chaineaira · 7 months
My name is Chaine Aira Talingting Cabarrubias, and this is my life journey. I'm so lucky to have a supportive family, especially my parents, who worked tirelessly to provide for their family. Despite the challenges we've encountered together, they showered us with love and encouragement. The house echoed with the sound of bedtime stories, whispered secrets, playing music or instruments, and singing together. It was our comfort zone when we were facing our problems and struggles in life. 
During childhood, I sometimes wanted to be a princess in the coronation night however, we have no money to become a princess therefore it's expected that I'm not the one to win the crown, because this princess competition was held during fiesta celebration and this coronation is just based who has the highest money and were just average family and our opponents was rich so basically we just expects to lost but its very funny because I won and become a princess which is very surprising with the turn of event's the funny thing is that I just only won because one of the candidate wanted to have soft drinks and it happen to be that the mother doesn't have any money left in her pocket except the money in the envelope so the mother take 8 pesos from the envelope just to buy her daughter soft drinks and eventually thats there biggest mistake because thats the reason they lost and I win and I only win to them by 75 cents thats very hilarious right, becoming a princess just because of 75 cents and thats me.
Being the eldest child, it's my responsibility to be my siblings role model, and I really want to be the one they look up to. Yeah, I really tried, but as a human, I know that I have flaws too. I'm trying to be a good example to them. As a child, I used to be pampered and always have my way with everything I desired. My parents have been very doting on me since I was also very obedient to them, but all of a sudden that changed because my brother was born, and suddenly the attention was not on me anymore. It made me feel sad for a while because I thought that my parents loved my baby brother more than me. I was jealous, but I couldn't help it. I also felt bad for my behavior, which is why I realized I needed to change it, and eventually I learned how to love and take care of my brother like the good elder sister I am. Then we grow to be very close as siblings until my parents' children give birth to the other four of us.
When I was studying in primary school, I used to be on the honor roll from 1st grade to 3rd grade. At that time, I knew that I made my parents proud, but when I reached 4th grade, my grades suddenly declined, which made me sad because I felt that I had disappointed my parents. I really feel down, and I'm not the cheerful little girl I'm used to being. At that time, my parents noticed my sadness, and they decided that they had to do something to cheer me up. Since it's summer vacation, my parents plan to spend our vacation in my mother's hometown in the province to have some fun and, at the same time, create some happy memories that we spend together. Also, my parents told me that there's no need to be sad about me not getting an award or honor roll because they said that it's okay as long as I pass, and most important, I did my very best and studied very hard, and that's more than enough for them. At that very moment, I promised myself that next time I'll always try my hardest as a daughter to make my parents proud, and I'll make sure that their effort and sacrifices to send me to a good school are worth it. Although we struggle financially, my parents always make sure to provide us with food and a happy home to live in. They also make sure for all of us to continue our education, even though sometimes they are at their hardest to support our family financially. But still, they strive to do anything and everything to successfully raise us and make us respectful and kind-hearted people.
As a teenager, my high school and senior high school moments were very memorable. I met new people and new friends, and I always wanted to explore and learn new things that could make me grow and develop into who I am right now. At this age, I have learned from the people I've been with that there's nothing permanent in this life because even the people we cherish and treasure the most have to leave us, and it's all part of the journey. Only my family is always there for me during my ups and downs. They didn't leave me when I was at my hardest times in life. They are always there for me every time I feel down, and they always cheer me up and encourage me to go beyond life. And that is why I want to work harder to give my family a stable life, and my goal is to give my parents a comfortable lifestyle during their older years. I'm not perfect, but I'm trying my best to be better because, as humans, everybody makes mistakes, but those mistakes can also make us stronger and teach us a life lesson. I also accepted my failures and mistakes, and my parents also taught me that everybody must accept defeat because not anything in this world you want, you can have it. Because if you can't experience being defeated, you can't be the winner in the end. Life lessons can be harsh; just humbly accept them and surrender yourself to the Lord, who will guide you to be who you want to be in the future.
