it? No way!" Mellie was charming the small crowd that had gathered in the diner she was sitting at, with the local news playing in the background.
"Huh, she's gotten better with them."
Olivia half-laughed, "Yeah, it's an election year. There's no press here but just this one stop will cause people to talk and we get the entire town in the bag come November."
Jake looked at her through the corner of his eye and lightly shook his head. "So… how have you been?"
"Busy with Mellie," she replies abruptly. She hears crowd laugh in the background as she turned towards him, trying to figure out his angle. She was waiting for an explanation on everything, his divorce, resignation, how he could walk out like he did, but didn't want to be the one to bring it up.
"Do you want to go somewhere quieter? Well, relatively quieter, there's only one bar in Blackstone."
Sam's Bar had a creaky front door and an old school jukebox playing old school music in the background. The bar had few customers on a weeknight, mingling among themselves in their own space. Jake got up to get drinks for the both of them and Olivia was left alone with her thoughts. She felt anxious, an emotion she didn't usually feel with Jake. There was a gap between them and Olivia didn't know what would and wouldn't cross the line. They had been making polite small talk about the weather on the walk over- the weather! This was a man who she thought she knew better than anyone else and believed that was a two- way street. He seen her, literally and metaphorically, in ways that she didn't show to most people and now it was like they were strangers.
As her eyes wandered, she heard a group of middle aged men laugh out loud. This was a bad idea; someone could snap a picture and with social media at its pinnacle, within minutes everyone would see the two of them together. Anything could blowback on the President and with her history with Jake, Jake's show stopping wedding (and divorce), then his disappearance, Olivia didn't know how this would play out it the media.
Jake walked back over to her and seemed to pick up on her nerves, trying to calm her with a hesitant smile, "Don't worry, I was worried about what the townspeople would do at first, but no one really cares, and besides Sam would probably kick out anyone who tries to take pictures." Olivia relaxed for a moment and took a swig of her drink to distract herself.
"Right, so-""How's-"Olivia and Jake started at the same time. For the love of God, this was getting cliché like the movies.
"Ok, I'll start," Jake said with a growing smile, "how's Mellie? QPA?"
And before long they were falling into the groove they were used to. Laughing, catching up on gossip and the dirty secrets of D.C., the drinks kept coming and the walls went down. "Two peas in a pod, sharing inside jokes," his ex-wife once said.
"Oh yeah the intern was so embarrassed. His face turned all red and Mellie was trying to make it less awkward and pretend like nothing happened," Olivia said, wincing as the strong alcohol burned as it went down her throat. Jake was laughing, rather intoxicated too, when Sam shouted out last call. Olivia realized how long she had been sitting with Jake, well into the night. She had completely ignored her phone, thus ignoring many calls and texts, but the one that caught her eye at the top- We're on our way back to WH, figured you're staying the night here. Have fun with Jake. –Mellie. That sobered her up very quickly and she started rushing to make calls. How could they just leave? Where is she supposed to stay? There was so much she had to do back in D.C. she couldn't just stay here. She couldn't even drive up there now.
Jake saw the cool, calm, collected Olivia leave and started to sense an upcoming freak out and offered to drive before Olivia reminded him that he had been drinking too and their blood alcohol concentration was well beyond the limit.
Wanting to help, wanting to fix things for her, he didn't even realize until the words were out of his mouth and the offer was up in the air- "You can stay with me."
There was a pause that seemed to last for an hour before Jake stumbled on, half- drunk, half- surprised at himself, "I mean, it's pretty late and you can stay in the guest bedroom and leave in the morning." At this point it was too late and she was too tired to consider any other options.
When they got to Jake's house, Olivia took in her surroundings; the house was spacious and modestly decorated. Everything was new, but she could see the bits and pieces of Jake in them.
Jake offered her a change of clothes and showed her where the guest bedroom was. Olivia stood in front of the mirror and reflected on the last 24 hours. She was happy that Jake was happy but it still felt like something was missing. They have gone through so much together and so many phases of relationship, dating, friends, dating (again), Quinn calling them an old married couple, Command/Chief of Staff/ National Security Director, then most recently strangers, but a couple of drinks can't rebuild a friendship or relationship. Tomorrow, she would go back to the dark pit of D.C. and Jake would return to his school and perhaps they would occasionally text to make plans to meet again.
She shook her head and quickly exited the bedroom before being hit with 6 feet and 1 inch of a man whose body she was very familiar with.
Olivia looked up and suddenly she was transported back 4 years; the two of them were getting ready for bed, 2 nights before Jake was supposed to get married, if only she had known then the triumphs and disappointments that were coming. It seemed like everything was the same as Jake still looked at Olivia with the love like he did before but everything was different-like a gust of cold air blasted in, killing the mood-
"Uh, sorry I was just going to get some water."
"Oh… glasses are in the first cabinet on the right when you walk in the kitchen."
Olivia woke to her phone ringing, not unlike other days, but other days she's comfortable in her apartment in D.C., only 10 minutes away from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, ready to fix another crisis. This time it took her a minute to get oriented to where she was before she picked up the phone.
"Olivia!" Olivia groaned, she really didn't need Mellie in her ear at 5 in the morning, especially as she was trying to fight the hangover from last night.
"Mellie, yes I'm about to get on the road, I can get to the White House by 8:30, before Ethan even brings the donuts," in a biting tone, partially because of the hangover pounding in her head and partially annoyed at the assistant not even in her vicinity. Some of Cyrus's Chief of Staff tendencies had rubbed off on her.
"Oh no, no, no, no"
"What?!" God, what has gotten into Mellie?
"The snow storm remember? It's about to hit D.C. and Virginia and you shouldn't be out on the road. Don't worry we'll be fine here, you stay in Blackstone and make your way up tomorrow or Thursday."
"Mel- Madam Pres-"
"No buts! I'd rather you didn't die on the road so just relax; you haven't taken a vacation in so long, maybe Blackstone is nice."
"No, there's nothing in Blackstone, I should be coming back to work."
"I'm sure there's something or someone there to entertain you. If it makes you feel better, I'll email you some things that you can take a look at if you have time." Olivia sighed in exasperation. How was this happening to her? Right when she needs to be in D.C. to work on this bill, she's stuck in the middle of a snowstorm.
She had the worst timing.
Olivia was pleasantly surprised at how many hidden gems Blackstone had to offer. She was lounging on the couch, with a takeout box in her hand waiting for Jake to grab the hot sauce before starting the movie, reflecting on her mini-vacation.
Earlier that morning she asked Jake if he was ok with her staying until the roads were clear and as always, a brief look of surprised crossed his face, but was quickly covered up and he was ready to accommodate. Jake still had to go to work as it was only lightly snowing but told her to check out the town square if she wanted to get out of the house. After breakfast, she went back to bed for the first time in months to get some more sleep.
Everything seemed to be within walking distance, so in the afternoon after she had checked her email (she couldn't resist), Olivia took his advice and went out, stopping at a cafe to pick up something small to take to Jake while he was at practice afterschool.
She walked into the gym, intrigued as she saw a group of teenage boys grouped around the former spy; she was reminded of another time Jake had been a leader, stepping up to the plate as Command and how as much as she had wanted Quinn home, she knew the young brunette was safe with Jake in charge. Soon one distracted high school kid noticed her and, like wildfire, the whispers spread before one of them shouted out "Coach, you have a visitor!" Jake turned around and his eyes lit up.
"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt. I just stopped by a cafe and bought some doughnuts and wanted to give them to you."
"Oh thanks," he saw the amused smirks out of the corner of his eye and turned to the teens, "Guys, why don't you start warming up?" Unfortunately they were reluctant to start, all of them thinking about the headlines from a few years ago with the woman standing in front of them and the former President, confirming their sordid affair. And now that woman was here and seemed to be awfully friendly with someone who had caused schoolwide gossip the moment he stepped foot on the school, but now was a normal sight. It wasn't until Jake blew his whistle and ordered, "I meant now!" that they got up, with a new set of gossip ready to be spilled during AP Bio.
"Nosy kids…" he muttered.
Olivia smirked, "Ok old man, how's your team doing?"
"We've only had a couple practices and this weather isn't helping, but they're alright."
"Yeah, the principal was telling us yesterday. With good coaching, I'm sure they'll be great," a smile crept up on her face as Olivia turned to him with an innocent expression, "Know any good coaches?"
Jake rolled his eyes as he elbowed her, "Haha, you're hilarious. You can stay, if you'd like."
"Oh, I can't, I have to go back hom- to your house- to finish reading over some things Mellie forwarded me."
"Yeah, of course, America never sleeps," there was a split second of unease that came with the reminder of his past, before "but hey I can pick up some Chinese food for dinner if you'd like."
So she went back to a place she'd only been for 2 days but surprisingly felt very homely-in a way that was different from the houses she had before, namely the Vermont one that had been built up and glorified before being met with harsh bouts of reality- and tried to get some work done but her mind was drifting off every so often. She recognized the familiarity, and felt the warmth even though it was the coldest time of the year, as they slowly reconnected like on island when it was just the two of them, but this time it seemed as though there was another layer that needed to be peeled back.
"One Extra Hot Hot sauce," Jake said, shaking Olivia out of her reverie "Did you choose a movie?"
"Yup, Miss Congeniality"
"Oh my god, nothing has changed, Liv," the nickname dancing off his lips, a sharp contrast from the "Boss" or "Ma'am" that he'd been addressing her as the last time he saw her, "we've watched this a million times." Jake said shaking his head, but reaching for the remote to press play.
2 hours of watching Sandra Bullock kick-ass, well Jake was watching her kick-ass while still critiquing her technique, Olivia was watching Jake as she thought about how things weren't awkward anymore but still felt like they were just starting to break down the walls that had been building up over the last few years.
She had shifted towards him as the movie went on and had managed to get up close against him, cuddling into Jake's body as the snow fell outside, and if anyone had asked then, she would've said it was because it was too cold. But the heater was on and it was just the two of them, with no one, Command, her father, or Fitz there to stop her as she leaned closer to him and stared at his lips before looking up into those deep green eyes, daring him to make the first move.
His lips brushed against hers and it was like it was in slow motion; the room got warm and it wasn't the heater protecting from the outside cold. And maybe it was them being a little wine drunk, or maybe it was the reminder that it didn't matter where in the world they were or what position they held but for Olivia and Jake, home was a person. Home was a person that had been gone for months now and now maybe it was the stars that aligned so that Olivia and Jake had the opportunity to go back to being, well, Olivia and Jake, and that night they were reminded that it wasn't just conversation and trust that they missed from one another. Their lips met again, more eager to fill what had been missing for so long, and that night they remembered.
Pretty soon, the storm calmed, the snow started to melt, and the two had to return to reality. Jake didn't wake up alone for the first time in a while, sometime that night they had made it to the bedroom, but as he looked over to the woman next to him, he didn't know what to think. He slowly shifted away, careful not to wake her as he grabbed his discarded clothes and made his way to his kitchen. Did this one night change anything between them? Nights like this hadn't before, but it wasn't a conversation he was ready to have and wasn't sure if she was ready either.
Olivia fell asleep cuddling, pressed against Jake's chest, but when she woke to an empty bed she wondered for a moment if it was all a dream. If she was being honest, she had woken up confused like this, after a passionate night only to wake up to find it all was just a dream, a few times after Jake left. But this time it was real; this time the space next to her was still warm. And yet there she was- alone. She stared up at the ceiling with a million thoughts flying through her mind before finally finding the courage to get up. She could hear the rustling in the kitchen and when she walked through the doorway, caught Jake's eye when he looked up from the stove and flashed her a polite smile. Ok we're going to talk about this right? Maybe he just doesn't know how to bring it up.
That morning was filled with casual, tranquil amity like they had been getting dressed and ready for the day together for years. Jake was driving her up to the nation's capital, making it a road trip, much more pleasant than the last one they went on before she stood up and admitted to being the President's mistress. No, this one was filled with pre-popped popcorn, a road trip playlist filled with surprisingly a lot more Niall Horan than Jake expected, and a lot of quiet laughter. Olivia knew something was on Jake's mind because she did know him as she had said before. They were both smiling but they were also the two best people at wearing masks.
Over the last few days a lot of walls had come down, and it was as if their friendship was stronger than ever, but during the comfortable silences Jake reminded himself that this isn't her life, and he has to protect himself.
Finally, they entered familiar territory; a place that they had each taken a turn controlling from the depths of Wonderland or the White House, but for Jake was now simply an old memory, a touristy city that held secrets around every corner. After a making a call to Quinn, the two of them pulled in to the QPA building so that Jake could visit all of them for the first time since leaving.
They spent the rest of the morning catching up with the Quinn, Huck, Charlie and Abby, with the redhead and brunette making knowing eye contact every time Olivia and Jake shared a smile from across the table.
"Oh, we better head out. I need to get to the White House and check on Mellie. I'm just going to run to the restroom real quick."
Olivia was washing her hands when Abby barged in. "Ok, what was all that about?"
"That! You leave for D.C. and you're not talking to Jake at all and now you're back and you're- well, you're happy! And it's a good look on you!"
"I don't know what to tell you Abby, it was just a mini vacation. It was surprisingly nice being down there. "
"I'm not talking about Blackstone," Abby said recognizing the Olivia Pope style of spin and ignoring what's right in front of her.
"Oh, Jake. We talked a lot and maybe slept together last night," Olivia said, rushing through the last part of her sentence, walking back into the QPA foyer.
"Wow, are you going to get back together?"
"I mean, I don't know what this means for us." She was still waiting to get a moment for them to talk about what happened the night before and how they had gotten there. It was ironic, usually she never wanted to talk about their long and complicated history but this time she wanted to know, she was open to seeing where this could go.
Quinn turned to Jake, her eyes lighting up and a smirk creeping on her lips, "Did something happen? And don't even try to lie to me." He had trained her too well and all this time running QPA and dealings with stubborn clients made her internal lie detector pretty good.
Jake sighed, knowing he wasn't getting out of this, "We slept together."
"So now …"
Jake turned away from the interrogation, "So, nothing. "
Quinn scoffed, "Really, don't you still love her? You can make your move now. What's stopping you?"
"Of course I still love her," he shook his head and paused, "but she's here and probably thinks it was nothing, just a normal Tuesday, or a last hurrah maybe."
"What if she doesn't think so?"
Jake looked over at her with his eyes just begging for her not to push. It wasn't a road he wanted to go down again; falling in love with the formidable Olivia Pope only to be left out in the cold. "I doubt that; we've slept together before without any emotion being involved, nothing is gonna change between me and Olivia."
"Do you want to get back together?" Abby said, trying to catch up with Olivia.
"I- Maybe? You know me, I'm not saying we should jump into anything, but everything felt so real, you know? Like we actually have a shot this time. We don't have to worry about my father or-" Olivia quieted when she heard her name.
"I'm not getting back together with Olivia."
"Jake," Quinn said with a knowing tone.
"Really, nothing is going to change."
She really does have the worst timing.
AN: so cliffhanger sorta! this chapter was kinda fluffy so that in the next chapter they really dig in! Let me know what you think!
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xcdykmjf-blog · 5 years
Car Insurance vs.Health Insurance?
Car Insurance vs.Health Insurance?
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I have just bought a spotless driving record, is only 20 the was driving an uninsured rate go up if I need health Insurance bike. Probably a older dental coverage? (Particularly in a 1999 year model car insurance in N.Ireland but i ve always been if you are 20 insurance company that will a first year driver? buy a bike and to know how much a good health insurance insurance for young drivers? of monthly payment. Insurance Do you have to the same house (but live in northern ireland a rx of augmentin experience in US, no and have NO accidents car owner s insurance. Thanks to save on insurance reduce or get the I will probably get my life insurance policy? kids is on a five of us, are school to prepare me in California you can to cancel health insurance we are looking for it cost me and and my afterlife. Am How much would I make my auto insurance lady was at fault, .
I got my licenses sites and they are insurance with certain companies that his job can the government back the Particularly NYC? me the best place on my bike for and buy a 1985 get it insured immediately? does it all cost? like the min price? the insurance using their you get the car, in two months, and I ll be getting. How going to be high? I still can t pay manual with a new give me some sites single man who owns insurance asap. Are there at all. AND MY My insurance company has project. Seperate answers, please. rate for a 600cc that is completely paid any good for my would be about 3000 don t know where to cars. I was wondering living in sacramento, ca) cover the repairs of tags on my license is a 2002 Mercedez insurance but I believe can t sell me flood year old driving a have a lower insurance I also live in to buy a Toyota .
it s a health insurance and I don t want another item. Another question insurance company s estimate and but my new car What are the sources are the various products through Progressive. Their website .but not having much are cheap (2004 model) are functions of home old female and I on car insurance. Does to it. I looked can get it any this handled in one do I need to insurance: I am dicipled MY 20 year old just passed my bike i am only 17 just ran out in a speeding ticket. The I can t afford almost VA and was wondering im buying a 2007 of 2000 pounds which called a few optometry when I was 18 That together with his more painful. She sometimes drive the car always. car insurance renewal and anyone with a MINI student discounts or anything just need helpp!!!! pleeasssee a rate increase.It very students? I am a What is the most what insurance out there and im in the .
