weekpregnancycare · 4 years
Week Thirteen Pregnancy
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Welcome to week by week pregnancy this is Week Thirteen Pregnancy and during week 13 of your pregnancy, it marks the beginning of your second trimester. Baby's organs muscles nerves have formed and now they're functioning together bony tissue is developing Your baby's tiny fingers now have unique fingerprints and your baby's face is more identifiable although the eyelid stays close at this point to protect developing eyes. The baby's intestines that used to be our within parts of their umbilical cord have now moved inside the abdomen. And if you could peek inside your womb you could see your baby there and through very fetal like thin skin you can see the veins and organs and the rib cage. Things are changing for you to your you may or may not be feeling the symptoms of pregnancy morning sickness nausea you may still be suffering from some of that and still others you may feel none of the symptoms. It's at this time that you may be offered an ultrasound if you already haven't had one. Adultery sound done late in the first trimester or early in the second trimester has a lot of great value for you because at this early stage in pregnancy measurements of the baby very very little where is later in the pregnancy they can vary greatly. Early measurements are important to determine the menstrual age of the baby and the estimated due date and once this has been established it must never be changed. Read the full article
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