#1.2 Ideation and Creative Problem Solving
trolleycarts-blog · 6 years
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Feb 10, 2019 // notes and etc.:
This was the first day of this class so, introductions were held.
We had a paper activity that was literally, make something out of paper.
I made a “Chip Chop” during the activity, it was super lackluster but paper has never been my area of expertise. Here’s how it looked like though:
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My own thoughts:
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theartjar · 5 years
Ideation and Creative Problem Solving - Jounal - Week 9
April 10, 2019 - Wednesday
Presentation of Dream Activity
On this day, we presented our game concepts, almost all of our class works are about Zombie apocalypse or something horror. I heard about zombies, fallen angels, asylums. Some are common and some are unique. I guess almost all of us had creepy dreams once. One group also had a Japanese type of game concept where it is set in a high school, one girl likes the boy, but the boy has a girlfriend, the girl got jealous and tries to kill the boy and his girlfriend but they somehow met the asylum patients and tries to kill them all. I also liked the concept of a game where it explores different nightmares that would be interesting plot and gameplay wise. After the presentation of the game concepts, another activity was presented regarding social media, where they used an approach using the “thinking hats” I wasn’t able to know and be part of the group because I was absent on the day it was taught (April 7, 2019 – Sunday) All I remember that this is the use of the thinking hats:
Thinking hats
-        About 6 thinking hats
-        Blue – states the problem
-        White – present the known facts
-        Green – generating ideas as solutions
-        Yellow – stating the benefits
-        Black – identifying drawbacks
-        Red – judge gut feelings on possible choices
-        Blue – summarize current progress and future tasks
One group presented using the thinking hats on twitter. I think this approach is organized and it can give a detailed work when used.
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iacpsbsubrynne · 6 years
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Ideation And Creative Problem Solving. Blog #1: Week 4
/Paroday and Pastiche/
March 3,
On our fourth week of  Ideation And Creative Problem Solving, Ms. Arshiya lectured us about Parody and Pastiche. I have some examples of parody and pastiche above. Parody is an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect. So I did my parody to one of my classmates. I took a picture of him and compared him to a paint brushes. Pastiche is an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period. So I took a picture of New York city and an effect of Kaleidoscope and transformed it into one picture.
To Be Continued.
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cronaus-blog · 6 years
Blog Post
1.0  Introduction
After receiving mixed reviews, this designer has been tasked with justifying the work put forth.
 1.1 In Defence
Upon the release of the designs, it had many in favour of their originality and many against it. Be that as it may, some clarity is needed. The vision explained.
When IBI approached our firm, they made it clear that their logo was not to be altered in any form lest it be what they themselves have provided. While to some, that aesthetic can be limiting, we saw in it, an opportunity to show how versatile, like the brand, that the logo truly is and how we can get everyone talking about the ‘Elevation’ series. And here we are.  
IBI as a company strives for luxury, as a luxury product company, they have certain expectations that are to be met. Luxury in this industry has often been synonymous with wealth and status. And that has remained unchanged. Until now.
During the development of this campaign, we looked carefully at what has come before, what luxury translates from it and how do we, dare I say elevate the product beyond that? By taking a different approach.
Our client gave us a challenge. A challenge to the old ways, a challenge to the established order. They have something to say. And, so do we.
                        1.2 Design
The first design (above) comes from an older perspective. The wood finish of this design is derived from the classical idea of wine being stored in wooden barrels, but with a modern take on it. If one were to pull upward on the red tab of the wooden cover, it slides up, revealing the champagne within. All the designs have so far maintained the motif of the falling branches.
In truth, it is the remnants of the old ways falling far down as we (represented as the wise owl) rises out of the brush, elevating itself to bigger and better things.
In design thinking, exists a solution-based method where five doctrines speak to creativity and finding some measure of resolve; Empathise (Personal understanding of the problem you are trying to solve), Define (Outline what are the challenges), Ideate (Generate new ideas/concepts), Prototype (Experiment with them), Test (Come up with a solution using all the gathered information.), (R.Dam & T.Siang, 2018).
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 2.0 Customer Experience
As mentioned above, it was during these stages we got to define the concept, generate ideas, experiment and understood what our client wanted, we just had to come up with an idea of what it would all look like. Photoshop allowed us to mold the shapes we wanted and the packaging that would sit best with the concept we were trying to have the public engage with.