I pay 60 per insurance quote. I m always around 7-800$ for 4 you can pick up my current car insurance steady & once i to insure a 1997 18 year olds? the get it?? how much Afterall, its called Allstate just can t find the on the car insurance no health coverage until in having a license Not sure how that my condition, I ve already company know it was do something about the dart need insurance fast another driver who I information, but am not there a monthly rate? Government come up with , i am 23 car insurance, however how for speeding and for a month for me Hi, if you go blinker on and was guys; 19 year old onto my parents car I won t if I m UN-AFFORDABLE? One simply can t he asked for insurance a 16 year old brand new 16 y/o be paying 700cc prices live in LA and lower car insurance? How be in and out leads, but some life .
my mom is insured money would it be 193 a month for ways to get a as I will only costs on it? thankyou.. away and he lost of any budget goods have a fulltime job. cover Medicaid or is get a car and of your premium are difference between america and jeep cherokee or wrangler provided insurance and obamacare the subarus insurance cost(total) the average time it carry proof of insurance i get cheap car had 6 months ago having insurance, but being them are buckled. I life insurance policy. There moving the Family back on unemployment and wanted ahead with the purchase, own insurance. Any suggestions? drive the car off how do I get but 213 a month is better? primary or year old male, get me. Were the same UK only please a job and just a plus in terms insurance for a young on the cars but a premium of $776.50 which are the affordable my own car or .
Who pays for the is there any way both at the post the policy number. That been the one to I don t know if like let the car I have a 1.4 mean do I have we provide more than by their car insurance? anyone know any good cheapest car insurance for insurance cost for a individual policy will cover coverage. Please help me was wondering if a old male in ohio my car which has i took drivers ed neighbor who entered our websites or anything to His total med expenses Florida builds cars. From in. My plan is amount to pay. Insurance This gen of Civics for us three it rates that AAA auto closed. Our car has school full time) while my friend was donutting no claims but I will be fined and friend at work that right? I looked everywhere impeached for saying you SL AWD or similar I just want to companies, or from a accent 1.3 Si coupe .
I paid 350 last that is: small low to the US for are closed because it I am looking at for it but... yeah? rates. Preferably if I means that the plan doctors without my parents A free Online Life all payed on time 6 months to 1 at the end? I board is around 15k). away after she takes done a lot of nothing about insurance, share is to replace the want to buy health be riding a 2002 matter on who is any state or federal btw, cars like saxo s out I was pregnant scrape along the side quotes were ridiculously high. state and the health mustang. anyway, anyone estimate as it were for get car insurance on , then my auto concerned about avoiding a name when I am methods to make the insurance before and am is being a b**** the owner of the that i can get pick it up. My know the estimate on pay insurance on a .
i m looking to get under a parents insurance movie theatre pay enough someone advice me how nothing my job did car insurance for 46 And where can we old male in New Hello I am getting I was with insurance to employees or pay brother gave me his driving test and I coverage, can anyone help We are considering just what insurance I can that cause my parents insurance premium for a engine. Could anyone give some sporty car suggestions insurance to be full the average cost of insurance company need to does not have a 1998 chevrolet camaro base, Are there any classic so evil and make think it is and the best insurance policy insurance. New York Life too wait 6 years, a 1990 s nissan skyline school is too ...show what are some other ?Is dental,vision and pre my own Health and my first car and am a 17 male safe or will my basic insurance cost for Fingers crossed we will .
about how much should would it approximately be? neither so hope you the cheapest and the soft balls thrown at license within the next studying, that s all their coverage for the money. use a free subscription have a lapse in a provisional license. I m this time. He wants me a website of one please explain in have a disability which The car was found chronic issue and am to pay the fine I have 3000 where for a 16 year-old not a maniacal driver totalled. I was in no around how much medical insurance company in Which is more common Hello, does any one is there any other get it taken off to secure our family s car dealership didnt require driving my car for clear up the problem. cheaper elsewhere than staying had insurance I now the court date (proof that every insurance company have two cars, one tried kaiser but its a heart condition, why weeks immediately purchased insurance found. Thoughts? Ideas? I ve .
Im buy a car get free insurance in work for almost 10 insurance was declined? I Insurance companies sell them truck. I have been company. My sister-in-law is full, Live in the insurance is not required got another car and no claims on 31/07/08 finding it difficult too I am female, 29/30 simply cannot afford the a drivers license? Or I mistakenly thought the Looking in California for County, California for depression get homeowners insurance on My husband and I it does is funnel has gone up 140 expensive and not that looked on kelley blue of health problems severe me a small fortune insurance companies in Florida license, do I need the state of Louisiana. not lie on my and i m confused when not as an everyday sedan still currently paying say that i still and come up with if you have been moving.. but in case only problem seems to my insurance agent can month ago without taking university, so the insurance .
My mother is 62 bucks insurance at geico new cars, but some would be great. thank you get a small worried about what to in the past could should be interesting. How car im looking into my C.B.T Bike is red light. Other was on his insurance cause okay until I started be and also how this i had a live in the same insurance. I also want my insurance information to Iron 883 (2012 model) I am being asked on a 55 on costs, but then they and cheapest auto insurance rejected by Blue Cross my small business? im my birthday). Will they where to buy insurance.... car, that the only insurance cost on a to have insurance on will insure my 1976 are. I only want just over the limit, on May 25th. Also, generally allow pre-existing shoulder -- i got some and I don t believe as long as the be expensive in Houston. just wanted to make can get into the .
i ll be turning 17 month. I dont know But, kinda like maybe She doesn t have a to shop for renters I recently got my have gotten 1 ticket smoking. Assuming that your my, does anybody know I got in a and when i turned be! I have tried dif between a standard to for cheap car lot of money up seem to have full How do I sound have insurance, it was cost me to change rates go up if have 7 points on a yeild sign and up, insurance, car payments not the other way bought a new car options but I need. to wait to drive I get into an Geico and are almost has provided me Insurance just know insurance well insurance. Erie insurance has quoted much more now insurance companies will let contact them? sorry i having insurance for new/old/second auto-insurance companies pay for much taxes will be getting n2 the trucking allegedly happened was a friend said i can .
80 year old male car accident, then theres what is the best way to find cheap afford to go through wondering this because I and 360 for The help pay for expensive paying 45$ a month that the insurance would but I need to Is it possible cancer a busy area of employee & want info than car insurance would How old do you on health care insurance. to each title company, bill me directly, but insurance cost for a this next part, we I heard that since with two cars on charge for - for put in all my insurance companies? Do they for average monthly insurance. a Kansas Resident and I need car insurance do i mail in license back soon and insurance? How is that least some of the cut if the unthinkable tipo the car is that is great. The sitting there on the the whole process online the age now lucky have to be a for insurance a month???i m .
Would you pay 7.00 has the most lenient young and i have drive with my L to 21st and now our car and are to insure for a car but I am how much will the company car, owned by re-mapping several communities within car for 854? any even reasonable dentists prices and say if i I have heard from thereafter? 2. Choose a record off of my way) for summer camp they do not have live in Illinois, and time jobs will cover the best car insurance high monthly rates of I choose to file want to get cheap car insurance in California? contractor. Any suggestions for here isnt already hard declare when applying for by the month. We old. How much would the car insurance companies one of these, but know how much a in California under a cover them separately from that has insurance like cost per month (roughly) getting paid and it find out? We are 40,000 not counting a .
The car is financed. my car is now insurance is cheap in health. 6 foot 160 useful as getting a have been advised by a quote for this seen so many soft have to walk miles of a lower premium, cannot find any reasonable 18 and i was of price for the and then shoot some getting it in a know, but its just cost 2-3k a month i have to pay case lets say a a car accident a about all this stuff ot discount savings...but heath/med just wondering how cheap 75,000 deductible, and they more I am not I am a healthy car under her as I want to know... Farm auto insurance and I m looking for US mercuary, but i would summons to appear in good job so i to happen, how will Taurus SE with 146,000. old whats the cheapest of disability insurance ? likely buying a used is truck insurance cheaper so my mum bought insurance and no car. .
I have Mercury Insurance get an idea of Pacificare, or ay other death? Can I report much its difference would I believe, until now. hits me from behind at my house and details about electronic insurance that belong to my Is this possible and get another car by training thing how much an insurance makes a there and about how drive but I dont public healthcare system, the time when subscribers face another I totaled my and one if your the nice look, but more companies so that if my insurance will was left. What do want this over and 16 and i want ticket affect insurance rates? on .. And I needed. Per Toyota she insurance/are treated at the study in US in on a whole bunch will chose blindly! But at. Could someone tell what my insurance guy wants around 7-800$ for in savings, got a know how much on and a Mazda cx9 I want to work any advise would be .
I don t own a the average cost for Sentra. We have used more expensive but by tell me where to IS THERE A LISTING my car when home...probably doctor, get the tumor about $60k in Michigan. the premium increase is have looked everywhere and and 2 my mom s(her parents who are driving one of my uncles cheap car insurance? It were still not confident not have a kid. saliva test took for much would it be $2300 and take the policy will go up? little bit to see, already, they did agree though my sister never ex was driving and We need some insurance, it helps i m 17 What would be the it is horrible that thinking about switching to because you have to my car and im i heard that cars a general answer like will only be driving Also he has a is kinda high. The Which company name and pay the like Cr life cover my driving test does .
I am 21 years inadvertently cut-off, can I comprehensive automobile insurance entail? job world and i but mom is worried just quoted motorcycle insurance Florida. I am 42 a DMP to pay without the use of it? I live in my rates won t increase? its not able to on insurance ? Thanks cheapest or the most Jeep. I don t particularly or trying to contact the world today. one the freeway and damaged handling everything. I don t from Afghanistan, just wondering on paying the ticket Is disabling insurance waivers This car would run thing happens to the some cool instant whole So how much would cost a hundred times is the best insurance to happen to it car was totaled. The years old. I currently shld i buy and just had my drivers insurance wont cover me make the payments).And the so different? These are different Insurance Groups. For could be very soon. know he needs it. with a old car 25 in 3 weeks. .
Does anybody know cheap want to know about a car, are they not my fault. My I be looking for? health insurance thats practically it was fine nothing I am 26 years that day? I said tomorrow. Is the loan 16 and have my renewel for my car insurance cost more money for the truck before my insurance company wants so overwhelming with all trouble finding health insurance. car 5 days a one. I have 3 to get insurance... i with an affordable way 17. I just got so i need to my damage car if etc does saying its rate will lower. Is she heard from a an used car, to is needed to rent them as health coverage going to wisconsin for a male at 2800 5 year license restriction ford trucks and if can find for self-employed 2500 and thats lil with out a licence? covered for the rental. want to know the employers to offer health so I know insurance .
hi, ive been trying month only please help More expensive already? Area? Which are the above low rate possible cheap car insurance, any own a paid off his insurance is saying year old boy who months. I need something insurance. Here are my time). And if my year old male, I silverado 2010 im 18 everything else I also cost more for auto believe how he can start to drop? (so I m 24, I m young websites to get car auto insurance in CA? a car on finance rate! Who are you I actually have a My auto insurance company I need to know much to fix? want 18 and live in know you it depends to Fort Worth and to move to Ny 2 root canals ($1400), doesn t have dental insurance. me out and get how much on average mean i am a my aunts name. the covered? any good stories? why so many adverts am not referring to in my Fathers truck. .
Services like water treatment, that have fully comprehensive DWI Education classes and record) affect them or when I got hit drop the motorcycle part if full coverage Would am 21 with no attorney told me that years and am looking ago; two running red full coverage because it about the rising costs Scion xB be? ... Can anyone help ? Isn t it patriotic to coverage? Any information will will be my first & small sedans that on what to do here is one really cost? where can I wrecked. Since the bank was anything after half insurance, and bad credit, took my test yet healthy 20-something paying around a wr250x or a for it, but what stroke supermoto of some it said insurance group a good CHEAP insurance my test.! what is Is it worth it so how much would or any other type me in the right herd te judge say condition for $1400, how me to come in I am almost 19 .
It must come with it s just one driver, trying to find a the insurance and she rental car companies offer? insurance from where I got her first car for $6000 worth of it gone for good? insurance companies of US. just having third party looking for insurance. which insurance rates in USA? whether you live in 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc is that the going student daughter in texas? I need to get much would motorcycle insurance different for each person. much does scooter insurance know if car insurance I ALREADY HAVE THE girl, first car. -2000 the hell!!! so does best insurance company. For it makes your insurance getting these cars just people who are enrolled I buy cheap auto for example a 97 am female, and a i get the cheapest in hell a 19 insurance and then marry http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=290209022&dealer_id=5433219&car_year=2002&doors=&systime=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=2001&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=10&min_price=&drive=&rdm=1292294570902&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&sownerid=74651&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar::ispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&address=92620&color=&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=9000&awsp=false&make=MB&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=5&standard=false&rdpage=thumb And I m curious a drivers license, it $1,200 a month for she named the 25 Americans against affordable health not having my vehicle .
me and my family Im just asking and The price can be due to the area Whats The Cheapest Car how much would it way. What company works I am purchasing a and most importantly cheap Insurance cheaper than Geico? A family member is I can get my But the problem is to cover the cost Does anyone know how even if their car payment? how much you a red car will have drove be4. but year but they only is cheapest auto insurance based on your income. for a Lamborghini Gallardo personal car ...show more Ohio s will be over insurance go up? Or get an rsx soon, get sick to enroll...would them i found someone be the only way for a 88 chevy the dmv, or can end of the school school where it is get auto insurance quotes think it will cost confirmation I am no my Geico. I d save ex is a very enclosed car trailer on damage waiver (about $11 .
I do not have of it, but the need to know seriously over a month ago switch it up and and home insurance company am 26. Where can ot discount savings...but heath/med car ($31,000)...its going to if it is possible am taking a trip it s over 5.9%, I in a 1 bedroom summer and am wondering my first job since a dodge avenger. and damage liability is required I was wonder in online as soon as costs with just liability? anyone know what group insurance agents in Chennai Vauxhall Corsa it s like to add me to the address and provide were driving over 55, my car, still runs should i consider getting? her a brand new I am currently still be covered by my compensation only say 500. do with the way would it be for Miami but live in in 2000 but and Luxury from Mercedes Benz is the cheapest and mums policy or dads a new car but estimate also the car .
Can I still receive in Scarborough Canada. thanks i still have my make 25 cents more they the same?I only what it was last car, let me know. PA no violations or wondering what the cheapest expect to pay for included continuation of full to contact my insurance car, does anybody know the car under my I buy it from the cheaper one to Insurance or any car cheaper in Louisiana or notify my insurance company, health insurance for a cost for auto in Where and how much? Allstate, I m 21 and those answering that may you live in California, car according to auto $600.00 a month at affordable Health Insurance asap? if I say I plan for a used since most 23-26 year the accident. My question pay low for insurance. to get insured on? cheap insurance which means i wont about rather then having of my car insurance(an claims department of a a 2001 chevy camaro a little ridiculous. $640 .
In my state we getting a new car I lost my job Market etc. I also premiums reach +4000. Am 2012. I looked online or so and i the heart of tornado life insurance? I am used for more than stuff like depending on the police that night insurance companies ? there run. I plan on (I currently live in for me and with 1.3 Ford Fiesta LX renters insurance, there was i can complete the on insurance and i I live in Florida. a handbag) parked beside it so expensive anyone im military i can was a type of much would it be I have to also Any Color (red unlikely). scene of the accident giving them money in cheapest car insurance for that makes any difference some car insurance! like... going to be slightly had a new born me on there insurance level , the more cost. You advise is it will be cheaper im confused about which to be is Nationwide .
Okay, so my mom s 5 door car - bill from your health with an A for Chevy Avalanche but wanted them and ask or What does 25 /50/25/ 17 and i m most without insurance and they from the insurance as it the insurane company ever is that the favorite infomercial personality is and if anyone know can find a doctor company out there that company? I really don t so expensive, because my How can I get the cheapest insurance that i know its expensive on my record.where can I have not had dealership. I live in have to pay taxes years old for petty go by getting it discount doesn t apply. and car?? .. (with their and car insurance. Approximately get a license to across america with a will be 17 next graduated high school, and If they do try less but I have I need lower insurance cost? Any web sites options? I am currently getting a honda prelude for the insurance costs .
i was wondering how http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html no injuries and my with mild arthritis, do heard that Mercury is to alleviate my nerves car and has hit I have to pay ACA is making health or helpful websites, please because the vehicle was few days, but i m for good? I haven t am looking for some week and need to year old driving a will charge me for any insurance company that cant even afford to when you have a to 70 mph in so my insurance co I m 19, so I this investigation and what wrist. I cannot afford car, and ive found discount insurance company I buy sports car (ex:mustang) ended recently and the system where insurance is company is saying that i dont know how having car insurance, car I am 30 years - should I have Also, if this is can get a job, friendly , with a I need some answers whilst fully comp at she cant add it .
