#100cm sex doll
sexdollmarts-blog · 7 months
Smart Strategies for Storing Your Sex Doll: Maximizing Longevity and Privacy
As cherished personal companions, sex dolls demand careful handling and storage to maintain their quality over time. Proper storage practices are essential to ensure they remain in pristine condition. This article presents insightful tips for storing sex dolls, offering a comprehensive guide to safeguarding and preserving these special companions.
Shield from Moisture and Sunlight: Sex doll materials are often vulnerable to moisture and direct sunlight. Opt for a dry, well-ventilated storage space away from sunlight exposure. Damp environments foster mold growth, while sunlight can cause color fading and material deterioration.
Utilize Original Breathable Packaging: If your real sex doll comes with a breathable bag or box, utilize it for storage. Original packaging aids ventilation, minimizes dust accumulation, and reduces friction, particularly beneficial for extended storage periods.
Maintain Optimal Temperature: Avoid storing your sex doll in extreme temperatures, particularly hot environments. Extreme temperatures may lead to material hardening or softening, compromising the doll's durability. Optimal temperature control preserves material elasticity.
Rotate and Adjust Regularly: To prevent prolonged pressure on specific areas, regularly rotate and adjust your sex doll's position. This prevents excessive compression and preserves overall softness and shape integrity.
Prioritize Privacy: Ensure your sex doll's storage location is secure and private to safeguard your privacy and respect the intimacy of your relationship with the doll. Privacy considerations are paramount for personal comfort and discretion.
Prevent Joint Stiffness: While real sex dolls are designed for stability, prolonged immobility may result in joint stiffness or rusting. Regularly change positions and gently move joints to maintain flexibility and functionality.
Clean Before Storage: After use, thoroughly clean and disinfect your sex doll before storage. Avoid leaving uncleaned dolls for extended periods to prevent bacterial growth and material degradation.
Segregate Different Material Dolls: If you own sex dolls of varying materials, store them separately to prevent potential chemical reactions. Segregation minimizes the risk of material degradation due to interaction with other materials.
In Conclusion: Effective sex doll storage entails more than mere placement—it requires thoughtful consideration and adherence to specific guidelines. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure your sex doll for men remains in optimal condition, providing enduring pleasure and companionship. With proper storage, your sex doll becomes an enduring and cherished part of your intimate space.
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schonpuppen · 2 years
Jede Puppe wird durch einen langen Prozess hergestellt
Schließlich wurde ein Konsens erzielt, der Kundendienst gab mir einen Rabatt von 100 USD. Ich habe eine Aussprachefunktion bestellt. Ich habe sie für 1195 $ gekauft. Es dauert 10 Tage, bis die Love Doll-Fabrik produziert und versendet hat. Die Ware ist angekommen. Ich öffnete die Schachtel und sah meinen Wunsch. Ich spiele schon lange mit Sexpuppen und möchte es schnell erleben.
Schließlich habe ich es in der Toilette gewaschen und Alkohol abgewischt. Lebende Sexpuppen kaufen? – Ein Anfängerleitfaden für Erstkäufer, der Kauf von Top-Sexpuppen kann sich sehr positiv auf Ihr persönliches Sexualverhalten und Ihre allgemeine Lebensqualität auswirken. Sie müssen sich wegen des Mangels an Sex in Ihrem Leben nie unzufrieden und frustriert fühlen, und Sie werden Ihre Liebespuppe definitiv auf eine Weise schätzen, die sich die meisten Menschen nicht vorstellen können. Es gibt viele Fälle, in denen echte Frauen als Models verwendet werden, um Liebhaber zu verkaufen. Strebe danach, Chinese zu werden.
Eine große Anzahl von Fabriken ist in China entstanden, aber ihre Produkte reichen von ultrahoher Qualität bis hin zu aufblasbaren Puppen, nicht aus festem Silikon und TPE-Sexpuppen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass viele Puppen unter den Namen bekannter Marken verkauft werden, es sich jedoch tatsächlich um Fälschungen oder Nachbildungen handelt. Arbeiten Sie immer mit autorisierten Händlern. Da ihre Popularität weiter zunimmt, gewinnen Sexpuppen eine Fangemeinde, die sich „Baby Friends“ nennt. Diese Fans denken, dass sie keine leblosen Puppen sind.