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meetaethere · 7 months
"Childhood Dreams, Adult Realities: A Journey of Growth and Discovery"
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As I sit down to write my life story from childhood to adulthood, I am overcome with a rush of memories, emotions, and reflections. My journey from childhood to adulthood has been a tapestry woven with threads of joy, sorrow, love, and growth. Each chapter has shaped the person I am today.
Childhood was a time of innocence and wonder, filled with endless possibilities and boundless imagination. I grew up in a small town. My earliest memories are of lazy summer days going to grandma's house every weekend, spending time playing with my friends,and catching fireflies as the sun dipped below.From the earliest days of my childhood, grandma's house was my sanctuary. Every weekend, without fail, I'd eagerly go to her house, my heart brimming with anticipation. As soon as I crossed the threshold, I was enveloped in the comforting embrace of her love and warmth. Grandma's house is not just a place; it was a haven where I felt safe.With Grandma by my side, every day was a memorable adventure waiting to unfold. From making champorado,chika and exploring the wonders of her backyard garden, we embarked on countless escapades filled with laughter and imagination. He wanted me to become a teacher someday.As I grew older, I came to cherish not only the moments of fun but also the invaluable lessons of love and wisdom that Grandma imparted to me. Through her gentle guidance and unwavering support, in Grandma's eyes, I was always enough, just as I was. She always said congratulations for my small achievements until now, comforted my tears, brought me home from work, and encouraged my dreams with unwavering faith, support, and unconditional love. No matter the challenges or uncertainties that life presents, I am also blessed with my parents because, as far as I can remember, until now, my birthdays were like stepping into a wonderland. Even if it was a simple celebration, my parents made sure that each one was special, with tons of presents and decorations. When I was young too, I remember that going to the dentist scared me silly. The whirring tools and masked faces made me tremble. So, I avoided the dentist like the plague, and because I was afraid, I ignored any toothaches or problems. I hoped they would just go away on their own. But as I got older, my teeth started to look less nice.Eventually, the pain got so bad that I had to go to the dentist. With a pounding heart, I finally faced my fear and sat in the dreaded chair.The dentist was kind and gentle, even though my teeth weren't in great shape. They helped me fix the problems and showed me how to take better care of my teeth, but the doctor said I needed to have braces to make my teeth straight and nice, but they were too expensive and we couldn't afford them, so I didn't have braces.And now I am not confident and shy speaking in front of many people because of my teeth. Every time I stood before a crowd, my heart raced and my palms sweated. But it wasn't just the fear of public speaking that held me back; it was the fear of being judged because of my teeth.As I entered adolescence, the landscape of my life began to shift in unexpected ways. I grappled with the tumultuous journey of self-discovery,belonging, and purpose. High school was a time of both exhilaration and heartache, as I forged friendships and relationships and weathered the storms of academic pressure and social expectations.
Amidst the chaos of adolescence, there were moments of profound clarity and growth.
As I graduated from high school and ventured into the realm of adulthood, I was met with a newfound sense of freedom and responsibility.
Senior high offered a fresh start, a chance to reinvent myself and pursue my goals to achieve them.Entering senior high school was both exciting and nerve-wracking. As I stepped through the doors on the first day, I was filled with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. The halls seemed larger, the expectations higher, and the challenges greater than ever before.
But alongside the excitement of newfound independence, there were moments of uncertainty and self-doubt.As a senior high school student, speaking in front of others was a daunting challenge. The mere thought of standing before a crowd sent shivers down my spine, and my voice often faltered in the face of fear. But deep down, I knew I wanted to change.Despite my fear, I made a conscious decision to confront my insecurities and work on improving my self-confidence when speaking in front of class and many people for my own good.But amidst my shyness, I always remembered something my grandma used to say: that he wanted me to become a teacher someday. Her words stayed with me, a gentle reminder of her belief in me, even when I didn't believe in myself.I realized that if I wanted to fulfill my grandma's wish, I would have to overcome my fear of speaking in front of others. So, little by little, I started to push myself out of my comfort zone, improving my self-confidence when speaking in front of many people because I remember one person telling me that I should not be shy when speaking in front of many people because judgements are always around us. All we have to do is believe in ourselves that we can do it and ignore what people say around us as long as we do not hurt other people. Thats why, until now, step by step, I have been helping myself and encouraging myself to be strong and improve my self-confidence for my own good and those who believe that I can achieve my dream of becoming a teacher someday, and I believe that if anyone can do it, I can do it.