Sometimes the public does not know what they really want. (David Kelley, 2017) makes this point when talking about the customer. Our job as designers is to make decisions based on what a potential future customer would buy.
3.0 Technical
Through the use of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, we were able to apply these principles and arrived at the idea of the abandoning how a luxury brand should look and bringing a new understanding to the term. Each bottle is designed different enough to stand out, yet still retain some level of a mystery. Creative use of image manipulation techniques made use of the clone stamp, healing brush tool and blending options and gradients, crafting the unique packaging and radically different array of bottles and the drinks contained within that is available to the customer.
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Above: Before and after using Photoshop to remove the label, crown branding in the glass and markings on the cover.
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  4.0 Concept
Traditionally, as stated prior, luxury denotes a certain mindset, one that we challenged and by extension, Elevation does too. The slogan “Elevate yourself” invites consumers to do better, be better and to get there, Elevation is the way. Using the iconography of the owl and its almost universal connotation of being ‘wise’, the red tag at the same time promotes this other underlying theme. Boldly standing out and allowing the consumer when they walk past to ask themselves… have I made the wise choice? Why run with everyone else when you can break away from the pack and have others take flight and follow you? Eventually, Elevation will become their only choice. This is the new thinking behind Elevation: Effervescence Elevated. The non-standard design pops out for simply being itself. A new kind of Luxurious. Elevated. The ability to rise to the occasion and even above it. It is a wise choice to take flight and elevate the meaning of luxury. It is in this way the design avoids the cliché, by seeing what we have to work with and building sensibly from out of it with a simple approach of “noticing that the solution doesn’t arrive out of nowhere, but methodically out of sensible analysis of what is in front of you. “ (Dan Mayer, 2011)
5.0 Conclusion
The choice to go with vastly different designs for each bottle was borne out of a willingness to diversify and allow the consumer to see that the brand is beyond similar looking designs with interchangeable flavours and parts. The familiar logo across the varying bottle designs will of course remain to establish brand awareness. Each of the three products stand on their own. Running concurrently with this the red corner tab, which, if given time to flourish, can become just as synonymous with the brand and lends to many ideas within advertising. To be elevated means that there is no box, rather, you float unconstrained by its limitations.
Design wise, there will always be room for interpretation and we are open to any suggestions to improve.
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(R.Dam  & T.Siang, 2018)-interactiondesignfoundation.org
D. Kelley –IDEO.org
D. Mayer-smashingmagazine,  2011. Exploring the Design Process,: Cliches and Idea Generation.
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trolleycarts-blog · 6 years
Feb 17, 2019 // notes.:
“Do schools kill creativity?” A TED talk by Ken Robinson.
My own thoughts:
This TED talk hit a lot of areas that I felt were something I used to think about in high school. I agree with alot of what Robinson has stated, in which the arts and any form of creativity is given less attention and is deemed a subject that will “take you nowhere.” Which I don’t at all think is right.
During our childhood’s we’d be better at self expression, we’d be more creative and experimental when it comes to arts and crafts. But as we grow and age, we stop being that, we start to get scared of making mistakes, thus limiting our capability to experiment with self expression because we’re so scared of doing something wrong and embarrassing ourselves.
Much to think about:
Everybody has an interest in education:
Especially children, they have the capacity for education.
they don’t worry about making mistakes.
eventually children grow up into adults who are in fact, afraid to make mistakes, limiting their artistic capabilities.
Schools often overlook the fact that creativity should be as important as mathematics and languages.
Creativity nowadays, is as important as literacy.
Intelligence is separated into 3:
Creative children are the future.
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theartjar · 5 years
Ideation and Creative Problem Solving - Journal - Week 8, Day 2
April 4, 2019 - Wednesday
Changed Schedule
Dream Activity (Game Concept)
Today is the day for the dream exercise given to us last class. I thought about my dream hard and I was able to remember this one creepy dream I had, where I was inside the toilet and was peeing when suddenly a man wearing a demon like mask break through the wall and holds a hook in each hand that is chained together and threw the hook to one of the people inside the bathroom and killed the person. The masked man then looks at me and did the same thing, but I was able to avoid the hook and run, that dream lasted for a while, where I did some parkour stunts to get away from him and using the environment to hide and escape until it reached the point of our fight which I didn’t know who won because I woke up. For this activity I am partnered with Trisha, she had a dream where her mom was possessed by a demon that tries to kill her and she is trying to escape. After sharing our dreams, we thought that both our dreams compliment each other and that we can combine it together for our game concept. What we did was, we combined the man wearing a demon-like mask and the demon possessed, to turn it into a demon possessed man wearing a demon like mask. We also took some inspirations from Resident Evil where it can be a Co-Op game or the stories of the Protagonists intertwine and sometimes would meet in one mission. Trisha drew exactly what the man wearing a demon-like mask looks like! I was amazed because all I did was describe it and she was able to draw the man from my dream.
