#10 min into the walk and i've decided to take a break to finish drinking and sit down .
c0rpsedemon ยท 5 months
ok so someone (me) didn't factor in the 30 min walk back home from the post office w a big ass box . and also open boba
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frugalhoe ยท 6 years
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Las Vegas - Stop #12 (2/15/19 - 2/17/19)
Jackpot Ultra Running Festival - 48 hour
My strategy was to not worry about pace.. just keep moving and to severly limit time sleeping and at the aid station.
Before the race started, I dropped off my suitcase and using my drop bag, set up my own aid station at the half way point of the course.
Quick photo with Elvis & a couple showgirls and I was off!
In an effort to avoid going out too fast, I wore extra layers at the start and began shedding layers one 2.5 mile lap at a time until I was down to shorts and a t shirt.
A little bit about the course - it was held in a park outside Vegas. The course was a horse shoe shape around a small pond. Some hills, bridge crossings, most of the course was made up of packed dirt roads but there was some cement and trail too! The diversity in terrain really helped break up the monotony of running for 48 hours straight.
After shedding my extra layers, I started falling into a nice groove. The sun was starting to come out and I began running more sections of the course. Eventually I was running almost all sections of the course for about 15 miles or so.
Despite feeling really great, I decided it was still really early in the race and dialed it back in by speed walking more sections.
Running all the downhills, dirt road and trail sections and speed walking everything else was more sustainable.
My nutrition and hydration was super on point throughout the race. I drank 5 to 10 oz of water, 2 small cups of soda and 2 Hammer electrolyte pills per lap.
I tried to plan out what to eat in the middle of my lap (i.e. before reaching the aid station). I ate tons of bean burritos and potato chips. The food was wonderful! I didn't linger at the aid stations. I mostly carried the food in my hands passing through but sometimes took a small plate of food with me when I felt I needed extra calories.
Throughout the entire race, the weather posed a big challenge. 40 mph winds, freezing rain and it even tried to snow (wtf Nevada?!).
I pushed through it all and just focused on consistently moving no matter what.
Night fall hit and I honestly really enjoy running alone in the dark. I ran a speedy 10 miles while most runners were sleeping in their cozy tents and RVs.
The course was well enough lit that I didn't feel the need to wear the headlamp back at my aid station. I dialed it back in again and added more walking in.
After about 12 hours into the race, I began using my muscle roller on my legs every lap which really helped prevent any major injuries etc.
I usually have bad swelling in my feet around mile 40 in ultras so I switched into my 8.5 size shoes around mile 45 which ended up being too early this time.
My feet were swollen but not yet swollen enough which lead to some shifting in my shoes....which lead to 2 large blisters near my heels. The strong winds started to really wear me out at this point as well. I decided a short nap in the heating tent might be worth it.
I crawled down onto a cot next to a poorly working propane outdoor heater and fell asleep. I awoke 2.5 hours later shivering. Eventually, I coaxed myself out of the tent and back on the course. The winds had died down a bit and I shuffled back to my aid station to drain the blisters on my feet and change back into my size 8 shoes (now will looser ties).
I kept moving along and continued to enjoy the peace and quiet on the course. I started listening to Pandora on my phone and was estatic when my pedometer maxed out at 99,999 steps.
I ran 47 miles the first day.
Eventually, the sun started to come up and fresh faced new runners started to gather. The second day meant other races would start - including the USTAF 100 mile national championship!
Not going to lie, it was HARD being passed by all these super fast runners when I was sleep deprived and tired. I felt self conscious and anxious. The course went from being 90 people to over 300 people ๐Ÿ™ƒ.
I ate some egg burritos, pushed my hat down and just had tunnel vision...just focused on each step before me and less on people around me or what mile I was at etc.
The wind started to pick up again and more rain returned. My hat nearly blew off my head 3 or 4 times. Running the main downhill area started to become too painful so I started walking that.
I developed pinky toe blisters and made the decision to drain them and bandage them during the race. My eating and drinking was still consistent and I was still needing to take bathroom breaks (also a good sign). Muscle rolling was continuing to help and I was in good spirits.
By sun down, most of the other races had ended and the course became a lot less cluttered with runners. I felt less tense and just kept focusing on moving. I was still running some sections of the course...mostly just the dirt roads and train sections.
The race directors put on some movies at the aid station but I don't remember what movies they were.
It was cold and the rain turned into some flurries before going back to rain. After seeing other runners using trekking poles, I brought out mine to use. I had begun swerving walking and running at this point.
In addition to helping with my balance, the clacking of the poles also helped me stay awake and somewhat focused. I was running alone in the dark for the second night in a row and I hadn't slept since those 2.5 hours the previous night.
At some point during the second night (around mile 80?) I began hallucinating very badly. This is a common occurance in ultra running.
I was convinced that large chunks of the ground was lifting up and moving, blocking my path to the aid station.
I laid down on a big rock in the dark feeling lost and wondered if the other runners knew what was happening to the course ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜“
I began shuffling from rock to bench to rock until I made it back to the aid station where I ate extra food and sat down for about 30 mins (?) until I got a better grip.
During this time I chatted with a few other runners and watched a Bolivian runner earn his 100 mile buckle. He sat down and cried and it helped inspire me to pull it together and go out and get mine too!
The pain wasn't getting any worse and I was getting another wind. I could barely run anymore so I mostly speed walked and ran the trail sections.
Someone stole my muscle roller from my aid station (never did get it back) so I wasn't able to work on my muscle soreness anymore.
I just kept pushing myself really hard and the laps kept ticking by.
The sun rose and in my final lap, I stopped a few times to really soak everything in. I had spent 48 hours on this course and my final lap was a bittersweet one. I was beyond exhausted but at the same time, I also didn't want it to stop.
I crossed the finish line and was presented two medals.
I won't say what my final mileage was but I did end up running further the second half of the race!
After the race, I ate some more food, changed into my hideous green Crocs and attended the awards ceremony.
As I was on my way to the bathroom to freshen up, I overhead some girls from my race talking about me. At first they were saying how nice I was but then it turned mean when one of them made a comment about me carrying a plate of food during the race. Another girl laughed and said that was probably why I was so fat.....
I've been running ultras for 8 or 9 years and I swear runners seem to get worse every year...
Upset, I stood in the bathroom for awhile before slowly cleaning myself up with baby wipes. I brushed my teeth and hair before changing into a clean pair of clothes.
When I left the restroom, all the girls were gone except one of the overall winners (she wasn't part of the conversation earlier). While charging our phones, we shared a really nice conversation and exchanged numbers :)
Eventually we said our goodbyes and I called an Uber to go have a celebratory brunch at the MGM Grand โœŒ
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