And my grandma's outspoken mentors as my role models who inspired me to dream big and pursue my goals with unwavering determination.
Through it all, I have learned that life is a journey of constant evolution, self-discovery, and self-acceptance.Each chapter of my life has brought with it its own set of challenges and triumphs, shaping me into the person I am today. And as I reflect on the path that has led me here, I am filled with gratitude for the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the experiences that have shaped my journey from childhood to adulthood. As I embark on this narrative journey, I hope to capture the essence of my experiences and the lessons they have taught me.
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blessienina · 7 months
"From Childhood Dreams to Adult Realities: A Life Story of Courage and Connection"
My life began when I was born in Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, on August 22, 2005. When I was 6 years old, my parents tried to enroll me in daycare, but the teacher hesitated to accept me because of my age. Consequently, my parents decided to enroll me directly in grade 1. On my first day of school, the teacher assigned an activity—drawing an elephant—but I didn't know how to draw, so I cried the whole time and wanted to go outside. That's when my parents decided to transfer me to kindergarten.
During my kindergarten days, I was very happy because I had many friends, and I consistently ranked at the top of my class. As a child, I never felt the love of a grandfather because both of my grandfathers passed away early. However, I was spoiled with the love of my grandmother, who always protected me whenever someone tried to hurt me. She was my number one supporter during my childhood. When I graduated from kindergarten, she attended my graduation, and I was happy about that. She always spoiled me with things and food, and she would give me money that my parents never knew about.
During my Grade 1 journey, I experienced a challenging period when I developed a urinary tract infection (UTI). This health issue forced me to miss numerous days of school as I required regular medical check-ups and treatments at the hospital. Consequently, I found myself consistently falling behind in my studies, struggling to keep pace with my classmates. Despite the setbacks caused by my illness, I remained determined to overcome these obstacles. Once I had sufficiently recovered, I diligently focused on catching up with the material I had missed. I dedicated extra time to studying and sought help from my teachers to ensure I grasped the concepts I had previously struggled with. Although it was a challenging time, I refused to let my illness define my academic journey. With perseverance and hard work, I successfully navigated through this difficult period and emerged stronger and more resilient than before.
In my Grade 2 journey, I had the pleasure of meeting a friend who would become my closest companion throughout elementary school. We shared countless lunches together, forming a bond that provided me with much-needed support. This friendship marked a significant milestone for me as it was the first time I had someone by my side to help me through the challenges of school. However, as I entered Grade 3, my parents decided to enroll me in a ukulele class in hopes of nurturing my musical talents. Initially excited about the opportunity, I soon found myself feeling isolated and disconnected from my peers in the class. Despite my efforts to engage with others, the feeling of loneliness persisted, leading me to eventually withdraw from the class after just one month. Following this setback, my teacher transferred me to a different class, hoping for a better fit. Yet, upon entering the new environment, I was overwhelmed by the competitive atmosphere and struggled to find my place. Unable to muster the confidence to fully integrate into this unfamiliar setting, I made the difficult decision to return to my original class where I felt more comfortable. Throughout these experiences, I remained dedicated to my studies and consistently excelled academically, earning recognition as a top-performing student in my class. While I may not have attained the title of honor student, I took pride in being recognized as an achiever, knowing that my efforts had not gone unnoticed.