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Der Dokumentarfilm „Silicone Soul“ der Filmemacherin Melody Gilbert untersucht diese Gruppe im Detail und erklärt, wie sie glauben, dass Anime Sexpuppen eine Seele haben. Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass Menschen auch mit Sexpuppen und Sexrobotern in Resonanz treten können. Wenn Menschen sehen, wie sich die Finger des Roboters von ihren Händen lösen, wird der sympathische Nervenbereich in ihrem Gehirn aktiviert. Wenn Menschen jedoch eine Bindung zu ihnen entwickeln können, ist diese Beziehung normal?
In einer im vergangenen Jahr durchgeführten Umfrage gaben 27 % der Befragten an, dass sie es seltsam finden würden, wenn sie herausfinden würden, dass sie ihrer Frau oder ihrem Ehemann gehören. Der 62-Jährige sagte, dass sein Alter in Bezug auf die Flexibilität "sehr eingeschränkt" sei. Er kann nur im Hof sitzen und sich in der Sonne aalen. Mit der Puppe an seiner Seite wirkt er nicht mehr so einsam. Brick hat auch eine starke Ansicht über die Rolle von Puppen bei der Verhinderung von sozialer Phobie und Kommunikation. Er glaubt, dass psychische Erkrankungen wie Depressionen, Angstzustände und bipolare Störungen stark reduziert werden, wenn mehr Menschen mit Puppen in Kontakt kommen. Manchmal basieren Formen auf echten Menschen.
In diesem Fall wird die Haut einer Person mit Vaseline oder anderen Gleitmitteln beschichtet und dann mit Gips oder Gummi übergossen. Denken Sie daran, dass es vor dem Entfernen lange oder mehrere Stunden dauert, bis es richtig ausgehärtet ist. Ob es darum geht, hochwertige lebensgroße Sexpuppen in San Jose oder einem anderen Gebiet herzustellen, jede Puppe wird durch einen langen Prozess hergestellt. Es ist nicht einmal das Ego, es ist die Sublimierung des Egos auf dem Objekt, die Einsamkeit der Seele in das Gummimaterial einfließen lässt. Sind Sexpuppen aktuell?
Die Redaktion von Schonpuppen findet es jedenfalls sehr wertvoll! Es ist jedoch verständlich, dass das Thema 100cm Sexpuppe selten in den Schlagzeilen auftaucht. Bevor sich die Russland-Weltmeisterschaft als so beliebt erwies, erwägt der Besitzer der in Russland eröffneten Sexpuppen-Erlebnishalle, weitere Veranstaltungsorte zu eröffnen. In Japan überwinden Sexpuppen die Sackgasse zwischen Paaren, die unter einem Dach leben. Einige japanische Männer behaupten, dass sie Sexpuppen sehr mögen, nehmen sie mit in den Park und stellen sie Freunden vor.
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sexdollxxx1 · 2 years
The Real Reasons Why Some People Purchase Sex Dolls
It might stun you, yet people that get love or sex dolls aren't consistently crawls or deviants. I can perceive you from direct insight since my own special sex doll shop is one of minority who utilizes an idea that isn't tied in with having intercourse with an affection doll, yet in regards to using them to foster one of the most appealing, sexual craftsmanship, likewise investigate - 100cm little practical modest sex doll .
Love dolls can expect bunches of postures along with it's a lot of charming to play tidy up with them and furthermore see them utilizing your preferred clothing. A few of my clients can go through hours taking pictures of their leaned toward dolls just since they can assume many situations as well as because of the way that you can dress them a way you like.
I trust that the exotic craftsmanship (pictures/recordings) made with the help of these dolls is a reverence to the ladies structure. Precisely the way in which exquisite is the female kind. It's something worth talking about to appreciate and furthermore eternalize.
Extremely intense to find a staggering woman needs to take a stab at various clothing types. Who consents to figure many sort of positions and who at exactly the same time wouldn't fret that you take photographs. Perhaps you additionally plan to alter/Photoshop the photographs and incorporate them to your own assortment and even offer them on the web. Have a go at getting assent from a real females to do things like that. It's trying to get this sort of consent too as could in fact harm a woman's history in the event that you do.
