#100%! I totally wear hearing protection in the shop because i'm so worried about my own safety!!!
mawofthemagnetar · 2 years
Me: I love woodworking! Also me: I hate loud noises. A lot. Like the sound of power saws. Or the shop vac. Or any and all pneumatic tools. Or-
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chibsytelford · 4 years
Battle of the Alphas - Angel x Miguel x Reader NSFW
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Authors note - Okay me and @rebel-without-cause-x​ decided to write another threesome fic following on from our Chibs x Jax x Reader one. The idea literally came from nowhere and like 2 hours later we had finished it. We both really love this and hope you all do too!
We are both posting it so it’s easier to just whack it onto our masterlists so sorry if some of you get 2 notifications as I know we have a similar taglist. This was also my first ever time writing smut and I must say I’m really proud of myself. Loved writing this with you @rebel-without-cause-x​
Word Count - 3945
Warnings - swearing and smut. that is all.
Taglist - @agirllovespasta​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @whyisgmora​ @starrynite7114​ @jadesamhart​ @fangirlingaesthetics​ @angelreyesgirl​ @blessedboo​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​ @elcococruz​ @lady-pswrld​ @talicat713​ @angelxshiba​ @xx--day-dreamer--xx​ @thisishowdynastiesareborn​ @trulysuccubus​ @scuzmunkie​ @sadeyesgf​ 
The only sound that could be heard in the coffee shop was the stupid clock ticking, you were so bored as you sat on your stool with your feet up on the counter scrolling through your phone. It was the same every single Wednesday at 11am. Dead.
You were in your own little world as you scrolled through your social media whilst sipping on your iced coffee, you didn’t even hear the bell ring, signalling someone had entered the shop.
 “Not very hygienic querida” the voice of Angel Reyes boomed through the shop.
 “Unless I’m going crazy I don’t see anyone in here” you shrugged placing your phone on the counter but not moving.
 “Hello I’m stood right here you goof” he grinned waving like a kid
 “Right what can I get you” you sassed rolling your eyes.
 “Don’t sass me”
 “Or what?” You smirked, biting down on your bottom lip, leaving him all flustered. 
 One thing you enjoyed in life was leaving two men in particular flustered by your actions.
 “Wrong time, wrong place” he mumbled rubbing the back of his neck.
 It was a rare sight for Angel Reyes to be shy and quiet, but you would be lying if you said it didn't turn you on just a little bit.
 "Can you say that a bit louder?" You were determined to get him to repeat what he had mumbled.
 He stepped forward never taking his eyes of yours. He knew what game you were playing and he wasn't going to let you win.
He was now standing in front of you behind the counter and just as he reached out to place his hand on your leg the bell on the door went signalling you had another customer.
 Looking over you saw it was none other than Miguel Galindo. Now things were going to get very interesting, albeit a bit awkward too.
 You lightly shoved Angel back and smiled at the man in the suit who was looking at you both with a hint of jealousy and anger in his eyes.
 "What can I get you?" You knew Miguel's order as he came in everyday but the awkward silence was unbearable so you needed to say something.
 “Angel" he nodded at the man who was now at the right side of the counter standing inches away from Miguel.
 “Urm no sorry” Angel spat venom laced in his voice “I was here first”
 Rolling your eyes at the two men you dropped your feet off the counter grabbing two takeaway cups and simultaneously made both of their coffees at once, leaving both men standing in awe.
 “I do have two hands you know” you said in a totally innocent way but as you spun round both of them had their eyebrows raised.
 However neither of them had a comeback.
 It was now Thursday and the shop was stupidly busy, seen as the colleges had started back this morning and you were a staff member down because of the flu so stressed was an understatement.
 As if on queue both Angel and Miguel walked in at the same time.
 Turning your back you looked up at the ceiling raising your palms up.
 “Really testing me today big man” you muttered rolling your eyes, you weren’t religious but right now you were praying neither of them started shit especially when you didn’t have time to deal with it.
 “Morning mi dulce” Miguel said, flashing his smile as he leaned against the counter.
 You turned around giving Miguel a smile. "Morning, the usual?" As you asked him you gave him a quick look up and down noticing his hair was more neater than usual and he had a different colour of suit on. Secretly you wished he did it for you but you knew the chances were very slim.
 "Please" he replied rolling his eyes and clenching his jaw as Angel now stood right beside him.
 "Again Reyes? Really?" You noticed the harsh tone that Miguel used when speaking to Angel and you wondered what was going on with the two of them. It was a small town and you knew that the pair were in business together so you figured they'd be friendly or at least civil.
 "I'll take my usual too mi amor" Angel winked at you.
 "Coming right up gentlemen, also can you move over to the side so I can take the next customer's order please?" You kindly asked them.