During my fourth-grade year, I summoned the courage to step out of my comfort zone and embrace new opportunities by enrolling in the FL class. This decision was driven by a desire to conquer my fears and expand my horizons. As I entered this class, I encountered a diverse group of peers and forged meaningful connections with some of them. However, the transition to the FL class was not without its challenges. I found myself grappling with unfamiliar academic concepts and adjusting to the heightened expectations of the curriculum. Additionally, the competitive nature of the class environment posed its own set of obstacles, pushing me to work harder than ever before to keep up with my classmates. Despite the difficulties I faced, I remained determined to persevere. With the support of my newfound friends and the guidance of my teachers, I gradually acclimated to the rigors of the FL class. Each day presented a new opportunity for growth and learning, and I embraced these challenges wholeheartedly. Through my experiences in the FL class, I not only expanded my academic abilities but also developed invaluable life skills such as resilience, adaptability, and perseverance. By confronting my fears head-on, I emerged from fourth grade with a newfound sense of confidence and self-assurance, ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead.
During my fifth and sixth-grade years, I began to develop a crush, which motivated me to attend school regularly. I also became a class officer during this time, which assigned me various tasks to complete. I felt disappointed because my grades were not high enough to earn me the title of honor student. I felt like all my hard work in studying wasn't sufficient to achieve that recognition. However, I participated in a cooking competition during this period, and fortunately, I emerged as the champion. This achievement earned me the opportunity to represent my school and secure a second-place finish at the district level. This experience taught me to accept whatever results come my way and to use them as inspiration to improve in the future.
During high school, I faced tough times. I felt like giving up, but I found help in unexpected places. I made a good friend who I could talk to about anything. We helped each other through hard times and supported each other. Also, I had a teacher who really cared about me. She encouraged me to do well in school and helped me believe in myself. With her support, I did better in my classes and learned to keep going even when things were tough. High school also brought my first experience with love, which made me excited to go to school every day. But it wasn't all easy. I had some bad experiences that taught me how to be strong and keep moving forward. Despite the challenges, I started thinking about my future. I started small businesses to earn money and worked hard to achieve my dreams. High school taught me a lot, and now I feel ready to face whatever comes next with confidence. High school taught me many useful things that will help me in the future. I learned how to keep going even when things are tough, how to work well with others, and how to understand people's feelings. These lessons will help me as I go forward in life. I'm thankful for everything I learned in high school, and I know it will make a difference in my future.
In my adulthood, I grew up with a constant fear of rejection looming over me like a dark cloud. As I stepped into adulthood, this fear only seemed to intensify. It became a heavy burden that I carried with me, shaping my decisions and actions in profound ways. One of the most challenging aspects of this fear was my inability to open up to my parents about my problems. Every time I faced a challenge or felt overwhelmed, I found myself retreating further into myself. I was afraid that if I shared my struggles with my parents, they would judge me or reject me. So, I kept everything bottled up inside, plastering on a smile and pretending that everything was okay, even when it wasn't. As the years passed, this fear of rejection began to seep into every aspect of my life. I avoided taking risks or pursuing my passions because I was scared of failing or being criticized. I struggled to form meaningful connections with others because I was afraid of getting hurt or rejected. But despite my fears, deep down, I longed for understanding and support from my parents. The thought of opening up to them and being vulnerable terrified me, but I couldn't shake the desire for their love and acceptance. It wasn't until I hit a breaking point that I realized keeping everything inside was only making things worse. I began to slowly open up to my parents, tentatively sharing bits and pieces of my fears and struggles. To my surprise, they listened with open hearts and offered me the love and support I so desperately needed. With each conversation, I felt a weight lifting off my shoulders. I learned that being honest about my feelings wasn't a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to my strength and resilience. Opening up to my parents allowed me to build stronger connections with them and find the support I needed to overcome my fear of rejection. Though the journey wasn't easy, it ultimately led me to a place of greater self-acceptance and courage. I realized that by facing my fears and being vulnerable, I could forge deeper connections with others and live a more authentic and fulfilling life.
