perditioner · 10 years
10thandthetardis replied to your post:does anyone here speak fluent french
I do :) What would you like to know?
i have to write 200 words on my holidays and i have no idea where to begin
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ragnar-rockandroll · 10 years
One of Those Ask Games
I was tagged by i-dislike-tea
Here are the rules: 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions the person asked the write 11 more 3. Tag 11 more people and add links to their blog 4. Actually tell them you tagged them
The Questions:
1. Favourite colour?
ORANGE! Because I’m a freak…
2. Hot or cold weather?
Oh my god cold! I’m in flordia right now and I’m dieing. 
3. First thing you’d do if you won the lottery?
Buy a library probably, and then donate lots of money to dogs and children. 
4. Do you have siblings?
I have a little brother who is actully pretty rad when he say something besides “Your Face ____”
5. Dream holiday?
Tour of Europe. And staying in Switzerland for a while, to see my exchange sister. Also I could actully be understood there so it wouldnt be super awkward. (Although Swiss German confuses me but I mean, everyone there speaks Deutsch Deutsch to…
6. Favourite book?
Can I make a list? Imma make a list! 
Les Mis is of course, my baby. But also Harry Potter, The Fault in our Stars, OH! The Book Theif is Excellant! AND HAVE YOU READ CODE NAME VERITY! i actully just really love books way to much I will stop now. 
7. Earliest memory?
I was like, one, and we were visiting my grandmother in michigan in winter and it had snowed and in this memory it was up way over my head when you walked through it and i always wondered how my dad had managed to shovel that when I was little. Now I relize I was just short…
8. Favourite thing about yourself?
oh gods. I don’t know. I guess I’m a fairly decent writer?
9. Tea or coffee or neither?
Tea! (I’m so sorry Lauren, I can see your url.) 
10. What posters are on your bedroom walls?
i have three giant ones: Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock. And then I have a Snape one, A hunger games one, An Annabeth one (Percy Jackson), a Falconry one, with am American Kestrel and a Perigrine Falcon. And I think that’s it, also a lot of stuff people have drawn me or stuff I did. I love my room. 
11. Most prized possession?
My books. And I’m really weird about them. Like, certain books I legit can’t read cause one of the kids in my school broke the spine on them or something. And I cried for weeks. Basically, I’m a freak. 
My Questions: 
Right then, we all know how I am with these things so just bear with me! 
1. What would your dragon look like? (This is a very real questions guys.)
2. What’s your favourite way to spend summer?
3. What’s your favourtie winter sport (None of you live in australia I know all your secrets dont test me)
4. If you could have an unlimited number of pets how many dogs would you have? (Go nuts steph)
5. What’s your favourite flower?
6. Design your dream house.
7. What colour would you wanna dye your hair if you could?
8. Any O.C.’s you would like to describe to the general public?
9. Text or Talk or Facetime? (Ha. That’s not even a questions…)
11. Ok, you all have to make one question for me to use next time I get one of these things! GO! 
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photoofacactus · 11 years
i was tagged by tea-serving-dalek
Rule 1: Always post the rules. Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones. Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Rule 4: Actually tell people you’ve tagged them.
My Questoins:
If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
I answered every other question and wrote all the questions and I still don’t know the answer to this. Hmm. Ice cream.
Dogs or Cats or Penguins?
A Penguin that is as soft as a cat and as loyal as a dog. It would also be nice if the penguin could dance rly well J
3.What’s your patronus?
4.What colour hair would you most like the have? (what are these questoins?)
U spelled color wrong, darling (I don’t care how much you blush when someone says “I like your pants” you were born in the US of A and u WILL spell color the right way!!). And dirty auburn.
5.Favourite book (im sorry im being boring)
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
6. What would you do if you discovered a demon in your closet?
Grab the mini salt jar from my neck and BURN THOSE B*TCHES
7.whats your hidden talent?
Tying knots in cherry stems (supposedly that means that im also a good kisser, but that will never be tested out so….)
8. if you had a super power what do you think it would be? (like based on your personality.
My super power would be forcing everyone to smile when we are taking pictures
9. Elevens is a lot of question. What would you do if you were eaten by caribdos?
It depends what the hell a caribdos is. Either way, im pretty sure I would be eaten by it and then use my ninja skills to cut a hole in its stomach. I may drown in the blood, but I will be a martyr.
10. What would you like your room to look like?
Oh hon! I have a whole list of things I wanna do to my room, but it is just too darn messy. I want it not butterfly-y everywhere and green. Ugh. I want it pink and maroon and deep purple and organized for once.
11. Favourite month?
  What is your best trait/characteristic
If you had unlimited resources and amazing(er) skills, what cosplay outfit would you make?
Name a guilty pleasure of yours
Baths or showers?
Close your eyes and guess how many posters you have hanging in your room. Now open your eyes and count them. Which ones did you forget?
Coffee or tea?
How long is your hair?
What is something you wish you didn’t care so much about?
Favorite TV show?
Favorite shoes? Why?
Talk about a souvenier you have and how you got it.