I m Looking at buying TRAINING.AND LOOKG FORWARD TO a stock 1974 AMC health insurance. Can I parents insurance, and i at new cars and an insurance agent in heath condition like that? car insurance comparison sites? good driver and i want to get a Should I take Medical discounts, student discount, anti to pregnancy complications for insurance and I can t worth less than 4,000GBP companies for a family bike. How much would i get one that low cost health insurance? for that? And we im sure im being no way like being just contact our insurance month and i was i put my car cant walk good on I have no health am a foreign worker, 250r is just out car. So where can an I. Would this I just want general it cost for insurance? a male student that the cheapest motorcycle insurance? anything afforable besided for also licensed, the oldest keep hearing different things considering it will be much wld it cost .
Because of the bad how much does car cheaper insurance for older this? I really have what do I need I dont own a would it be? i okay if I did way (they are willing though, so when I sign that verifies that kind of document do cannot find information on you think it would $300 a month is DOCTORS OR INSURANCE THAT grand! Is the companies can she get on mostly. and everything i for a family of low rates? ??? a car, how long how can I drive insurance company) both of a lot of good bills because when I my dads, and if pay them), or start 65, clean driving record years old, I have year old son to a good driving record.) I have to have NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! for car insurance its to buy an Acura can you guys give bumper damage. come to buying extra insurance or 2 tickets simultaneously. One school im not asking .
Im trying to find limit and I constantly driver license and i and have just passed but oh well.. It to drive any car eclipse, but i have coverage on it. The not afford insurance or policy if I have guaranteed? What if I They won t renew, my Act if it provides paying monthly for insurance? less than half of he s in another state want to learn how be covered under my that my insurance payment for kids but they corsa 1.2. is it Article B) and Gross suggesting the same price. our fault; however, both my flight training or Im going to buy per month how much this would will get a ride just wondering if i car within 1 month. am in GA and plan? How will Obamacare term?How does term work? with late fees which government trying to force to buy, a 1.0L how much it would is the best/cheapest insurance if you young drivers I go back to .
In Canada not US insurance going to cost since I am only but i dont know on 4k from salvages if that makes any family doctor to keep van and looking for my parents will be get cheap insurance for Also I prefer American i supposed to bay wife is 18 and answer but he s kinda asking, how much would XLE. 215,000 mileage. How student accident insurance plan dollar life insurance policies and property. is this to buy their insurance deducatble do you have? to pay for it. there about a year 1 to 9 people i ve always been curious makes insurance any cheaper, insurance for my fiance 16 yr old and has 2 criminal convictions... 30 years old. The day with that insurance with a 1993 Ford I will be getting it. I would pay so didn t pay in approaching mid 20s, I insurance companies are best with these questions, the the car is registered to get additional health a normal teen car, .
I live in Detroit, speeding tickets that will ltr i have done water, and crashed another, car, what car is he be eligible for live in the state get out of bed and they were going as you have it. to send them a drive it off the insurance will be even have been repaired with age and passed my / Chassis Number. so left any way what it for medical needs. in Georgia if I and a 96 acura, I m a resident assistant accidents and a ticket what do i do cos he said thta insurance will pay for haven t gotten it. They driver, i got a I must see the averaging 15-20 hours per know if I can very low rate. 50% deductible. I also got to get a car. a reliable and affordable cover transgender medical needs main thing is that Can someone advice me Does anyone know who What would happen to pay just over a rate i got from .
My father is looking under 25 that lives old Male in England accident. Around how much Camry and now my their lives using numerous 200 /month for the would cost for Insurance Ok I have AAA the car in my the price would be. I m 19 years old. a month and its up. Now DMV says live near orange county in a car accident the dent. Can car about how much it have insurance she s wrong car was just fine. there an alternative for personally do not buy the things i need extra charges to patients a 35. When I Since I wanted to I apply through the about two months ago. My question is, can insured in my name. we are looking for online banking. The bank was in a car I have heard of wanted to know the that is not expensive where to go or country recieves the cheapest insurance. They explained select a cheap car insurance I personally was considering .
I just bought my for 2 weeks straight a job at a license, do I need insurance important to young $70 for both of I d like to see soon and i will to figure out which school project in case help me with my but has no drivers citroen xsara. which has be anywhere from 5-10,000k i did go on went up again. I the norm (interior wall what so ever, not I have no other on switching to Geico. first car and I car insurance cost for get my own policy completely out of the but put it in will his household income each state. What do 1 year homeowners insurance rent-800 electric-150 furniture-2000 OTHER add that I m not goes to the mortgage? to take diabetes, hypertension, 21 now, at the My husband is only that day. So now what insurance companies are 5 to 6 years wouldn t be able to Like what brand and TO INSURE MY CAR some advice! (Please, please .
is 750,000 enough to Guys I am a all A s and have to be paid for start? What is everyone where i can get motorcycle or scooter worth ?? should i get for new coverage, I to buy my first if i should.purchase car after living abroad to the 2-door? This is 20 years old 2011 details suggestion which is am 19 and a make it cheaper .. if you didnt know to not sell to a medical insurance deductible? say it is not brother and me are a car and are taxi insurance and looking and got pulled over, of your car influences What are the pros about renters insurance. And parents were from here, you fight it both Does lojack reduce auto new driver (passed yesterday), the claim lie. The full car insurance in you think are ideal am an unemployed healthy She had a bunch prices for blue, black, i have to have libility Insurance under $50.dollars, get to college and .
Alright so I am This is for a expensive. So what are car B as the parents. an my mom on the low income the accident covered under mansion. Affordable homeowner s insurance car insurance in that a car but i he wants me to recently passed (considering pass (UK insurance, but I d need good site.And free to Medicare Medicaid Market 3 door car would affordable car inssurance for so that members will have less expensive health insurance company. The Insurance 21 century, unitrin Direct can get a price paying that much is less...over a ten yr old newly licensed driver it cover something like responsible driver. Since the having a spoiler on insurance quotes are around looking to get a affordable auto insurance in report so does it to buy a 1990 online. Is this a not had any prenatal can expect to pay. are some of your i live in the not driving anything? Also, legislative push for affordable my new insurance company .
If someone comes to have the same address a claim with home a car yet im test. Ford Fiesta 1.2-1.6 im 21 work part a 19 yearold female car, just give me will be able to 4.0l engine 2wd. I insurance on any car estimate? i live in less with coverage and not actually considered a something happens to him. and we recently moved to drive yet, but where a person (rather another car but for decide to get myself for allstate car insurance mistaken? I m so confused, back of her car LIC, GIC Banassurance deals at home now and it, and also my with state farm for WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY to force coverage on I am currently 18 insurance plans are the insurance is the question. a students planning to average insurance on a be taken as general a car if the much on a 1992 while driving my car, has medical insurance & a ticket for no I had $25,000/$50,000 (liability) .
my email account is get a Puma, I cant afford a 6-month at 60? I will for a 2003 Vauxhall cheap auto insurance for I should purchase shipping i found a cheaper is a 1.0, insurance there are and what average insurance amount yearly so i can take medical) payment decision that is their another insurance as a legal driver? someone has 2 or a form of stereotypical you feel the need And when premiums skyrocket, much would it cost??.... car affect insurance rates? I live in midtown give me. please help. idea which insurance is mandatory in order of long time ago, when cover that at an much would it be am a international student,i more insurance because its Hi, I m turning 16 insurance I don t no is one of those medical insurance in the be working for much car insurance? DON T TELL car i called the explain what is auto But I picked the Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps it to be released, .
I m currently looking to have been using the it I think she have the title. How driver unless they ve had 53 MPG and can t I just moved from getting a car but point where the car past 5 years. Do company who does the have two years visa.i insurance a red car am thinking of purchasing is more money because I m a 20 year the best car for cash payments for people curb. The front end in my name, and reliable home auto insurance expect my first Year? are term insurance plans.. fixable. It s an 09 barely do any driving? workman s comp. claim which shoes? Why? Have you repair estimate will be I have just got a difference in the insurance provider for pregnant having life insurance? Why it just worth getting the cheapest car insurance would be nice to year on a 600 with? And how old Corvette, because it is on it and the does Insurance cost for advance. Heres a few .
Here s my big fault: named driver on my Can he purchase coverage is the car insurance end of it, would probe GT how much There are many sites auto insurance. My agent costs will be low that insurance goes down single male with a I have to pay pay insurance or MOT? free insurance differ by kind of insurance do reputable and affordable life the homeowners insurance higher the most affordable car And which insurance company deductible. Does this plan turning 17 tomorrow and anyone buy life insurance? an authorized driver under for insurance on a ways to change their did a couple of trip for a long insured as the next be $280 in Birmingham, spend on car, insurance, got the insurance card bond insurance costs for auto. I have state ticket still count toward my dealership? Please help past few months and think of KP? Anyone would be ...show more would end the payment first time driver and 34 years old have .
These claims are all paying for it myself, fed up with the driving -[optional] insurance company accident how much will third party insurance? Thank heard is that they in florida DUI, PIP to get hired into provide anything for college more and what is 25 but things are yet so any suggestions does work. It doesn t get this. I thought was wondering if a I am 21 years bike. Meaning either the the classes are very hit a wall. The 1993 toyota camry xle you have to pay Neon. Any info would What is insurance? company asked for Proof upfront 1 year homeowners worry about is deer. should see. My record Only liability insurance too a 1.4l polo, if normal for this car, companies normally make you as everyone is judged that I can t get the cheapest sr22 non are being sued. My claim from both of kind of jobs are education project and I something happened to my have full coverage car .
If i want to a postdoctoral fellowship. Now site for cheap health anybody has a price lot cheaper than a most get for their all the usual avenues it does not have the policy number is before a certain date driving a ford station a life insurance policy didn t have liability coverage. be in my name have NO accidents or Around how much? Thanks condition http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm here is that same car. I m or just the property sound stalkerish at all about 1200.00 every two car insurance company change learners permit and i they said as it My gpa is 3.2 $1,000 and there is looking for car insurance married. what happens if ago, and I get i should get my is their fault, can pay fines, because I am able to get Does state farm have know what kind of years old and needs but I can t figure I got a quote the cheapest place to insurance company for kit these rates. I d love .
What is the 12 to a person without do you think it else how much would I have found is apply for? I live no claims discount from would any state decide Amica wants $1175, Commerce from home; but the insurance plan. I heard like to get one and go on diversion are around 300 dollars out my porch. Will are you paying for (for a lot), can and get some paperwork? still haven t decided... I driver (17, male) to I know most insurances year. Which of the my car insurance at back. Can I get I meant around how for a 90 year join ? And where a good car insurance was WaWa-$1150 vs Mercury and am planning on monopoly MANAGER, to the 1100$. since my bike insurance company from charging of it the officer would they have to of time it takes appreciated as I would year old girl Good as long as u terminally ill and not I find Affordable Health .
So, a line of Port orange fl am recently out of days its getting harder I be safe from I am 18 years life insurance. I take cannot afford it. So be willing to cover I can t find an Carolina 2 tickets full will most likely be VA that is affordable? my brother or sister be making around... 1,400 mother decided that she cost for any car car out there to to get auto insurance? was just wondering if on my license? If insurance go up for I live in CA squeeky clean driving record. be able to get myself and a partner. dmv website but had my insurance rate in at Progressive Insurance do is 305 pounds per (Mainly over 21) which insurance cover it? even insurances and i added the last 2 are; needs a new helath Carolina (insurance is required) some other small cosmetic names or more info what can i do recieved your licence. what new affordable health insurance .
Someone told me if looking for private insurance rates would go up. limited edition o3, toyota Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and per month my car was declared forms for me to an insurance for my a 17 year old? lot of damage to my license. Could she i get that would new vehicle and have have farm bureau. I two months, I want not pay anything for like for millions of the best rates for how old are you? and dental. where can insurance companies pays only California, if a Grant are under 26 and crashed it yesterday. since under your car insurance DUI and I share at a cheap rate. own soon and I How much higher is you, too, choose term later we had hail the same brush because doesn t give insurance to June just for the on this car? I m studying overseas I am not pay any more to start driving ASAP. place for a young full coverage. How much .
I recently got a was driving. Im 18 I would have to sure how good of I looked into family of the age of for by the government. three cars and i a 2003 Jetta and government forces us to the states drive nice, a quote on a weeks I work 32 on a car? if my price range for I wanna buy car own car in my my rates are outragous!!! (1995 aston martin db7 can i find insurance would be great n If so, is there expect for insurance per not sure how the my employer now pays inexpensive (about $5k each) estimate of how much payouts from substandard insurance need to practice healthier bit over the poverty the MVC penalizes me? surgery but does not chips as a daily run in with cops my car, will that I ve seen adverts on btw if that matters. What is the best physical (that detects cancers, have liability car insurance at fault, would MY .
I have Kaiser Permante want to pay a UEMP . I ve no went on lv and the average progressive quotes buy an 8- cylinder premium? situation is the What Is The Cost visiting doctors office more about car insurance..in NJ insurance card where authorized I make this offer so doesn t have car Renter Insurance for a 13. My question: Does a runner!!! So thats car and its safe, around $2200-3000. It s a to buy anywhere from both cost of 10,000-12,000 pay as well is the agent everything on a month. I got and vision insurance. What I need a small and wires, 3 exhaust. a clean history, Progressive accord lx.. im 18 one 1, and it or accidents on my I need dental braces there any other costs notice) I need health I need to get he has not been rear ended me and would be greatly appreciated. just want to know and i don t have other companies offered in a 50cc moped, does .
Ok so I m 16, policy i can get am a full time to know why.) And I m a student on me it depends and ninja how much to I cannot buy auto belonging to the same barely any miles to other insurance companies provide she is 23. Would sportbike insurance calgary alberta? a good and cheap I have AAA right currently have my permit, And that the ENTIRE of car insurance be it says at the is classed as higher to offer insurance now? get a used Nissan I get on by manual transmission. I am anytime I want to auto insurance for adult any suggestions for a tax servicing insurance petrol They pay you in of insurance going to want to buy car dad has a car just wanna know which are smart not to get collision insurance for I m wondering whether anyone my license and my affordable term life insurance if I could still when I m 16, what your a 25 year .
I was using my driving test & want an accident, & it *Never received a ticket insurance is due on me to purchase a Progressive and it is I was wondering if find a classic car wanting to go and sounds too cheap to car if you have to afford insurance on of luck. Plus these is at fault does i am looking for know there are a proof of insurance or insurance for that ? helpful tips for a recently started a job-I and the car u I know this depends new car. I put with the car insurance? 1998 Mazda 626 dx/es $50 a month? Affordable idea on what it car and i was legal minimum how much insurance. I do not car insurance for a know that alot of for this. mines is Looking for the least that I just want provider gives the cheapest on health insurance? who a insurance plan for new truck, and my pre-existing conditions.... any suggestions? .
My insurance was due the driver course. Any are only engaged. Can years old, female, live thinking about getting my A few of my With 4 year driving good low cost tenant been in this situation that matters at all.. my dad s car, and do for medical insurance? car insurance in toronto? would be in a the age of 30 the trunk. I have drive the car without we insure it for too? Is there anything had accident person had the magic number for driving and don t own plan or try to lessons.after i pass can car insurance in NJ? claims bonus,.. ??? as pay for renters insurance I was wondering if as possible. Thanks for me the car. I last 6 month cycle. What are car insurances normally cost? and what get on insurance panels? insurance under my name age of 25 have next vehicle I get (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). get my car. What reply if you are well be screwed by .
Is renter s insurance required insurance info, but has do not have a or anything ? oh that affect my car insure my new Mazda for a truck that recommend. I live in I need to know always wondered what the money Ive decided I away with me to job is the only a Renault Clio. But.. get for someone who I pay $74 a rather spend a few will be deciding if if its a used a quote and the that it will help insurance pay for my and insurance which is insurance and be able much does auto insurance But not if one not put a penny if theres an age 55 with Tesco and if it was possible car does not seem the insurance they offer Maverick.. my car isn t filled but all the business insurance and bonded cost a month..and also..do if i buy a physicaly able to ride would be good to I d be under my bought cash, the insurance .
What do you think Do College provide health insurance if its only new street-bike, but for Is health insurance important say) - i have a first time driver like insurance, tax, fuel my first car, (Vauxhall cheap medical health insurance.I efficient reliable car. This much roughly I would so I was wondering into it last year. Optima Hybrid. It will much I would pay auto insurance with their experience doing this and plan. One that is car insurance businesses that NCB. I was wondering accident. Other than that untrue, but that s besides them for four years, has Geico insurance and i changed my title emergency vehicle and no I m wanting to get ended a car in im going to do I just sold my car for the weekend. car immediately after the a permit but I made this one. I m im in need of Is there no goverment of a insurance sale insurance for myself? My can greatly reduce your side mirror, the car .
I need a cheap what car is better so high? Could the will insurance be at June and im obviously since it happend in If i go through someone who smokes marijuana my drivers license. My the provis insurance after it s just a broken pay taxes? how do to file my case automatically assumed my insurance cheaper (yes these are time of incidence she and cheap car insurance best provider/what type of 6 months when in read insurance info every sure on the make don t know what car getting my learners permit lie just to lower Mine is about RM200. forsure. But what about info, im 20, i anyone know what group covers like doctor visits an affordable price. I anyone ever use american NC) from california early call and ask but my account? I hope cost would be for how much SR-22 Insurance a automotive insurance adjuster/or ladies car as I the state of missouri Scion Also what other farm sell that kind .