As I write my life story, I am realizing that I am far along in my life. It's a moment of introspection, where I reflect on the journey I've traveled so far. The memories flood back, each chapter a testament to the experiences that have shaped me into who I am today. There have been highs and lows, moments of triumph and moments of despair, but through it all, I've persevered. Looking back, I see how far I've come from the person I once was, how much I've grown and learned along the way. From the innocence of childhood to the uncertainties of adolescence and the challenges of adulthood, each phase has added layers to my story. Yet, as I turn the pages of my past, I am struck by the people who have walked alongside me. Family, friends, mentors—they've all played a part in my narrative, offering support, guidance, and love. Their influence has been profound, shaping not only my experiences but also my values and beliefs. I am reminded of the importance of connection and community, of the power of relationships to enrich our lives and deepen our understanding of ourselves. And as I write, I am also mindful of the dreams and aspirations that have fueled my journey. The goals I've set, the obstacles I've overcome, and the victories I've celebrated—they all speak to my inherent desire for growth and fulfillment. Each milestone reached is a reminder of my capacity for resilience and determination, a testament to the power of perseverance in the face of adversity. But even as I acknowledge how far I've come, I am humbled by the realization that the story is far from finished. There are still chapters waiting to be written, adventures waiting to be explored, and dreams waiting to be realized. And so, as I continue to write, I do so with a sense of anticipation, eager to see where the next chapter will take me, and grateful for the opportunity to shape my own narrative.
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rrpochi · 7 months
I was the only child of a loving family, my world painted with the vibrant hues of joy and laughter. My parents, Papa Rolando and Mama Cherille, were the pillars of my universe
In those carefree days of my childhood, my family spent weekends going to the nearby markets, going on picnics, and creating cherished memories. My father, was a gentle soul with a warm smile that could dissolve any worry. He would often lift me onto his shoulders, my laughter echoing through the air as we played games outside.
However, fate has a way of weaving unexpected twists into the fabric of our lives. One fateful day, tragedy struck in our family when my father met with a sudden and untimely demise. The once lively household now echoed with the haunting silence of grief.
My world crumbled. The warmth of my father's embrace was replaced by the cold reality of loss. My mother, now a widow, struggled to navigate the emotional turbulence, trying to hold onto the fragments of normalcy for me. The house that was once filled with laughter became a solemn echo of what it used to be.
Days turned into weeks, and I found myself grappling with the void left by my father's absence. The familiar routines became unfamiliar, and the once comforting hugs from my mother carried the weight of shared sorrow. The once vibrant colors in our life now seemed muted, as grief cast a shadow over my innocence.
Then one day, my mother started to change, she became an alcoholic. She then started to beat me when she was drunk. I would cry every night, asking what I did wrong. Why did she change? Doesn't she love me anymore? Where did my loving mother go? I would cry every night, wishing my father was by my side.
Years pass. I was 11 years old at the time when my mother met someone. My mother gives birth to my stepbrother, and my mother became more alcoholic when she met him. She still always beats me when she's drunk, she always makes me babysit my stepbrother, sometimes I would be absent because my mother and her new boyfriend were drinking, leaving my stepbrother alone. I always envy my neighbors because they can play outside without babysitting their siblings.
Then another year passes, my mother gives birth to my second stepbrother, and I have two siblings to babysit now. It's so tiring, isn't it?. I'm just a kid too, why can't I enjoy my life? Why can't I play outside like other kids do? I need my father, why did God take him away from me?
I would always harm myself every night, believing that the pain would go away someday.
Then one day, my mother decided to go abroad to find a job. I was happy that time. "My mother can't hurt me any more!" My inner self said that, but why did I feel sad? My heart and mind are fighting.
"No one will ever hurt you, silly," my mind said.
"But she is still my mother; of course I will miss her," my heart responded.
But I can't do anything if my mother really wants that. "Bahala na si batman," I said to myself.
My mother then let my grandma and her siblings stay in our house before she left. I was so happy at that time because "the more, the happier," they said, but for how long?
Suddenly COVID-19 happened. My mother couldn't provide us food any more because she couldn't work anymore. Who will feed us now? My stepfather can no longer work because of COVID, and my grandma and my uncles have lost their jobs. Then my mother decided to let us go to Leyte because my grandma's sister has a basakan there, but my stepfather and my siblings didn't come with us. I was sad because my siblings couldn't come with us.