 The next customer was a good looking middle aged man. He was a different type of handsome compared to Angel and Miguel but he was still attractive nonetheless.
 "What can I get you sir?" You asked him.
 "A toffee latte and your number please" he replied flashing you a smile.
 Before you could answer you saw both Angel and Miguel move towards the man at the same time from the corner of your eye. You needed to diffuse the situation and fast before there was a fight.
 You quickly hopped the counter before the two men reached the customer. You grabbed Angel by his kutte and Miguel by his shirt and led them both outside the coffee shop, but not before gesturing to your only other colleague that you'd be back in a second.
 “Seriously today of all days you both decide to act like fucking top dog” you spat running your tongue over your teeth as you shoved them against the wall. “I have had it up to here with you two pendejos”
 They were both shocked at your outburst.
 “For the last 6 months it’s always the same when you both come into the shop” you glared “always at each other’s throats, I don’t care what is happening with your little business partnership but you sure as hell don’t bring that into my grandpa’s shop”
 Both of them looked guilty.
 “Sorry” Angel mumbled.
 “Yeah I didn’t realise this was affecting you querida, so I’m sorry,” Miguel nodded.
 “So with that being said neither one of you can step foot in this shop until you sort your shit out” you scowled crossing your arms across your chest. “Now if you don’t mind I’ve got a shop to fucking run”
 Leaving both of them standing there you stormed back inside. Linda shot you a worried look.
 “Don’t worry about it Lin, just the two biggest pains in my ass but I’ve sorted it” you nodded as you pulled your hair into a messy bun getting back to work.
 The next couple of days had passed and it was boring without Angel or Miguel coming in to flirt with you, however they had both been blowing up your phone non stop. Texting them both telling them to meet at your house at 8pm. You were going to end this shit today and it was happening tonight.
 If they couldn't come into the coffee shop without being civil to each other then they both deserved what was coming. You were going to act as a mediator and you weren't letting them leave your house until they sorted their shit out.
 Miguel arrived first being punctual as always. You opened your door before he could knock and you waved to Nestor as he drove off.
 You were nervous having a man like Miguel Galindo in your home and you couldn't believe you hadn't invited him before. But there was no good enough reason before whereas now there is a perfect one.
 "Come in, make yourself comfortable" you gestured for Miguel to enter and he did so whilst buttoning his suit jacket. You had made coffee and had put it on the living room table. Miguel noticed there were 3 cups instead of 2 but he didn't say anything, instead plopping himself down on your sofa.
 "Why did you ask me over querida? Not that I'm complaining" Miguel poured himself a cup of coffee and poured you one out too.
 A knock on your door saved you from answering his question and you told him you'd be back in a second. Opening the door Angel Reyes was standing there wearing his red and black checkered shirt with some jeans. He looked delicious and you momentarily forgot why he was here.
 "Who is it?" Miguel's voice pulled you back to reality and you saw Angel clench his fists.
 "What the fuck is he doing here?" Angel questioned you.
 “Please just come in, for me?" You gave Angel puppy dog eyes and were not surprised when they worked.
 You both entered the living room and the tension could be cut with a knife.
 "For fucks sake" Miguel muttered as he held the bridge of his nose. "You have got to be kidding me".
 “Nope” you said, popping the p as you sat on the other sofa, grabbing the pillow as you sat crossed legged, trying to protect your dignity, in that moment you felt severely under dressed in your over-sized baggy Guns N Roses shirt and a pair of bright blue fluffy socks.
 “Right” you said taking a deep breath “this ends tonight, whatever beef you two have got going on you will sit and talk about it like grown adults and neither one of you will leave until it’s done. And if either of you raise your voice even a little bit I will fucking punch you”
 “Are you being like 100 percent serious right now?” Angel asked, staring into your eyes.
 “Deadly” you said no emotion in your voice “now talk, clear the air and if you manage to do that I will make it worth both of your time”
 "Fine you want us to clear the air then I'll start" Miguel sat forward and cracked his knuckles and turned his body to face Angel who was sitting on the sofa to the right of him. "If it's not your father fucking with my life it's your brother, and if it's not your brother it's you" Miguel pointed at Angel.
 “Me? And what did I do Mr Mighty Miguel Galindo?" You glared at Angel who held his hands up in defeat. "Sorry, what did I do Miguel?"
 "I saw her first" he told the Mayan. "You know I saw her first and still you continued to go in and flirt with her"
 "I'm not a fucking mind reader" Angel laughed. "I didn't know you saw her first, but to be honest if I did know it wouldn't have stopped me anyway" he shrugged.
 You were gobsmacked. The men didn't fall out over business. They fell out over a female.
 “So hold on a second” you said running your hand over your face. “None of this was over business and it was over me the whole damn time”
 “Yeah” they both shrugged as you took in the information.
 “I mean who wouldn’t want a goddess like you on their arm” Angel smirked.