Here is the details regarding our game concept. Title: Bewitched
Genre: 3rd Person, Action-Horror
1 Demon Antagonist
1.      Mephisto – Demon Possessed Man
2 Protagonists
1.      Paine – Strong, independent, paranormal investigator
2.      Vyn – Shy, reluctant, average
1.      Environment based – using the environment as a means of fighting or escaping
2.      Puzzles
3.      Co-Op
4.      3rd Person
-        Venue: Abandoned Gas Station
-        Vyn was travelling and is in need to use the toilet
-        He sees the abandoned gas station and decided to use the toilet
-        He uses the toilet and hears a mumbling sound
-        He looks for the source of the sounds
-        He sees a closed cubicle and opens it
-        Only to find out one victim that was sacrificed
-        Suddenly, the antagonist breaks through the wall and sees Vyn
-        And tries to catch Vyn
-        Vyn runs and while trying to escape meets Paine
-        Paine and Vyn escaped together
-        Paine introduces herself and tells Vyn what’s happening
-        Paine decides to carry on while Vyn decides to get out
-        Their Journey Starts
Character Profiles:
-        Strong
-        Paranormal Expert
-        Fighter
No one knows why a lady like Paine would take interest in finding paranormal activities and putting a stop to it. But one thing is for sure, she makes sure that once she started something, she will do everything she can to finish it. Do not be fooled by her appearance, she may not be as big as others, but she knows a hundred ways to make you scream in pain.
-        Average
-        Shy
-        Reluctant
“Unlucky” is the term most used for a guy like Vyn. He always stayed away from trouble and lives his life to not bring inconvenience to others, and yet trouble found him, a unique and dangerous one. He lived a life of seclusion, so no one knows about Vyn rather than that he is anti-social. Will he able to show his hidden talents, if his life is on the line?
Demon Possessed Man/Mephisto
-        ???
Details of unsolved cases report that there are lots of people that are killed by a man wearing a demon-like mask for human sacrifices, they are killed using various inhumane ways that are too many to begin with. Some say it’s a work of a psychopath, to some it’s a myth, and for those who are crazy enough to believe that this is real, it’s a paranormal activity. No one was able to collect information regarding the man that is wearing a demon mask, because everyone that took interest in finding out is now missing or seen dead. Is it really a myth? Or Is it real?
Paine, a lady in her 20’s is a paranormal investigator and a really good one. Despite her young age she has been through a lot and solved a lot of cases. Her amazing work on her cases made her respected by a lot especially her colleagues. Paine for years have been looking for clues regarding the paranormal activities surrounding the man wearing a demon-like mask killing random people to be used for human sacrifices. She has no success in finding clues that leads to where the man might be. Until one day, a police officer walks into her office and gives her all the clues she needed to track and investigate the paranormal activity. After studying all the information she gathered, she sets out to find the man wearing a demon-like mask and put a stop to it. She went to the place where the case files that the police officer gave her pointed out and immediately knew she is in the right place because she was welcomed by the fanatics of the man wearing a demon-like mask. After taking care of the fanatics, Paine suddenly bumped into Vyn, a man in his mid-20’s running for his life. Paine helps Vyn get to safety then asks what happened to him. Vyn tells Paine that he was only about to use the restroom of an abandoned gas station when he heard a eerie sound coming from one of the cubicle. He took care of his business and checks the cubicle where the noise is coming from, to his surprise, he saw a dead man that was killed recently and it looks like that the man has been sacrificed. Still in shock, suddenly a man wearing a demon-like mask holding two hooks that are connected through a chain breaks into the wall and tries to approach him. He woke up from the state of shock he was in and there is only one way that he could only think of, run. Paine then tells Vyn who she is and what is her purpose of going to such dangerous place. Vyn finds her crazy and ridiculous, all he wants to do is to get out of the crazy place as soon as possible. With both have different desires, Paine sets to proceed and investigate while Vyn is determined to leave. They separate ways and sets to find out the mysteries of the paranormal activities and the way out of the haunted place.
