#“oh wow snake you always wear hearing protection in the shop you must love being safe”
mawofthemagnetar · 2 years
Me: I love woodworking! Also me: I hate loud noises. A lot. Like the sound of power saws. Or the shop vac. Or any and all pneumatic tools. Or-
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unseensilver · 6 years
Bitty family
Chapter 2
Being 10 feet away from the front of was nerve wrecking. This would be the third time I got to this point before turning around. Tugging on my strings of my hoodie I always wear in the evil sunlight I take a deep breath and force myself to walk into the shop. Any confidence I had left as soon I seen the two big snake skeletons. Pushing my hood off so they know I’m no throat. I couldn’t help but yawn and rub my eyes having to move my glasses out of the way. Well I guess us nocturnal creatures are not day people. I look around but don’t see anyone. “Hello is anyone here?”
Out of nowhere a skeleton pops up from behind the desk. “Hey! Welcome to Mythical Adoptions! I’m Lusty, or as the bittys here call me Miss Lusty. How can I help you today?” I take a second to respond.”O umm hello Miss Lusty I’m here to see if I could adopt one of the little bitty here in your shop if that’s ok? My names silver, It’s nice to met you by the way.” As each word comes out of my mouth I can just feel like I’m messing up I try to hide in my hoodie like the ground is going to open and eat me alive. She smiles warmly at me as if she knew how I was feeling and, it was goin to be ok.
“Sure thing, did you have any ideas on which bitty you were looking to adopt? We’ve got a wide variety here- we even have a single Lich available for adoption! He completed his Service Bitty training faster than the others, and passed with flying colours!” Miss Lusty said proudly. “That is, if you’d like to check him out. It’s up to you.” “I would love to met him” I says as I no longer feel the need to hide in my hoodie.”I’m kind of night owl not going to lie and I was hopeing to also met some vampirus.” As I say this I seem to find the ground very interesting. Uhh I hate that I’m so shy.
“Well, lets go check the Ghoulrus enclosure- it’s the dark room with glow-in-the-dark stars littering the walls, the Ghoulrus prefer dim lighting, as do the Vampyrus most of the time. We should be able to find one there.” I said. A Faerie flew by, and She stopped him.
“Hey, sweetie, could you go tell the graduated Lich that somebody is here to adopt him, and we’ll be in the Ghoulrus enclosure?” Miss lusty asked the Faerie.
“Yes, Miss Lusty! Right away!” he said, flying off quickly. She smiled.
“Such sweeties, those Faeries. Welp, let’s get going, the Lich will meet us there soon enough.” She said, stepping out from behind the counter and leading the way to the Ghoulrus enclosure.
“Wow he’s a fast one.” As I watch the faerie fly off. I pull at my string and fallow close to Miss Lusty so not to be left behind.
“Yea, the Faeires are very quick moving and energetic.” She smiled as we walked to the Ghoulrus enclosure. Miss Lusty led me inside, a room dim except for the glow-in-the-dark stars littering the walls and ceiling…and the multiple purple-red fires floating in the air.
“Well, the ghoulrus are definitely here.” She chuckled.“Let’s see if we can’t find a Vampyrus. Keep an eyesocket out for any tiny bats, if they get curious that’s how they scout you out.” She said.“They are so pretty they look like flying lanterns in the night” I say looking at all the fires flying thro the air. Hearing a noise I turn and, see a little bat hanging not to far from Miss Lusty. Going up to the little bat, “Well hello little guy. Must I say this seems to be love at first bite” I couldn’t help but laugh at my own bad joke. The tiny bat squeaks with delight, flying off- but not for long. A flock suddenly flies towards you, landing in the spot the single one had just been occupying and re-forming into a Vampyrus.
“An adopter with a sense of humour~? My, at least this does not suck~” the Vampyrus chuckled. He bowed slightly to me.
“You are here to adopt, correct? And from what I’ve heard through the bloodline, so to speak, you require the services of a Lich as well.” he said, using ‘bloodline’ instead of ‘grapevine’ to improvise a pun. I could not help but laugh at his puns. It felt so nice to hear someone else tell jokes. “I do love when someone jokes back with me. Yes I am I tend to be a bit of a night owl for my work so I’m not really awake much in the daylight hours and me needing a lich don’t drive you batty does it” part way throw talking I felt so shy like I was going to mess up. I pull my hoodie up a little to hide. The Vampyrus chuckled warmly, shaking his head. Hearing him chuckle warmly I knew it would be ok.
“It does not rattle me, M’Lady. In fact, I believe he’s here already and looks eager to meet you, from what I can tell.” he said, looking to a spot behind you.