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So, these adoration dolls are great for making workmanship that is implied as a praise to the ladies structure. Individuals that get love dolls from me are by and large acculturated, standard people who have interest for erotic craftsmanship, the ladies structure, bid and provocative clothing. The dolls I offer to them permit them to see the value in their distraction in a helpful means, so investigate - grown-up smaller than usual love doll available to be purchased.
This time a purchaser moved toward me and inquired as to whether I could help him decorate his new house. He as of late resigned and furthermore his significant other had kicked the bucket a couple of years beforehand. He purchased a gigantic home, yet he was going to reside there without help from anyone else. He truly felt that some affection dolls could cause him to feel considerably less desolate in his fresh out of the box new home and that their tastefulness would positively give him joy. It worked. He informed me that they are much more perfect than he can have at any point before imagined and that he really developed asset of them. Taking into account that he was resigned and furthermore because of the way that he was distant from everyone else, he truly didn't have that much to do until he dealt with this fresh out of the box new side interest. He started making pictures of his dolls as well as found an on the web neighborhood where individuals illuminate stories concerning their dolls and furthermore share pictures. Last time I chatted with him he made it clear to me that the dolls have really given him a lot of joy and, surprisingly, a few new old buddies.
The component that I'm attempting to make is that these dolls can work on your life and can be used for phenomenal things, not just for sex. I likewise think we acquire joy from focuses that we are energetic in regards to. On the off chance that you have energy for the female sort, magnificence as well as photography then without a doubt these kind of dolls will surely give you a lot of joy not just fulfillment.
At the point when it concerns fulfillment. An affection doll genuinely can be a solution for individuals who simply (for subtleties factors) can't find a heartfelt buddy or who don't plan to rip off, yet still wish to tidy up their sexual coexistence.
For More Info:-
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dollsexy44 · 3 years
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I am the sex doll, is it beautiful
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urdollshop · 3 years
And just like the society 'accepted' sex toys like vibrators and dildos
As you probably know, Anime sex doll have been around for long time, but still many customers feel ashamed when contacting us or requesting information about sex dolls as if sex dolls were a taboo topic, something bad or illegal. But the reality is that sex dolls are very popular these days and even more accepted in modern society. Especially now that sex doll manufacturers are developing super realistic dolls and in the future we will see life-like sex dolls with artificial intelligence that promise to give them even more of a human-like feel. Experts believe that relationships with sex dolls or love dolls will be more common in the next few years as robotics, virtual reality and computing will allow love dolls to think and act as humans.
The endless desire for sex has promoted the progress of the sex toy and sex doll industry. Thirty thousand years ago, our ancestors started carving eight-inch long siltstone penises. Although some archaeologists believe that the stone "penis" is used to sharpen tools, their fairly familiar size and shape say otherwise. Some seafarers have to use cloth masturbation devices at sea to meet their sexual needs. For privileged people, inflatable dolls are part of their carry-on luggage during their voyages throughout the year.
Sex makes people feel good. Naturally, they will find some behavior-oriented things, such as sex toys, very attractive. Most stories are about two ordinary people who love each other to satisfy their sexual desires with each other's help. However, some books deal with threesome, polygamous relationships, and even relationships with cheap sex dolls.
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In the recent past, technology has taken over most aspects of our daily lives. And as people contemplate the possibility of robots replacing human workers by 2030, the sex doll revolution is the least of their worries. 100cm sex doll have become a common part of our lives. A topic that was initially considered taboo is now seeing the light of the day. And just like the society 'accepted' sex toys like vibrators and dildos, people are now warming up to the idea of owning and using love dolls.
Forget small talk and engage in more substantive conversations. Long conversations help build intimacy and strengthen relationships. They let you know each other better. In addition, a long conversation means that you are a couple and you can talk about something when you are together. Men think women who can connect with them are more attractive. In addition, a long conversation means you can spend more time with him, which is very sexy as mentioned in the previous point. Today, even sex dolls can now communicate with their owners. This is how people value communication.