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theartjar · 5 years
Ideation and Creative Problem Solving - Journal - Week 8, Day 1
March 31, 2019
Creativity and the Unconscious
Today’s topic was all about the human brain and how does it work and it is used in creativity. According to Sigmund Freud, a popular Austrian psychologist’s model of the mind is separated into 3 tiers
1.      The conscious mind or ego – is in charge of rational and reasoning, thinking and intellectual
2.      The preconscious(subconscious) – More powerful than the conscious mind, the feelings and emotions comes from the subconscious.
3.      The unconscious mind – no awareness or control
We also learned about intuition and creative intuition, where intuition is the ability to obtain knowledge without the use of reason or facts and creative intuition is the ability to recognize creative ideas without conscious thought. We then are given an exercise, and here is what I’ve done:
1.      Choose a letter from the alphabet
2.      Write down a word the begins with that letter
3.      Write a list of words that are associated in your mind with the word you’ve chosen.
·        Fun
·        High
·        Fast
·        Ride
·        Exciting
·        Extreme
4.      Choose two words from the list from #3 and write a one-paragraph story connecting them to an event in your life.
 I will never forget the first time a rode an extreme ride, I consider it as one of the best moments in my life. I rarely go out to go to a carnival, but when I do I just walk around and then eat. But that time it was different, my brother and his wife (his girlfriend at that time) asked if we want to ride an extreme ride. I said I want to ride that scary ride called “2xtreme” all you have to do is to sit while the ride acts like a catapult but only rotates for 360 degrees, so it was high and fast! In the end, my brother and his wife didn’t join me because they got scared. I got to enjoy the fun and exciting ride on my own, when they asked me how was the ride, all I can say that it was fun!
 5.      Continue the story for another paragraph, but include elements of things learned about life from any field of knowledge (e.g. psychology, science, computing, etc.)
 Looking back, I am glad and I thank God that I was able to gain the strength to try it. I used to fear heights a lot and when I ride some rollercoasters when I was young I just freeze and close my eyes. I never get to enjoy the ride until I rode the “2xtreme” ride. I always hear this when I was younger that in order to conquer our fears is to face them, and that’s what I did! I faced my fears and I was able to conquer them. Ever since that moment, I learned to face all my fears and conquer them. I’m glad that I improved a lot.
 6.      Now write another paragraph including you own wisdom and thoughts.
 It is amazing how the things we used to fear are now the things that gives us happiness and enjoyment. That all it takes to accomplish something is to do it, even if it continues to scare or sometimes discourage you. Keep moving forward and face all those fears, it’s not about getting used to being scare and afraid, it’s all about that we have nothing to fear and there’s no need to. Nothing is impossible.
 7.      Add a non-sequitar (however foolish or goofy)
 Next time, maybe I can ride an extreme ride while standing and holding on to a thin support. But that’s just outrageous, no one will allow a ride that has no means of protection.
 8.      Now use what you’ve written in the preceding steps to write a poem, using any of the standard tools of poetry, metaphor, similie, rhyme, rhythm, symbolism, word play, irony, allusion, ambiguity. Etc
 I used to fear the high atmosphere,
I never tried and always hide,
Then one day, I’d said I’ll try
It opened my eyes for a great time.
After the activity, we then learned that the brain is the ultimate self-organizing system and creativity is one of its most important properties. Before the class ends we are given time to prepare and think of one dream we had to share it with a partner and attempt to design a game that could incorporate the features of both my dream and my partner’s dream. That will be done next class.
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theartjar · 5 years
Ideation and Creative Problem Solving - Journal - Week 7, Day 2
March 26, 2019
Presentation of Activity
In this day, we all just presented our works, I was able to hear some groups that also liked the gift ideas for them. I think all of us we’re able to empathize with our partners and we’re able to come up with a gift that will benefit them. Through out this activity I learned that, giving solutions for the need of others is as hard, or even harder than finding solutions to your personal needs. Because it requires you to understand their ways, to know why and how this is a problem for them that needs to be fixed. One concept of a good design is being able to understand the users and that the product caters to the users needs.