Standing on a tall shelf, about eye-level with you, was a Lich in his ‘Service Bitty’ Cloak. Surprisingly, the Lich had freckles on his face, small grey spots littering his skull.
“Heard you needed some extra help.” He said, smiling. Nodding to the lich from within my hoodie I realized he might not be able to see me. So I pull my hoodie back down. “yes I do.” Looking at the ground sadly. “I am a bit jumpy and shy as you could tell.” I start pulling at my hoodie nervously.“I hope that does not bug you at all” I put my hand out for the lich stand on so I can bring him closer to me and, a hand for the vampirus. But I stop halfway and look at miss lusty to make sure it was ok first knowing the rules to all service helpers. Miss lusty smiles and nods her head.
“You’re allowed to pick up any bittys here, and for Liches if they have been specifically chosen for you, picking them up is allowed as well.” She explained. The Vampyrus walked onto your open palm, smiling. The Lich, however, vanished for a moment before a small weight settled on your shoulder. Seems he’d teleported.
“Oh, by the way the Liches are able to teleport a total of 5 times in a day, including if they are carrying an item or touching a person. So if you need to escape a situation fast, he’ll come in handy.” She added.
“Quick escape from awkward situations, ammi right?” the Lich chuckled. “So, I’ve got training in a wide array of Services, though not all of what I trained in was understandable. But from the training I did excel in, I’ve been selected for you specifically.” he said. “Were you considering names for us, M’Lady?” the Vampyrus asked. 
Nodding my head I start blushing. “I do but I’m not sure if you guys will like the names and it’s ok if don’t I want you both to be happy with them.” I start looking everywhere but, at the two bittys. “your about to see my inner nerd come out have ether of you ever heard of the ninja turtles?” I heard of that, there’s like a tonne of versions out now, right?” the Lich said.
“I believe I have heard of that series, yes.” The Vampyrus said. Miss Lusty can be seen smirking in the entryway, a hand over her mouth to cover my giggles. This was going to be adorable~
As they say this you see the binding shyness almost fade away and if Silvers eyes could change to stars you know they would be right now.“well I love them all.” I could not help but wiggle in my spot, like a hyper child.“ I want to call you Donatello or Don for short cuz you are such a sweetie and will help me if I cut myself witch I do a lot at work when opening boxes. With your quick wit I know I will always have someone to rattle my funny bone.” I say to the vampirus as I start to pet him softly. I turn my head and nuzzles the lich. “As for you I wanted to name you Raphael or Raph for short you are big and tough I know you will protect me from anything the best you can but, I can see you being a big softy inside who just wants a good cuddle at the end of the day.” I stop talking, ducking my head and smile softly.”but only if you guys love the names.”
Don nodded, smiling.“Might I suggest that if you accidentally cut yourself, it may provide quick snacks for me as well? And would also keep me full enough that I would not need to feed as often, nor on Raphael there.” he offered. “Human blood is more nutritious for my kind that the magic we normally feed on, ironically. It also means we drink less in a feeding of human blood than we would in a magic feeding.” he explained.
“In the end, it’s up to you how he feeds, Sweetie. And I like the name Raph, sounds cool.” Raphael chuckled. “But like he said, he eats less when it’s human blood than he does when it’s bitty magic, so it’d leave me more magic t’help you, and him fuller for longer. Only when you cut yourself at work, like he said.” he added onto the explanation, making sure you understood perfectly what they were proposing. “I don’t mind you bitting me Don as long as your happy and healthy.” I look over at Raph “and as long as you both tell me what you need I can get it for you.” I look over at Miss Lusty and smiles brightly.“ I found my family is there anything I need to do or get for them.” I couldn’t help but already start nuzzling them. Feeling them nuzzle me back made me feel wanted and happy. I smiled, shaking my head.
“Nope, you’re good. You filled out the adoption form I sent you via email, so I’ll add their names and then file it away. Send some pictures of yourself and the boys anytime you like, we love adding to our walls.” She said. Don looked pleasantly relieved at your words, and Raph chuckled as he nuzzled you as well. Man I’m glad I filled out those papers just in case. Before coming here.
“Welp, guess I’m On-Duty now then~ Let’s get you home, Sweetie.” Raph said.
“I agree, let us go home M’Lady.” Don said.
I had found two bittys today, one specially trained to help me through my hardest times. And they were both very happy to have found you as well. I swore I could almost hear Raph purr and, Don hiss happily.
Raphael and Donatello was adopted at  Miss Lusty’s at Mythical Adoptions @mythical-adoptions
Silver is my Personal OC.