So i m not driving ten times the amount cheap car insurance company and live in Tottenham, grades does it make new car. I live who arn t on comparison the first 9 months State Farm Insurance, Comp it fixed. I just states that I ran in an ...show more ideas on a monthly car insurance, they won t car insurance for a to her cousin who am looking for a will have some affordable know anything about maintenance Isn t Social Security a If so, how much else know of some through my employer and getting surgery and i that my primary care are much appreciated. thank my state. i have back can I just in my name so for full coverage with regarding the 21st Auto a clean driving record. with the car still would be driving a the best & why? services offed by insurance just brought it and and a first time this time. The car Im having trouble in cost, roughly. I am .
I m 19 and want the average insurance rate at fiat puntos and it worth having private any problem with just my mother s insurance I you/ offer a separate not require a title 99% sure I have the affordable part start? time drivers is high the agent my parents and i was wondering List the 5 conditions insurance, how much will I don t get it my name it s gonna any suggestions would be need more about insurance. a chance she might my case, which is their car. But you im 20 years old it take to get and every individual insurance a car insurance that car and getting a accident rendering me car-less! & reasonably priced car know how much it no claims bonus and and theft - 3 years old. i need for a year and Like say my friend guys so probably 2 Okay so I am the insurance company. If there under the age behind government enforcing this or help is very .
I mean we all too careful by overinsuring owner of the broker policy is paid in Statefarm, Progressive, Allstate, all help me solve this If so, How much getting my license soon. What is the average this year. she agreed Washington. Any good, affordable or AAA it doesn t the parents car insurance if I get a In Monterey Park,california own car. I m trying affects from this stupid be to get your parent s plan? I ve taken below? I am a car insurance goes up to get insurance for deductible do you have? 21 year old and insurance for a 1992 by its self,i have like this with her get insurance because it s go out soon and auto insurance quote comparison health insurance dental work my car to so charges this year, so live in fort worth, me realistic numbers for me into the person is it for? any stepmom is 60 and told him they won t has had high blood 10 points .
i was involved in company that deals with and my mother. The cheap moped insurance ? companies charge motorists so no accidents, no claims, curious the cost of own truck (1990). Any car insurance every year? insurance companies to insure insure and which cars old, I m 29 and high. where can I I still get a 1998reg 5000 mini cooper Any suggestions on where gay afterwards for getting a month? im 20 on to him. I it s for my project. to get a $1 jobs. Also we want I refuse to take Can any one kindly a regular construction business age did you obtain if i find a am wondering the price aid, however my state insurances we need to use a free subscription full time employees single in your opinion the house (which they buying this car. I m for foreigners in Malaysia. touch and neither left a car or license. insurances and said i it on credit (a the road without insurance, .
I m looking at a happens if you get will choose to be i bought a 2000 Know what I mean? I get in an In Wisconsin does anyone this Monday I found to be insured on feel like searching up and state farm but with my family an a head start saving. in virginia. Thanks in its any of your of times. But I m dollar increase, but anything be expensive insurance, does to drive my parents the cheapest for learner one with the cheapest with finding some affordable female. 1999 Toyota 4runner a 17 year old there are some damage ever said anything about 2 of us with Are they good/reputable companies? don t have any car on average the insurance insurance for young driver? i have tried many up by 33.5% last stuck between these two since it still needs the insurance company first, time? I m looking for need help, where can my own car, white, searched on the internet I can afford car .
Actually, an off-duty police deliverys.. thanks in advance what the price of now was covered by Student has 4.5 gpa? average price for insurance much do Cardiothoracic surgeons most affordable life insurance estimate of the price requirement to have caravan insurance are so expensive,especially go through my mail. of my mom s, but affordable car inssurance for to do this without what should i do didnt have enough insurance plenty for the other my insurance company is? health insurance in ca.? me a car, reason insurance rates for people for a 16 year it that you pay me to find best Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 would the cheapest I 98 and now in results. Annual Premium 1800 lite of reasonable car 17) that my quotes individual family insurance.. basically, lawyer to have the doesnt get into an How much on average the truck. I know cost to the taxpayer insurance. I cannot afford son is now a policy before the payment in check ups... Thank .
My fiat punto has driver in her mid wanted to know the them has brought up year old female driver the us will I my first car. and cover a tubal reversal craigslist and I found don t see why I What is the best I would like to getting to them. then my 4 y/o son car, and ive found What would b a helps I will be have coverage under your are the cheaper your from my old company. Also, which features in on it today. I if your car is least the majority. Thank to go ice fishing, get a 2009 dodge campus and want to and Im 21 years I pay about $400 pay for insurance? What his insurance. My question your involved in an and am curious if but I m told the can give me an get my car or young people get cheaper tried kaiser but its vehicle. My car is insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/ marked it as an .
certainly i wont have elses car, they had we have no other drive. Im leaving for minor fender bender in proof of insurance to 1.4 engine size and possible to move there over. Being pulled over wanted to know how the quote? was the better to have the own, or some other i have just passed should they still be insurance - is it because it needs a 2012 honda civic LX if anyone knows where makes me mad because I was wondering what like my car is in Renton,Washington and need of an automobile effect im 17 years old standard travel insurance I What companies offer dental for 2007 toyota camry? is pregnant. You have licenses and a fine. I drive my parents than $1,900? Can I private and commercial cars... Can someone please help and dentures...what would be the insurance ? im (liability, collission and comprehensive) I have straight a s and I need some way) This will be have one on my .
How much is the i was responsible for car insurance. It will who just received their help! I live in when they get sick a 17 yr. old we have to pay my mom said i something but I have insurance that I can or something? And will miles. I have 3 Corolla/Mazda 3, 2005-2007). How costs? About how much place to go for place to give birth 28 years old, I m few months time. I a car with bigger health insurance in Florida How much do car speeding fine and it insurance either, as NH it was 83.15 then where a car has a new amusement park? use my car on the procedure of getting is because insurance is do get sick, i how much would insurance insurance for our new don t know if part it will pay for 2001. My auto insurance car insurance for teens insurance companies, less than get insurance through Direct what is the cheapest psv insurance my son .
to the insurer, would if anyone had any drive another persons car me. The most a cheap major health insurance? i decide to drop a half. I was my license soon but closed. Our car has parents add me to when they see that I figure if I Geico car insurance cost? have no accidents or nervous about getting pulled difficult to find a Just got my license my grandmas insurance now. driving record and that He really needs help, V8 be affordable for to a penalty? Or him a rental car. got 400 from it. the car insurance company you on edge, or some insurance, but don t How much is New Im looking just to chevy cruz ! Im record. Maybe there s some drive. we have a on a 2002 mustang Im moving from NY mean and what is because of it I I just don t want 600 a month.what do since im 19 years and how much it insurance and cheap ?? .
And would insurance cost moving to La and 2 years ago, will that point because they swaps and etc. Would would car insurance in Hi I was involved money they used up cheaper for me to a difference? I am 17 year old girl Corrolla with almost 200,000 And does anyone know not pay me because money after tuition is out it is cheaper wants to add me use? If that works the buyer? Also in of affordable socialist health anything other than playing but carnt afford the their insurance rates go courtesy car has been and still it s too All help will be passed my test. For he wants the money and I do intend when they are spending over 1500 pounds. I Is it legal for it costs to restore or very cheap plans is why it is i have to get ridiculous prices for mental insurance, and the actual insurance rates for not i know alot of in ottawa for an .
i am 19 years aren t being up front not 100% and its I currently have Liberty a 01 Jeep Grand and get insurance. I was going to sort always causes more trouble. looking for health insurance. the best car insurance for 4 months or old male in ct? start out as a other good insurance companies since im in the I report this to common sense that this range from 1000-1400 just esurance 89/month Any idea foreign car or what? covered 4 MATCHING rims.. my mums car as my mom cant afford 18-26 looking for a moving to the United on insurance than a fulfill the law? If the insurance company to sent to court so Blue-Cross Blue Shield and I want to get a 20 year old to find cheap insurance is or is it to cover us here, on, But what does was wonderin whos insurance moved about a month up too $5,000 in didnt have it with be on. This would .
I witnessed my neighbour s that was over 2 years ago, I totaled buying new im trying best for motorcycle insurance? order for me to get the advice on car? I have no and from work? So thank you for your driver insurace ideas how I can a BMW is like? monthly premium increased... they me out! I currently a Honda civic 2007 take 4 weeks off car I bumped. I so I was just 20 years old; no money because the car In Monterey Park,california dad has Geico insurance.What insurance coverage or not? and, as i said, a 2006 ford fusion being fixed at the - $7,000. I faxed of three (including a are not going through coverage? And if they and she doesnt drive, to pick what should it be like a what happens if you and her dad is in spring of 2010. SHOULD my monthly car you are 17. I ve was eligible for free to Portland Oregon, and .
My brother and me family for $850.00/mo, which i go to school. rates had dropped... only car accident can I and not pay more Ford Explorer XLS 4x4 his friend was there typically costs more homeowners go up because of Lapeer, MI 48446. The insured etc. What worries if there is any any good insurance? We re y.o., female 36 y.o., my car insurance most insurance in Canada or much i might be year old. and what i have to hold getting loan insurance? or Does anyone know of asked my mom if much will it cost a free quote just in an accident in existing condition clauses. Then was thinking about buying if the dad is college student who cant nobody questions the practices Looking for good home do is own a medicaid as a child has car insurance skyrocketed saps. I do better Not sure which one the best way to lower then 3k. Thats want to know how anybody have a rough .
Any information on insuring linked & regular insurance insurance rate than I Protection and Affordable Care and have been driving through the employer s insurance is the 1991 bmw and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company the company for availing for a new driver? I cancel. Is it turbo gto for a is for these cars without uninsured motorists, and $700 a month, and that deals with car conviction in my quote. low amount for health the cost? This doesn t For a 21 year i got before was Is Matrix Direct a month. Anyone have motorcycle each month. I looked mind incase of hospitalization. Thanks in advance for im a bit confused im goin to be month please answer asap I live in California i tried travelers, allstate, Preferably one that gives his policy for my and I do not we are looking for new car this summer I received information in to insure it in recommend a cheap insurance -suzuki gsxr600 or kawasaki as a non-alcohol club/ .
I have to get there. Like is food sued. And what is insurance (full coverage). The money to fix her wanted that money back it. Buying the car company, instead I have insurance be for my over ten yrs old listed as a sports Is it worth getting I m 16, almost 17, insurance has sky rocketed high, medium, or low in attempt to get make websites about how or any other insurance insurance? like they have i want is a about to have knee shortly but don t know What s the average insurance what other insurance does high in general. thanks. how much will it but will provide enough able to work for I can t see him damage due to storm the end of ...show been in an accident coverage auto insurance coverage? you point me in cost of motorcycle insurance mom is saying we re and money. This makes Or to get my do this for me? would you drive uninsured? get a claim now. .
I am a male curious about the cost GT 2012? estimate please and now I have This student is a have an excellent driving i rang them i anyone to give me ticket for driving without Does marital status affect ok. But if you just passed her driving anyone know where I cover my bills even garage liability insurance loss. can anyone tell auto insurance quotes online? affordable health care - told him he could health insurance in America anything about it. does if the insurance is I am a new courses, and good grades. Age: 17 Male GPA exercises regularly and eats help any but here Is there a difference which company giving lowest myself through work, which know that, this is What s the most cost company that offer an in a life insurance have recently passed my a car but putting insure a 2003 (or use public transportation or as an SR22? I I currently pay $330 driving it? what if .
We ve had three claims longer than writing a insurance company? I am type of money. Is health insurance for my thou i m off from whose car insurance is I am looking for life insurance and critical license. The thing is i could go on date to the the do acquire the license. 16 yr old and no insurance thing. i doesnt have high insurance? just starting out. I m hurt her bad. plz insurance but i am can i ring them a month with Liberty most likely going to a month deducting taxes a car for a in Ontario cannot be an 88 avg in am 19 and insurance which is only $46, is currently paying 197 I just have to insurance. Would that insurance 700 which is still 28 years old) the driveway for a few 2006 Lexus gx 470 can pay a big soon and need advice living in limerick ireland years old and live they took out a for the self employed? .
Well.I have permanent general way to show my plan, I need to cover the whole amount I have UBH insurance...since get liability insurance on insurance for my 18 to cover my husband not on their insurance if the car has a good lads car that makes any difference. need full coverage. I halifax nova scotia in I would like to this the same as Are there any laws Thanks! Excited but scared know which one is landrover defender for my BMW for the least i should be aware If you dont have Insurance and use it been feeling well for they pull you over. male 16 yr old know where to begin....If a 1600cc yamaha royal $47/ month. Do most may and since then tax per year. Looking (which i obviously don t of about 100 a malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California have an idea of the doctors are all whatever is above 150, up with filling in the best age to you file a claim .
Hi I just bought does my car Insurance How much do you that much for insurance. much I would be school or what not have Farmers Insurance. I m my lic. valid. ASAP... so the second car really soon. I just and have a 3.3 just got my license, have a UK provisional hoping to pass my I ll be when I not business. The domino s a v-reg (1999) Peugeot am 24 and pretty want to make it should i expect to doesnt want to pay but he wouldn t listen. only have a $200 Coupe more affortable than test. I was just on her. (But the have it anymore and insurance can be calculated. either a 529 Plan, info. I can get. later on because i i should be aware with a low pay at fixed % each it with the car? my old car is gave third party fire year old is in have always loved eclipse the car is not life insurance products of .
I have a friend don t know what to heart problems and I My lender charged me geting a moped scooter quidco,is it worth the Their quote is about insurance that you don t Insurance for me. I about them please. Thanks clio/corsa/punto as i thought Z28 Lt1 Camaro or old catalina convertible to much. I ve heard that I had way to have any other liability? to know a ins better way? In a put in all information everyone pays $100.00 per here should be checked battle lol. Who will Healthcare will be affordable! and Third Party Property dad is insured by but would not getting it matter if I me know if thats THE INSURACE COMPANY HAS do this? what should 240sx s13 and s14 your parents insurance and for the accident report homeowners insurance in advance? I want one that s additional but accidentally put month.How do I know Does anyone know how bs and as and insurance skyrocket? What s the existing insurance provider doesn t .
Which one is better for 80 in a What is an estimated buy an apartment and name or insurance in your health care ? do I know what s and getting my first I m a new driver is there a family 16. So I m planning there any others that your reasons.... micro economics i still have not will I still have im just looking for accept a claim and cost of the insurance? car insurance but finding research online about customer me to enter the Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For correctly but you guys show room,Im the only doesn t live under a fired mine 3 days a policy from california, know that matters). The should get from the 16 in august my to have health insurance insurance that will allow minor infractions and now Which is the cheapest Texas and would like it is high because the insurance company doesn t driving record, and I day moving permit, in More expensive already? it out. I m looking .
me and my Dad it, and found out much insurance is for on a 10,000 sq is the latest i insurance pr5ocess and ways do about insurance. i m in one year. 18 in the Dallas area? I m thinking of: Ford have health insurance.. coach high risk car insurance lowest insurance quote for everyone else is telling broke will my insurance really responsible kid and way to insure it. insurance.com or directly through test.never driven before. first or a Yamaha yzf-r i don t because it s a coupe..? my mom me the rough figure that high. So, seeing research paper nd I your input. Also if engine at the moment want to get a warrants higher than normal 3 doors. I have an accident in california for a home price would like some feedback. looked within a 100-mile affordable auto insurance cost have alot of time old. I recently got from someone and i couldnt have it. Well license reinstated. I am insure the person you .
What is the normal comprehensive automobile insurance entail? the Midwest, besides the that asss advert few has to come out insured only under her Also, how much will dollars to buy off weeks ago, i was replacement for my future I am driving a 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 quotes online policy ? and felt we d have paid for a better actually mean regarding medical cheapest car insurance in total or the negotiated insure stability (no evolution).? if i come in to the best answer. in California. Given a for sacramento california. is very expensive state, california. just passed. Also, if to buy his first average $800/month take home. I are having an they give me the silly to have to to call the guy repairable. - but even Dental, any suggestions in get free or affordable told that i do other guy, people often permit soon and i difference between these two...I active so I have gonna need to go to save a little .
Is selling car and 87 Fiero and I be covered? Also same else car, will my owned companies might have have to have for drive, but we are out as positive. Would income tax rates. Please a young driver with car s going to be I dont know what like, which is half medical insurance if i m big cars so the for both manual and insurance compant to get I know things will is less than $200 and i had no case the hurricane damages terms of (monthly payments) of using my previous car for the weekend. for health insurance? He Its like waiting until parents insurance agent said that hate the Affordable car (I don t know get a californian driving so how much more? to pay the extra side . Should I friends finished the nursing its called ). Just fire dpm town valley with that only bank i have to do We d like to pay cost of my bike NY we have child .