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theartjar · 5 years
Ideation and Creative Problem Solving - Journal - Week 7, Day 1
March 24, 2019
We weren’t able to finish the exercise last class so I took the opportunity to make some modifications regarding my earlier work at home. I also added more to the “Capture Findings” part and made a careful research regarding her answers that she gave me. I was able to find out that:
1.      She wants to be confident
2.      She wants to do what she loves
3.      She wants to express herself
4.      She wants to explore
5.      She wants to assert herself
For the insights part, I researched her MBTI personality type INFJ (https://www.16personalities.com/infj-personality )and included some personal observation. I also researched regarding her favorite color (purple - https://www.bourncreative.com/meaning-of-the-color-purple/) to find out more about her. As I read the details regarding her personality type and her favorite color, I found that most relates to her and that I was able to understand her a bit more, her actions and some reason behind it. I begin to be more careful of thinking of a gift to give her, because the gift must be able to answer her need and that it will help her a lot. The keyword that I have taken from all of it as one of her need that I’ll be focusing on is “assert”. For defining problem statement, “Zaira, needs a way to bring her “comfortable” side anywhere at any time to further assert herself. Because she feels the best when she expresses herself and gets confident and energized in doing so.” And with that I sketched this 5 things:
1.      Camera – because it is one item that she always wanted to have, and that will allow her to explore and capture moments wherever she goes.
2.      Sketch pad – so that she will just go away for a bit and express herself through art which is her strongest ability.
3.      E-books – whenever she is travelling or just sitting waiting for her turn, she can always read through her phone or tablet.
4.      Books – she likes studying, so just bringing a book that sparked her interest is a good idea wherever she goes. Going back old school is a good idea whenever she wants to save her batteries.
5.      Personalized bag – that has a space for her laptop, charger, powerback, sketch pad, camera, powerbank and has a soft pillow inside so that she can always hug it or take it out whenever she feels like it while reading. The bag will be small, just the exact size for all her needs. It is bringing her “comfortable space” anywhere.
Unfortunately, some of us are still not finished and we spent another day to finish the activity, because I was finished, I went and show it to my partner Zaira, and asked for her feedback. Thankfully, she loved all the gifts! I feel good knowing that I was able to think of gifts that my partner would like, because it shows hat I was able to understand her need and be able to come up with an idea of a gift that will greatly benefit her. I was very careful in asking questions, because the point of the interview is to understand her ways and see her needs. I do not want to be half-hearted, because in doing so I’m not going to empathize or connect with her. I realize that as you progress in design thinking, you become more careful in analyzing but you also becoming bold in your decisions. Because every idea and decision that will be made has a basis, an information to support. I still have a lot of things to improve that is for sure, but it is a great start to learn from it and get better.
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theartjar · 5 years
Ideation and Creative Problem Solving - Journal - Week 6, Day 2
March 19,2019
Design Thinking
The topic for this day was all about Design Thinking. It is a methodology that gives a solution-based approach to solving problems. Useful in handling complex problems by understanding the human needs involved, re-planning of the problem, forming many ideas through brain storming sessions, and by adapting hands-on approach in prototyping and testing. We learned that there are 5 Stages in Design Thinking Process:
1.      Emphatize – It is the understanding of the human needs involved
2.      Define – re-examining and defining the problem in humane possibilities.
3.      Ideate – Creating various thoughts or ideas in ideation sessions using ideation techniques
4.      Prototype – A hands-on approach in a built model
5.      Test – Testing the prototype, be able to develop a solution to the problem
We also learned that Design thinking is a non-linear process and that it could take long depends on how a project or a task progresses. Because design thinking is non-linear, the process could take a step further or take a step back depending on the progress of each stages. In the diagram, the process of design thinking is a detailed and it doesn’t stop until a solution is created. We are then introduced to David Kelly, the founder of a successful design firm named IDEO and also the founder of the D.School at Stanford University. We were given a link to his TED talk regarding Creative Confidence that will help us hone our creativity.
After the lecture, we are given an exercise a Gift-giving experience for our partner. Our task is to think and design of a gift for our partner that uses the process of design thinking. My partner for this task was Zaira, our task was:
1.      Gaining Empathy
a.      Interview
b.      Dig Deeper
2.      Reframe the problem
a.      Capture Findings
b.      Define Problem Statement
3.      Ideate: generate alternatives to test
a.      Sketch at least 5 radical ways to meet your user’s needs.
b.      Share your solutions & capture feedback
4.      Iterate based on feedback
a.      Reflect & generate a new solution
5.      Build and test
a.      Build your solution
b.      Share your solution and get feedback.
