#100followercelly onlyforyouteddy loveyoubunches
callmemana · 1 year
For @thesluttyarchivist ‘s 100 follower celebration 💛
The Broken House
Gender neutral reader x Robert Floyd
Angst list prompt : “I hate the way things are right now.”
Word count : 1167
The rain poured down like a waterfall as they ran out of the house wearing an old college T-shirt and sweatpants only towards their car, two suitcases feeling heavy in their arms as they threw them in the back in a half hazard way. That was the last straw, as the car door slammed shut, tears began to flow. They couldn’t take it anymore, being gone for months on end with no before-mentioned return date. Dating someone in the military was supposed to be hard, they knew what they signed up for on that first date with Robert, but they didn’t read the fine print as it seems. So, like a scared coward, they ran. They ran while he was on a carrier ship, heading towards another dangerous mission.
After three years of being together, you would think that they would be used to it and not as scared as they are now, but fear like this never fades out. They had gone to their parents’ house first, until they could afford Their own apartment nearby. It took a while, but they finally managed to do it. It had been months after the breakup that they had seen him again, longer hair and a five o’clock shadow on his usually clean, baby face, and wearing a Navy issued hoodie and grey sweatpants. Of course it just had to be at the store of all places that they saw each other again, it was like one of those cheesy rom com Hallmark movies. They tried to sneak past the beginning of the aisle without being seen, but as luck would have it, they ran into a different familiar aviator.
“Y/N, what a surprise. I didn’t mean to run into you,” they kept their head towards the ground out of embarrassment, they couldn’t even face her “Nice to see you too, Phoenix.” “At least it would be if you could look at me. He’s not the same without you, you know. He’s been in a funk ever since you left.” “I-I just couldn't take being alone in that big house by myself anymore, I felt like I was going crazy,” Y/N said as they lifted their head, with glassy eyes. “Well, now Bob feels that way,” “He couldn’t get new housing?” Phoenix sighed, “He still thinks you’ll come back, he couldn’t forgive himself if he got a new house when so many memories were made in it.” The guilt felt heavy in their stomach as the information was brought to light, he was feeling the same as you did in that house all by your lonesome. How could you do that to him? “He should just move on, start anew.” “He can’t, not without you. He doesn’t come out with the squad anymore, just sits in his house waiting for you to come back.”
Phoenix put her hand on their shoulder in worry. “He needs to realize that I’m not coming back. I left for a reason, and I’ve made my choice. Was it a bad choice, yes, but I made it and now I got to lie in the bed I made.” “If it was a bad choice, then why not try to make things better? Its hurt both of you and I don’t think I can take seeing either of you like this anymore.” Phoenix gave their shoulder a light squeeze. “What’s done is done, Phoenix. How could I face him when I can’t even talk to you without the guilt of what I’ve done eat at me?” they shifted their eyes back to the cheap, fake tiled flooring of the store. “Bob and you need to talk Y/N. He didn’t get closure; you did the day you left. I got to go, Bob will be looking for me soon. It was nice to see you again, we miss you.” Phoenix gave a short hug before going in the opposite direction to where Bob was, they stayed frozen in the spot for a couple of seconds before finally deciding to finish their shopping trip. Maybe Phoenix is right, we should talk. After that thought, they shook their head, how could they face him, look into those baby blues, and say why they left. It would kill him to hear the truth. It killed them when they left.
It was a couple of weeks later when they finally ran into each other again, this time at the gas station. They were on the opposite sides of the same pump; they caught the shine of his glasses when the sun passed through. Now, rushing to finish before he could recognize them, dropped their card on the ground, more on the other side than their own. “Excuse me, you’ve dropped this.” Their eyes connect, and it seems like no time has passed as they take the card from Bob’s hand. “O-Oh, um well, here you go, I’ll let you be,” he wiped his hands on his pants nervously. “T-Thanks,” they stutter out. As they turn to leave, but before they can open the driver’s side door, Bob speaks again, “I hate the way things are right now, I’m not myself and I hate it so much.”
“Bob,” he cuts them off before they can finish, “I just need to understand why, why you left so suddenly and then went radio silent. Was it me? Did I do something to upset you?” The guilt was back and weighed heavily on you as you heard the confusion and sadness in his voice. “No, Bob, never. You never did anything to upset me, I just couldn't be in that house without you while you were gone for so long. It killed me, and I know that the internet and mail are slow when you’re on a ship in the middle of the ocean, but I couldn’t handle not seeing you, or your handwriting, hearing your voice, for months. It was like you were a dream, and when I woke up, you disappeared from my memory, and I only remembered some fuzzy details of it.”
“I’m sorry you felt that way, if we could go back, I’d try to be better at writing or video chatting. It killed me too, you know. The not being able to see, touch, or hear, you. It was like torture, darlin’ and I never want to feel that way again.” He came closer to gently grab Their hands, but they pulled away slowly. “I don’t either, but I can’t Bob. I just can’t go back to where we were in the relationship,” “So, we start over. As if we just met.” “O-Ok, I guess that can work.” “Hello, my name is Robert, but most people call me Bob.” “Hi Robert, my name is Y/N” “Would you like to maybe go out on a date with me, Y/N?” heat rose from their cheeks at the question just like it did the first time he asked, three years ago, “I would love to go on a date with you Robert.”
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