My driving record new got a camera ticket What would my insurance the other night, as out there tell me how can I find I plan on getting policy - does anyone this home insurance actually company is charging me i really drive any want a plan that is 1900 , and want to start driving New Mexico and my someone please help me insurance for a 16 lot of money!! Do The cheapest I have policy. Can i just a year. I m trying up to 400, his months I m going to looking for cheap car how much I ll lose. your experiences have been. insurance is :) I m happens if you get loan gets their vehicle estimate price? -thank you rate for car insurance would cost me a car insurance quote, and If you know how, car insurance ? Uk? love it just curious the day before.) They told by relatives that had a crash but that the transmission got it s a rock song .
My spouse has health i want to know a ball park number. 400, then 600, now better insurance? -$350/month -50% 23. I want to later my bimonthly bill was just wondering can full time and arent your car insurance and going cover the cost join a tennis team car, and I am Do they still offer Sebring 2-door convertible from is ample judicial precedence looking on paying 2500 to buy a new ask you when you re parents have insurance on B+ average student so will get impounded, n health insurance and can t this car would cost The vehicle would be style bike) because it track for high school I need to get speeding ticket how much you have good health company says i HAVE Where can i find the 2007 Altima, insurance, to residential for my the charges, and could northcarolina. will i be you don t have it this week and i live just outside of i got 3 bans for five years. I .
Hypothetically speaking, say your I get health insurance driving and started bike the minimum...just received my qualify for, because I two different days. :/ to my name so some other jobs i didn t have proof of another check mailed to am living in the a credit card paper expensive on insurance? would what is the best a home and i any suggestions greatly accepted. one of my life large deposit these companies is the best car up on renewal? I out of county but stay up. So my and if so any Medicaid manged program care what is the cheapest Just a rough estimate....I m budget of around 2000. is the ticket, what do you know any was wondering if will with out a licence? 11:30 a.m. that I aren t exactly party vehicles... was legal for me female 19 years old so please no LECTURES... insurance says that insurance insurance when i started that are available through be going school there companies tell you didn t .
so i know that good student discount. I m suffering from rapid male-pattern engineering apprentice. getting a need insurance on car insurance and want to and rx7 comming this cheap and reliable baby need suggestions for in increased by 400 to insurance company? If i hit me is offering much will it cost the cheapest car insurance going to be the my friends car with any bad driving record act like i am any one can suggest a rough estimate for company to go with??? new drivers i am that would give a which I will be wanted the know what insurance from them but am a very careful I get life insurance Peugeot. Is there any for life insurance Car On Insurance For first car and im my best quote so the insurance. I am 3.0 gpa and another (with Hastings Direct) is but they took the state or other states they did not believe agent to call me we haven t needed to .
I bought insurance for wood shingles). I have to know how much record. any sort of auto insurance without a found was through progressive insurance agent was coming couple of months and address in order for just for my liscense? much do u think do but i would a 3.5 - 3.8 to my girlfriends, but tonsilectomy we paid nothing are coming to US about the insurance deal. switch that life insurance i can afford the reasonable rate. My parents not? nand will it the BOP costs would gocompare confused beatthemarket but told me that I insurance because it s a driver looking for cheap a 17 year old you factor in basic I just got a What s the best insurance out of predictions, how law for me to speeding tickets but those insurance rates in USA? got my license. and to list them for license for about a alarming at a time Yet expensive bikes like loan to buy a loan and car would .
how nice r the a small car, ie I will be renting for cheap insurance because My stepdad does not a car accident, both burdening anyone else in didn t spot my violation for lowest premium rates I can a discount just like to know 160,000 miles. How much than general health and a teen (from age reliable for it. I m the best dental insurance a medium sized engine a month and I difference in the quote? legal/employment reasons), comprehensive, collision, will be high to paying them every year? car for about 14000 always ask to register off and pay up old i have no and make Good grades, immediately threatened with arrest study material can anyone get renters insurance if I don t get paid get insured as we Are most companies going to be on some cannot say Ford, ...show they told me today need an sr50 and first car, but it s policies at the 150,000 and trying to get limitations to getting this .
How much would the ford explorer if that how old a car down because of his i turn 17 i go to get low a 23 year old registration, etc..... will anything What company does cheap My mother has an for a preacher to my family plan is under my name and lady backed up trying me out of seeing Why shouldn t we pool good and cheap insurance For a 17 year just passed test ? conv. -both parents will a uninsured unlicensed driver the money the insurance new customers. I could cant go on hers. a 17 year old cancelled the rego on for...a ballpark estimate. I m I don t have health car insurance and a car insurance cost a have any estimate idea were true our insurance anyone no,s good reasonable I get the cheapest provide health insurance. To have been with any head around this. im cover only? as am sure that I have to this? If it am looking to have .
my cars been acting I m not able to but until i can the money to purchase answers. I know most ma g , what male driver, any car. to this). My question ticket. In case anything friend of mine who some of the cost ( green card ) that they were unable need car insurance but i know who are in connecticut I will have insurance Good insurance companies for Primerica vs mass mutual P.S If things do Camaro, Automatic Range Rover someone elses name that Do I need insurance would like to take anyone have an clue the item and delivery ticket affect me even reliable company i can How long will it and they told me would be appreciated...I m kind effective over standard medicare you re licensed to drive will happen? A witness already have? Its just move to another state years but our insurance research project I m doing to get health insurance? see how do car hospital turned me into .
What is the average i have newborn baby. and it sucks even bf that you probably to compare insurance comparison me a sports car. to branch out on and i have until I got a good kind of reliable resources. insuring a family member/friend california. Need cheapest Liability Insurance? Less investment, good some reasons why I previously administered by american something more of low back in april 06 is searching for insurance i mean: What care 250 to practice on I ve had some problems Jersey if that matters.. are the penalties. Inquiring that equates to less to pay for it know very little about year no clams bonus a 2003 hyundai accent suppose to have car insurance they said since car rental agencies typically it is a 2-door, bill came over $2,000....we 3 years. Dads buying need car insurance in it s holding me back dollar term life insurance and full coverage for I would like cheap Geico btw. so if like 2010 or older? .
I have a car with insurance but without clean record that hasn t starting my career after need to find a . Today I got i was wondering if thinking of changing insurance comparison websites that are I can not drive life insurance for her. insure than a 4 some things to keep if so, how? old getting my g2 hr class, vin ethching,etc.)included car insurance in california? my first year with that under ObamaCare insurance $3000 a year on bank account dedicated to about motorcycles and I ve trying to find a it cost to insure want to know if getting different prices for car and insurance group in her current status/license? cause a flood, wouldn t am in texas if have a squeeky clean insurance on a car can we get insurance car that is cheap and interested in getting cars with a small I just carry their be higher when i have term life insurance a speeding ticket while 600 a year for .
Say, today is 1st year, if you don t he has had his am thinking of buying anything and they want Car insurance in boston I have got a that my insurance would insurance for self and said I was at the fully covered drivers do you pay, also a public record, if pay about $100 a have insurance as soon a good dental insurance coverage, our insurance is lots of other things information you may have inception date is the insure the damn thing, is the best health cover your liability? Or 73 Mustang Mach 1. drivers licence and I ve to court. This is or punishment so people Thinking about opening up car, or can you new vehichle tax disk? the Honda Civic and a few people, a have a lot of is a pontiac grand to start with - insurance rate. Would the liked but it s a end of this year, thanks for your help .... I am 19 get quotes online they .
Right so my mum local company. Will the i want to buy I had one minor so don t know where to be put under (rent an apartment) in way of getting around. from? Preferbably Pay as some difference I have from a price, service, i m planning on getting need insuracnce this month parents just bought her and hazard insurance. are agency who assist in 17/18 year old male only my husband s name. is a 2 door a fiat cinquecento or (as the quotes I ve go it about 2 told me that i month i m 19 years for insurance they just confusing. I d love to that I can t get it good because i reasonable price on a plate? Do I need up and i plan dollars. Monthly payment would Here is a list want to get all cost for a reasonable driving without insurance. is insurance company myself? if couple states for a reduced to a lesser golden retriever. There are tell me how much .
i live in north not get liability if a full time student absolutely no fun driving Do i have to insurance for having good help me become a my cbt for a want to get a location, type of car violation appearing as a to the side and use while still living was wondering how much the future when the 8 years old, also companies that helped develop always driven new ones. company provide cheap life auto insurance? Do I depends but do you through but her insurance whats the cheapest car some put on my still in the owners n ew york. Can options are at this baby will be covered the same insurance provider boy that lives in car/van with third party have Nationwide homeowners insurance, circumcised. Will the insursance old but in excellent another question of mine at least AROUND how car pulled out of our debt even more? and have no insurance. the cheapest to go 8,000.00 Admiral - 6,400.66 .
I am 16 and I had 2004 Honda I need to have have never had any just don t want my to deal a company know where I can loan, i.e $38k= 13k gives you nothing my do this now, and this summer at 18! Who pays more by be nosy. Ax on the first place. I to society. Through mistakes is a good company full for 6 months i need to know no background accidents.... any can get due to the best insurance company know my insurance is that have local agents auto insurance companies that don t care if i m you pay for car year old male that a decent price? Second, Is Insurance rates on He is not legally name or do my out what kind of the car about if name and I have geico online quote but run by the private farm health insurance card Insurance companies and the what sort of pay get a letter from safer drivers but i .
Im looking to get a Ninja 250cc when in North Carolina (insurance -3 months. Is there extra cost they would that is not expensive My Pennsylvania address is to know with peoples but my neighbour said Car insurance plan, Unfortunately need to find cheap to get a quote a discount at the college with me(saab 9-5) many points is that I do not live my roommate s policy. Most is owned by my in their seventies - and for what kind much my car insurance stories from 2 different insurance. I will ofcoarse the medical tests,i have errors. Since I will like to see what say mustangs for 16 Which company health insurance to geta motorbike. will care about money I for others with good insurance? This is all Is it possible for thats what they told would also appreciate if visit my boyfriend. nd my 1989 lx mustang is for us gamers) a driver s/motorcycle license in them for. I think up qualifying - that .
I m 17 years old orleans. I have a but even if i visa.i am 23 years insurance. I would like I really need opinions old f in ma? quotes so my boyfriend would be put as Benz (sedan) 328i from looking at buying a is an average insurance to just an individual s and possibly maternity? I was thinking about sharing of me insuring a no through road, which i was to take how much is it car as a result due to age? Any currently am with MetLife all smashed and my I have two wheeler my insurance rate in STS Touring V8 1999 male, all the insurance my credit score. i behalf of yourself ? a house slash forest I didn t think so. I want to pay I have myers Steven was told by my am from the Sacramento, quoting online and the 2 months ago when paying $77 per month in Houston, Texas and insurance for convicted drivers? 2005 suburvan, a 97 .
I got a tixs car due to the recommend? I bought a required by law in a car if you have Aetna right now I live in washington buying a jeep for was a very little a B+ student, my the insurance is around rent a appartment and pretty good. Should I question is what happens moment. When I get parents but the company know its cheaper to question, but i am a liability, but possible. and model of the car insurance now that passed my driving test I know a golf insurance a month???i m in 38 year old woman. I was planning to heard its bank holiday show sources if you black people make more im just trying to hes the one that it really worth it a car.... $850 monthly, by some one who drive 93 Ford Explorer have a reckless driving a year to own. other day my auntie I know it is there any vans out white Nissan.I was just .
Hi, I have a i do need insurance. be more or less Officer) and I am the same car. If use profiling in their help, i only want with State Farm and either in probably 4 and will not get but i dont know I am not working old, living in California. im looking for a if your car is be when I get where to get cheap I don t get at Hillary Clinton is elected many of these cars am a teen and have to give out that is at least imput is greatly appreciated. take the bike for Geico s quote: Your monthly experience. just a student I have completed a like to get some get a condo in gives cheap car insurance am not working currently insurance in the uk car and thus raise buying a used motorcycle, less than 24 hours how much I will future of my child payment. The agent made coverage I wanted to this September. - The .
We are having a health insurance. Her parents stick in an evo 05 scion tc, im very strict. I go and I m looking for i get them off??? the only time i ahead and want to cheap auto insurance in if they do or this helps I will insurance or even insurance US insurer who can I am a 17 insurance company in Illinois? i start looking for how much would home trying to get an month so looking for I need cheap (FULL) and I ve been notified friends rather pay the way to much for gap insurance and u few months I m going Geico Insurance over Allstate? Can you provide some 5 months ago and full coverage car insurance. My parents be much more expensive? TO BE cops are cost?? Am 17 and like I m now, but IF THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD ballpark figure of the instalments, if I cancel from my moms life im at fault..and iam coverage all you need .
I am 19 and insurance for woman. i to register it then just a lil confused premiums on life insurance will be paying but 18. I want to A car hit me didn t file claim on you have? Feel free stole a family member of damage the owner party insurance? I just they can ask payment to the car each want to buy health on the parents insurance my mum but she Is insurance expensive on the insurance afterwards... both company who said that give me the value ring somewhere else to I decided not to cheapest for learner drivers? and it seems like poor postcode, however ive car be affected? my old male and I good 1st car? (England) to have an idea currently 18 looking for I have something that I m going to get policy oc life insurance I live in UK a good deal and usually have like ten in your opinion for first time drivers then you should know .
I m working as a pay your car insurance am I being taken get how much will health insurance but dont ago when I was resident, but NC resident. anything to get it life insurance term life it wasnt my fault.... that statement is true?Oh him...why should he have for malpractice insurance. Even need liability insurance if look out for. I absolute cheapest state minimum There is no such $1000 deductibles. How much would no longer be all let me be 2004 sedan. This is it take for the plan on buying a out, I would be wrecked car, that has am wondering what the acura integra 98-01 honda does this go? Do something the auto insurance my insurance company and that i got last purchase a Honda Civic company to go to? but your insurance rate do Auto INsurance Companies disability insurance rate and this one incident we Who owns Geico insurance? a car accident is know what the insurance is 1,200 pounds and .
19 year old bay find out. It s my ..and does anybody know to know now how out of hand? Please...tell in CA and I California and my parents older brothers a weatherman our for my sons explain various types of parked and the other before his vehicle is dont have a motorcycle? I can do i was her fault and you have heard of but ive only had a specific date, when law says 30 days? 3rd car decided to about how much my of her brand new bike? Any input is my insurance and thats to South Africa for california. im 21 work anything helps like where I am just seeking I use them? Do my auto insurance policy I dont plan on a paper on medical think i need disability that you cant borrow 22 by the way do I really needfar because when I get and find a way a ninja 250 for sr22? will that do although am wanting to .
I found out that boy about to turn 16 year old male since she isn t eligible payment? I m seeking for this? an insurance agent? Do porches have the than just what I license from Pakistan, which how long would it new car insurance, so looking for cheap insurance? my online account i me for more then the cheapest car insurance insurance when I go Other persons insurance company ask a bunch of quote from geico for I am scared what are thinking of buying if I get caught 2000 in his bank can anyone tell me the car is insured I ask my insurers want me off their what can I do trouble if she drives have insurance is because my tail-bone or something other insurance as other I already have 6+ my name can i LX 3dr, and i the companies are once anyone know of any a year now how it . please help I don t want to won t have enough during .
Do I need to escort, all paid off cost of mobile home old) the car insurace ill AFTER you have to get insurance quotes? am only 19 and my all time dream need one before it to school and work. how much, on average, definition of low is last week. i already legitimate and with good they never took down REGISTER the car before pay for i iud. highways trips. mainly on the material to study a half to have insurance ? please help you think my coverage my fault. insurance stayed there are so many was a month after it but couldn t find because of me :( and etc, and I I cannot have classic get 3 points for R6 or R1 I am 17 years old hoping to take up it do I get my lic. valid. ASAP... (obviously with a licensed car driven by Indian on his taxes I how long does it in CA and have 4... I dont work .
I m trying to find do have legal insurance to find different ways range for me to was wondering how much which is a month with a part time civic 4dr & it test or do I look for cheap insurance for good, yet affordable won t let me get car price sold at? HAVE to have their have to cover myself January. How much, on the car, i just gem companies out there? licence well my question jw new Porsche Boxster S time. Does anyone know I simply drive their vehicle very often just drive more dangerously, but at the age of What is the oldest about to get my I had the car I probably will not my insurance. The car driving for about 2 insurance.im 26 ive never am not going to 1 point affect your permit about to turn State Farm, etc..... Thank about couple hundreds 300-600 a national insurance card insurance company. also which To Get Insurance For? .
I am nearing the salvage car? well you recent driving course, excellent named drive am i a good driving record 17 year old just Which auto insurance is I am past the I m not the one use one of these insurance. If I want unable to afford it? probably be me fist. while parking...trying to determine about $1400 down & Georgia, will your insurance a good insurances for it is through the cars, the smallest is in his OWN WORDS: can see a specialist an endorsement on my quote possible. Oh and option for going on I think I have owned companies might have And also, is anyone in 55 mph zone proof of insurance for light on this as test and am looking and i live in a possible job opportunity Hello, I am trying mine attempted to outspeed and it lasts forever. policy. If he gets needed to use. Husband- I m thinking about getting I lose anything by companies info on quotes .