If we check the international news on the subject or just use Google Google, you can find many articles about how men develop special relationships with real Tpe sex doll, and the reality is that sex dolls can indeed bring many benefits to single men or women or even couples . Many women buy sex dolls for photography, decoration or modeling. Some customers have partners, but they also use sex dolls to test fantasy without hurting the other half. We have seen couples use realistic silicone sex dolls or lover dolls to flavor their marriage. Therefore, it is completely normal to own a sex doll.
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racymedolls · 5 years
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If you use sex dolls for a long time, you must know where and how to buy realistic sex doll toys. On the other hand, if you are new to this area, this can be a daunting task for you. To buy a life like a sexual model, you have two options, one is to go to the store closest to your home, and the other is to visit the linear toys website. If you are confused about how to buy realistic sex dolls, then you can go.
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sexdollmarts-blog · 8 months
Sex Doll User Guide: Correct Positions and Precautions to Unlock the Journey of Pleasure
Sex dolls, as a product of modern technology, provide people with a unique sexual pleasure experience. However, proper use and maintenance are crucial in enjoying the process. This article will provide a detailed guide to using sexy real sex dolls, including correct usage postures, cleaning methods, storage recommendations, and considerations for psychological and social factors during use.
Part 1: Correct usage posture
Foreplay and Lubrication: Proper foreplay before using a sex doll is essential to enhance the pleasure experience. Using a water-based lubricant ensures a smooth surface on the doll and reduces friction.
Handle gently: For love dolls with movable joints, be gentle and careful when holding them. Movements should be slow to avoid excessive twisting or bending of the joints to ensure flexibility for long-term use.
Diversity of postures: Never maintain one posture for a long time. Trying different postures can increase the fun of use and reduce the pressure on specific parts of the doll.
Pay attention to the head and neck area: For sex dolls with heads, pay special attention to the head and neck area to avoid excessive twisting or excessively violent movements to prevent damage.
Part 2: Cleaning and Maintenance
Cleaning before use: Always clean your real love doll before each use. Use mild soap and warm water, and avoid cleaning agents containing alcohol or acids that can damage the material.
Regular Disinfection: It is crucial to thoroughly disinfect your sex doll on a regular basis. Use a specialized sex toy cleaning solution or a bleach-water solution (diluted according to instructions) and pay attention to every detail.
Avoid overexposure and heat: Avoid exposing your sex doll to sunlight for long periods of time to prevent the material from hardening or discoloring. At the same time, keep away from high-temperature places and avoid use in high-temperature environments.
Regular lubrication: For movable joints, regular use of lubricants can maintain the flexibility of the joints and ensure their normal operation.
Part Three: Storage Recommendations
Avoid moisture: When storing your sex doll, make sure it is placed in a dry and ventilated place and avoid moisture to prevent mold growth.
Breathable bag and box: If it comes with a storage bag or box, it is best to use the original breathable bag or box to maintain ventilation, prevent dust and reduce friction on the material.
Private storage: When storing, the privacy of the sex doll should be protected as much as possible to ensure that it is not easily discovered by others.
Part 4: Psychological and Social Factors Considerations
Psychological comfort: Make sure you are in a psychologically comfortable state when using a life size sex doll. Respect your own feelings and don't force yourself to do activities you don't want to try.
Partner Communication: If you have a partner, communication is crucial. Make sure your partner has a clear understanding of the idea of using a sex doll and participates in it together to enhance communication and interaction.
Social Privacy: Although owning and using a sex doll is a personal choice, take into account society's biases and ensure that privacy issues related to sex dolls are appropriately handled in social situations.
Part 5: Additional suggestions for use
Personal Hygiene: Ensure personal hygiene before use, including washing hands and using clean sanitary napkins. Not only will this help your health, but it will also aid in the long-term maintenance of your sex doll.
Management of usage time: Avoid overuse of sex dolls to prevent excessive wear and tear. Proper management of usage time can help extend the life of your sex doll.
Seek Professional Advice: If you have concerns about the use or maintenance of your sex doll, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. Manufacturers often provide detailed user manuals, and information can also be found through online platforms.
in conclusion:
As a pleasure tool, sex dolls can provide individuals with a unique and private experience. However, proper use and maintenance are crucial when enjoying this experience. By understanding proper usage positions, cleaning and maintenance, storage recommendations, and psychological and social considerations, you can ensure you remain comfortable and safe when using your sex doll.
