#1360 pages is a little excessive but im not going back NOW lmao
spockandawe · 1 year
So there i was, jetlagged as shit, choking on surprise work deadlines, with a broken sleep schedule (9-1, and then 9-1 again) and an entire lost day of work catchup productivity. And rather than going to the office like a good engineer, i was like 'hmm. I wonder what would be a good book for that one casual discord competition.' Anyways! Not playing coy with this one, I've already done it as a single volume (with a rigid yapp edge), but i messed up my trimming and the size of my yapp edges was a little more intrusive than i thought.
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So I changed up my typeset a little and I'm going back in. I dont know what exactly I'm doing with this one, but I'm going all out. Leather binding, hot tooled leather if it's enough leather surface area. Power sanded (looking for workarounds is where i fucked up the last one), rounded and backed, faux bands. Either sewn endbands or leather ones depending how it comes together. Maybe leather jointed endpapers if i feel ambitious. Illustrations on the head and tail, now that I know a bit more about playing to my strengths. I'd like to do *something* special with the endpapers, but i think ill have to match leather/paper/fabric before I can properly weigh all my options. Box, probably.
Enforced idleness on family trips plays real bad with my brain! I knew this, and did not do enough to mitigate it. Also probably doesn't help that two work projects are applying heavy pressure when i thought i had breathing room, and my new mortgage and moving logistics are Looming. And I was already antsy before the trip blew things up, haha. But I think this is a good step towards self-care. I'm two weeks behind on my start, but I'm going to let this percolate and see what I can do to swing for the fences.
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