cocajimmycola · 1 year
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10spouse , 10+3spouse , 3spouse Alternatively: Tenspouse , Thirteenspouse , Threespouse
A gender connected to weddings and the number 10 or 3, the number 10 and 3 getting married, being a spouse and the number 10 or 3, etc.
gift for : @valenten
TAGLIST ! (lmk if you want to be added/removed) : @gender-darling @genderserpentine @botbinary @hoardicboy @mogai-sunflowers @noxwithoutstars @the-almond-and-the-apple @boxesofnoxes @aetherive @karkitz @reveseke @revenant-chaos @donniesbf @corbybug @heart-valentin3 @checkers-entertainments @loveless-lovesickness @waliwiwige @nepetaisms @begendered-mogai @diary-of-apathy @radiomogai @bpd-hoardic @faunfaced @pullerofstrings
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