As we started the exercise, I’ll be the one conducting the interview first to gather data about her. I didn’t know where to start, suddenly a thought entered my mind. “What’s a better way than to ask her to describe herself? And know her tendencies.” It’s my first time trying to empathize and I like the idea of having her describe herself in order to get to know her a bit more for the giving exercise. I asked her these questions.
I.                 Interview
1.      Description of Herself – Describe yourself
2.      Interests
3.      Favorite Stuff (Color, Thing, Activity)
4.      One thing she always wanted to have
5.      One thing she always wanted to try
6.      Dislikes
After I asked her these questions and it’s her turn to interview me, I think she liked the questions I asked her because she asked me if she could also use the questions that I asked. I agreed to her request. After my turn of being interviewed roles have changed again and I must dig in deeper. I tried to make a group for each answer of my 6 questions earlier, but this is what I have created:
II.                Dig Deeper
1.      Why’s
2.      What
3.      What do you feel when…
4.      What do you want to do if you’re given a camera?
5.      5. What will be your first painting?
6.      Why you don’t like…?
Once again we changed roles and I answered all her questions. For the 3rd part “Capture Findings” I was able to recognize what is she trying to do, that is to Read, Learn and Explore. The Insights that I got was:
1.      She wants to express herself more
2.      That she can have a solo time when outside her house as well
3.      She wants to be confident
Because of these findings, I was able to define the problem statement. That my partner Zaira, needs a way to go to her comfort place anytime she wants. That she can always do the things she likes wherever and whenever she wants to.
 Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time, but the good thing is we can continue the activity on our homes, because we’re already finished with the interviews and it’s time to ideate.
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theartjar · 5 years
Ideation and Creative Problem Solving - Journal - Week 6, Day 1
March 17, 2019
Bizarre Thinking, Droodles, Incomplete Figure
Today we explored some aspects of Divergent thinking, we were tasked to do 3 things:
1.      To have a Bizarre Idea
2.      Draw Droodles
3.      Make something out of an incomplete figure
Before we proceed with the activities we are given examples of Droodles and arts coming from incomplete figures. I was amazed how a photo that has simple lines or curves could mean something. On the first glance, it looked like something completely normal a photo that does not have any meaning. But I was so wrong! Even the simplest of lines, curves, or shapes tells a lot! That’s what I learned from seeing those examples of droodles. On the other hand, making something out of an incomplete figure taught me that you can turn anything into something. Who would know that a simple figure could be part of a masterpiece? The examples I saw are so inspiring and encouraged me more to think outside the box. Seeing the examples got me hyped and inspired to do the activity.
For the activity, I decided to do the Incomplete figure first. When I saw the figure I was given with a lot of ideas went through my mind, I want to draw a box, table, cart but I went for a camera that was being held. Even though I am not a good artist I still went for it even though drawing the camera & the hand is challenging, I took the chance to see if I can improve my drawing skills. There’s no better way right now is to do it than during class and an activity. I took a bit, and that is what I can do for now. After completing the figure, I proceeded to making droodles and skipped the bizarre idea because I can’t think of any at that moment. After thinking for 3 minutes I was able to come up with the bird’s eye view of a roof and a paper carried by the wind. It was the fastest activity that I’ve done because it only required me to draw something simple but it tells something. But the hard challenge for me was the Bizarre thinking, we need to think something bizarre that could be beneficial. We have to draw it and describe it, it took me 15 minutes to think of something, I even researched the internet for possible inspirations, but all I can think about in the end was a touch screen projector screen. That has touch sensors on top and bottom of the screen where it can be connected to your pc and can be beneficial for presentations. I was not able to describe it properly how it works and why it will be beneficial because I’m running out of time and I’m on a rush. I do hope that my bizarre idea is crazy enough to be created and benefit many people in the world. But so far I’ve learned that I really have to be more bizarre and think outside the box! I need to think of something that is crazy and do the necessary means to create it and be able to achieve the impossible.
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theartjar · 5 years
Ideation and Creative Problem Solving - Journal - Week 5
March 12, 2019 - Tuesday
Lateral Thinking Lesson
Lateral Thinking, is the topic for this day, it’s a unique way of thinking of a solution that uses bizarre methods or elements that are normally not considered as logical way of thinking. We are given few questions that will exercise our lateral thinking. Here are the questions:
1.      You are driving down the road in your car on a wild stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus:
a.      An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
b.      An old friend who once saved your life.
c.      The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.
Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your care, whom would you choose?