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ragnar-rockandroll · 10 years
i got tagged by andwewillwipeawaytheplasma
- Always post the rules - Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 10 new ones - Tag 10 people and link them to the post - Actually tell them you tagged them
1. One character death you would undo?
umm... any barricade boy I think. I don't even care which really (although courfeyrac is my favourite. I just want one of them to survive besides freaking Marius. I mean I love Marius. but i mean... Marius. (I'm so sorry marius)
2. A song you have in your head atm?
little talks. Cause i just finished singing it only with all the lyrics rewriting to portray THE AMERICAN GOVERMENT TWO PARTY SYSTEM! Fucking AP goverment and its dumb ass asignments. Nah it was kinda fun tbh but i keep being all see the truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuth is, we've got diffrences in ideology and then going WAIT thats not right! and ccrying bitter tears. Wow do you ever notice youve made a typo and then rather then hitting the back arrow to go deleate it you decide it would be easier to write a long winded explanation about how you dont feel like going back and erasing that extra c in crying?
3. A word you say way too much?
"soporific" (sleep inducing) i use it all the time and everyone is like Hannah what the hell does that even mean and mumble about how pretentious i am
4. If you had to punch someone in the face who would you punch?
YOU! bwahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha. Im so sorry ill stop now. Uh.... idk? westbero babtist church people? OMG! Theyre doing a demonstration at one of the schools near me protesting their GSA so im gonna go to the counter protest 
5. Favourite villian?
Loki (is that even a question come on tash)
6. Favourite musical?
LES MIS! That must have been really hard to guess right guys? are you all shocked? I hope this impromtu revalation didnt completely shatter every preconception you may have had about me. 
7. If you could make a movie with whatever plot and whoever you wanted (dead or alive) acting in it, what would it be about and who would you have in it?
It would be about puppies in some beutiful scenic place and their would be lots of puppies and beutiful scenery and also karen gillian and david tennent. (neither of whom i am actully sure how to spell the name of. (oh my gods that sentance. what is grammar))
8. Favourite tshirt?
i have two. One wih elsa and the tardis and one of those lithograph ones that has whole books for les mis (no i dont have a problem shut up)
9. Where would you most like to live?
copenhagen. Although my danish sucks so i should probally learn a tad more first.... its sorta like german right? hahaha sure it is. (dont shatter my dreams)
10. Favourite song to sing?
Probally demons cause its right in my range. Or let her go. Or pompeii. or anything by monsters and men cause i love them. 
My Questions
1.  What weird thing would you most like to do to your hair?
2. If you could live in any book (and your not allowed to say harry potter) what would it be?
3. How would you recommend coming up with questions for these fucking things?
4. What animal would you most like to be?
5. What sort of fantastical place would you most like to live? (live atlantis shangri-la that sort of thing. Or you know. whatever. Im kinda just throwing these out there. )
6. What type of pet would you most like to have? (a griffon is TOTALLY an exceptable answer btw.)
7. Describe the monster hiding beneath your bed. (what)
8. Have you read les mis? If not, please explain why. If yes, please tell me in your own words exactly why it was the best book ever. 
9. If you could be a magical creature like a mermaid (or  a troll justaddfiction i mean go for it) what would you be?
10. Tell me how great my questions were cause they were really fucking hard to make up and also describe the perfect dessert as you see it. And if i accidently types that massively sandy place instead or the yummy after dinner food because i cant fucking spell then describe that instead. Actully DESCRIBE THEM BOTH! 
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ragnar-rockandroll · 11 years
i was tagged in a thingy by thischickentasteslikepeople
Rule 1: Always post the rules. Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones. Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Rule 4: Actually tell people you’ve tagged them.
My questions-
1.If you could bring back any tv show that has ended/been cancelled what would it be?
firefly so that my brother will shut up about it and how i shouldn't complain about the shortage of sherlock episodes becasue he has it worse. and also i guess i like the show. 
2. Favourite song (or songs if you cant decide between a few) from before you were born?
Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits or Thunder Road by bruce springsteen (which i cant spell. I wish i lived in medival times so i didnt have to deal with this whole spelling nonsence. Although i guess that plauge was probally a bit not fun.)
3. Favourite musical?
Does a very potter musical count or does it have to be all official and stuff?
4. If you could move to a alternate universe where everything is the same except for one thing what would you want that one thing to be?
Um.. weekend adventures with the doctor maybe?
5. Favourite harry potter character?
Angelina Johnson. 
Or Fred. Fred was pretty awesome. My brother likes to bring up him being dead at random moments to make me cry. 
6. Man im really bad at thinking of questions ermmmm…What shoes do you wear most often?
Red chuck taylors. 
7. Do you like arctic monkeys, if so whats your favourite song of theirs??
8. Idk, you done anything interesting recentely?
I study for exams. It was oh so fascinating. 
9. Tea or coffee?
10. If you could live anywhere, where would you most like to live?
Hogwarts (well you did say anywere)
11. Something that annoys you about tumblr?
People are a tad overly touchy. (I think that sentance was contradictory. why do i always leave these notes commenting on my crappy writing instead of just fixing it like a normal person would?)
My Questoins:
1. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
2. Dogs or Cats or Penguins?
3.What's your patronus?
4.What colour hair would you most like the have? (what are these questoins?)
5.Favourite book (im sorry im being boring)
6. What would you do if you discovered a demon in your closet?
7.whats your hidden talent?
8. if you had a super power what do you think it would be? (like based on your personality.
9. Elevens is a lot of question. What would you do if you were eaten by caribdos?
10. What would you like your room to look like?
11. Favourite month?
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