Most of this chapter was of a RP between me and Lusty of me adopting Don and Raph.
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ttevol-neb · 7 years
The Worst of Circumstances
I'm totally not breaking into your flat it's just I got locked out of mine so I picked your lock and was going to use the fire escape to climb through my window - BENCUS AU
Chapter 1 - Broken Keys and a Lighter that Actually Works
Marcus returns to the flat complex, tired and irritable. He slugged all the way to the other side of London, fucking south of the river, only to find Phoenix records had unceremoniously replaced him as their 'new promising artist of the month' for some kid with waist length hair that's half blonde and half pink, for god's sake, and a ukulele that she probably thinks is terribly bohemian.
He jabs the call lift button with more force than is necessary and stands there for a bit before he notices the 'out of order' sign sellotaped haphazardly to the door in front of him. He gives a world weary sigh and starts for the stairs, muttering to himself about the two buses and the tube he had to embark on to get to the small studio only to be rejected, and why didn't he just become a teacher like his parents wanted?
by the time he arrives at the third floor he's worked himself up into quite a sulk and his front door may as well be glowing he's so happy to see it. He roughly shoves his key into the lock. It sticks a bit, like it always has, and he wiggles it, trying to find that magic angle that will grant him entrance. When it doesn't give, he huffs in frustration, balances his guitar against the wall, and rolls up his sleeves. His is not in the mood for this. All he wants is to get a beer and get in the bath to wash off the smell of public transport and disappointment.
He grabs onto the key that has now decided it won't even slip back out of the lock again and tugs on it with such force that the door rattles, banging against the frame. Of all the ways his day could be topped off, having a wrestling match with his front door was not what he would have chosen. The fingers gripping the head of the key turn white, a frustrated growl escapes him and he's soon swearing, "shit, shit, shit, bloody buggering fuck!" as he continues to be outsmarted by a piece of wood.
The key snaps.
Marcus stares at the circle of metal clasped between his fingers for a moment, then, "FUCK!"
He kicks the door, his heavy boot splintering a dent in the wood. He takes a few steps back, cursing life for letting him get so close to his sanctuary in this hell of all days, and sinks to the floor with his back against the cracked wall opposite his door. Whoever told him being an adult was fun lied to him.
Marcus takes a deep, calming breath and thinks Locksmith. He should call a locksmith. He doesn't know any locksmiths. He should Google where the nearest locksmiths is.
He pulls his iphone from his pocket and pulls up safari. No internet connection available. Of course there fucking isn't.
He crawls over to his door, dragging his weary body across the floorboards and holds his phone against the wood. No connection. He tries to press himself closer, smushing his cheek up against the door. The first empty bar of the wifi symbol fills, flickers, and promptly disappears again. Marcus quietly curses himself. Damn him for putting the router all the way in his bedroom. He looks through the other available connections and selects one, hoping against all odds that the world might cut him some slack already. Password protected.
Didn't he give someone a spare key? Yes, he's sure he did. He can clearly hear his mother's voice, "Make sure you give out spares. You never know what could happen, hm?"
"Hey, Marcus! How'd Phoenix Studios go?"
"Shit. Look, I didn't, by any chance, happen to give you a spare key when I moved into my flat, did I, Winston?"
"Erm... I don't know, you might've."
Marcus pinches the bridge of his nose, his patience wearing thin. "Well can you check?"
"Can I look in a bit? It's just the match's on now - It's great, Baranelli scored after like three minutes and there's already been two yellow cards-"
"Winston. It's late. I am locked out of my flat and I'm about to have a hissy fit. Check for the key. Please."
"Alright, alright, no need to be short. Hold on one sec. If I have it it'll be in the draw of irrelevant things."
"The what?", Marcus asks as sounds of Winston rooting through something jangle down the receiver.
"The draw of irrelevant things. You know, the place you put the useless crap that has no where else to go."
"The key to my flat is useless?"
"Well it's not something you ever expect to actually use, is it? Just something you take as a precaution when a friend asks you to. God, there's so much shit in here."
"Any luck?"
"Yeah, so far I've got a tenner and a lighter that actually works. What colour's the key?"
"Silver.", Marcus replies through gritted teeth.
"Oh, no, I've got a gold one. I think that's for something of Ted's."
"Oh, while I've got you, are you still up for meeting with Matthew on Saturday?"
"Er," Marcus sighs, his mind flicking through the many number of faces Winston has sworn are his perfect man since he came out a few months ago, "Matthew, right, yeah, of course."
"Great. You're going to love him, Marcus, I swear. I know he's only been working at the shop for a few weeks but, seriously, you two are one hell of a match. Ooh, Haribos!"