This question is something I have encountered before because my brother asked me about it. I remember clearly that I have answered the wrong answer the first time I heard this. I chose the old lady because I know my friend can still take the bus and he will understand me for it, and I can always meet the perfect partner if we are really meant to be. Because of that I can’t forget this question and the answer to it. So as soon as I finished reading the question, I immediately raised my hand and answered the question, that I would choose to let my old friend who once saved my life to drive and take the old lady that looks about to die to the hospital and ride the bus with the perfect partner I’ve always dreamt about.
2.      There are six eggs in the basket. Six people each take one of the eggs. How can it be that one egg is left in the basket?
This one is new to me, that made me wonder why I wasn’t able to encounter these kinds of questions when I was still in elementary and high school. I was able to encounter some but not this question. We all took our guesses but we still couldn’t answer why that one egg is still in the basket, until my quiet classmate answers the question that one took the basket with the egg still in it. That really made me laugh and I said to myself, “That’s right! Why didn’t I think of that?”
3.      A fire officer has 12 matchsticks lying in front of her. She removes just one of them. She now sees 9 in front of her. How is this possible?
We also took a lot of time to figure this out, we we’re all silent when we are trying to come up with the answer. No figured out the right answer, but I was able to know it before Miss told us because I searched it and was amazed by the answer. I was so busy thinking that it could be a trick question that I actually tricked myself and didn’t come up with an answer. The answer is that the matchsticks are forming the word “Nine” after 1 matchstick was removed.
4.      Three of the glasses below are filled with orange juice and the other three are empty. By moving just one glass, can you arrange the glasses so that the full and empty glasses alternate?
I wasn’t able to solve the question, but my classmate was quick in solving it. She pointed out that all we have to do is to pour the wine on the 2nd cup to the 5th cup.
5.      You have to choose between three rooms
a.      The first is full of raging fires
b.      The second is full of tigers that haven’t eaten in three years.
c.      The third is full of assassins with loaded machine guns.
Which room should you choose?
Most of us knew the answer to the problem that we’ll choose the second room because the tigers inside are probably dead because they haven’t eaten in three years.
6.      A man comes up to the border of a country on his motorbike. He has three large sacks on his bike. The customs officer at the border crossing stop him and asks,“What is in the sacks?”
 “Sand,” answered the man.
 The guard says, “We’ll see about that. Get off the bike.”
 The guard takes the sacks and rips them apart; he empties them out and finds nothing in them but sand. He detains the man overnight and has the sand analyzed, only to find that there is nothing but pure sand in the bags. The guard releases the man, puts the sand into new bags, lifts them onto the man’s shoulders and lets him cross the border.
 A week later, the same thing happens. The customs officer asks, “What have you got?”
  “Sand,” says the man.
The officer does another thorough examination and again discovers that the sacks contain nothing but sand. He gives the sand back to the man, and the man again crosses the border.
This sequence of events repeats every day for the next three years. Then one day, the man doesn’t show up. The border official meets up with him in a restaurant in the city. The officer says, “I know you’re smuggling something and it’s driving me crazy. It’s all I think about. I can’t even sleep. Just between you and me, what are you smuggling?”
 What is the man smuggling?
Everyone took their time since it’s the last question, but after 4 minutes some of my classmates figured it out that it’s the motorcycle that is being smuggled by the man. I liked the lesson of today, I would love to challenge myself in answering similar questions so that I’ll be able to hone my lateral thinking skills.
We have continued our lesson regarding Lateral Thinking and introduced us to another methods as well, Divergent Thinking and Convergent Thinking. Divergent thinking is a task of creating unique ideas or solutions to a problem. While, Convergent thinking is practical application to come up with a single correct answer. For Divergent thinking we were tasked to rename 10 words, 5 words are given and we will come up with 5 words more and rename them as well and we have to be unique. Here are the words I worked on:
1.      Cloud - sky cotton
2.      World - Circular Habitat
3.      Classroom - Creative Factory
4.      Mobile - Wireless Telephone
5.      Sky - floating canvas
6.      Sword - sharp metal stick
7.      Seat - Butt Rest
8.      Aircon - Cold Air Dispenser
9.      Glasses - Wearable Lenses
10.   Keyboard - Alphanumeric buttons
For Convergent Thinking an example given was answering multiple choice questions. We also tackled Lateral Thinking and Vertical Thinking, and we are introduced to Edward De Bono’s book “Lateral Thinking”.
