#123 years of 'nothing' and then BOOM back on the map baby
Reading One Piece pt 158: “Mom?”
Chapter 395
- Fpos/cs: Three BW stole marine ship and are running away! You go, BW, you’re safe now! What about Mr.2
- Villagers are running for their lives and can you blame them
- Cp9 people found Poneglyph in the basement and are pretty creeped out. How did archeologists get that stone here. I will have to learn how to spell Poneglyph for good, won’t I
- Aww, Saul came into town to get Robin! I think it will be counterproductive but it’s still awesome and touching, ok
- Huh, Spandyne DID contact “Gorousei”! (different scans again but it obviously means the government top dogs so I don’t care) But it won’t help doctor Clover, he’s not so eloquent as Tom The Shipwright. Sorry man, government has you as “dead” in their books already and they don’t want to make any corrections to change that. Imagine the paperwork, doctor Clover, the paperwork
- Yep
- Ok, doctor Clover has things to say, time to sit and listen
- “No matter what lies in the past, humans create history, and thus they must accept everything. If we come to know things without feeling fear, we may be able to create some form of countermeasure!”
“That’s mere idealism”
“Is that so? I think you’re saying you can’t because it’s not convenient for you to accept this!”
Haha, government just got served, I love that song
- Nowadays, the truth we wish to know most is more the Poneglyphs reason for existence as opposed to their contents.” You know what, that is a good question.  How and why are they everywhere?
- Apparently the message people in the past wanted to sent future generation was too important to put to destroyable paper. I dig that
- Ohohohoho!
- “People that left behind the stones had an enemy” ok “Their enemy would continue to live on in the history” eh. But they WERE destroyed so sure, why not “Right after 100 Years of Blank Pages… The World Government was born” I see what you’re doing here. And wow, 800 years, was there any empire that actually lasted that long
- “The 100 Blank Pages were erased by the World Government’s hands as inconvenient history!!!” HA, tell them doctor
- Single country with a great civilization has been erased from existence long, long ago. I don’t see why anyone would cover destroying the single country for 800 years. After some time people just stop caring, you know? They could stop hiding the fact after, like,  300 years, I think. History becomes history for a reason
- Yeah, I don’t think Spandyne and Gorousei care about that impromptu history lesson. What did they expect, they let a scholar start talking. Of course he started a lecture
- At least they call that a hypothesis. Sure, it could hold in court but they don’t exactly have a proof. Unless you count being evaporated by government for looking for proof a proof (I am)
- What’s so cool about that mysterious country that revealing it’s existence to the world would change everything?
- “The name of the country was…” ?
- “Ohara knows too much!!” And will know even more, you bastards!!!!!
- Oh poor Robin
- Spandyne looks for golden den den mushi!!! GET THE FUCK AWAY ROBIN PLEASE
- “It’s Buster Call time!” don’t steal my lines, Spandyne
- “Shouldn’t it be okay if it’s just our heads that roll!?” …metal
- They’re taking Olvia away, they want her alive
- …shit… Robin and Olvia… shit…
- Nonononono, don’t give me flashbacks, damn you
- “Are you my mommy!?”
- Fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuck
- whyyyyyyy
- everyone is crying and I will too, damn it
- oh god, Robin
- “I’m Robin! Even though I am bigger… You really don’t remember me? I always waited for you to come back! Are you really not my mother? Someday… I’d just like to go for a walk with you, holding your hand!”
- SHIIIIT, she’s telling them she can read Poneglyphs
- “I don’t… want to be alone anymore!!!”
… …. … ….
*sobbing it the distance*    
rOP 157  rOP 159
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