 His words did something, your skin suddenly felt hot, like you were on fire. Shifting in your seat as both men stared at you.
 “Now that is something I can agree on” Miguel smiled leaning forward resting his arms on his knees “so mi dulce, now the truth has been laid out on the table, who do you choose? Me or him?”
 It’s like you forgot how to speak as the words got lodged in the back of your throat, you couldn’t really tell them you wanted both of them, could you?
 Just the thought alone made your skin tingle and a familiar heat between your legs. Every time you tried to speak the words wouldn’t fall off your tongue.
 “Urm..I...er” you stuttered.
 "I need some water" you managed to choke out before you abruptly stood up from where you sat and practically ran to your kitchen. You heard the chuckles of the two men and you knew you were in trouble.
 Downing a glass of water you felt a bit cooler but you were not ready to face them yet. You didn't need to be because they both entered your kitchen with their arms folded looking at you expectantly.
 "I don't have all night princesa" Miguel practically purred at you. He knew what he was doing and it was working. The effect the two men had on you was ridiculous and you didn't know how much longer you could last.
 Taking a deep breath you decided you would just be honest and tell them you wanted them both. You figured one of them would back down and give up but little did you know they had other plans.
 "To answer your question from earlier" you said "the choice is impossible and I've always been a greedy person, so I want you both". You didn't know where the sudden confidence came from but the truth was out now and there was nothing you could do about it.
 Angel was the first to make a move, literally taking two large strides until your back was pressed against the worktop.
 “I think we can work something out" Angel said, his tone husky as his fingers played with the hem of your shirt grazing against your soft skin.
 “And you did say if we worked things out that you would make it worth our time” Miguel smirked running his tongue across his bottom lip. “I mean you invite us round to sort this mess out and all your wearing is that shirt, that tattoo peaking out, you knew what you were doing princesa”
 Both men stood in front of you, grinning down with lustful looks in their eyes. They hadn’t even touched you yet and you were aching at the thought of both of them having their way with you, and there was that familiar feeling between your legs.
 “Well what are you waiting for” you giggled biting your bottom lip earning what you swore were growls from both of them.
 Miguel took your shirt off in one go and you cursed yourself for not wearing a bra and pants. They hadn't even properly touched you yet and your nipples were already hard begging to be sucked.
 As if he read your mind Angel took one nipple between his fingers and one in his mouth and sucked and rolled them gently. The feeling was magical and you could barely stand up.
 You pulled Miguel down to your face and smashed your lips against his, immediately putting your tongue in his mouth. You moaned into his mouth when he brought his hand up to your neck and wrapped his fingers gently around your throat.
 You managed to pull away from Miguel long enough to take his suit jacket off followed by his shirt leaving him in only his suit trousers. He was a sight for sore eyes.
 Reaching out you dragged a finger from his chest all the way down to the waistband of his trousers. You could tell he was hard just by looking at the solid shape in his pants. Not wanting to leave Angel out and wanting to touch him aswell you pulled his head away from your chest and discarded his shirt leaving him in nothing but his jeans.
 You couldn’t believe your luck, as you looked up at the men through your lashes, you literally had two of the most alpha males waiting to pleasure you and you wanted to tease them a bit more before you let them have their way with you.
 Jumping up so you were now sat on the work top, legs spread giving them a clear view of the prize they so desperately wanted. Running your hands down your body you squeezed your boobs.
 “Right enough play time princesa” Miguel growled as he threw you over his shoulder carrying you back to the living room. He wasted no time dropping you on the sofa.
 “Final chance to back out sweetheart” Angel said as he ran his fingers down your cheek “you sure this is what you want?”
 Biting your lip as you nodded sending them a pleading look, you were so turned on right now it hurt, squeezing your thighs together to try and release some pressure. Then Miguel pulled your legs apart, running his fingers across your core making you whimper at the sensation.
 The sound of a belt buckle dropping on the floor made you open your eyes to see Angel stood there now completely naked, your mouth watering at the sight of his thick cock.
 You waggled your forefinger at him gesturing for him to come closer. You were desperate to have his cock in your mouth and you didn't want to waste another second.
 Angel smirked at you shaking his head but nevertheless he obliged and he stood in front of you. You immediately took his dick in your hands pumping it a few times before opening your mouth and putting it in. He was big but you managed to get him all the way to the back of your throat even if you did choke on it a few times.
 He closed his eyes and grabbed a fistful of your hair encouraging you to keep going faster and deeper and you did.
 Whilst sucking Angels cock Miguel had planted his mouth on your clit and was now rolling his tongue across it causing you to moan on Angels dick. The vibration from your moan caused his dick to twitch in your mouth and you looked up at him and gave him a wink.
 Miguel was a pro when it came to eating you out. He used his tongue perfectly and within seconds you had your first orgasm of the night.