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theartjar · 5 years
Ideation and Creative Problem Solving - Journal - Week 4, Day 2
March 5, 2019 - Tuesday
Presentation of Pastiche & Parody Work
Reverse Brainstorming and Brainstorming
For this day, we all presented our works on Pastiche and Parody. A lot of my classmates have created funny and creative parody, some are simple, and some have really put an effort on their works. That’s awesome and I really admire them all! I’m not confident regarding my work, but I’m still happy I was able to produce a work about it. We all have a powerpoint presentations of our work and when it was my turn I’m really not that confident that’s why I just spoke casually and monotonously. Creativity is one thing that I’ve never been confident about, and that’s what I learned after the activity. I panicked when I can’t think of a good Parody or Pastiche work all because I think it’s not “good”. After my presentation, I realized that I still have some fear of failing and just went for something safe because for me it’s simple and okay.
After all the presentations, Miss Arshiya gave us an activity where we formed groups of three and must come up of a problem and write it on a sticky note. We have chosen “How can we reduce the radiations projected by gadgets?” We are told to do a reverse brainstorming where we have to think of a rubbish idea and we should think on how to further increase the problem we have chosen. Our group chose to put 3 rubbish ideas per person. Brainstorming was then used for getting the solutions for the problem, for me it’s definitely a different way of solving or coming up with ideas in solving a problem. I’ve been used to solving problems as think of a problem and give a solution to it to avoid causing more problems. It’s really new to me because I’m not used to thinking how to solve a problem by thinking how to make the problem worse first and then come up with the solutions to it. Regardless it is still a good opportunity to think of a different method of ideation. I can’t wait to use this style on some of our future activities.
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trolleycarts-blog · 6 years
March 17, 2019 // notes:.
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Today we did some activities. The first one is, to make a bizarre object/idea that is helpful. Mine is a Portable Trash Cuber, it basically turns your trash into a cube which would help you organize your trash in your bag better if you cannot find the nearest trash can. The second activity is about making a “Droodle” which is basically a doodle and a riddle. This was pretty fun to do and i also loved seeing other people’s creativity with this one. The last activity is about completing an incomplete figure. This was also fun because it’s nice to see how people can turn a simple squiggly line into a whole new other object.
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iacpsbsubrynne · 6 years
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Ideation And Creative Problem Solving. Blog #7: Week 3
February 26,
This is one of the best activity we had. Ms. Arshiya gave us a task to create a simple game that has physical movements on it. She divided us into 12, so two team with 6 people. So my group mates and I brained stormed on what game should we create for everyone to participate and have fun while playing it. So everyone has the same idea of what we wanted, and it is called the Mafia. So basically, Mafia is a game where civilians, doctors, and investigators should capture who the mafia is. Every character has a role and these roles has special roles as well. The civilians are the normal civilians, they can accuse anyone. The doctor can save a character. The investigator has the role to know who is the mafia. And lastly, the mafia, he can kill anyone. The moderator controls the game, at first round, he will pick the roles for everyone, then the moderator will tell everyone to fall asleep. While everyone is asleep, only special roles can raise their head up to choose who to save, investigate, and kill. After choosing who to kill, save, and investigate. Everyone can raise their head up including civilians and they can start accusing who the mafia is. It’s really a fun game because it build up our relationship as a friend and family.
To Be Continued.
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iacpsbsubrynne · 6 years
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Ideation And Creative Problem Solving. Blog #6: Week 3
/Treasure Hunt/
February 24,
On our third week of Ideation And Creative Problem Solving, Ms. Arshiya told us to group ourselves into three. So Anwar, Keith, and I were group together because we are the closest ones on our seats. Our mission is find the treasure listed on the paper, and the one who got it first wins. These are the list we need to find:
1. Proverbs written im ground floor
2. Key Chain
3. Car Model whose plate number is “41374″
5. Count of chain in the room
6. A Watch
7. Water
8. Red pen
9. Perfume
10. Ring
11. Autograph of Academic Head of the Campus
12. Mug
13. Spectacles
14. name of projector in room no. 106
15. Pencil with eraser
16. The first word written on page number 154 in book”Digital cultures edited by Creeber, Martin (Hint: Library)
17. Count of router in this floor
18. Cap
19. Smiley Sticker
20. Sand
The Maximum time was only 15 Minutes. We did finish our treasure hunt for 10 minutes only. The reason why Ms. Arshiya gave us this activity, is because she wanted to see how we work as a team or as one.
To Be Continued.
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