The first 3 months in Leyte were nice. I was having a lot of fun feeding our goats, cows, chickens, and buffalos in there, but who would have thought that what I thought was fun turned out to be my nightmare? My mom's brother did something bad to me. I thought I could count on him, but why did he do that? We are family, right? Why did he do that? Even now, I still don't know the answer to those questions. After he did that, I told my mom right away, so she immediately sent me money so I could go here in Cebu. I thought my mother believed me, but when I got home, she scolded me.
"Pataka lang kag istorya about sa akoang igsoon ha! Pwede raman unta nga mo sulti ka nga gi laay naka didto sa leyte bantog ganahan naka mo uli sa cebu, nganong mag buhat buhat paman kag story para lang madaot akong igsoon!" I still remember what mom told me that night. I thought that she would comfort me. I just thought that.
I wish dad was here.
until now, I still carry the trauma I suffered there in Leyte. I can't sleep well either. I just pray for everything. I hope, One day, I will forget what I went through. I hope God will give me strength, and I hope that wherever my father is now, he is happy.
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toncharts · 11 years
#131: ‘Check on It’, de Beyoncé, retorna ao chart na primeira posição e Katy Perry reentra com ‘Dark Horse’ na posição No. 2; Natalia Kills volta com ‘Saturday Night’ na posição No. 3
Veja mais informações da 131ª semana da Ton Charts, com detalhes sobre o chart principal de músicas e atos, a evolução das cinco primeiras posições e as músicas mais ouvidas por dia no período.
9 nov 2013
15 nov 2013
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‘Check on It’, de Beyoncé, retorna ao chart na primeira posição e Katy Perry reentra com ‘Dark Horse’ na posição No. 2; Natalia Kills volta com ‘Saturday Night’ na posição No. 3
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Check on It
Beyoncé, Slim Thug
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Dark Horse
Katy Perry, Juicy J
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Saturday Night
Natalia Kills
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Watching You
Natalia Kills
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Natalia Kills
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Lovers in the Parking Lot
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Lady Gaga
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Baby Boy
Beyoncé, Sean Paul
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Lucky Day
Nicola Roberts
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Take My Hand
Charli XCX
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Stay Away
Charli XCX
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Brand New Me
Alicia Keys
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Nuclear Seasons
Charli XCX
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Cinderella's Eyes
Nicola Roberts
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Bruno Mars
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Bruno Mars
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Eyes Wide Open
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Give Me All Your Luvin'
Madonna, Nicki Minaj, M.I.A.
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Cloud Aura
Charli XCX, Brooke Candy
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Don't Worry We'll Be Watching You
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Set Me Free - Feel My Pain
Charli XCX
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You're the One
Charli XCX
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Giving Me a Chance
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Somebody That I Used to Know
Gotye, Kimbra
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I Feel Better
Charli XCX
Natalia Kills
Nicola Roberts
semana131 semanal BeyoncéNo1 SlimThugNo1 BeyoncéCheckOnItNo1 CheckOnItNo1 CheckonItNo1 2013No1
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gemisisjamaica · 5 years
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#gemisisjamaica #onlyfromjamaica #12brands #clothingandaccessories https://www.instagram.com/p/B6UE45RBAuP/?igshid=1dgpjrwzhxnhx
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preownedshop · 6 years
San Patrick Haman Wedding dress, size 44/12,brand new with tags, off white color
Pre-Owned San Patrick Haman Wedding dress, size 44/12,brand new with tags, off white color For Sale
$285.00 (0 Bids) End Date: Saturday Mar-30-2019 17:08:38 PDT Buy It Now for only: $400.00 Buy It Now | Bid now | Add to watch list
from WordPress https://preownd.net/used-clothing/dresses/san-patrick-haman-wedding-dress-size-44-12brand-new-with-tags-off-white-color/
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12PCS/Box Fly Fishing Dry Fly for just $7.99 Type: Artificial BaitPosition: Lake,Reservoir Pond,River,StreamModel Number: # 12Brand Name: WifreoSize: 12
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seniorshelf · 7 years
Karma Folding wheelchair Fighter F 12BRAND
Folding chrome plated model
Seat width 18"
Rear wheel locking brakes
Rear wheels 12" & front wheels 8"
Fix arm and fix foot rest
0 notes
meetaethere · 7 months
"Footsteps Through Time: A Tale of my life story, from childhood to adulthood"
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I burst into the city called Lapu-Lapu like a firecracker on the sixth of February. My parents and their language barrier did not stop them from starting their factory, and I came as their product, a girl who is their little ball of energy into the world. A girl who loves eating and playing. A child who is easy-go-lucky and easy going. A girl named SOPHIA D. SUH
As a child, I was very naughty; I was always on the move and getting into all sorts of problems or chaos. From skipping class just to play with my neighbors to having a lot of wounds, I am often scolded by my mother because of that.My childhood was a tapestry of vibrant experiences, woven with the threads of love, laughter, and endless curiosity.