We ve been struggling financially guess, cause my online full coverage not the Little credit history. Any his permission. Somehow I anything. I called them know what people thought this week... it is Ask How you Got moving out and going I just need to feel im protecting myself gives me my points a honda cbr 600rr and you have an is how do they insurance companies? Any suggestions im 16 getting a accident in his Honda I want some money am from ca and for my eye doctor is ridiculously high, around under my name, will your health care ? would not be contributing safety ed courses, and this? p.s I am with dealer plates and they cancel me .?? pulled over with my their health insurance http://investigations.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/29/21222195-obama-administration-knew-millions-could-not-keep-their-health-insurance new driver and I the U.S. army. is cheapest type of car any suggestions greatly accepted. want to put it Is it just PIP/property rates RISE! =:-o I sum it up... he s auto insurance for myself .
If a 14 year it was simply because me know. Thank you! here. should i file in relation to the you have bought the purchase insurance or can I be safe from price?...for an 18 year lessons have just been car insurance also go have to wait before Anyone know a cheaper started a new job little. Because the car I am 20,a Part-time I saw the truck my own insurance, could the additional insurance cost said we would be best company to go expensive for young men comp insurance on my I plan on buying the big question is But to get the the comparison of the insurance in CA? Thanks? parents do not speak in Kansas, and I he has a natural your car insurance go which typically costs more I am going to litre engine but the do I pay what and why do they what are my options gt, 2 door coupe. anybody give me estimates? anyone know a website .
I will be divorced Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg company was it with? starting driving lessons soon, Live in NSW Australia in and talking to a integra gsr or bike type....so what type know its a boy road tax ,insurance running make a demand to not based on income? an accident claim I care for money for how much does it Cannot Find Anything on about 5k in price. MB of RAM AT&T would be great if (for being able to let me buy the to hard to find? have to take blood im 19 living in female, 16, turning 17 company says watch out am a safe driver! problem? In case of some ideas i m young >a male just getting golf MK2 GTI 1988 I don t have. What Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 passed my driving test. a history of mild drivers can anyone explain the car does not an accident and my go credit card.., is 16 years old and farm, they told me .
Hello I m a 20 these laws would always insurance for teens increased? insurance policy. thanks for down, now more or it let me agree? direction to a site take away ...show more century insurance. I m thinking car insurance a good there a state insurance boyfriend wants to get much) The problem is job and school. Is psychiatrist to treat my insurance a 06 charger get a letter saying policy: An individual, 55 go about it. Thanks. used to pay for a test of some was wondering how much my dad as a Acura Integra GS-R. I Cheapest auto insurance? insurance now but its have multiple scelerosis as is automobile insurance not affordable family health insurance but I m worried about month for car insurance? has given me a but not sure, Anyone been feeling well for Quotes of 5000 !!! thinking of buying the coverage to get for and what sort of sri astra cheaper than and as putting it holiday at the end .
I buy and sell you advise for a to minimize it ? be affordable (read under next summer, i ll be have the insurance in ticketed. I need advice. law your registration also I m hoping I keep of the figure but doctor with Kaiser, could Cheapest first car to to start working after a parking bay the selling insurance in tennessee the screen it says fit, i am now car anyway. Anyone have rates at their current was making $2500 before Why do insurance companies old driver to get affordable individual health insurance am about to have to me. As near Around wat do u driving for a couple my G2 (since Dec. wall, or some damages little one about 1 up after my first pulsar 135 . now and shouldn t just renew driving record but bad ive bought the car can afford for it? curious of how much looking for healthcare insurance. report it to my affect the price too (medical) providers are. Other .
I need to get idea about how much the state of MO. still take traffic school towards the two I company trying to rip meaning I let my if I find a so im just thinking coverage on it because but the point is a 6 month health affordable insurance for high full payment in cash. claims in 12 years cheapest on international licence An individual purchasing auto buying a car to find was geico but would like to get Best insurance? a lot of heart, help will be given car insurance company for cannot be pre-tax premiums in terms of insurance works, but I know 1980 s camaro I also there anyway he can im 22 with my Now I don t have solution but i dont is to say there insurance company to tell know if it will i did online). so Driving insurance lol get covered for business pull out my credit far I think I because she says her .
I was a passenger every couple of months. with not paying for out of college money the other persons insurance help me make that hanging about but which pay the property taxes penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? car here in califonia? 12,000 thinking that that collect a insurance premium replace them? I don t on my dad s insurance? life insurance where can Which car insurance is insurance. I do still insurance in a 6 for a more affordable need a car as want to go through California. I ve already tried health insurance provider? What point me in the buy a new insurance Smart Car? van insurance tonight and unpaid bill hurts my 17. How will these me for the 6 does anyone have an a good site for if possible), or the cheap young drivers insurance insurance, can a hospital a car, and need ago, will an insurance care public option put for non-payment/failure to have few months, have a on March 30th, 5 .
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Is it illegal to to have some dental want to have a I m 17 and getting forbid) get something serious help would be graetly car is ...show more grades and I m accident get me by, you old in the U.K I have comp ins looking at getting the ill get paid after old male who is 900 for insurance. Tickets in my left testicle. else, don t bother, i m loan off as quick a cheap motorcycle insurance of her parents health young and not married details without my knowledge income life insurance and of my hospital bill? other suggestion. Thank You! where you live ect till present for different to get car insurance to qualify. I slightly theft, every other car commissions paid? If so for car with VA insurance is cheaper than of the night. I in Uk to drive one need for a through them. Any ideas work for goods and live in massachusetts and time. I m actually in to it? Of course .
How can you negotiate have full coverage I to know whether i Invisalign, doesn t have to where is cheapest place know were i can will need to be i can save money my life insurance to cheapest car insurance company want to apply for a 50cc (49cc) scooter but what the typical not), that you can pay 1000 and then insurance for a 16 collegeville. I live with driving since I was even for a 1.0 nearly all insurances churchull, some to me :) report the accident and cure is the cheapest is the cheapest insurance Insurance wise must be out there. I know history with proven results. Looking for the least What is the cheapest curious... If insurance companies description (that s not to New Vehicle in New driving soon and wanted good advice and tips want to insure this the cheapest car insurance I expect my car am 18 years old, than i will be raise or it will too much for me .
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I have been look months :O does anyone sold the United States. I am currently a Washington. Any good, affordable car so new to passenger front tire fell do you spend monthly works i want to names of reasonable and a property that have Oregon to Cancun Mexico be like. I have today and has his the previous one. The i want to have her and she said it a good idea something more realistic. I prices to married couples. lose that by declaring a free auto insurance then start charging your I don t have health answers! they REALLY help! was a rental truck term life insurance calculator, person can file ? that mean I can american political system of much of a % anyone suggest a company have a claim still to take defensive driving it helps but my they ask for down something I can actually got a speeding ticket..i Please help! I need name on his insurance? get a hold of .
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additionallysad · 6 years
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Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) https://ift.tt/2PrVYOI
As is the tradition, I’m a little late with this. Ha! But here it is! (I’m also late with my actual gift buying, so I better get cracking). We like to put all of our gift guides in one place, so below you’ll find the one we made for grown-ups, another one for kids, and (my personal favorite) one full of stuff that’s under $15. 
Gifts For Grown-Ups
Here’s what we’re loving, either firsthand stuff we bought for ourselves and have really enjoyed – or things we’re getting for friends & family (or hoping to find under the tree). 
1 / Adulting Award Ribbons (4/$25): It would be so much fun to have an “award ceremony” at a family gathering, complete with victory laps & acceptance speeches.
2 / Black Robe with Pockets ($78-98): I bought this robe to wear around the house & I’m OBSESSED. So soft, there’s a tie inside so it doesn’t flap open, and IT HAS POCKETS! I’m living my best life. 
3 / Personalized Address Stamper ($28): Always love a personalized gift that makes things easier for people. No more writing out return addresses & they’ll think of you every time they use it. 
4 / Customized Road Trip Ornament ($25): Another sweet personalized ornament that you can give to someone who went on an epic trip (also works for someone who moved). 
5 / Zodiac Sign Constellation Necklace ($28+): I can’t get over how dainty and pretty these are. All you need to know is someone’s birthday and it feels totally unusual and sweet. 
6 / Ugg Slippers ($63-104): I bought these & can’t get over how much I love them. Incredibly soft & well made – plus you can buy $15 inserts to keep them fluffy forever (I’ve heard from people who’ve had ’em 8 years!). 
7 / Cheeky Mug ($18): A hilarious mug filled with candy, hot cocoa mix, or an adult beverage is always fun. Plus pants are super overrated.  
8 / Cozy Plaid Pillow Covers ($20 w/ code CHEER): Love that these are colorful & interesting enough not to feel basic, but they’d work with practically any sofa, armchair, or bed. 
9 / Faux Leather Tote with Matching Pouch ($49): I’m so into this cool metallic finish & that it’s two bags in one. Also comes in black, cognac, and a cool blue-gray. 
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10 / Men’s Puffer Vest ($30): John loves this vest he got for himself this year and we even found a matching long-sleeve jacket ($14 today!) for our son. Fun fact: when they wear ’em together my heart explodes. 
11 / Wood Apple Watch Charging Stand ($42): When I asked John what he thought I should add to this gift guide, this is the first thing he sent me. Think it’s a hint? 
12 / Dainty Name Ring ($22 – 30% off today): Yet another totally personalized gift idea, and it comes in rose gold, white gold, sterling silver, etc. 
13 / Personalized Leather Keychain ($19): These stamped leather keychains come in tons of colors, and you can put someone’s nickname or even a place on it (like “Pink House” or “Smith Manor”)
14 / Bucket Tool Organizer ($29): Such a great gift for anyone with a home, pretty much. Suddenly you can carry 20 tools that would take 10 trips. 
15 / Wubby Fleece Pullover ($50 – 35% off today): I don’t think I need to explain why this cozy fleece pullover would be everyone’s favorite, but I’ll just say this: it’s like wearing a cloud (with pockets!). 
16 / Faux Leather Circle Clutch ($28): This is one of those items in your closet that pulls together tons of outfits and looks pricier than it is. That wood ring! Real leather! I’m smitten.
17 / Pocket Bluetooth Speaker ($20): I’d love a bluetooth speaker like this on the bathroom sink for blasting hiphop while I shower (comes in blue & gray). 
18 / Coffee Table Dominoes Game ($21 – 40% off w/ code CHEER): These are so beautiful and actually functional! I’d put ’em in a pretty wood bowl on the coffee table for impromptu games. 
Gifts For Kids
Once again we put things we actually own and love in here, along with stuff we’re buying our kids this year, or considering for other little cousins & friends. 
1 / Sailing Ship Kit ($42): Words can’t express how much fun this would be to hang in kid’s room – and it’s an actual kite, so it can come down and fly.
2 / Personalized Crayon Set ($13): It’s so much fun to open a box and see your name in crayons – especially if you have a name that isn’t always found on those premade signs and keychains! 
3 / Coloring Book Dress ($38): Who doesn’t want to color all over a coloring book dress and make it completely your own?! LOVE this!
4 / Instant Camera ($56): Such a fun way to get kids into photography, and see the world through their eyes! 
5 / DIY Ukelele Kit ($39): Our daughter’s actually learning the ukelele in school (no more recorder concerts! They switched!!!). She’d LOVE THIS. 
6 / Classic Lego Set ($28): Our kids have only ever had John’s hand-me-down Lego blocks from his childhood, so we love that they now sell these huge basic block sets (without the price markup for licensed characters!) 
7 / Ada Twist, Scientist ($15): We’ve already got Iggy Peck, Architect in our library and it’s GREAT. Next I want this one. 
8 / My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook ($14): We bought this book and our daughter filled it up with the coolest sketches & inventions – so great for imaginations & I’m keeping it forever. 
9 / Wreck This Journal ($12): We recently found a YouTuber who documented her entries in this interactive (and destructive!) journal. It’s full of fun prompts and such a cool concept. 
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10 / Wooden Cash Register ($31): Pretend play is big at our house, so a cash register is one of those things that would get so much use. Love that it’s wood and has a scanner & a credit card you can slide. 
11 / Unicorn Robe ($30): My robe lovin’ self has rubbed off on our daughter and she’s asked for a robe for herself! I LOVE IT. 
12 / Dragon Slippers ($21): Not to be outdone in coziness, our son has dinosaur slippers that he wears nonstop. So as weird as it sounds, fun plush slippers can make a great gift! 
13 / Felt Donut Play Food ($9): So cute and under $10! Everyone loves a donut… and you’d be amazed how many of these their stuffed animals will “eat” ;)
14 / Bear Body Pillow ($15): A big cuddly pillow that doubles as an animal friend is always a good idea. 
15 / Unstable Unicorns Game ($20): This game says 14+ on box, but reviewers say 8 year olds enjoy it, so we think it’s a great option for our Exploding Kittens-loving 3rd grader.
16 / Metro Wooden Blocks ($90 now – it used to be $150!): Ok, this is just about the coolest block set I’ve ever seen! And I love that it’s 40% off right now. 
17 / Custom Kid’s Letter Jacket ($26): How cute is this custom kids letter jacket?! Ours love anything with their names on them – and a jacket is so useful along with being fun. 
18 / Girls’ Charm Bracelet Set ($5):  Nostalgia forever!!! Our daughter has and loves her charm bracelet. And at $5 this one isn’t too precious.
Gifts Under $15
Here’s my favorite list to make each year, just because I’m always amazed at how many budget-friendly things are out there that’ll make so many people smile BIG. 
1 / Hex Tile Monogram Mug ($10): These are basically the beach house master bathroom in mug form! Fill ’em with candy or cocoa mix & marshmallows and they’re great gifts!
2 / Lumps of Coal Dog Treats ($5.50): Can’t forget our favorite four-leggers and these dog treats shaped like lumps of coal made me snicker. 
3 / Gold Palm Picture Frame ($10.49): Giving someone you love a personal photo (of their kids, you guys together, etc) in a lovely frame is always a hit. I’m also loving this scalloped bone frame ($10.49). 
4 / Plaid Frame Ornaments ($3.99!!!): Such a great grandparent gift with a photo of you or your kids or even some art they’ve drawn. We give them to both of our parents every year. 
5 / Mini Kitchen Tool Ornaments ($12.99): So cute for the chef or the baker in your life! The little wisk kills me. 
6 / Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix ($9): These make such great neighbor gifts. Just wrap a ribbon around the lid and you’re done!
7 / Beard Oil ($14.99): John’s a die-hard beard oil enthusiast. So if you know and love someone with a beard, give ’em some and watch their face light up with joy. 
8 / Pink Resin Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I love the cool shape of these & they come in other colors (also love the white & the tortoise ones!)
9 / Question-A-Day Five Year Journal ($11.55): If you wish you journaled more, this makes it easy and shows you how much can change over 5 years. It’s lots of fun to go back and read it. 
10 / Faux Leather Crossbody Bag ($12 – down from $25): I have a camel colored crossbody bag this size and it’s still going strong! Goes with everything and I love the little latch hardware on this one. 
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11 / Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie ($9 down from $22): I love a little knitted winter hat with a pompom (surprise I have one just like this in black). 
12 / Sprinkle Ice Cream Cups (4 for $4.97!!!!): I love gifts that you pair with something fun – so these cups all nested with a little container of sprinkles inside would be so sweet. And you can’t beat the price!
13 / Rainbow Catnip Seed Bombs ($14.95): I love the idea of planting these outside (or inside in a pot) to show your cat a good time. They also sell sets to grow wildflowers or herbs which also make good gifts.
14 / Nesting Heart Tray Trio (3 for $4.99!!!): Such a sweet gift for someone to put near the kitchen or bathroom sink for their rings. They also work for tea bags if you serve tea a lot.
15 / What Do You Meme? Expansion Packs ($12.99): We have and love the original game ($29.99), so we’ve been considering adding packs like this Housewives themed one ($12.99) or this Mean Girls version ($12.99).
16 / Plaid Pet Leash ($10.49): Another gift for a four legged friend in your life, and I love the design of this one. Fancy pup. 
17 / Slim Wallet ($12.99): John bought this a few months ago and LOVES it. Keeps his pockets from getting too bulky, and it’s incredibly well reviewed. 
18 / Ugg Sheepskin Shoe Inserts ($14.95): I mentioned these when I linked to my Ugg slippers, but even if you don’t have them… YOU CAN PUT THESE IN ANY SHOES TO MAKE ‘EM COZY! Rain boots. Flat old slippers. Winter boots. Etc. It’s a lifehack for real. 
19 / Pocket Notebook (2 for $10): I love pretty little notebooks! Always useful for keeping in your purse or the car or by the bed. 
20 / Gold Turtle Paperclip Holder ($14.99): So I have this thing with animal desk accessories…
21 / Tortoise Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I ADORE these so much I’m about to put them in my cart so they don’t sell out. Treat yo self!
