#135 layren atelie
Bracket C Round 1
Poll 4
Layren Atelie (@murrittimeswithscar) vs. Argus (@mojothemaltipoo)
135. Layren Atelie (@murrittimeswithscar)
hes like a mary sue but cooler. hes a ghost. hes in purgatory. hes actually alive. hes dying but not really. he lives in the forest and terrorizes travelers by roleplaying with them. hes scottish (?). the reason he does this is unknown. he's friends with the protagonist and she fucking hates him. he only exists to get on her nerves. he talks weird. hes out there so Watch Out.
a troll like from homestuck, he's read and wears a shirt that's white and puffy on one side and a black dess shirt-ish on the other. he has shades and a crown, as well as very short imp-ish horns and a black cape with a red pentagram on the back. his skin and hair is lighter than a regular troll and he has necrosis on his hands. also he has grey pants and red dress shoes.
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136. Argus (@mojothemaltipoo)
Argus should win because they are not only peak blorbo material, but they have everything a good OC needs! Traumatic backstory? Check! Cool powers and abilities? Check! Appealing design? Check! Gay? Checkity-Check!
Argus is the ultimate bitch-boy, babygirl, blorbo, who needs no introduction! (Except, of course, when it does need an introduction.)
Make the right call, Tumblr citizens, and vote for Argus! The most blorbo of them all!
Argus is technically two beings in one, the first being a humanoid. The humanoid has red-ish brown, curly hair. He has black and gold armor and a black scarf. And his eyes are covered by a blindfold that can't come off.
The other being is a giant eye that follows the first around. the eye appears to be made of glass, but it is generally indestructible. Its pupil is black most of the time, but occasionally glows a pale blue. And it has five gold spikes that surround it. The spikes represent Argus' life span. When all five break, they die.
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Bracket C First Half!!!
You know the drill, polls w these ocs will be going up at 5pm GMT on Tuesday 28th!!!
129. Fadestep - Fade for short (@wiingdings)
130. Airaq (@crystallizedkingdoms)
131. Hellion (@transjackkennedy)
132. Jindřiška Kovářová (@mist-the-wannabe-linguist)
133. Kitta (@thy-fucks-runneth-dry)
134. Renlin Surana (@trans-ruffboi)
135. Layren Atelie (@murrittimeswithscar)
136. Argus (@mojothemaltipoo)
137. Doomy - Razzdoomy - Razzberry (@natlysblog)
138. Rosewood Mortuary (@sammysjam)
139. Alyssa Barlee (@radiozap777)
140. Hikaru Akagi (@foxes81ofanime)
141. James & Eloise - Lise (@shortsightedmoon)
142. Kacey Kline (@rainbow-skies)
143. Daisy (@beebfreeb)
144. Chazz (@laplacesdevil)
145. Wasabi Enchips (@sillyfunny)
146. Gobi (@prince-zephyr)
147. Myra (@beesbeesbees42)
148. Kitkat Catkid (@cat-with-an-ipad)
149. William Sugarpine  (@ballpit-bakery)
150. Lilliana Meadows - Lily for short (@katnip225)
151. Slash (@candlewitch-cryptic)
152. Masahiko (@wormplant)
153. Angharad Brosca (@rlainarin)
154. Arya Velorë (@panek-at-the-disco)
155. Yael [Yah-EL] Edelman  (@when-wax-wings-melt)
156. Myghal Tregory - The Diminutive Scholar (@light-lost-logs)
157. Abomination  (@chickeninabathtub)
158. Ina Aguado (@calypso-is-existing)
159. Restag Davenport (@blurryumbrellas)
160. Tooey (@faerieorbitars)
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