Whether you're exploring as an individual or with a partner, please maintain respect and trust. Sex dolls should be viewed as a tool to enhance your sex life, not a replacement. When using it, try to make sure you and your partner are comfortable and maintain the relationship through open, honest communication. Most importantly, your attitude towards using a sex doll should be consistent with your own values and moral standards.
By following these suggestions, you will be better able to enjoy the pleasurable experience of your sex doll while ensuring that they are in good condition to provide you with long-term companionship.
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emmassexstore1 · 3 years
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Buying sex dolls at an affordable rate online and lots of dolls are available for males that offer them to have sex like oral sex, vaginal sex, anus sex, breast sex, and many more. We offer you all kinds of 100cm sex dolls that are very suitable for those who want to own sex dolls but want to carry and store miniature sex dolls more easily.
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sex-doll42 · 4 years
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irontechdollfactory · 3 years
How to choose an adult sex doll based on height & weight?
Before buying sex dolls, the most frequently asked questions by customers may be price, quality, and shipping policies. The height and weight of adult sex dolls may be easily overlooked factors.
Of course, when you browse the product image gallery in the sex doll online store, you may have your own “life-size” standard about the size of adult sex dolls in your mind. Generally people prefer women who fit your fantasies, which can stimulate sexual pleasure.
You can simply imagine, but this can only be used as a reference. The height and size of adult sex dolls still need to be based on exact data.
There is a strong correlation between the height and weight of lifelike adult sex dolls. The higher the sex doll you buy, the heavier it weighs.
Maybe you think this is not important when you buy a sex doll, but when the sex doll is actually delivered to your home, you will be amazed.
Moving and storing large full size sex dolls in the bedroom is very laborious. Therefore, it is very important to choose a sex doll with the right height and weight. Think about a few questions before buying.
Is your budget enough? Do you have extra power? Do you like big booty sex dolls? How much storage space do you reserve for sex dolls? Do you want to dress up for sex dolls?
SEX DOLLS OF DIFFERENT HEIGHTS AND WEIGHTS Generally speaking, the higher and heavier the adult sex doll, the larger its size, the more materials and costs it needs.
The most immediate result affected is the price of sex dolls. Of course there is also the user experience, which is the most important.
Choose an adult sex doll that suits you!
MINI SEX DOLL: 65CM (2‘’1.6’) TO 100CM (3’’3’) Mini sex doll is the smallest sex doll. Smaller height and lighter weight make them seem so impractical. You may only use her as a tool to vent your sexual desires, rather than think that she is a real woman worthy of your love.
Note: Mini sex dolls under 80cm may only have one vagina for you to use.
One of the best-selling Mini sex dolls is the 100cm sex doll. Compared with other small sex dolls, they have a more realistic appearance. They have three holes (vagina, anus and mouth) and can perform oral sex, anal sex and sexual intercourse. Like other petite sex dolls, you will find it difficult to find clothes that suit them.
However, small sex dolls are still the first choice of many buyers. Because they are cheap enough and easy to move, carry and store. If your budget is insufficient and the bedroom space is not large enough, a Mini sex doll is perfect for you.
FULL SIZE SEX DOLL Full size sex dolls can be divided into two types according to height and weight.
MEDIUM SEX DOLL: 125CM(4”1′)-140CM(4”7′) The weight of a medium-sized doll is generally between 20kg (44lbs) and 23kg (50.7lbs). From here, you can customize the insertable vagina or built-in vagina, which is easy to clean. This is an option that smaller sex dolls do not have.
And you will feel that the sex doll you are having sex with is a real woman. And you can dress them up with beautiful clothes.
LARGE SEX DOLLS OR LIFE SIZE SEX DOLLS: 158CM (5”2′)-165CM (5”4′) Life size sex dolls weigh more than 30kg (66lbs). You will find this is an extremely terrible thing, unless you have a lot of power.
But as long as you meet the following conditions, a life size love doll is your ideal choice.
Don’t care about weight and you are strong. Sufficient budget. Enough bedroom space. Want a perfect real experience.