And since there are some pretty great sales going on right now, here’s what I’ve found so far:
Pottery Barn – 25% off sitewide & free shipping – use the code JINGLE here
Crate & Barrel – Up to 70% off here
West Elm – 20% off furniture, 25% off rugs, and 20-50% off bedding, see it all here
CB2 – Up to 40% off furniture and holiday decor here
Target – Today only, 30% off home here
Urban Outfitters – Up to 50% off gift items here
Anthropologie – Up to 50% off ready-to-ship furniture here
Overstock – Up to 70% off & free shipping here
Rejuvenation – 20% off your order & free shipping here
World Market – Save an extra 30% with code REWARDFORYOU  here
Serena & Lily – Up to 30% off here
Old Navy – Gifts from $4 and up to 60% the entire store here
Banana Republic – 40% off your purchase here
Gap – 40% off your purchase with the code WINTERFUN here
J Crew – 50% off your entire purchase with code MONDAY here
Psst – To see last year’s lists, a lot of which is still linked and for sale, click here
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) appeared first on Young House Love.
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vincentbnaughton · 6 years
As is the tradition, I’m a little late with this. Ha! But here it is! (I’m also late with my actual gift buying, so I better get cracking). We like to put all of our gift guides in one place, so below you’ll find the one we made for grown-ups, another one for kids, and (my personal favorite) one full of stuff that’s under $15. 
Gifts For Grown-Ups
Here’s what we’re loving, either firsthand stuff we bought for ourselves and have really enjoyed – or things we’re getting for friends & family (or hoping to find under the tree). 
1 / Adulting Award Ribbons (4/$25): It would be so much fun to have an “award ceremony” at a family gathering, complete with victory laps & acceptance speeches.
2 / Black Robe with Pockets ($78-98): I bought this robe to wear around the house & I’m OBSESSED. So soft, there’s a tie inside so it doesn’t flap open, and IT HAS POCKETS! I’m living my best life. 
3 / Personalized Address Stamper ($28): Always love a personalized gift that makes things easier for people. No more writing out return addresses & they’ll think of you every time they use it. 
4 / Customized Road Trip Ornament ($25): Another sweet personalized ornament that you can give to someone who went on an epic trip (also works for someone who moved). 
5 / Zodiac Sign Constellation Necklace ($28+): I can’t get over how dainty and pretty these are. All you need to know is someone’s birthday and it feels totally unusual and sweet. 
6 / Ugg Slippers ($63-104): I bought these & can’t get over how much I love them. Incredibly soft & well made – plus you can buy $15 inserts to keep them fluffy forever (I’ve heard from people who’ve had ’em 8 years!). 
7 / Cheeky Mug ($18): A hilarious mug filled with candy, hot cocoa mix, or an adult beverage is always fun. Plus pants are super overrated.  
8 / Cozy Plaid Pillow Covers ($20 w/ code CHEER): Love that these are colorful & interesting enough not to feel basic, but they’d work with practically any sofa, armchair, or bed. 
9 / Faux Leather Tote with Matching Pouch ($49): I’m so into this cool metallic finish & that it’s two bags in one. Also comes in black, cognac, and a cool blue-gray. 
10 / Men’s Puffer Vest ($30): John loves this vest he got for himself this year and we even found a matching long-sleeve jacket ($14 today!) for our son. Fun fact: when they wear ’em together my heart explodes. 
11 / Wood Apple Watch Charging Stand ($42): When I asked John what he thought I should add to this gift guide, this is the first thing he sent me. Think it’s a hint? 
12 / Dainty Name Ring ($22 – 30% off today): Yet another totally personalized gift idea, and it comes in rose gold, white gold, sterling silver, etc. 
13 / Personalized Leather Keychain ($19): These stamped leather keychains come in tons of colors, and you can put someone’s nickname or even a place on it (like “Pink House” or “Smith Manor”)
14 / Bucket Tool Organizer ($29): Such a great gift for anyone with a home, pretty much. Suddenly you can carry 20 tools that would take 10 trips. 
15 / Wubby Fleece Pullover ($50 – 35% off today): I don’t think I need to explain why this cozy fleece pullover would be everyone’s favorite, but I’ll just say this: it’s like wearing a cloud (with pockets!). 
16 / Faux Leather Circle Clutch ($28): This is one of those items in your closet that pulls together tons of outfits and looks pricier than it is. That wood ring! Real leather! I’m smitten.
17 / Pocket Bluetooth Speaker ($20): I’d love a bluetooth speaker like this on the bathroom sink for blasting hiphop while I shower (comes in blue & gray). 
18 / Coffee Table Dominoes Game ($21 – 40% off w/ code CHEER): These are so beautiful and actually functional! I’d put ’em in a pretty wood bowl on the coffee table for impromptu games. 
Gifts For Kids
Once again we put things we actually own and love in here, along with stuff we’re buying our kids this year, or considering for other little cousins & friends. 
1 / Sailing Ship Kit ($42): Words can’t express how much fun this would be to hang in kid’s room – and it’s an actual kite, so it can come down and fly.
2 / Personalized Crayon Set ($13): It’s so much fun to open a box and see your name in crayons – especially if you have a name that isn’t always found on those premade signs and keychains! 
3 / Coloring Book Dress ($38): Who doesn’t want to color all over a coloring book dress and make it completely your own?! LOVE this!
4 / Instant Camera ($56): Such a fun way to get kids into photography, and see the world through their eyes! 
5 / DIY Ukelele Kit ($39): Our daughter’s actually learning the ukelele in school (no more recorder concerts! They switched!!!). She’d LOVE THIS. 
6 / Classic Lego Set ($28): Our kids have only ever had John’s hand-me-down Lego blocks from his childhood, so we love that they now sell these huge basic block sets (without the price markup for licensed characters!) 
7 / Ada Twist, Scientist ($15): We’ve already got Iggy Peck, Architect in our library and it’s GREAT. Next I want this one. 
8 / My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook ($14): We bought this book and our daughter filled it up with the coolest sketches & inventions – so great for imaginations & I’m keeping it forever. 
9 / Wreck This Journal ($12): We recently found a YouTuber who documented her entries in this interactive (and destructive!) journal. It’s full of fun prompts and such a cool concept. 
10 / Wooden Cash Register ($31): Pretend play is big at our house, so a cash register is one of those things that would get so much use. Love that it’s wood and has a scanner & a credit card you can slide. 
11 / Unicorn Robe ($30): My robe lovin’ self has rubbed off on our daughter and she’s asked for a robe for herself! I LOVE IT. 
12 / Dragon Slippers ($21): Not to be outdone in coziness, our son has dinosaur slippers that he wears nonstop. So as weird as it sounds, fun plush slippers can make a great gift! 
13 / Felt Donut Play Food ($9): So cute and under $10! Everyone loves a donut… and you’d be amazed how many of these their stuffed animals will “eat” ;)
14 / Bear Body Pillow ($15): A big cuddly pillow that doubles as an animal friend is always a good idea. 
15 / Unstable Unicorns Game ($20): This game says 14+ on box, but reviewers say 8 year olds enjoy it, so we think it’s a great option for our Exploding Kittens-loving 3rd grader.
16 / Metro Wooden Blocks ($90 now – it used to be $150!): Ok, this is just about the coolest block set I’ve ever seen! And I love that it’s 40% off right now. 
17 / Custom Kid’s Letter Jacket ($26): How cute is this custom kids letter jacket?! Ours love anything with their names on them – and a jacket is so useful along with being fun. 
18 / Girls’ Charm Bracelet Set ($5):  Nostalgia forever!!! Our daughter has and loves her charm bracelet. And at $5 this one isn’t too precious.
Gifts Under $15
Here’s my favorite list to make each year, just because I’m always amazed at how many budget-friendly things are out there that’ll make so many people smile BIG. 
1 / Hex Tile Monogram Mug ($10): These are basically the beach house master bathroom in mug form! Fill ’em with candy or cocoa mix & marshmallows and they’re great gifts!
2 / Lumps of Coal Dog Treats ($5.50): Can’t forget our favorite four-leggers and these dog treats shaped like lumps of coal made me snicker. 
3 / Gold Palm Picture Frame ($10.49): Giving someone you love a personal photo (of their kids, you guys together, etc) in a lovely frame is always a hit. I’m also loving this scalloped bone frame ($10.49). 
4 / Plaid Frame Ornaments ($3.99!!!): Such a great grandparent gift with a photo of you or your kids or even some art they’ve drawn. We give them to both of our parents every year. 
5 / Mini Kitchen Tool Ornaments ($12.99): So cute for the chef or the baker in your life! The little wisk kills me. 
6 / Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix ($9): These make such great neighbor gifts. Just wrap a ribbon around the lid and you’re done!
7 / Beard Oil ($14.99): John’s a die-hard beard oil enthusiast. So if you know and love someone with a beard, give ’em some and watch their face light up with joy. 
8 / Pink Resin Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I love the cool shape of these & they come in other colors (also love the white & the tortoise ones!)
9 / Question-A-Day Five Year Journal ($11.55): If you wish you journaled more, this makes it easy and shows you how much can change over 5 years. It’s lots of fun to go back and read it. 
10 / Faux Leather Crossbody Bag ($12 – down from $25): I have a camel colored crossbody bag this size and it’s still going strong! Goes with everything and I love the little latch hardware on this one. 
11 / Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie ($9 down from $22): I love a little knitted winter hat with a pompom (surprise I have one just like this in black). 
12 / Sprinkle Ice Cream Cups (4 for $4.97!!!!): I love gifts that you pair with something fun – so these cups all nested with a little container of sprinkles inside would be so sweet. And you can’t beat the price!
13 / Rainbow Catnip Seed Bombs ($14.95): I love the idea of planting these outside (or inside in a pot) to show your cat a good time. They also sell sets to grow wildflowers or herbs which also make good gifts.
14 / Nesting Heart Tray Trio (3 for $4.99!!!): Such a sweet gift for someone to put near the kitchen or bathroom sink for their rings. They also work for tea bags if you serve tea a lot.
15 / What Do You Meme? Expansion Packs ($12.99): We have and love the original game ($29.99), so we’ve been considering adding packs like this Housewives themed one ($12.99) or this Mean Girls version ($12.99).
16 / Plaid Pet Leash ($10.49): Another gift for a four legged friend in your life, and I love the design of this one. Fancy pup. 
17 / Slim Wallet ($12.99): John bought this a few months ago and LOVES it. Keeps his pockets from getting too bulky, and it’s incredibly well reviewed. 
18 / Ugg Sheepskin Shoe Inserts ($14.95): I mentioned these when I linked to my Ugg slippers, but even if you don’t have them… YOU CAN PUT THESE IN ANY SHOES TO MAKE ‘EM COZY! Rain boots. Flat old slippers. Winter boots. Etc. It’s a lifehack for real. 
19 / Pocket Notebook (2 for $10): I love pretty little notebooks! Always useful for keeping in your purse or the car or by the bed. 
20 / Gold Turtle Paperclip Holder ($14.99): So I have this thing with animal desk accessories…
21 / Tortoise Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I ADORE these so much I’m about to put them in my cart so they don’t sell out. Treat yo self!
And since there are some pretty great sales going on right now, here’s what I’ve found so far:
Pottery Barn – 25% off sitewide & free shipping – use the code JINGLE here
Crate & Barrel – Up to 70% off here
West Elm – 20% off furniture, 25% off rugs, and 20-50% off bedding, see it all here
CB2 – Up to 40% off furniture and holiday decor here
Target – Today only, 30% off home here
Urban Outfitters – Up to 50% off gift items here
Anthropologie – Up to 50% off ready-to-ship furniture here
Overstock – Up to 70% off & free shipping here
Rejuvenation – 20% off your order & free shipping here
World Market – Save an extra 30% with code REWARDFORYOU  here
Serena & Lily – Up to 30% off here
Old Navy – Gifts from $4 and up to 60% the entire store here
Banana Republic – 40% off your purchase here
Gap – 40% off your purchase with the code WINTERFUN here
J Crew – 50% off your entire purchase with code MONDAY here
Psst – To see last year’s lists, a lot of which is still linked and for sale, click here
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDES FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST (WITH STUFF UNDER $20 – AND EVEN $5!) appeared first on Young House Love.
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statusreview · 6 years
Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!)
As is the tradition, I’m a little late with this. Ha! But here it is! (I’m also late with my actual gift buying, so I better get cracking). We like to put all of our gift guides in one place, so below you’ll find the one we made for grown-ups, another one for kids, and (my personal favorite) one full of stuff that’s under $15. 
Gifts For Grown-Ups
Here’s what we’re loving, either firsthand stuff we bought for ourselves and have really enjoyed – or things we’re getting for friends & family (or hoping to find under the tree). 
1 / Adulting Award Ribbons (4/$25): It would be so much fun to have an “award ceremony” at a family gathering, complete with victory laps & acceptance speeches.
2 / Black Robe with Pockets ($78-98): I bought this robe to wear around the house & I’m OBSESSED. So soft, there’s a tie inside so it doesn’t flap open, and IT HAS POCKETS! I’m living my best life. 
3 / Personalized Address Stamper ($28): Always love a personalized gift that makes things easier for people. No more writing out return addresses & they’ll think of you every time they use it. 
4 / Customized Road Trip Ornament ($25): Another sweet personalized ornament that you can give to someone who went on an epic trip (also works for someone who moved). 
5 / Zodiac Sign Constellation Necklace ($28+): I can’t get over how dainty and pretty these are. All you need to know is someone’s birthday and it feels totally unusual and sweet. 
6 / Ugg Slippers ($63-104): I bought these & can’t get over how much I love them. Incredibly soft & well made – plus you can buy $15 inserts to keep them fluffy forever (I’ve heard from people who’ve had ’em 8 years!). 
7 / Cheeky Mug ($18): A hilarious mug filled with candy, hot cocoa mix, or an adult beverage is always fun. Plus pants are super overrated.  
8 / Cozy Plaid Pillow Covers ($20 w/ code CHEER): Love that these are colorful & interesting enough not to feel basic, but they’d work with practically any sofa, armchair, or bed. 
9 / Faux Leather Tote with Matching Pouch ($49): I’m so into this cool metallic finish & that it’s two bags in one. Also comes in black, cognac, and a cool blue-gray. 
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10 / Men’s Puffer Vest ($30): John loves this vest he got for himself this year and we even found a matching long-sleeve jacket ($14 today!) for our son. Fun fact: when they wear ’em together my heart explodes. 
11 / Wood Apple Watch Charging Stand ($42): When I asked John what he thought I should add to this gift guide, this is the first thing he sent me. Think it’s a hint? 
12 / Dainty Name Ring ($22 – 30% off today): Yet another totally personalized gift idea, and it comes in rose gold, white gold, sterling silver, etc. 
13 / Personalized Leather Keychain ($19): These stamped leather keychains come in tons of colors, and you can put someone’s nickname or even a place on it (like “Pink House” or “Smith Manor”)
14 / Bucket Tool Organizer ($29): Such a great gift for anyone with a home, pretty much. Suddenly you can carry 20 tools that would take 10 trips. 
15 / Wubby Fleece Pullover ($50 – 35% off today): I don’t think I need to explain why this cozy fleece pullover would be everyone’s favorite, but I’ll just say this: it’s like wearing a cloud (with pockets!). 
16 / Faux Leather Circle Clutch ($28): This is one of those items in your closet that pulls together tons of outfits and looks pricier than it is. That wood ring! Real leather! I’m smitten.
17 / Pocket Bluetooth Speaker ($20): I’d love a bluetooth speaker like this on the bathroom sink for blasting hiphop while I shower (comes in blue & gray). 
18 / Coffee Table Dominoes Game ($21 – 40% off w/ code CHEER): These are so beautiful and actually functional! I’d put ’em in a pretty wood bowl on the coffee table for impromptu games. 
Gifts For Kids
Once again we put things we actually own and love in here, along with stuff we’re buying our kids this year, or considering for other little cousins & friends. 
1 / Sailing Ship Kit ($42): Words can’t express how much fun this would be to hang in kid’s room – and it’s an actual kite, so it can come down and fly.
2 / Personalized Crayon Set ($13): It’s so much fun to open a box and see your name in crayons – especially if you have a name that isn’t always found on those premade signs and keychains! 
3 / Coloring Book Dress ($38): Who doesn’t want to color all over a coloring book dress and make it completely your own?! LOVE this!
4 / Instant Camera ($56): Such a fun way to get kids into photography, and see the world through their eyes! 
5 / DIY Ukelele Kit ($39): Our daughter’s actually learning the ukelele in school (no more recorder concerts! They switched!!!). She’d LOVE THIS. 
6 / Classic Lego Set ($28): Our kids have only ever had John’s hand-me-down Lego blocks from his childhood, so we love that they now sell these huge basic block sets (without the price markup for licensed characters!) 
7 / Ada Twist, Scientist ($15): We’ve already got Iggy Peck, Architect in our library and it’s GREAT. Next I want this one. 
8 / My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook ($14): We bought this book and our daughter filled it up with the coolest sketches & inventions – so great for imaginations & I’m keeping it forever. 
9 / Wreck This Journal ($12): We recently found a YouTuber who documented her entries in this interactive (and destructive!) journal. It’s full of fun prompts and such a cool concept. 
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10 / Wooden Cash Register ($31): Pretend play is big at our house, so a cash register is one of those things that would get so much use. Love that it’s wood and has a scanner & a credit card you can slide. 