 Your screams were muffled with Angel still fucking your mouth, tears were streaming down your cheeks as well as saliva running down your chin.
 This was better than you had ever dreamed of and you knew by the end of it you would be completely spent.
 Suddenly Angel pulled out making you whimper.
 “Unless you want me to cum right now it’s for the best” he winked before nodding at Miguel, silently telling him it was his turn.
 Within seconds you now had Miguel’s dick in your mouth, using your hand to play with his balls whilst Angel slipped two fingers into your entrance, moaning at the feeling of being stretched out as he soon reached his knuckles, curling his fingers perfectly, hitting your g spot. You were still sensitive from your first orgasm and were honestly so close to another.
 Your breathing became erratic as both men continued with no signs of stopping.
 “That's it princesa” Miguel grunted “god you look so pretty with your lips wrapped around my cock, now the final question is who gets to be the first one to feel you wrapped around their dick?”
 There was the alpha-ness coming out to play. You pulled back slightly so you could talk.
 “Don’t know” you moaned as Angel continued fingering you “don’t care. Just need to be fucked”
 "So needy" Angel murmured.
 The two men looked at each other and seemingly decided between themselves as Angel removed his fingers from your soaking folds and lifted them up to his mouth tasting you.
 "Delicious" he said as he moved away from you, letting Miguel take his place.
 You expected Miguel to use his fingers but he lined up his cock at your entrance and looked at you for approval.
 "I'm on the pill" you told him and that was all the confirmation he needed. He sunk his cock deep into you and thrusted slowly at first but quickly picked up the pace. The sound of your bodies hitting against each other echoed around the room.
 Miguel pinned your hands above your head and hoisted your legs over his shoulders so he could go deeper if that was even possible. You were having the best fuck of your life so far but Angel was still to have his way with you.
 Angel was standing over you watching the pleasure on your face stroking his own cock. He looked amazing and you couldn't wait until his cock was deep inside you. He again took your nipple into his mouth gently licking it causing you to moan.
 “Shit” you whimpered “Miguel, oh god, please don’t stop”
 “Don’t plan on it” He panted as he thrust into you harder, his name falling off your tongue.
 You were being pushed closer and closer to that edge again and you loved it, looking up you watched Angel tug at himself watching you getting fucked senseless, his breathing becoming erratic. Without warning you screamed, moaned and whimpered as another orgasm washed over your leaving your legs shaking, you knew you didn’t have much more left in you as Miguel thrust one last time shooting his seed into you.
 “You got one more in you” Angel asked as he bit his lip as Miguel moved out of his way. “I’m not gonna go easy on you okay”
 “Okay” you whispered, feeling your eyes starting to drop.
 “Come on princesa keep your beautiful eyes open” Miguel whispered as he palmed your breasts as Angel pushed himself into you with ease.
 “God you feel so good” he grunted as he grabbed your hips no doubt leaving bruises in his wake.
 "Tell me what you want querida" Angel wanted to go fast and hard but he knew how exhausted you were so if you wanted slow and sensual he would oblige.
 "Fuck me harder Reyes" you panted and he did. He intertwined his fingers with yours bringing your knuckles to his mouth and kissing each of them gently. The gesture took you by surprise and you smiled up at him causing him to slow down his thrusts considerably.
 "I'm gonna cum if you keep looking at me like that” Angel said.
 "You've done so well tonight mi amor" Miguel praised you now stroking your hair whilst slowly circling your clit with his other hand. He knew you were close and so did Angel.
 "Cum for us" they both said in unison and you did, spilling your juices all over Angels cock. He followed soon after and admired his cum pouring from your folds with a proud smile on his face.
 "Let's get you all cleaned up" Angel said removing his dick from you and heading to your bathroom to get you a wet cloth to wipe yourself.
 All you could do was lay there, with a mix of both men’s cum and your own pooling onto the sofa, your breaths were heavy, and so were your eyes. You had never experienced a high as good as this and you weren’t one to shy away from turning blunts down.
 “You did amazing querida” Miguel whispered kissing your head. You didn’t even have the energy to reply so you grumbled as Angel returned with the wet cloth, gently he ran the cloth against your thighs as he traced your tattoo with his fingers.
 One of them retrieved your shirt from the kitchen and pulled it over your head. It was only 10pm and you kind of expected both of them to leave pretty soon but they surprised you as they pulled their boxers back on before Miguel scooped you up in his arms as he sat on the other end of the sofa as Angel brought you a mug of coffee he just made.
 So you were now snuggled in between both men, completely spent from the activities of the evening, your eyes were getting heavier as Angel played with your hair and Miguel massaged your feet.
 “You hungry Reyes?” Miguel asked Angel and that was the last thing you heard before you drifted off to sleep.
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