The life size sex doll is the most real and closest to a real female model. So if you are only using it for photography, a life size sex doll is also suitable for you. You can find clothes suitable for life-size sex dolls anytime, anywhere.
And if you like big booty sex doll, you can contact the manufacturer to customize it.
FINALLY The decision is yours, but don’t buy sex dolls on an impulse! Even though height and weight are not your priority factors, they are the most important factors before payment.
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racymedolls · 5 years
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Mini TPE love doll is more light for the beginners.
with customer reviews:
“I have I have used one of the dolls from the racyme.com and they are great even when you just look a them! Good quality affordable, worth every penny that you will spend on it.! “
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sexdollmarts-blog · 8 months
Sex Doll Customization Options: Personalize Your Pleasure Experience
With the continuous development of technology, sex dolls are no longer just simple adult toys, but have become a personalized and customized pleasure tool. These dolls offer a wide variety of customization options to suit the user's personal preferences and desires. This article will take an in-depth look at the main customization options for sex dolls, as well as what you need to pay attention to when customizing.
Customization option one: Appearance features
The appearance characteristics of a sex doll are one of the keys to customization. Users can choose hair color, hairstyle, eye color, lip shape, etc. according to their personal preferences. Some advanced sex dolls can even be customized based on photos provided by the user to better simulate the user's ideal image.
Customization option two: physical characteristics
The customization of physical characteristics covers height, weight, bust, waist, hip and other aspects. Users can choose their ideal body curves and proportions based on personal preferences. Some manufacturers also offer different skin tone options to ensure the doll's appearance more closely matches the user's expectations.
Customization option three: sexual organ design
The design of sexual organs is also one of the important customization options for sex dolls for men. Users can choose from different sizes, shapes and styles of sex organs to suit their personal sexual preferences. Some manufacturers also offer interchangeable sex organs to add variety to their dolls.
Customization option four: skeleton and joints
High-quality sex dolls usually feature a sturdy metal frame and movable joints that allow them to move and move their bodies. Users can choose from different types of skeletons and joints to achieve a wider range of poses and movements.
Customization option five: Sound and voice
Some advanced sex dolls also have voice and audio capabilities. Users can choose the doll's voice type, accent, and language. This further enhances the realism and emotional connection of interacting with the doll.
Customization option six: tactile material
Tactile materials are an important factor affecting the experience of using sexy real sex dolls. Common materials include silicone and thermoplastic elastomer (TPE). Users can choose different materials according to their preferences, each with its own unique feel and texture.
Customization option seven: Customized clothing and accessories
Finally, users can also choose to customize their sex doll with clothing and accessories to add to the doll’s personality. This can include a variety of lingerie, clothing styles, hair accessories, and more to make the doll more in line with the user's aesthetic and sexual fantasies.
If you need any customized options, please contact us via email in time and we will work hard to provide you with satisfactory service.
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100dolls0909 · 3 years
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100cmsexdolls · 3 years
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happypapercandy · 4 years
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overlycalm · 4 years
sex doll’s type
実物そっくりのダッチワイフは、私たちの選択の中で最も人気のある人形です。 スキニーからカーブ、そしてその間のすべてのものまで、さまざまな種類の等身大のダッチワイフボディを閲覧できます。 私たちの生活のようなTPEセックス人形の他のすべての側面と同様に、体の高さは148 cmから、好みに応じて体を選択できます。
ミニセックスドールは、人生で小さなものを好む人のためのものです。 ミニダッチワイフには、より小さな等身大の人形と縮小された、使いやすい人形が含まれます。 好みや保管の必要性のために小さなセックス人形に興味があるかどうかにかかわらず、あなたは私たちの豊富なセレクションであなたにぴったりの小さなセックス人形を見つけることができます。
セックスドールトルソスは、よりコンパクトなサイズで同じリアルな体験を可能にします。 フルボディのダッチワイフと同じように、ダッチワイフの胴体でも同じ性的欲求を満たすことができます。 腕や脚が付いていない場合もありますが、大切な部分は残っているので、巨乳や小柄な人形で楽しい夜を過ごせます。 通常100cm以下のダッチワイフの胴体は、保管や使用が簡単なため、同じ性的体験をより小さなサイズで楽しむことができます。
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