11 / Unicorn Robe ($30): My robe lovin’ self has rubbed off on our daughter and she’s asked for a robe for herself! I LOVE IT. 
12 / Dragon Slippers ($21): Not to be outdone in coziness, our son has dinosaur slippers that he wears nonstop. So as weird as it sounds, fun plush slippers can make a great gift! 
13 / Felt Donut Play Food ($9): So cute and under $10! Everyone loves a donut… and you’d be amazed how many of these their stuffed animals will “eat” ;)
14 / Bear Body Pillow ($15): A big cuddly pillow that doubles as an animal friend is always a good idea. 
15 / Unstable Unicorns Game ($20): This game says 14+ on box, but reviewers say 8 year olds enjoy it, so we think it’s a great option for our Exploding Kittens-loving 3rd grader.
16 / Metro Wooden Blocks ($90 now – it used to be $150!): Ok, this is just about the coolest block set I’ve ever seen! And I love that it’s 40% off right now. 
17 / Custom Kid’s Letter Jacket ($26): How cute is this custom kids letter jacket?! Ours love anything with their names on them – and a jacket is so useful along with being fun. 
18 / Girls’ Charm Bracelet Set ($5):  Nostalgia forever!!! Our daughter has and loves her charm bracelet. And at $5 this one isn’t too precious.
Gifts Under $15
Here’s my favorite list to make each year, just because I’m always amazed at how many budget-friendly things are out there that’ll make so many people smile BIG. 
1 / Hex Tile Monogram Mug ($10): These are basically the beach house master bathroom in mug form! Fill ’em with candy or cocoa mix & marshmallows and they’re great gifts!
2 / Lumps of Coal Dog Treats ($5.50): Can’t forget our favorite four-leggers and these dog treats shaped like lumps of coal made me snicker. 
3 / Gold Palm Picture Frame ($10.49): Giving someone you love a personal photo (of their kids, you guys together, etc) in a lovely frame is always a hit. I’m also loving this scalloped bone frame ($10.49). 
4 / Plaid Frame Ornaments ($3.99!!!): Such a great grandparent gift with a photo of you or your kids or even some art they’ve drawn. We give them to both of our parents every year. 
5 / Mini Kitchen Tool Ornaments ($12.99): So cute for the chef or the baker in your life! The little wisk kills me. 
6 / Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix ($9): These make such great neighbor gifts. Just wrap a ribbon around the lid and you’re done!
7 / Beard Oil ($14.99): John’s a die-hard beard oil enthusiast. So if you know and love someone with a beard, give ’em some and watch their face light up with joy. 
8 / Pink Resin Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I love the cool shape of these & they come in other colors (also love the white & the tortoise ones!)
9 / Question-A-Day Five Year Journal ($11.55): If you wish you journaled more, this makes it easy and shows you how much can change over 5 years. It’s lots of fun to go back and read it. 
10 / Faux Leather Crossbody Bag ($12 – down from $25): I have a camel colored crossbody bag this size and it’s still going strong! Goes with everything and I love the little latch hardware on this one. 
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11 / Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie ($9 down from $22): I love a little knitted winter hat with a pompom (surprise I have one just like this in black). 
12 / Sprinkle Ice Cream Cups (4 for $4.97!!!!): I love gifts that you pair with something fun – so these cups all nested with a little container of sprinkles inside would be so sweet. And you can’t beat the price!
13 / Rainbow Catnip Seed Bombs ($14.95): I love the idea of planting these outside (or inside in a pot) to show your cat a good time. They also sell sets to grow wildflowers or herbs which also make good gifts.
14 / Nesting Heart Tray Trio (3 for $4.99!!!): Such a sweet gift for someone to put near the kitchen or bathroom sink for their rings. They also work for tea bags if you serve tea a lot.
15 / What Do You Meme? Expansion Packs ($12.99): We have and love the original game ($29.99), so we’ve been considering adding packs like this Housewives themed one ($12.99) or this Mean Girls version ($12.99).
16 / Plaid Pet Leash ($10.49): Another gift for a four legged friend in your life, and I love the design of this one. Fancy pup. 
17 / Slim Wallet ($12.99): John bought this a few months ago and LOVES it. Keeps his pockets from getting too bulky, and it’s incredibly well reviewed. 
18 / Ugg Sheepskin Shoe Inserts ($14.95): I mentioned these when I linked to my Ugg slippers, but even if you don’t have them… YOU CAN PUT THESE IN ANY SHOES TO MAKE ‘EM COZY! Rain boots. Flat old slippers. Winter boots. Etc. It’s a lifehack for real. 
19 / Pocket Notebook (2 for $10): I love pretty little notebooks! Always useful for keeping in your purse or the car or by the bed. 
20 / Gold Turtle Paperclip Holder ($14.99): So I have this thing with animal desk accessories…
21 / Tortoise Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I ADORE these so much I’m about to put them in my cart so they don’t sell out. Treat yo self!
And since there are some pretty great sales going on right now, here’s what I’ve found so far:
Pottery Barn – 25% off sitewide & free shipping – use the code JINGLE here
Crate & Barrel – Up to 70% off here
West Elm – 20% off furniture, 25% off rugs, and 20-50% off bedding, see it all here
CB2 – Up to 40% off furniture and holiday decor here
Target – Today only, 30% off home here
Urban Outfitters – Up to 50% off gift items here
Anthropologie – Up to 50% off ready-to-ship furniture here
Overstock – Up to 70% off & free shipping here
Rejuvenation – 20% off your order & free shipping here
World Market – Save an extra 30% with code REWARDFORYOU  here
Serena & Lily – Up to 30% off here
Old Navy – Gifts from $4 and up to 60% the entire store here
Banana Republic – 40% off your purchase here
Gap – 40% off your purchase with the code WINTERFUN here
J Crew – 50% off your entire purchase with code MONDAY here
Psst – To see last year’s lists, a lot of which is still linked and for sale, click here
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) appeared first on Young House Love.
Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) published first on https://ssmattress.tumblr.com/
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vincentbnaughton · 6 years
As is the tradition, I’m a little late with this. Ha! But here it is! (I’m also late with my actual gift buying, so I better get cracking). We like to put all of our gift guides in one place, so below you’ll find the one we made for grown-ups, another one for kids, and (my personal favorite) one full of stuff that’s under $15. 
Gifts For Grown-Ups
Here’s what we’re loving, either firsthand stuff we bought for ourselves and have really enjoyed – or things we’re getting for friends & family (or hoping to find under the tree). 
1 / Adulting Award Ribbons (4/$25): It would be so much fun to have an “award ceremony” at a family gathering, complete with victory laps & acceptance speeches.
2 / Black Robe with Pockets ($78-98): I bought this robe to wear around the house & I’m OBSESSED. So soft, there’s a tie inside so it doesn’t flap open, and IT HAS POCKETS! I’m living my best life. 
3 / Personalized Address Stamper ($28): Always love a personalized gift that makes things easier for people. No more writing out return addresses & they’ll think of you every time they use it. 
4 / Customized Road Trip Ornament ($25): Another sweet personalized ornament that you can give to someone who went on an epic trip (also works for someone who moved). 
5 / Zodiac Sign Constellation Necklace ($28+): I can’t get over how dainty and pretty these are. All you need to know is someone’s birthday and it feels totally unusual and sweet. 
6 / Ugg Slippers ($63-104): I bought these & can’t get over how much I love them. Incredibly soft & well made – plus you can buy $15 inserts to keep them fluffy forever (I’ve heard from people who’ve had ’em 8 years!). 
7 / Cheeky Mug ($18): A hilarious mug filled with candy, hot cocoa mix, or an adult beverage is always fun. Plus pants are super overrated.  
8 / Cozy Plaid Pillow Covers ($20 w/ code CHEER): Love that these are colorful & interesting enough not to feel basic, but they’d work with practically any sofa, armchair, or bed. 
9 / Faux Leather Tote with Matching Pouch ($49): I’m so into this cool metallic finish & that it’s two bags in one. Also comes in black, cognac, and a cool blue-gray. 
10 / Men’s Puffer Vest ($30): John loves this vest he got for himself this year and we even found a matching long-sleeve jacket ($14 today!) for our son. Fun fact: when they wear ’em together my heart explodes. 
11 / Wood Apple Watch Charging Stand ($42): When I asked John what he thought I should add to this gift guide, this is the first thing he sent me. Think it’s a hint? 
12 / Dainty Name Ring ($22 – 30% off today): Yet another totally personalized gift idea, and it comes in rose gold, white gold, sterling silver, etc. 
13 / Personalized Leather Keychain ($19): These stamped leather keychains come in tons of colors, and you can put someone’s nickname or even a place on it (like “Pink House” or “Smith Manor”)
14 / Bucket Tool Organizer ($29): Such a great gift for anyone with a home, pretty much. Suddenly you can carry 20 tools that would take 10 trips. 
15 / Wubby Fleece Pullover ($50 – 35% off today): I don’t think I need to explain why this cozy fleece pullover would be everyone’s favorite, but I’ll just say this: it’s like wearing a cloud (with pockets!). 
16 / Faux Leather Circle Clutch ($28): This is one of those items in your closet that pulls together tons of outfits and looks pricier than it is. That wood ring! Real leather! I’m smitten.
17 / Pocket Bluetooth Speaker ($20): I’d love a bluetooth speaker like this on the bathroom sink for blasting hiphop while I shower (comes in blue & gray). 
18 / Coffee Table Dominoes Game ($21 – 40% off w/ code CHEER): These are so beautiful and actually functional! I’d put ’em in a pretty wood bowl on the coffee table for impromptu games. 
Gifts For Kids
Once again we put things we actually own and love in here, along with stuff we’re buying our kids this year, or considering for other little cousins & friends. 
1 / Sailing Ship Kit ($42): Words can’t express how much fun this would be to hang in kid’s room – and it’s an actual kite, so it can come down and fly.
2 / Personalized Crayon Set ($13): It’s so much fun to open a box and see your name in crayons – especially if you have a name that isn’t always found on those premade signs and keychains! 
3 / Coloring Book Dress ($38): Who doesn’t want to color all over a coloring book dress and make it completely your own?! LOVE this!
4 / Instant Camera ($56): Such a fun way to get kids into photography, and see the world through their eyes! 
5 / DIY Ukelele Kit ($39): Our daughter’s actually learning the ukelele in school (no more recorder concerts! They switched!!!). She’d LOVE THIS. 
6 / Classic Lego Set ($28): Our kids have only ever had John’s hand-me-down Lego blocks from his childhood, so we love that they now sell these huge basic block sets (without the price markup for licensed characters!) 
7 / Ada Twist, Scientist ($15): We’ve already got Iggy Peck, Architect in our library and it’s GREAT. Next I want this one. 
8 / My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook ($14): We bought this book and our daughter filled it up with the coolest sketches & inventions – so great for imaginations & I’m keeping it forever. 
9 / Wreck This Journal ($12): We recently found a YouTuber who documented her entries in this interactive (and destructive!) journal. It’s full of fun prompts and such a cool concept. 
10 / Wooden Cash Register ($31): Pretend play is big at our house, so a cash register is one of those things that would get so much use. Love that it’s wood and has a scanner & a credit card you can slide. 
11 / Unicorn Robe ($30): My robe lovin’ self has rubbed off on our daughter and she’s asked for a robe for herself! I LOVE IT. 
12 / Dragon Slippers ($21): Not to be outdone in coziness, our son has dinosaur slippers that he wears nonstop. So as weird as it sounds, fun plush slippers can make a great gift! 
13 / Felt Donut Play Food ($9): So cute and under $10! Everyone loves a donut… and you’d be amazed how many of these their stuffed animals will “eat” ;)
14 / Bear Body Pillow ($15): A big cuddly pillow that doubles as an animal friend is always a good idea. 
15 / Unstable Unicorns Game ($20): This game says 14+ on box, but reviewers say 8 year olds enjoy it, so we think it’s a great option for our Exploding Kittens-loving 3rd grader.
16 / Metro Wooden Blocks ($90 now – it used to be $150!): Ok, this is just about the coolest block set I’ve ever seen! And I love that it’s 40% off right now. 
17 / Custom Kid’s Letter Jacket ($26): How cute is this custom kids letter jacket?! Ours love anything with their names on them – and a jacket is so useful along with being fun. 
18 / Girls’ Charm Bracelet Set ($5):  Nostalgia forever!!! Our daughter has and loves her charm bracelet. And at $5 this one isn’t too precious.
Gifts Under $15
Here’s my favorite list to make each year, just because I’m always amazed at how many budget-friendly things are out there that’ll make so many people smile BIG. 
1 / Hex Tile Monogram Mug ($10): These are basically the beach house master bathroom in mug form! Fill ’em with candy or cocoa mix & marshmallows and they’re great gifts!
2 / Lumps of Coal Dog Treats ($5.50): Can’t forget our favorite four-leggers and these dog treats shaped like lumps of coal made me snicker. 
3 / Gold Palm Picture Frame ($10.49): Giving someone you love a personal photo (of their kids, you guys together, etc) in a lovely frame is always a hit. I’m also loving this scalloped bone frame ($10.49). 
4 / Plaid Frame Ornaments ($3.99!!!): Such a great grandparent gift with a photo of you or your kids or even some art they’ve drawn. We give them to both of our parents every year. 
5 / Mini Kitchen Tool Ornaments ($12.99): So cute for the chef or the baker in your life! The little wisk kills me. 
6 / Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix ($9): These make such great neighbor gifts. Just wrap a ribbon around the lid and you’re done!
7 / Beard Oil ($14.99): John’s a die-hard beard oil enthusiast. So if you know and love someone with a beard, give ’em some and watch their face light up with joy. 
8 / Pink Resin Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I love the cool shape of these & they come in other colors (also love the white & the tortoise ones!)
9 / Question-A-Day Five Year Journal ($11.55): If you wish you journaled more, this makes it easy and shows you how much can change over 5 years. It’s lots of fun to go back and read it. 
10 / Faux Leather Crossbody Bag ($12 – down from $25): I have a camel colored crossbody bag this size and it’s still going strong! Goes with everything and I love the little latch hardware on this one. 
11 / Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie ($9 down from $22): I love a little knitted winter hat with a pompom (surprise I have one just like this in black). 
12 / Sprinkle Ice Cream Cups (4 for $4.97!!!!): I love gifts that you pair with something fun – so these cups all nested with a little container of sprinkles inside would be so sweet. And you can’t beat the price!
13 / Rainbow Catnip Seed Bombs ($14.95): I love the idea of planting these outside (or inside in a pot) to show your cat a good time. They also sell sets to grow wildflowers or herbs which also make good gifts.
14 / Nesting Heart Tray Trio (3 for $4.99!!!): Such a sweet gift for someone to put near the kitchen or bathroom sink for their rings. They also work for tea bags if you serve tea a lot.
15 / What Do You Meme? Expansion Packs ($12.99): We have and love the original game ($29.99), so we’ve been considering adding packs like this Housewives themed one ($12.99) or this Mean Girls version ($12.99).
16 / Plaid Pet Leash ($10.49): Another gift for a four legged friend in your life, and I love the design of this one. Fancy pup. 
17 / Slim Wallet ($12.99): John bought this a few months ago and LOVES it. Keeps his pockets from getting too bulky, and it’s incredibly well reviewed. 
18 / Ugg Sheepskin Shoe Inserts ($14.95): I mentioned these when I linked to my Ugg slippers, but even if you don’t have them… YOU CAN PUT THESE IN ANY SHOES TO MAKE ‘EM COZY! Rain boots. Flat old slippers. Winter boots. Etc. It’s a lifehack for real. 
19 / Pocket Notebook (2 for $10): I love pretty little notebooks! Always useful for keeping in your purse or the car or by the bed. 
20 / Gold Turtle Paperclip Holder ($14.99): So I have this thing with animal desk accessories…
21 / Tortoise Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I ADORE these so much I’m about to put them in my cart so they don’t sell out. Treat yo self!
And since there are some pretty great sales going on right now, here’s what I’ve found so far:
Pottery Barn – 25% off sitewide & free shipping – use the code JINGLE here
Crate & Barrel – Up to 70% off here
West Elm – 20% off furniture, 25% off rugs, and 20-50% off bedding, see it all here
CB2 – Up to 40% off furniture and holiday decor here
Target – Today only, 30% off home here
Urban Outfitters – Up to 50% off gift items here
Anthropologie – Up to 50% off ready-to-ship furniture here
Overstock – Up to 70% off & free shipping here
Rejuvenation – 20% off your order & free shipping here
World Market – Save an extra 30% with code REWARDFORYOU  here
Serena & Lily – Up to 30% off here
Old Navy – Gifts from $4 and up to 60% the entire store here
Banana Republic – 40% off your purchase here
Gap – 40% off your purchase with the code WINTERFUN here
J Crew – 50% off your entire purchase with code MONDAY here
Psst – To see last year’s lists, a lot of which is still linked and for sale, click here
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDES FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST (WITH STUFF UNDER $20 – AND EVEN $5!) appeared first on Young House Love.
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