School was a mixed bag for me; while I excelled in subjects that sparked my interest, like sports and recess, I struggled to sit still long enough to make it through a math class without doodling on my notebooks or desk. My classmates often described me as "absent" and "always excused.". I was a dreamer, always lost in my thoughts, imagining new worlds and possibilities that lay just beyond the horizon. My interests expanded beyond the classroom. I became involved in extracurricular activities by joining the school's sports writing press conference. I discovered a passion for writing, both through words and performance, and found that I had a knack for captivating an audience.
Being a child before was really hard since it was hard for me to make friends because I am shy and lonely. As a kid, it was always a big deal for me not to make any friends because it showed how friendly and approachable I was. But I was thankful for my friends who approached me before, because without them, I may have been a loner. I played with them in school, like playing Chinese garter or patintero, or just talking to our favorite movie or film. I joined my school's sports club, where softball drew my attention. I got to go to City Palaro and CVIRAA, which I joined for at least 2 years. I never got to join sports after that because of my age, but I definitely learned a great lesson from my elementary days. 
As I entered my teenage years, my goal or interest in achieving something small or big grew. I sometimes spent my time studying for an upcoming exam or quiz. My parents encouraged me to do whatever I wanted, and they will still support me in whatever I choose. But it is my choice to pressure myself because I want to. I believe that excellency can make people amazed at me.High school brought its own set of challenges and triumphs. The waters of adolescence, trying to find my place in the world while staying true to myself. I made lifelong friends, shared countless laughs and tears, and learned valuable lessons about friendship, love, and loss. I may have lost a few friends, but I gained more friends through the years of growing up.
But life wasn't always easy. My family faced its fair share of challenges, from financial hardships to personal struggles. I have to pick up some trash in the garbage to sell just to buy my sister her formula. I was really having a hard time before. Yet, through it all, we remained united, drawing strength from each other and the love that bound us together.
Senior high school was a blur of late-night studies and the kind of friendship that lasts a lifetime. I chose Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) because it is related to the course I want to pursue in college, which is tourism. I have a thing for adventure; my dream was to get through different kinds of countries to go and travel there with my family, friends, and my future husband and kids. My senior year culminated in a whirlwind of emotions as I am preparing to graduate and embark on the next chapter of my life. I have to say goodbye to friends and teachers who have become like family, knowing that I am leaving behind a chapter of my life that has shaped me in ways I could never have imagined. The senior high school year was a time of growth, learning, and self-discovery. It was a time when I learned the value of hard work, dedication, and perseverance—lessons that would serve me well in the years to come.
I threw myself into school life, joining the Supreme Student Government, the Red Cross, and a lot of other activities that I can think of. I was a good student, though not exceptional. I excelled in subjects like PE and science but struggled with math and Filipino. Despite this, I was determined to do well, pushing myself to study harder and seek help when needed.I made a conscious effort to prioritize my personal life by making time for family and friends and pursuing hobbies that brought me joy. As school progressed, I found myself reflecting on the journey that had brought me to this point. I thought about the friendships I had formed, the challenges I had overcome, and the lessons I had learned along the way. I realized how much I had grown, both academically and personally, and I felt a sense of pride in all that I had accomplished.
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