Right. He works at HMV with Winston.
"I think I'll be the judge of that. Have you found it yet?"
"No, and it's not looking good, mate, sorry. If I did have one, I don't anymore."
Marcus lets his head fall back against the concrete of the wall with a thunk, then lets out a worn down "Okay", on a long exhale.
"Sorry, mate. What you going to do?"
"Don't know. Cry, probably."
"Wow. I didn't believe in the stereotype that being queer made you into a sap, but here you are."
"It's been one of those days."
"Aw, princess..."
"Fuck off."
Winston chuckles. "Alright then. Enjoy your misery."
The line goes dead.
"Twat," Marcus tells the phone, then narrows his eyes at the door as he lowers it from his ear.
The sliver of key still jammed in the lock is reflecting the fluorescent light of the corridor, bouncing off the metal and glinting at him, mocking him.
"Fuck you, too.", he sneers.
He sits, stewing in self pity and wondering if this is a big enough problem to call his mum for assistance. Of course, that means that he'd never hear the end of it and she'd make sure every single person in his life had a spare key from now on. No, it wasn't worth the hassle.
He's an adult. A fully grown, proper adult that pays taxes and everything. He can do this by himself.
He stands, hefts his guitar over his shoulder and trudges back dowstairs to the lobby.
No one's at the front desk when he gets there, but he supposes the little bell was placed there for this very reasons, so he rings it with a press of his finger. After waiting a few minutes and with no sign of movement, he rings it again. Now he comes to think of it, he's not sure he's seen anyone behind this desk. Ever. The long congealed ring of what was presumably coffee and month old newspaper on the counter certainly seem to confirm his fears. With the rent as low as it is, the place is not exactly full of bustling staff waiting to make your stay a pleasant one.
Marcus sighs and rubs his fingers over his forhead, trying to quell his imminent headache. Why is nothing ever straightforward?
He stares at the flickering light above him. Think, you idiot, think. There must be something you can do here.
He's vetoed his parents aleady; too stressful. Justin's is farely close, only a couple of tube stops away, but he said something about a concert in Soho tonight. Alex is at dinner with the in-laws so no hope of cadging a night on his sofa either. Nick and Veronica have just got back from their honeymoon and he doesn't really fancy listening to them fucking all night. Everyone else lives just a bit too far away and Marcus is so very tired and he wants his fucking beer already.
Think logically, Marcus. What have you got? The front door's not an option, obviously, so that only leaves the two windows as ways of getting in, one leading into his bedroom, the other into the living room. Yeah, right. What's he going to do? Scale the side of the building like a fucking wannabe spiderman? He's not that desperate.
He shifts his guitar a little higher on to his shoulder and traipses outside with his head held high. If this works, the victory beer that's sitting in his fridge right now is going to be very sweet.
He goes down the pavement at the side of the building and looks up at it, exposed electrics and all. He locates his flat, third floor, second from the left. His eyes follow the ladder of the fire escape from what he works out, from the half dead potted plant on the sill, is his living room window. The ladder snakes down the three floors, pasisng two other flats, and he walks up to where it ends above his head.
His heart rises a little. If he can just get this ladder down, he can climb up to his flat and clamber in through the window that he thanks his stars he's never bothered to lock.
He stretches his arm above his head towards the first rung of possibility, but there's still a good two feet of space before between his waggling fingers and the cold metal. He looks around for something, anything, to give him some height.
Across the road there's an offensively bright yellow plastic crate outside the side entrance of an antiques shop which, Marcus assumes, must have once been full of stock and then forgotten to be cleared away by which ever teenager has miraculously claimed a job there.
He rushes over, grabs the box, and sets it below the ladder. He stands on it and it bends under his weight, but holds. He grits his teeth and stretches up again.
There's still just over a foot a air to cover.
Fuck. This isn't going to work. Never again will he scoff at Winston for wanting to be able to fly. If there were ever a time to develop a super power, now would be a relatively good one.
He looks up. The bizarre question crosses his mind of why he's never actually sat out on the fire escape before. Three floors promises a decent view of the city to take in with a cup of coffee, a cigarette and a good book. He wonders if his neighbours have ever done it, straddled the window sill and watched the sunset or something.
His eyes widen as an idea hits him like a speeding train.
It's ludicrous, absolutely ludicrous, but it may well be his only hope. And after the day he's had, he's long past the point of worrying about his sanity.
He eyes the window below his, thinks Fuck it and makes his decision. He's tired and cold and he's had a shit day and all he can think about is that fucking beer waiting in his fridge.
He heads back inside, this time climbing only two flights of stairs.
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